Help me please and thank you


Answer 1

In order to advance into central Europe and topple Adolf Hitler's government, their goal was to take control of Nazi-occupied France. Never were the odds in the Allies' favor. To begin with, "Operation Overlord," as the entire D-Day was known, was a very difficult strategy.

Why did the Allies in World War II consider D-Day crucial?

On June 6, 1944, during the D-Day operation, the land, air, and sea forces of the allied army combined to form the largest invasion force in history. As part of the OVERLORD operation, five naval assault units were stationed on the beaches of Normandy, France.

The disagreement would not be resolved by Christmas. However, D-Day had created a fresh front on which the vast majority of the rapidly expanding American army could now be deployed. It led to France's freedom and stopped Germany from using that country's economic and human resources any more.

Learn more about D-Day operation:


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What impacted the African continent the most from the end of the nineteenth century through the early twentieth century? a. European imperialism b. The spread of Islam c. The end of colonial empires d. The transatlantic slave trade


European imperialism affected the African continent the most from the end of the Nineteenth century through the early twentieth century.  Thus, option A is correct.

During this time period, European dominion countries like Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, and Italy, contested for control over African colonies for Scramble for Africa for slavery. The continent was split among European powers through various deals, like Berlin Conference, racial, etc.

This period of European imperialism held deep and enduring results on the African continent, including the removal of African societies, the exploitation of natural resources, the imposition of European political and monetary systems, and the organization of colonial rule that survived until the mid-20th century.

To learn more about European imperialism


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Complete the paragraph about the Brezhnev Doctrine
Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev put forth the Brezhnev Doctrine, which stated that any threat to
Europe would require intervention by fellow states.


The Brezhnev Doctrine, put forward by Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev in 1968, urged the Soviet Union to intervene, including militarily, in countries where communist rule was threatened.

What was explained by Brezhnev's doctrine for the Soviet Union?

According to the Brezhnev Doctrine, a Soviet foreign policy that justified the involvement of other communist governments, any challenge to "socialist rule" in any of the Soviet Bloc's Central and Eastern European countries posed a threat to all of them.

Why was the Brezhnev Doctrine successful?

As far as Cold War methods went, the Brezhnev Doctrine was a total success; it kept events in the Eastern Bloc under control until Russia submitted and the Cold War ended, at which point Eastern Europe scurried to reestablish itself. The Brezhnev Doctrine is a literary work by Robert Wilde. July, ThoughtCo.

Learn more about Brezhnev Doctrine:


11. Why did the Egyptians afraid to call their kings pharaoh?


As ancient Egyptian rulers, pharaohs were both the heads of state and the religious leaders of their people. The word “pharaoh” means “Great House,” a reference to the palace where the pharaoh resides. While early Egyptian rulers were called “kings,” over time, the name “pharaoh” stuck.

the mayan society mastered architecture and built illustrious temples and observatories?



They were skilled architects, building great cities of stone that remain even a thousand years after their civilization fell into decline. The Maya built pyramids, temples, palaces, walls, residences and more. They often decorated their buildings with intricate stone carvings, stucco statues, and paint.


Like someone watching a horror movie, a reader who is paying attention often tries to predict what is coming next. Making your best guess about — or predicting — what comes next helps you understand the text, even if you guess wrong.

Predictions should be based on what you know about the text and evidence within it. If your guess doesn't turn out to be correct, look for more clues and make a new prediction.

In this course, you'll read a lot about how economies work. Can you predict what kinds of topics the course will cover?


Based on the information given, it's likely that the course will cover topics related to macroeconomics and microeconomics, such as supply and demand, market equilibrium, inflation, monetary and fiscal policy, international trade, and economic growth.

What are other potential topics?

Other potential topics might include labor markets, income inequality, public goods, and externalities. However, the specific topics covered will depend on the course curriculum and objectives.

Macroeconomics is concerned with the study of the economy as a whole, including topics such as inflation, unemployment, economic growth, and monetary and fiscal policy. It looks at how changes in things like interest rates, government spending, and taxes impact the overall performance of the economy.

