Estimate the difference. Round each number to the nearest whole number, then subtract.
The difference is approximately


Answer 1


To estimate the difference, we need to round each number to the nearest whole number and then subtract the rounded numbers.

Rounding each number to the nearest whole number, we get:

10 rounded to the nearest whole number is 10

19 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19

19 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19

4 rounded to the nearest whole number is 4

19 rounded to the nearest whole number is 19

-2 rounded to the nearest whole number is -2

Subtracting the rounded numbers, we get:

10 - 19 - 19 - 4 - 19 - (-2) = 10 - 19 - 19 - 4 - 19 + 2 = -49

Therefore, the estimated difference is -49.

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Can someone help me plsssss



Tyshawn would have to sell 6 computers on a given day to get paid $225

Step-by-step explanation:

We can use the information in the table to find the equation of the linear relationship between a (the number of computer sales) and p (Tyshawn's total pay):p = 75 + 25aThis equation tells us that Tyshawn's total pay is $75 plus $25 for each computer he sells.To find out how many computers Tyshawn would have to sell in order to get paid $225 on a given day, we can substitute p = 225 into the equation and solve for a:225 = 75 + 25a150 = 25aa = 6

Get x an y values for the Photo above


In the given right triangle, by using the Pythagorean theorem, the value of x is 5√2 and the value of y is 5√2

Trigonometry: Calculating the value of x and y

From the question, we are to determine the value of x and y in the given diagram

The diagram shows a right triangle with a hypotenuse of 10.

The right is a special type of right triangle. The base angles of the triangle are equal.


The right triangle is an isosceles right triangle.

This means the legs of the triangle are equal.

That is,

x = y

From the Pythagorean theorem, we can write that

x² + y² = 10²

Since x = y, we can write that

x² + x² = 10²

2x² = 100

x² = 50

x = √50

x = 5√2


y = 5√2

Learn more on Trigonometry here:


What is the area of the following right triangle?


Let [tex]x[/tex] be the unknown side of the triangle. Find the length of this side from the Pythagorean Theorem;


Another root of the equation is also negative, but we've eliminated it because length can't be a negative value.

To find the area of a triangle, we multiply the height of the triangle by the base length and take half.


please answer and explain​




Step-by-step explanation:

It's a quadrilateral and it only has one pair of parallel sides.

Photo has the information. Please let me know how you find out the answer. Show ALL your steps!!


[tex]\sqrt{363}-3\sqrt{27} ~~ \begin{cases} 363=3\cdot 11\cdot 11\\ \qquad 3\cdot 11^2\\ 27=3\cdot 3\cdot 3\\ \qquad 3\cdot 3^2 \end{cases}\implies \sqrt{3\cdot 11^2}-3\sqrt{3\cdot 3^2} \\\\\\ 11\sqrt{3}-3(3)\sqrt{3}\implies 11\sqrt{3}-9\sqrt{3}\implies 2\sqrt{3}[/tex]

A circular garden is surrounded by fence that is 47.1 feet long the surface soil of the entire garden within the fencing needs to be turned prior to planting calculate the square feet of soil that must be turned use 3.14 as a substitute for pi help me please within the next hour


The surface soil of the entire garden within the fencing that needs to be turned prior to planting is approximately 176.625 square feet.

What is radius?

Radius is a mathematical term that refers to the distance from the center of a circle, sphere, or other curved object to any point on its circumference or surface. It is typically denoted by the letter "r".

According to question:

Let's call the radius of the circular garden "r". We know that the circumference of the garden (the length of the fence) is 47.1 feet, so we can set up the equation:

2πr = 47.1

Simplifying this equation by dividing both sides by 2π, we get:

r = 47.1/(2π)

Using 3.14 as a substitute for π, we can calculate:

r ≈ 7.5 feet

Now that we know the radius of the garden, we can calculate the area of the garden by using the formula for the area of a circle:

A = πr²

A = 3.14 * 7.5²

A ≈ 176.625 square feet

Therefore, the surface soil of the entire garden within the fencing that needs to be turned prior to planting is approximately 176.625 square feet.

