how did Charlemagne govern his united kingdom?​


Answer 1





Answer 2


How did Charlemagne govern his unified kingdom?

Charlemagne sent out agents to see that counts governed their countries justly, he vistited every part of his kingdom, and he supplied the management of hid large estates.

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what happened to the 135 enslaved persons who in 1841 seized the ship, the creole, and sailed to nassau in search of freedom?


The 135 enslaved persons who seized the ship, the Creole, in 1841 sailed to Nassau and were granted their freedom by the British authorities.

The Creole was a ship that was transporting enslaved persons from Virginia to New Orleans in 1841. During the voyage, the enslaved persons rebelled and seized control of the ship. They sailed to Nassau in the Bahamas, where they were granted their freedom by the British authorities. This incident was significant because it challenged the legality of slavery and the practice of transporting enslaved persons on ships. The British authorities' decision to grant the enslaved persons their freedom also strained relations between the United States and Britain, as the US government demanded the return of the enslaved persons and compensation for their loss. The incident highlighted the tensions and contradictions of the US government's support for slavery and its professed commitment to freedom and democracy.

Learn more about Creole here:


What new industry, technology, and movement ramped up the American public to protest and become against the war to such a large degree America will pull out of the war?


Several student demonstrations were started when the U.S. military used napalm in Vietnam, some of which were directed towards the company that produced it, The Dow Chemical Company.

What led to Americans' opposition to the Vietnam War?

Many Americans opposed the war on moral grounds because they were outraged by the death and damage it caused. While some said the conflict was a battle against Vietnamese independence or an intrusion into a foreign civil war, others claimed it had clear objectives and was unwinnable.

What impact did the anti-war movement have on American society?

The anti-war campaign was successful in getting the United States to sign a peace treaty, evacuate its last remaining soldiers, and end the conscription in the beginning of 1973. During the course of a decade of organizing, anti-war demonstrators used a variety of tactics to alter public opinion and, eventually, the actions of government leaders.

Learn more about peace treaty:


had greater literacy rates and more financial independence than indian and chinese women.


In general, higher literacy rates among women are associated with greater financial independence. Historically, women in some regions, such as Western countries, have had greater literacy rates and more financial independence compared to women in Indian and Chinese societies.

It is difficult to make a generalization about the literacy rates and financial independence of women across different countries and cultures.

However, it is true that historically, certain Western societies have had greater emphasis on education and literacy for women, which may have led to higher literacy rates and more financial independence for women in those societies compared to Indian and Chinese women.

However, it is important to recognize that there are many other factors at play, including cultural norms and social structures, that impact the opportunities and experiences of women around the world.

This can be attributed to various social, economic, and cultural factors that have influenced women's access to education and employment opportunities in these regions.

Visit here to learn more about Literacy Rates:


During the 19th and early 20th centuries, women in Western countries had greater literacy rates and more financial independence compared to their counterparts in India and China. This was due to a variety of factors such as the availability of education for women, access to employment opportunities, and social norms surrounding gender roles.

In Western countries, the women's rights movement had gained momentum during the 19th century, leading to the establishment of women's colleges and universities. This allowed women to pursue higher education and gain knowledge and skills that enabled them to enter the workforce. Additionally, the Industrial Revolution created new job opportunities for women in factories and offices.

In contrast, Indian and Chinese women faced cultural and societal barriers to education and employment. The Confucian and Brahmanical traditions in these societies placed emphasis on women's domestic duties, making it difficult for them to receive an education or work outside the home.

As a result, women in Western countries had greater access to education and employment, leading to higher literacy rates and more financial independence. However, it is important to note that gender inequality still existed in Western societies during this time, and progress towards gender equality was slow and uneven.

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President Reagan's plan for the economy, often called Reaganomics, was based on economics. Reagan believed that
taxes and
businesses would stimulate production and
the benefits would "trickle down" to the rest of the economy. He also wanted to


President Reagan's plan for the economy, often called Reaganomics, was based on supply-side economics. Reagan believed that by reducing taxes and regulations on businesses, this would stimulate production, investment, and economic growth.

He argued that by reducing the tax burden on businesses and high-income individuals, they would have more resources to invest in new businesses, expand existing ones, and create new jobs.

Reagan's plan also emphasized the importance of controlling inflation by maintaining stable monetary policy and reducing government spending. He believed that excessive government regulation and spending were hindering economic growth and that reducing these burdens would lead to greater prosperity.