Read more about predictions here:


what finally prompted the armistice in the korean war? what were the costs of this war: human, monetary, political?


The Korean War ended with an armistice in 1953 due to a military stalemate and international pressure. The war had a high human cost and economic costs exceeding $1 trillion. It led to a continued division of Korea and shaped the geopolitical landscape of East Asia for decades.

The Korean War began in 1950 when North Korean forces crossed the 38th parallel into South Korea, leading to a United Nations-led military intervention to support South Korea.

However, the war reached a stalemate by 1951 with little territorial gain made by either side. International pressure, including the threat of Chinese intervention and Soviet diplomatic efforts, led to negotiations for a ceasefire. It was only after two years of negotiations that the armistice agreement was signed on July 27, 1953.

The human cost of the war was significant, with an estimated 2.5 million civilian and military casualties. Many Koreans were displaced from their homes, with families separated by the border between North and South Korea. The economic cost of the war exceeded $1 trillion in today's currency, and the division of Korea had significant political implications, shaping the geopolitical landscape of East Asia for decades to come.

To know more about Korean War, refer here:

The economic effects the Great Depression had on Texas and the U.S. was ___________. The social effects the Great Depression had on Texas and the U.S. was _________. The political effects the Great Depression had on Texas and the U.S. was _________.



The economic effects the Great Depression had on Texas and the U.S. was devastating. The stock market crash of 1929 and the subsequent economic downturn led to widespread unemployment, business failures, and a sharp decline in industrial production. In Texas, the depression hit hard, particularly in the agricultural sector, which was already struggling with low crop prices and drought conditions. The state's oil industry also suffered as demand for oil declined and prices dropped. The economic effects of the Great Depression were felt across the country, with millions of people losing their jobs and many businesses closing their doors.

The social effects the Great Depression had on Texas and the U.S. were also significant. The economic hardships of the depression led to widespread poverty, hunger, and homelessness, with many families struggling to make ends meet. The depression also had a profound impact on social attitudes and behaviors, with many people becoming disillusioned and distrustful of government and big business. In Texas, the depression exacerbated existing racial tensions and discrimination, as African Americans and Mexican Americans were disproportionately affected by the economic downturn and faced significant barriers to accessing relief and support.

The political effects the Great Depression had on Texas and the U.S. were also significant. The economic crisis led to a fundamental shift in political power and ideology, with many people turning away from laissez-faire economics and embracing government intervention and regulation. The New Deal policies of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's administration, which aimed to stimulate economic recovery and provide relief for those affected by the depression, had a profound impact on the political landscape of the country. In Texas, the depression and the New Deal policies that followed helped to solidify the Democratic Party's control of the state's politics, which lasted for several decades. The depression also led to the emergence of new political movements, such as the populist and socialist movements, which challenged the traditional political establishment and called for greater economic and social justice.

The Virginia Plan proposed to give more power to the national government, a bicameral legislature, and the number of both houses would be determined by population. True or false


True that the Virginia Plan proposed to give more power to the national government, a bicameral legislature, and the number of both houses would be determined by population.

What is Virginia Plan?

The Virginia Plan, proposed by James Madison during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, did indeed propose a strong national government with a bicameral legislature (two houses) and representation based on population. The plan was a departure from the Articles of Confederation, which gave more power to the states and had a unicameral legislature (one house) with equal representation for each state.

What is bicameral legislature?

A bicameral legislature is a type of government legislative body that consists of two separate chambers or houses. These two chambers typically have different roles and responsibilities within the legislative process, and they are often designed to provide checks and balances on each other's power. For example, in the United States, the bicameral legislature consists of the House of Representatives (based on population) and the Senate (two senators per state).

To know more about bicameral legislature, visit:


what invention will stop people from overdosing from drugs


Answer:What is the thing to stop overdose?