To know more about radius visit:


HELP ME PLEASE!!! HELPPP!!! A backyard pool is in the shape of a rectangle. The pool has a perimeter of 90 feet and an area of 500 ft2. Which of the following could be the pool's length and width? 15 feet and 30 feet, 10 feet and 35 feet ,50 feet and 10 feet, 25 feet and 20 feet​



  (d)  25 feet and 20 feet​

Step-by-step explanation:

You want the possible dimensions of a pool with an area of 500 square feet and a perimeter of 90 feet.


The area is the product of the length and width. The area of the pools offered in the answer choices are ...

  (a)  15·30 = 450 . . . square feet

  (b)  10·35 = 350 . . . square feet

  (c)  50·10 = 500 . . . square feet

  (d)  25·20 = 500 . . . square feet

The area requirement eliminates answer choices A and B.


The perimeter is twice the sum of length and width. The perimeters of the possible pools are ...

  (c) 2(50 +10) = 120 . . . feet

  (d) 2(25 +20) = 90 . . . feet

The perimeter requirement eliminates answer choice C.

The pool's possible length and width are 25 feet and 20 feet, choice D.


Additional comment

You could write a quadratic equation for the pool dimensions, but doing that will generally involve more work than checking the given answer choices.

If x is the width, then 45-x is the length, and the area is ...

  x(45 -x) = 500

  x² -45x +506.25 = -500 +506.25 . . . multiply by -1, complete the square

  x = 22.5 -√6.25 = 20 . . . . take the square root; width is the smaller dimension


Help me on my math question pls!




Step-by-step explanation:

A rotation and translation preserves the length measures of the sides, so FD is equal to 7 inches

Answer: D

Step-by-step explanation:

¿Qué velocidad requiere una partícula de 6kg para alcanzar una energía cinética de 20 joule?
O a. 2.58 m/S
O b. 0.39 m/s
O c. 6.67 m/s
O d. Ningunas


La velocidad requerida para que una partícula de 6 kg alcance una energía cinética de 20 joule es de aproximadamente 2.58 m/s. La respuesta es A.


La fórmula para calcular la energía cinética es:

E_cinética = 1/2 * m * v^2

Donde m es la masa de la partícula y v es su velocidad.

Dado que la energía cinética y la masa de la partícula son conocidas, podemos despejar la velocidad de la siguiente manera:

20 J = 1/2 * 6 kg * v^2

20 J = 3 kg * v^2

v^2 = 20 J / 3 kg

v = √(20 J / 3 kg)

v ≈ 2.58 m/s

Por lo tanto, la velocidad requerida para que una partícula de 6 kg alcance una energía cinética de 20 joule es de aproximadamente 2.58 m/s. La respuesta es a).

More here:


As seen in the diagram below, Austin is building a walkway with a width of x feet to go around a swimming pool that measures 8 feet by 10 feet. If the total area of the pool and the walkway will be 360 square feet, how wide should the walkway be?


Using the total area of the rectangular pool we know that the required width of the pathway is 3.6 ft respectively.

What is a rectangle?

In the Euclidean plane, a rectangle is a quadrilateral with four right angles.

A parallelogram with a right angle or an equiangular quadrilateral, where equiangular means that all of its angles are equal, are other ways to define it.

A rectangle with four equal-length sides is a square.

Squares are not always rectangles, but rectangles are always squares.

So, the pool and walkway together have a 360 square foot total space.

Assume that the walkway is w feet in width.

Since the pool has an additional w feet of width on both sides, the total area's measurements can be expressed as (8 + 2w) by (10 + 2w).

Thus, we can construct the following equation:

(8 + 2w) x (10 + 2w) = 360

By enlarging and condensing the left side, we obtain:

4w² + 36w - 80 = 0

Using the quadratic formula, we can find w:

w = (-b ± √(b² - 4ac)) / 2a

Here, an equals 4, b equals 36, and c equals -80. When these values are added to the formula, we obtain:

w = (-36 ± √(36² - 4(4)(-80))) / 8

w = (-36 ± √(1872)) / 8

w ≈ -5.6 or w ≈ 3.6

We can ignore the first option because the width cannot be negative. Consequently, the pathway should be around 3.6 feet wide.