One of the key elements of Reaganomics was the theory of "trickle-down economics." This theory held that by lowering taxes on the wealthiest members of society, the benefits of increased economic growth and job creation would "trickle down" to the rest of the economy. Critics of this theory argued that it primarily benefited the wealthy and did not necessarily lead to increased economic opportunity for the middle and lower classes.

Learn more about Reaganomics at:


what are five most common forms of social interaction ? Given an example of how you nigh employ a few forms of interaction while participating in a sporting event.


Exchange, competition, conflict, collaboration, and accommodation are the five main types of social interaction. accommodation. Competition and conflict tend to promote social change, while exchange, cooperation, and accommodation tend to stabilise the social structure.

What is social interaction?Social contact is the process of reciprocal influence people use on one another while they are in social situations. It typically refers to in-person interactions during which parties are present in person for a set amount of time. \Any voluntary or unvoluntary interpersonal contact between two or more people inside and/or between groups is referred to as a social relation, which is the fundamental analytical unit in the social sciences. Coordination, conflict, social trade, coercion, and conformity are some examples of social interaction. It is known as the reciprocal effect people exert on one another during social interactions in sociological terminology.

To learnm more about social interaction, refer to:

please help I don't remember this, whys the Asindments harder then what the teacher teaches"what purpose did the Pax Mongolia serve in the Mongol empire?


Latin meaning "Mongol empire," the Pax Mongolica refers to a time in Eurasia's history between the 13th and 14th centuries when the Mongol Empire ruled.

What exactly was the Pax Mongolica, and what did it accomplish?

When the Mongolian Empire was relatively peaceful, known as the Pax Mongolica, China and Europe were able to communicate and trade at previously unheard-of levels. Only because of the Mongolian was this feasible.

What was the Pax Mongolia, and what impact did it have on trade and intellectual exchange in Asia?

Along with the Silk Roads, the Pax Mongolia was a tranquil, secure trading system that allowed traders from all over Asia to send and receive products, ideas, and customs from China. Pax Mongolia encouraged trade and improved trade efficiency.

To know more about Mongol empire visit :-


How do radical religions play an impact in a global genocide according to this reading? How could we counteract this idea of hate? Explain (ww2)


Radical religions is the process by which someone begins to hold radical opinions and, in some situations, eventually joins terrorist organisations or commits terroristic acts.

What are the four different religions?

More over 77% of the world's population belongs to one of the following four religions: Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, or Buddhism; 92% of people worldwide identify as atheists; as a result, the other 9,000+ faiths account for only 8% of the world's population as a whole.

What is a radical Christian doctrine?

This is a catch-all category for Christians who engage in political radicalism, or for Christians who work with other groups or individuals to change social structures and value systems through revolution or other means.

To know more about Radical religions visit :-


1. estonia was an independent country until 1939 when stalin and hitler signed the molotov-ribbentrop pact that had a secret clause dividing europe between the two nations. soviet troops soon occupied estonia as a result of this pact. after the soviet troops invaded estonia there was one soviet solider for about how many estonians? group of answer choices 1 soviet solider for every 5 estonian 1 soviet solider for every 18 estonian 1 soviet solider for every 12 estonian 1 soviet solider for every 10 estonian


After the Soviet troops invaded Estonia in the 1940, there was approximately one Soviet soldier for every 12 Estonians.

What are troops?

Troops refer to a group of soldiers or military personnel organized and trained for combat, often under the command of a higher-ranking officer. These individuals are equipped with weapons and gear to carry out their duties, which may include defending their country, supporting allies, or engaging in offensive operations. Troops can be composed of various branches of the military, such as the army, navy, air force, or marines. They may be deployed to different locations within their own country or to foreign countries as part of a military mission. Troops undergo rigorous training to prepare them for the physical and mental demands of combat, including weapons training, physical fitness, and tactical strategy.

To learn more about troops, visit:


the seneca falls declaration of sentiments included the demand that women have the right to vote. group startstrue or false


The statement "The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments included the demand that women have the right to vote" is True.

The Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments' revolutionary attack on the institutions that constrained women in the 19th century and its radical acknowledgement of women's natural rights are what give it its historic significance. The most contentious resolution adopted during the conference was the delegate's demand for the ability to vote. The first women's rights convention to take place in the United States was the Seneca Falls Convention, which took place in Seneca Falls, New York, from July 19 to July 20, 1848. The Declaration of Sentiments, which highlighted demands for women's equality, was drafted at that assembly. The manifesto demands that women be accorded all of the same rights and advantages as males and that they be treated as full citizens of the United States. It was read the Declaration of Sentiments.