Naloxone is a life-saving medication that can reverse an overdose from opioids.

Explanation: including heroin, fentanyl, and prescription opioid medications—when given in time. Naloxone is easy to use and small to carry.

2. what two events, one occurring in the soviet union, the other in china, prompted the truman doctrine?


It's worth noting that the Truman Doctrine was not directly prompted by any event in China.

The Truman Doctrine was primarily prompted by two events, one occurring in the Soviet Union, and the other in Greece. The first event was the Soviet Union's successful testing of an atomic bomb in 1949, which raised fears of Soviet expansionism and aggression. The second event was the Greek Civil War, which lasted from 1946 to 1949 and was fought between the Greek government, backed by the US and Britain, and communist insurgents supported by Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union. The US government saw the Greek Civil War as a critical test of its ability to contain Soviet influence in Europe and prevent the spread of communism.

Learn more about Greece here:


in 1851, the governor of california officially called for the extermination of all indians in the state. this is an example of question 34 options: segregation. acculturation. pluralism. diaspora. genocide.





explain how political changes in the period from c. 1900 to the present led to territorial, demographic, and nationalist developments.


The period from c. 1900 to the present has seen significant political changes that have had far-reaching effects on territorial, demographic, and nationalist developments.

The Rise of Nationalism: The late 19th and early 20th centuries saw the rise of nationalism as a powerful political force. This led to the emergence of new nation-states and the reshaping of existing ones. Nationalism also led to territorial and demographic changes, as groups sought to create or maintain homogenous nation-states through the forced migration or assimilation of minority populations.

World Wars: The two world wars of the 20th century were major political events that had significant territorial and demographic consequences. The redrawing of national boundaries after World War I and the massive displacement of people during and after World War II led to significant changes in population demographics and territorial boundaries.

Decolonization: The period after World War II saw the rapid decolonization of many territories around the world. This led to the emergence of new nation-states and the redrawing of national boundaries. Decolonization also had significant demographic consequences, as formerly colonized populations moved to their newly independent countries or migrated to other parts of the world.

Learn more about 20th centuries here:


how did child charqcterize the essence of mussolini's fascist program? in child's view, how did the fascist state differ from the liberal state


I'm assuming you are referring to the historian and scholar J.T. "Jack" Child.Child saw fascism as a dangerous and destructive ideology that posed a serious threat to the values of democracy and human freedom.

According to Child, Mussolini's fascist program was characterized by its emphasis on the primacy of the state and the subordination of the individual to the collective will of the nation. Fascism, in Child's view, was a form of totalitarianism that sought to create a "total" society in which the state had absolute control over all aspects of life, including the economy, culture, and education.Child argued that the fascist state differed fundamentally from the liberal state in its rejection of the principles of democracy, individualism, and the rule of law. Whereas the liberal state placed a premium on protecting individual rights and freedoms, the fascist state saw these values as obstacles to the realization of the collective will of the nation. As a result, fascist regimes were marked by the suppression of dissent, the use of propaganda and terror to maintain control, and the elevation of the state above all other institutions.

Learn more about fascism here:


who lived around450 B. C.



Year 450 BC was a year of the pre-Julian Roman calendar. At the time, it was known as the Second year of the decemviri (or, less frequently, year 304 Ab urbe condita). The denomination 450 BC for this year has been used since the early medieval period, when the Anno Domini calendar era became the prevalent method in Europe for naming years.

Which is logically equivalent to the converse of a conditional statement?


conditional statement is logically equivalent to its contrapositive.

an association of unions based on industry rather than skill and joined by african americans in record numbers during world war ii is called?


The association of unions based on industry rather than skill and joined by African Americans in record numbers during World War II is called the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).

The CIO was founded in 1935 and included unions representing workers in manufacturing, mining, transportation, and other industries. The CIO was committed to organizing industrial workers, including those who had previously been excluded from craft unions because of their race or ethnicity. During World War II, the CIO played a crucial role in the war effort by working to improve wages and working conditions for industrial workers and by supporting the production of war materials. The CIO merged with the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1955 to form the AFL-CIO, which remains the largest federation of unions in the United States today.