Therefore, using the total area of the rectangular pool we know that the required width of the pathway is 3.6 ft respectively.

Know more about rectangles here:


A factory that has 6 X 10³ workers makes 2.4 X 105 products each day.
What is the average amount of
products made per worker?


In a a case whereby factory that has 6 X 10³ workers makes 2.4 X 105 products each day, the average amount of products made per worker is 4 *10^1 products per worker

How can the  average amount of products made per worker can be calculated?

The term "average" in mathematics typically refers to a measure of central tendency, which is a way to describe the typical or common value in a set of numbers. There are several types of averages.

We can calculate the required value as

( 2.4 X 10^5 )/ (6 X 10³)

=4 *10^1 products per worker

Learn more about amount at:


find the surface area ​



225 cm 2

Step-by-step explanation:


Surface Area = 6* (5 inches) 2 = 6* (25 square inches)

Step-by-step explanation:

Solve for x.

A. 7
B. 4
C. 3
D. 5


The correct option -D. 5;  Thus, the value of x for the given external secant segment and the tangent on the circle is found as:x = 5.

Explain about the secant of circle:

A line that precisely intersects a circle at two points is said to be a secant.

The size of the angle created when two tangents, two secants, or two tangents cross outside of a circle is equal to one-half a positive difference between the sizes of the intercepted arcs.

Using the Theorem:

The square of a length of tangent is equal the the product of such external secant segment and the overall length of the secant if one secant and one tangent both drawn to a circle from a single exterior point:

4(4 + x) = 6²

16 + 4x = 36

4x = 36 - 16

4x = 20

x = 20/4

x = 5

Thus, the value of x for the given external secant segment and the tangent on the circle is found as:x = 5.

know more about the secant of circle:


Will mark brainliest if answer is correct


According to the information, we know that the term 125x^5y^4 appears in the expansion when n = 6 and the coefficient of x^6y^7 in the expansion is zero, and the x^6y^7 term does not appear in the expansion.

How to solve this equation and fin the expansion terms?

We know that the binomial expansion of (x-y)^n is given by the formula:

(x-y)^n = nC0 x^n y^0 - nC1 x^(n-1) y^1 + nC2 x^(n-2) y^2 - ... + (-1)^n nCn x^0 y^n

where nCk represents the binomial coefficient "n choose k".

We are given that the term 125x^5y^4 appears in the expansion, so we can set up an equation using the binomial coefficient for that term:

nC5 (x)^5 (-y)^4 = 125x^5y^4

Simplifying this equation, we get:

nC5 = 125 / (-1)^4 = 125

We can solve for n by finding the smallest value of n for which nC5 is greater than or equal to 125. We can use the formula for binomial coefficients:

nCk = n! / (k! (n-k)!)

to calculate the values of nCk for different values of n and k. However, it is easier to use Pascal's triangle to find the binomial coefficients quickly. The fifth row of Pascal's triangle is:

1 5 10 10 5 1

We see that the sixth term of this row is 10C5 = 252, which is greater than 125. Therefore, we know that the term 125x^5y^4 appears in the expansion when n = 6.

To find the x^6y^7 term in the expansion, we need to find the coefficient of x^6y^7 in the expansion. We can use the same formula as before, but with k = 7 instead of k = 5:

nC7 (x)^6 (-y)^7

We can simplify this expression using the fact that (-1)^7 = -1:

nC7 x^6 y^7

We want to find the value of this expression, so we need to find the value of n. We know that n = 6 because the term 125x^5y^4 appears in the expansion. Therefore, we can substitute n = 6 into the expression:

6C7 x^6 y^7

We see that 6C7 is zero because we cannot choose 7 items from a set of 6. Therefore, the coefficient of x^6y^7 in the expansion is zero, and the x^6y^7 term does not appear in the expansion.