To learn more about manufacturing visit;


The association of unions based on industry rather than skill and joined by African Americans in record numbers during World War II is called the Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO).

The CIO was formed in 1935 and aimed to unite workers across different industries and trades to gain better working conditions and wages.

During World War II, African American workers faced discrimination and segregation in the workplace, but the CIO welcomed them and fought for their rights. The CIO also played a significant role in the Civil Rights Movement, supporting desegregation efforts and advocating for equal rights for all workers.

The CIO eventually merged with the American Federation of Labor (AFL) in 1955 to form the AFL-CIO, which remains one of the largest labor organizations in the United States today. The CIO's efforts and contributions to workers' rights and civil rights have left a lasting impact on American history.

For more question on World War II


the battles of trenton and princeton in late 1776 and early 1777 __________.


The Battles of Trenton and Princeton in late 1776 and early 1777 significantly boosted American morale and momentum during the American Revolutionary War.

Since the 1870s, the town's economy was tied to the Trenton Works factory and its predecessors which occupies a large property along the East River of Pictou. This factory closed permanently in 2016[4] after various incarnations as a steel fabrication, railcar fabrication, and wind turbine tower fabrication facility. Since the late 1960s, the town has also been host to the Trenton Generating Station. Other large employers in the past have included a paint manufacturer (Tibbett's Paints) as well as a glass works (Trenton Glass). The town's economy is undergoing a transition to a post-industrial tertiary/service economy. Major employers in the region are located outside the town, namely a Michelin Tire factory in Granton and an Asia Pulp & Paper (Paper Excellence Canada) pulp mill in Abercrombie.

Learn more about Trenton here:


The battles of Trenton and Princeton in late 1776 and early 1777 were significant turning points in the American Revolution.

After a series of losses, the Continental Army led by General George Washington was able to achieve two critical victories against the British army. The surprise attack on the Hessian troops in Trenton on December 26, 1776, boosted morale among American troops and convinced many soldiers to reenlist in the army.

In the battle of Princeton on January 3, 1777, the Continental Army was able to defeat the British army, which had been previously considered.

These two battles proved that the Continental Army was a formidable opponent and could stand up against the British army. It also led to an increase in support from the American public and from foreign nations, such as France.

The victories at Trenton and Princeton gave the Continental Army a much-needed boost and provided a glimpse of hope for the American Revolution's eventual success.

For more question on American Revolution


how did zwingli and luther’s 95 thesis compare?


Zwingli and Luther's theses can be compared in terms of their goals and content. Luther's 95 Theses focused on challenging the Catholic Church's practice of selling indulgences and emphasized salvation through faith alone.

Zwingli and Luther's 95 Theses were similar in their criticism of the Catholic Church's practices and doctrines. Both men called for reforms in the church and challenged the authority of the Pope. However, there were some differences in their views.

Zwingli emphasized the importance of scripture in guiding Christian beliefs, while Luther placed more emphasis on the doctrine of salvation by faith alone. Overall, both men's 95 Theses played a significant role in sparking the Protestant Reformation and challenging the authority of the Catholic Church.

On the other hand, Zwingli's theses, known as the 67 Articles, aimed at broader Church reforms, including the removal of images and the simplification of the Mass. While both sought to reform the Church, their specific targets and proposed changes differed.

Visit here to learn more about Zwingli and Luther's theses:


Zwingli and Luther's 95 theses shared some similarities, but there were also some notable differences. Both men were seeking to reform the Catholic Church, and both were highly critical of the sale of indulgences.

However, while Luther was primarily concerned with the issue of salvation and the authority of scripture, Zwingli focused more on the need for a return to a purer form of worship and the elimination of perceived abuses, such as the veneration of saints and the use of images in worship.

Another key difference between the two men was their approach to political power. While Luther believed in the concept of the "two kingdoms" and argued that secular rulers had a responsibility to support the church, Zwingli believed in a more radical separation of church and state, and sought to establish a theocracy in Zurich.

Overall, while both men were influential figures in the Protestant Reformation, they had somewhat different priorities and approaches to reform.

For more question on Catholic Church


make a well-organized essay of how geographical factors (such as rivers, mountains, trees, and aquifers) have influenced the development of the state.​


Climate and geographic location are two of the most important factors influencing development. The world's poorest countries are in the tropics, where it is hot, the land is less productive, there is a lack of water, and diseases are more common. This is not by mistake.

What role does a country's geographical location have in its long-term growth?

Due to its impact on the size of the regional market for enterprises, geographic location is important. It affects both the cost of accessing that purchasing power through commerce and transportation as well as how economic activity is dispersed locally.

The study of geographic tendencies in development is the focus of development geography specialists. To identify the standards by which they may assess development, they consider issues that are economic, political, and social. They seek to grasp both the consequences of various growth and the geographical causes.

Large rivers played a significant role in the development of most historical civilizations, especially when such rivers flowed into the sea. Tribes that were far from rivers were often compelled to continue their wandering lifestyle. Rivers provide a supply of clean, fresh water that civilizations may utilize for themselves, their cattle, and their crops.

The geography of growth and development refers to the rise and fall of economic activity on a local level as well as the general distribution of these local changes both within and between countries. The rate at which space expands might vary substantially between various countries, regions, and industries.

Learn more about geographic location:


What contrasts does source 7 draw China and Europe


The differences in prevailing values, economies, demographics, technology, commerce, and politics between China and Europe.

What is contrasts?

To compare or set off dissimilar things or objects in order to emphasize their differences is to use contrast. It can also be used to describe how clearly one object or another differs from another. Contrast, which can be a verb or a noun, is frequently used to contrast and show the differences between two or more objects.

The cultural beliefs and traditions of Europe and China are in contrast, which might make it difficult to cooperate politically or in business. Additionally, there are sectors where China and Europe may cooperate and complement one another, as in commerce and investment.

Learn more about on contrasts, here:


Your question is incomplete, but most probably the full question was.

What contrasts does between China and Europe? Given these differences, which region would likely be more motivated to maintain the status quo (keep things as they are)? Why?​

according to the reading, what was the name of the person that built los angeles' first mass transit system?


The person who built Los Angeles' first mass transit system was Henry E. Huntington. Automobile-dependent To put together a well-balanced mass transit system.

Los Angeles has struggled. The Pacific Electric Railway (PE), a privately owned tram system built at the turn of the 20th century by real estate and railroad tycoon Henry E. Huntington, was once a source of pride for the city. To regulate highway and public transportation policies in LA county, the Los Angeles County Transportation Commission was established. The Metro Blue Line, Metro Green Line, and Metro Red Line were built by LACTC. The Los Angeles Cable Railway, which connected Westlake Park and Grand Avenue with Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles, was the city's biggest transit initiative. The last city line to switch to electrified rails was this one, which ultimately formed the Pacific Railway Company.

To know more about Pacific Railway Company refer :


In the great growing season of the High Middle Ages, what region benefited more than any other in Europe?


During the great growing season of the High Middle Ages, the region that benefited more than any other in Europe was France. The period of the High Middle Ages, roughly from the 11th to the 13th century, saw a significant increase in agricultural productivity.

in Europe due to several factors, including a warmer climate, new farming techniques, and improved irrigation systems.In France, these developments led to a significant expansion of agricultural production, particularly in the northern and central regions of the country. The introduction of new crops such as beans and peas, along with the use of the three-field system of crop rotation, helped to increase yields and improve soil fertility.The increase in agricultural productivity in France had several important consequences, including population growth, urbanization, and the expansion of trade and commerce. The surplus food produced by French farmers helped to support the growth of towns and cities, as well as the development of a market economy.Overall, the great growing season of the High Middle Ages had a transformative impact on European society, and France was one of the regions that benefited the most from these developments.