To find the x^7y^2 term in the expansion, we can use the same formula as before, but with k = 2:

nC2 (x)^7 (-y)^2

We can simplify this expression using the fact that (-1)^2 = 1:

nC2 x^7 y^2

We want to find the value of this expression, so we need to find the value of n. We know that n = 6 because the term 125x^5y^4 appears in the expansion. Therefore, we can substitute n = 6 into the expression:

6C2 x^7 y^2

We can use Pascal's triangle to find that 6C2 = 15. Therefore, the coefficient of x^7y^2 in the expansion is 15, and the x^7y^2 term appears in the expansion as:


Learn more about binomial expresion in:


3) Given the formula F=ma where * F represents force, *m represents mass and has units of kilograms (kg), and • a represents acceleration and has units of meters per second squared (). Select an appropriate measurement unit for force. ​


The appropriate measurement unit for force is  kg.m/s²

What is the appropriate measurement unit for force?

A force is simply referred to as either a push or pull of an object resulting from the object's interaction with another object.

From Newton's Second Law, force is expressed as;

F = m × a

Where is mass of object and a is the acceleration

One Newton is defined as the force required to accelerate a mass of one kilogram at a rate of one meter per second squared.

Since F = m × a

Plug in m = kg and a = m/s²

F = kg × m/s²

F = kg.m/s²

Therefore, the unit of measurement is kg.m/s².

Option B is the correct answer.

Learn more about force here:


The number is between 3,000 and 8,000.

The number is odd.

The digit in the one's place is the largest digit in our number system.

Two of the digits in the number are the same digit.

The difference between the hundred's digit and ten’s digit is zero.

The digit in the thousand's place is four less than the one's place.

The number is divisible by nine.


Finally, the number is divisible by 9 because the sum of its digits is 27, which is a multiple of 9 is 7,983.

What is number?

In mathematics, a number is a quantity or value used to represent a quantity or a position in a sequence. Numbers are used to quantify things and to perform mathematical operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. There are many different types of numbers, including natural numbers (1, 2, 3...), integers (..., -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...), rational numbers (numbers that can be expressed as a ratio of two integers), irrational numbers (numbers that cannot be expressed as a ratio of two integers), and real numbers (all rational and irrational numbers). Numbers can also be classified as positive, negative, or zero. Positive numbers are greater than zero, negative numbers are less than zero, and zero represents a neutral or null value. Numbers are used extensively in many fields of study, including science, engineering, economics, and statistics. They are used to quantify measurements, represent data, and make predictions based on patterns and relationships.


It is odd and between 3,000 and 8,000.

The largest digit in our number system is 9, which is in the one's place.

Two of the digits in the number are the same digit, which is 8 in the thousand's and ten's place.

The hundred's digit and ten's digit are both 8, so the difference is zero.

The digit in the thousand's place is 4 less than the one's place, which is 5.

To know more about number,


Please help me answer this


The AA criterion for the similarity between two triangles means that if two pairs of corresponding angles in two triangles are congruent, then the triangles are similar.

What are the steps for proving the AA criterion for similar triangles in the GeoGebra tool?

The steps to prove the AA criterion for similarity using GeoGebra is as follows:

Open GeoGebra and select the "Geometry" option to create a new geometry file.

From the toolbar on the left, select the "Triangle" tool and create two triangles by clicking on three points on the screen.

Use the "Measure" tool to measure the angles in both triangles. To do this, select the "Measure" tool from the toolbar, click on one of the angles in the first triangle, and then click on the corresponding angle in the second triangle.

Record the measurements of the two corresponding angles and calculate their values.

Use the "Move" tool to adjust the position of one of the triangles. Make sure that the two corresponding angles are still the same size.

Observe the triangles to see if they still appear to be similar, even after the movement.

Repeat the process several times, each time moving one of the triangles and observing if they are still similar.

Draw a conclusion based on your observations. Can you prove that the two triangles are similar based on the AA criterion?

Learn more about AA criterion for similar triangles at:


complete the equatiotin 3 over 4 x 6 =




Step-by-step explanation:

If "over" refers to (4 * 6) as a whole,


If "over" refers to division,

[tex]3 \div 4 \times 6\\= 0.75 \times 6\\= 4.5[/tex]

I would suppose it's the first one, so, ignore the second one if you haven't learnt BODMAS yet.