Learn more about commerce here:


as fda officials investigated more and more cases, they determined that many violations of the 1906 pure food and drugs act were unintentional and caused primarily by poor manufacturing techniques and an absence of


quality control measures. The FDA officials found that many companies were using substandard equipment, unsanitary facilities, and inadequate testing methods, which led to contaminated or impure products.

To address these issues, the FDA began to establish standards for manufacturing practices and quality control measures. They required companies to implement good manufacturing practices (GMPs) and conduct regular inspections to ensure compliance. The FDA also began to require companies to conduct testing on their products to ensure their safety and effectiveness.Over time, the FDA's role in regulating the food and drug industries has expanded to include a wide range of activities, including pre-market approval of drugs and medical devices, regulation of food labeling and advertising, and oversight of clinical trials. The FDA's mission is to protect public health by ensuring that the products it regulates are safe, effective, and of high quality.

Learn more about FDA here:


I want all the Answer's to The Achieve article Roman Engineering Ingenuity


Romans are renowned for their amazing technical accomplishments, including their magnificent aqueducts, roads, bridges, and tunnels. Their buildings, many of which are still standing today, are evidence of their great engineering abilities and creativity.

What is Roman Engineering?

Special engineering units, led by architects (engineers) from a class of soldiers known as immunes as they were excused from or, literally, immune from, ordinary duties, were in charge of building the camps. These units included specialists of various sorts and were made up of engineers of various specialties.

Because of their reliance on technology obtained from the Greeks, Etruscans, Celts, and others, the Romans were able to advance their technology to high heights. Even with restricted power sources, the Romans were able to construct some amazing buildings that are still standing today.

The Romans valued transportation by land so highly that they planned and constructed 29 roads connecting cities. The iconic Colosseum is one of the most impressive buildings that can be linked to Roman engineering and is readily recognizable to many people.

learn more about Roman Engineering:


which role was not among those assigned to the enslaved people who worked as domestic staff on a large plantation? multiple choice question. nursemaid butler cook


Answer: Overseer

Explanation: On a large estate, there would generally be a staff of nursemaids, housemaids, cook, butlers, coachmen.

The role that was not among those assigned to the enslaved people who worked as domestic staff on a large plantation was butler.

Enslaved people, also known as slaves, were individuals who were forced into labor and held in a state of permanent servitude. Throughout history, many societies have relied on enslaved labor for various purposes, such as agriculture, mining, and domestic work. Enslavement has taken many forms, including debt bondage, forced marriage, and chattel slavery, which treated people as property that could be bought and sold. The transatlantic slave trade, which lasted from the 16th to the 19th centuries, forcibly transported millions of Africans to the Americas to work on plantations and in other industries. Enslaved people were often subjected to brutal treatment, including physical violence, sexual abuse, and deprivation of basic human rights. Although slavery has been abolished in most countries, its legacy continues to affect societies around the world.

Learn more about enslaved people here:


americans justified the forced removal of native americans to lands west of the mississippi river because: question 1 options: a) smallpox epidemics had devastated native communities and white reformers hoped moving them to reservations would make it easier to inoculate them. b) they believed white farmers would make better use of the land and resources than the indigenous inhabitants. c) the lands in the great plains were more fertile for indian crops like corn, so removal was actually seen as providing nutritional benefits to natives. d) all of the above.


The Americans justified the forced removal of Native Americans to lands west of the Mississippi River because they believed white farmers would make better use of the land and resources than the indigenous inhabitants.

This refers to the concept of Manifest Destiny, which was a belief prevalent in the 19th century that the expansion of the United States was both justified and inevitable. Many white Americans believed that they had a God-given right to the land and resources of North America, and that the indigenous inhabitants were obstacles to this expansion. As a result, the US government forcibly removed Native American tribes from their ancestral lands and relocated them to reservations in the west. This policy was enforced through the Indian Removal Act of 1830, which resulted in the infamous Trail of Tears, during which thousands of Native Americans died while being forcibly relocated. The justification for this policy was often framed in terms of "civilizing" the Native Americans, but in reality, it was driven by a desire for land and resources.

Learn more about manifest destiny here:


How did colonialism, especially with countries such as Britain and France, create a wider war than just within Europe?


colonialism, particularly with countries such as Britain and France, created a wider war beyond Europe by extending the conflict into the colonies, which were important sources of resources, labor, and strategic value for the European powers. The exploitation and oppression of colonized peoples also created resentment and resistance that contributed to the tensions and conflicts leading up to the outbreak of World War I and World War II.

albert einstein was a member of al capone’s gang in chicago.True or False



False, :D. He was a scientist who invented E=MC2

Which of the following best describes the Proletariat, a new social class that emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution

the factory owners that controlled the means of production

the workers in the factories

the nobles who owned the manors


The workers in the factories best describes the Proletariat, a new social class that emerged as a result of the Industrial Revolution .

Option b is correct .

The proletariat was a class of wage workers who participated in industrial production and whose primary source of income came from the selling of their labour power, according to Karl Marx's theory.

A class of people was developed as a result of the Industrial Revolution that could only make money via their labour. Labour movements fought for reforms as working conditions deteriorated and profits for business owners rose. Alienation results from the bourgeoisie's exploitation of the proletariat. When the group's members realize they are being taken advantage of, they stop being just a "class of themselves" and start acting as a "class for itself," rising up in revolt.

hence, Option b is correct .

To know more about Industrial Revolution visit :


Approximately how many German-speaking people lived in the Sudetenland?1 million3 million4 million5 million


Approximately 3 million German-speaking people lived in the Sudetenland. The Sudetenland was a region in Czechoslovakia that had a significant German-speaking population prior to World War II.

The region was annexed by Nazi Germany in 1938 as part of Hitler's expansionist policies, which ultimately led to the outbreak of the war. The annexation of the Sudetenland was one of the key events leading up to the war and is often cited as an example of appeasement, as Western leaders failed to take action against Hitler's aggressive actions in the region. In September 1938, Hitler demanded that the Sudetenland be ceded to Germany, and threatened to go to war if his demands were not met. The leaders of Britain, France, and Italy, fearing another war in Europe, met with Hitler in Munich and agreed to allow Germany to annex the Sudetenland in exchange for a promise of peace. The annexation of the Sudetenland was a major victory for Hitler and the Nazi party, and it emboldened them to pursue further territorial ambitions. The annexation also led to the displacement of many Czechs and other non-German populations in the region, and it ultimately contributed to the outbreak of World War II. Today, the Sudetenland is part of the Czech Republic, and the region's complex history and cultural heritage continue to be a subject of interest and study.

Learn more about annexation here:


Approximately 3 million German-speaking people lived in the Sudetenland. The Sudetenland was an area in Czechoslovakia where a large number of German-speaking people resided. It was located mainly along the border regions with Germany and Austria.

The term "Sudetenland" was derived from the Sudeten Mountains, which are part of the area. In the early 20th century, following the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, Czechoslovakia was formed as a new country, and the Sudetenland became part of it.

The population of the Sudetenland was predominantly German-speaking, and they constituted a significant minority within Czechoslovakia. It is estimated that around 3 million German-speaking people lived in the Sudetenland during this time.

This German-speaking population felt marginalized and discriminated against by the Czechoslovak government, leading to tensions between the two groups. The situation in the Sudetenland was one of the contributing factors to the outbreak of World War II.

Adolf Hitler, the leader of Nazi Germany, claimed that the German-speaking population in the Sudetenland was being oppressed and used this as a pretext for annexing the area in 1938. This annexation, known as the Munich Agreement, was an attempt by Britain and France to appease Hitler and avoid a potential war.

However, this act of appeasement failed, and World War II eventually broke out in 1939.