Hope this helps and be sure to mark this as brainliest! :)

please help me with this!!!! help!!! I need the answer! Find the area and permeter of the triangle ​


Answer: Area 6 Perimeter 12

Step-by-step explanation:

First, you have to find the perimeter. 4+5+3=12. Then, you need to find the area, which is base*height/2. The base is 3 and the height is 4. 4*3=12. Then you need to do 12/2=6. The area is 6


The answer for P=12cm,A=6cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Perimeter of triangle=a+b+c



Area of triangle =1/2bh





what is  √29 Place a dot on the number line at the BEST approximation​




Step-by-step explanation:

square of 29 = 5.385164807

5.385164807 estimated is 5.4

George's kitten jumped out of its bed. It ran 23 yards, turned and ran 14 yards, and then turned 140° to face its bed. How far away from its bed is George's kitten? Round to the nearest hundredth.


George's kitten is approximately 15.23 yards away from its bed

What is distance?

Distance is a measure of the length or spatial separation between two points. It is a scalar quantity, which means it has magnitude but not direction. In physics, distance is often measured in units such as meters (m), feet (ft), kilometers (km), or miles (mi).

We can use the Law of Cosines to solve this problem. Let's call the distance from the kitten's final position to the bed "d". Then, we have:

d² = 23² + 14² - 2(23)(14)cos(140°)

d² = 529 + 196 + 644cos(140°)

d² = 529 + 196 - 644(0.766)

d² = 529 + 196 - 493.304

d² = 231.696

d = sqrt(231.696)

d ≈ 15.23

Therefore, George's kitten is approximately 15.23 yards away from its bed

To learn more about distance visit the link:


A hamster running in a wheel of radius 10 cm spins the wheel one revolution in 5 seconds.
a) What is the angular velocity of the wheel?
b) At what linear velocity is the hamster running?

just need the answer


a) The angular velocity = 0.4π rad/s b) The linear velocity of the hamster = 4π cm/s.

What is linear velocity?

Linear velocity is the rate of change of an object's position with respect to time. It measures how fast an object is moving in a straight line, and is often expressed in units of distance per time, such as meters per second or kilometers per hour.

According to given information:

a) The angular velocity of the wheel can be calculated as follows:

Angular velocity = (2π * number of revolutions) / time

Here, the wheel completes one revolution in 5 seconds, so the number of revolutions is 1 and the time is 5 seconds. Therefore,

Angular velocity = (2π * 1) / 5

Angular velocity = 0.4π rad/s (or approximately 1.26 rad/s)

b) The linear velocity of the hamster can be calculated as follows:

Linear velocity = radius * angular velocity

Here, the radius of the wheel is 10 cm, and the angular velocity we found in part (a) is 0.4π rad/s. Therefore,

Linear velocity = 10 cm * 0.4π rad/s

Linear velocity = 4π cm/s (or approximately 12.57 cm/s)

So the hamster is running at a linear velocity of approximately 12.57 cm/s.

To know more about linear velocity visit:


2. Lee has a catering company. His staff is making pies for an event. He needs to make sure all the 123
pies have the correct filling: strawberry, rhubarb or cherry. The pies can have 1, 2 or 3 of the different
fillings and all pies have at least one of these three. He writes down the following information as he looks
them all over.
68 pies have cherries
73 pies have strawberries
30 pies have rhubarb and cherries

23 pies have rhubarb and strawberries
12 pies have only strawberry and cherry
14 pies have all three fillings
Lee finishes writing his notes and all 123 pies are accounted for and ready to go to the event. How many
pies have only rhubarb in them?


If  Lee has a catering company. His staff is making pies for an event.  there are 41 pies that have only rhubarb filling.

How many pies have only rhubarb in them?

To find the number of pies that have only rhubarb filling, we need to subtract the pies that have rhubarb filling and another filling(s) from the total number of pies that have rhubarb filling.

We can use the given information to create a Venn diagram to visualize the relationships between the different fillings:


         /      (3)      \

        /______ 14 ______\

       /       /    \      \

      /  (1) / (5)  \ (2)  \

     /_____/_______ \______\

          /         \       \

         /     (4)     \______\

(1) represents the number of pies that have only cherry filling,

(2) represents the number of pies that have only strawberry filling,

(3) represents the number of pies that have only rhubarb filling,

(4) represents the number of pies that have cherry and strawberry filling, but not rhubarb filling,

(5) represents the number of pies that have rhubarb and strawberry filling, but not cherry filling.

We can use the given information to fill in the values in the Venn diagram:

68 pies have cherry filling (1) + (4) + (6) + (7) + (8) + (9) + (10) + (14) = 68

73 pies have strawberry filling (2) + (4) + (5) + (7) + (8) + (9) + (10) + (14) = 73

30 pies have rhubarb and cherry filling (6) + (7) + (10) + (14) = 30

23 pies have rhubarb and strawberry filling (5) + (7) + (9) + (10) + (14) = 23

12 pies have only strawberry and cherry filling (7) = 12

14 pies have all three fillings (14) = 14

To find the number of pies that have only rhubarb filling, we can start by adding up the pies that have rhubarb filling and no other fillings: (3) + (6) + (9) + (10).

(3) is already the number of pies that have only rhubarb filling. For the other three regions, we need to use the values in the Venn diagram to calculate the number of pies with the given combinations of fillings:

(6) is the number of pies that have both rhubarb and cherry fillings, but not strawberry filling. Therefore, the number of pies that have rhubarb and no other fillings is 30 - 6 = 24.

(9) is the number of pies that have both rhubarb and strawberry fillings, but not cherry filling. Therefore, the number of pies that have rhubarb and no other fillings is 23 - 9 = 14.

(10) is the number of pies that have all three fillings, so they do not have only rhubarb filling.

Adding up the number of pies that have only rhubarb filling from each region, we get:

Number of pies that have only rhubarb filling = (3) + (24) + (14) + (0) = 41.

Therefore, there are 41 pies that have only rhubarb filling.

Learn more about Venn diagram here:


(23,000-789) * 19 Explain pls


The expression (23,000-789) * 19 = = 421409.

What is expression?

An expression can contain variables, constants, and mathematical operations, and it can be used to represent a wide variety of mathematical concepts and relationships.

According to given information:

To solve the expression (23,000-789) * 19, we need to perform the subtraction operation inside the parentheses first and then multiply the result by 19.

(23,000-789) equals 22,211.

So, we have:

(23,000-789) * 19 = 22,211 * 19

Now, we can multiply the two numbers using the standard multiplication method. We multiply each digit of 19 with the digits of 22,211 starting from the right and then add the results.

22,211 x  19 =

444422  (19 x 1 = 19, write 9 and carry 1) + 420789  (19 x 1 = 19, write 9 and carry 1, 19 x 2 = 38, write 8 and carry 3)

= 421409

To know more about expression visit:


Write 80cm to 2km as rate


One per 2,500 can be used to represent the rate of 80cm to 2km.

Writing measures as a rate.

To write 80cm to 2km as a rate, we need to convert the units to the same system. We can convert 80cm to kilometers by dividing by 100,000 (since there are 100,000 centimeters in a kilometer):

80 cm/100,000 = 0.0008 km

Now we can express the rate as:

0.0008 km per 2 km

Or we can simplify it by dividing both the numerator and denominator by 0.0008:

1 per 2,500

Therefore, 80cm to 2km can be expressed as a rate of 1 per 2,500.

Learn more on rate of measurement here:


An equipment was purchased from China and arrived at Kampala at a value of shs.5,000,000 shs with transport cost of 800,000 shs. and total taxes amounted to 1,500,000 the equipment is expected to be useful for 6 years and an estimated salvage value of 1,300,000 shs. calculate the depreciation expense for each year and accumulated depreciation upto year 6. Using the straight line method.​


The depreciation expense for each year is 1,000,000 shs.