To know more about Sudetenland refer here:


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Use Hawa and Jacobs percent of red paint to determine whose purple paint will be redder.Hawa percent of red paint (to nearest whole number) = %Jacob percent of red paint (to nearest whole number) = %Hawa s purple paint will be redder.Jacobs purple paint will be redder.The two purple paints will be equally red.attempt 1 out of 2Miracle JacksonWhich is more? (Percent Comparison)Apr 10, 6:51:14 PMWatch help videoIn art class students are mixing blue and red paint to make purple paint. Hawa mixes 1 cup of blue paint and 5 cups of red paint. Jacob mixes 4 cups of blue paint and 13 cups of red paint. Use Hawa and Jacobs percent of red paint to determine whose purple paint will be redder. What word would replace "house" to make the sentence torefer to "a primitive building"?The marooned sailors built a house with what was availablearound the island. the mutual fund fees that are used to compensate salespeople and pay some marketing and advertising expenses are called: physicians agree that patients should have full access to their own health records. (true or false) the horizontal component of the earth's magnetic field at the location of the loop is 1.69e-5 t. calculate the maximum emf induced in the coil by the earth's field. Today is Jorge's 30th birthday and he is opening up a new investment account. He will deposit $X today and the same amount each year through and including on his 54th birthday, making no further deposits. He wishes the account to have a sufficient amount of money in it so that beginning on his 65th birthday, he can withdraw $1,000 each year forever (upon his death, his heirs, and their heirs, etc. will continue to withdraw $1000 annually in perpetuity). If the account pays earns interest at a constant rate of 2.5% per year forever, what does $X need to be? A grab-bag contains 30 packages worth $. 65 each, 10 packages $. 60 cents each, and 15 packages worth $. 30 each. How much should the game owner charge to make it a fair game?$0. 55$0. 40$0. 60$0. 30 In Chapter 27 of Jane Eyre1. In this chapter Rochester explains to Jane why Bertha is locked away. He says, One night I had been awakened by her yells. Since the medical men had pronounced her mad, she had of course been s-h-u-t u-p. Do you think Rochesters treatment of his wife is humane? A) Mansfield Services Company provides its employees vacation benefits and a defined contribution pension plan. Employees earned vacation pay of $44,000 for the period. The pension plan requires a contribution to the plan administrator equal to 8% of employee salaries. Salaries were $450,000 during the period.Provide the journal entry for the:vacation pay andpension benefit.B) The payroll register of North Country Store Services indicates $1080 of social security withheld and $270 of Medicare tax withheld on total salaries of $18,000 for the period. Earnings of $6250 are subject to state and federal unemployment compensation taxes at the federal rate of 0.7% and the state rate of 3.8%.Provide the journal entry to record the payroll tax expense for the period.C) The payroll register of Classic Designs indicates $1,320 of social security withheld and $330 of Medicare tax withheld on total salaries of $22,000 for the period. Federal withholding for the period totaled $1,875.Provide the journal entry for the periods payroll. Indicate debits and credits. Describe in 500 words or more, why you would wish to pursue a graduate program in business (MBA)? differentiate x^5(2x+1)^5 What internal factors caused the collapse of empires in the early 20th century? Much help would be greatly needed!For a $85,000 mortgage, the borrower was charged the following closing costs.Loan origination fee (1% of mortgage) $Broker loan fee $1640Lender document and underwriting fees $350Lender tax and wire fees $210Fee to title company $225Title insurance fee $320Title reconveyance fee $70Document recording fee $40Compute the total closing costs for this mortgage: a federal statute regulates an employment practice. to resolve a dispute concerning the practice, paula, a judge, will most likely apply: how much of earths land surface is still covered with wilderness? a safety clause provision in a listing agreement means the seller can't avoid liability for the commission simply by waiting until after the listing expires to accept a buyer's offer.T/F businesspeople in low-context cultures use e-mail more often than those in high-context cultures. true or false landslide sign of an imminent