Accumulated depreciation up to year 6 is 6,000,000 shs.

How to calculate depreciation using the straight line method?

The depreciation using the straight line method is given by the formula:

Depreciation expense per year = (Initial cost - Salvage value) / Useful life

Initial cost = 5,000,000 + 800,000 + 1,500,000 = 7,300,000 shs.

Salvage value = 1,300,000 shs.

Depreciation expense per year = (7,300,000 - 1,300,000) / 6

                                                    = 6,000,000 / 6

                                                    = 1,000,000 shs.

Thus, the depreciation expense for each year is 1,000,000 shs.

Accumulated depreciation up to year 6 = Depreciation expense per year * Number of years

Accumulated depreciation up to year 6 = 1,000,000 * 6 = 6,000,000 shs.

Learn more about depreciation on:


Draw a bar model to represent the expression.



One such tool that enables us to visualise the given math issue using various-sized rectangles or bars is the bar model.

What is bar model Representation?

A bar model in mathematics is a visual representation of a subject or problem where the known and unknown quantities are represented by bars or boxes. To answer issues involving the four operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, bar models are most frequently utilised.

To help kids "see" mathematical structure, the bar model is utilised in teaching for mastery. It is not a method for solving issues, but rather a strategy to uncover the mathematical underpinnings of a problem and obtain knowledge and clarity to aid in its resolution.

To know more about bar model, visit:


Image attached below,

A patient takes 110 mg of a drug at the same time every day: Just before each tablet is taken, 5% of the drug present in th
preceeding time step remains in the body. What quantity of the drug remains in the body in the long run?
Hint: First find the quantity of drug present in the body after the second tablet, third tablet, etc to generalize the sequenc
formula for the nth tablet. Then use that sequence to predict the drug remains in the long run.


The requried quantity of drug that remains in the body, in the long run, is 220 mg.

Let's denote the amount of drug in the body just before taking the nth tablet by [tex]D_n[/tex]. We know that [tex]D_0 = 0[/tex](since the patient hasn't taken any tablets yet) and that 5% of the drug is present in the body just before taking a tablet remains in the body. Therefore, we can write:

[tex]D_1 = 110\\D_2 = 0.95 * D_1 + 110 = 203.5\\D_3 = 0.95 * D_2 + 110 = 292.225\\D_4 = 0.95 * D_3 + 110 = 376.81375[/tex]

We can see that the formula for [tex]D_n[/tex] is:

[tex]D_n = 110 * (1 - 0.05)^n + 110 * (1 - (1 - 0.05)^n) / 0.05[/tex]

Simplifying this formula, we get:

[tex]D_n = 220 * (1 - 0.95^n)[/tex]

Now, we want to find the amount of drug that remains in the body in the long run. This means we want to find the limit of [tex]D_n[/tex]  as n goes to infinity. Using the formula above, we can see that:

[tex]lim_ {n- > oo} D_n = lim_ {n- > oo} 220 * (1 - 0.95^n) = 220[/tex]

Therefore, the quantity of drug that remains in the body, in the long run, is 220 mg.

Learn more about sequence here:


Which equation represents the volume of the cone shown below, in cubic centimeters?
OV=80 x 150 x
OV=××80² x 150
OV=××80² × 170
OV=80 x 150 x 170 x *
170 cm
-80 cm
150 cm


It is V=1/3 • π • 80 squared • 150.
This is because this equation is the only equation that has the formula for finding volume of a cone. V=1/3 • π • radius squared • height.

A bag contains 2 gold marbles, 10 silver marbles, and 29 black marbles. The rules of the game are as follows: You randomly select one marble from the bag. If it is gold, you win $6, if it is silver, you win $4. If it costs $1 to play, what is your expected profit or loss if you play this game?



33 thats with the 1 dollar subtracted for the entry fee

Step-by-step explanation:

first you add all the number of marbles you have then you get 41 then divide it by 12 because you have 2 gold and 10 silver and you get 3.4 and multiply that by 10 because its 6 and 4 and you get 34 subtract the entry fee

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