To know more about Declaration refer :


Impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 ​


The Nazi regime in Germany during the period 1933 to 1946 was notorious for its pseudoscientific ideas of race and its brutal treatment of minority groups, particularly the Jewish population.

What was Nazi regime?

The Nazi regime was a fascist government led by Adolf Hitler in Germany from 1933 to 1945. During this time, the Nazis implemented policies of racism, anti-Semitism, and totalitarianism. They believed in the superiority of the Aryan race and sought to create a "pure" German nation by purging it of "inferior" elements, including Jews, homosexuals, disabled individuals, and others. The regime also waged aggressive wars of expansion and conquest, leading to the deaths of millions of people. The Nazi regime was ultimately defeated in World War II, and its leaders were tried and convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg Trials.

To learn more about Nazi regime, visit:


Complete Question:

Impact of pseudoscientific ideas of race on the Jewish nation by the Nazi Germany during the period 1933 to 1946?

the national collegiate athletic association (ncaa) enacted the _________________ in 1948 in an attempt to curb widespread cheating and unethical recruiting.


The national collegiate athletic association (NCAA) enacted the "Sanity Code" in 1948 in an attempt to curb widespread cheating and unethical recruiting.

The code set guidelines for athletic scholarships, recruiting practices, and amateurism. It limited the number of athletic scholarships a school could offer and prohibited colleges from offering scholarships based solely on athletic ability. It also prohibited coaches from contacting high school athletes who had already committed to other schools and from providing improper inducements to prospective recruits.

The Sanity Code was an important step towards cleaning up college athletics and promoting fair play. However, it was met with resistance from some coaches and schools who believed it was too restrictive. In 1951, the code was revised and renamed the "NCAA Code," which provided more flexibility for schools and allowed for a limited amount of financial aid for athletes.

Since then, the NCAA has continued to update and revise its rules and regulations to promote fairness and integrity in college sports. Today, the NCAA has a complex set of rules and enforcement mechanisms to ensure that athletes, coaches, and schools adhere to ethical standards and compete on a level playing field.

For more question on national collegiate athletic association


The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) enacted the "Sanity Code" in 1948 in an attempt to curb widespread cheating and unethical recruiting.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is a nonprofit organization that regulates and governs intercollegiate athletics in the United States. It was founded in 1906 and has over 1,200 member institutions, including colleges, universities, and conferences across the country.

The Sanity Code established stricter rules for college athletic scholarships and prohibited the use of financial incentives to recruit athletes. It also established a code of conduct for coaches and athletes, with the aim of promoting fair play and ethical behavior in college sports. While the Sanity Code was ultimately unsuccessful in achieving its goals, it laid the groundwork for later reforms in college athletics and helped to raise awareness of the need for ethical standards in sports.

To know more about National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)


Max Weber defined a state by the fact that it holds a legitimate monopoly over the use of
coercive force. Yet the use of force by the state on its own people is often the most
controversial and delegitimizing action that it takes. Describe the delicate balancing act the
modern state must perform in order to ensure its rules are followed without weakening its


The modern state faces delicate balancing act in ensuring that its rules are followed while maintaining its legitimacy.

What is delicate balancing act?

A delicate balancing act refers to the act of carefully managing various elements or factors in a situation to maintain a desired outcome. It is often used to describe situations where multiple competing interests or priorities must be taken into account to achieve a goal. The act of balancing requires careful consideration and decision-making, as any deviation from the ideal balance can have significant consequences. Balancing acts can be found in a wide range of contexts, such as in interpersonal relationships, business operations, and government policies. It often requires compromise, negotiation, and adaptability to changing circumstances. Successfully managing a delicate balancing act requires skill, patience, and the ability to make tough decisions in the face of uncertainty.

To learn more about government, visit:


Good listening does not require giving advice or commentary.


Please help 20 points


True. Good listening involves actively paying attention to the person who is speaking without interrupting or judging them. It involves showing empathy and understanding, and allowing the person to express themselves fully without feeling rushed or judged. Giving advice or commentary may not always be helpful, and can sometimes make the person feel invalidated or dismissed. Therefore, good listening involves being present and attentive, and allowing the person to share their thoughts and feelings without feeling the need to offer solutions or opinions.




True. Good listening involves giving the speaker your full attention and allowing them to express themselves without interruption or judgment. It is not necessary to give advice or commentary, as this can sometimes distract from the speaker's message and make them feel invalidated. Instead, good listening often involves reflecting back on what the speaker has said, asking clarifying questions, and showing empathy and understanding. The focus should be on understanding the speaker's perspective and feelings, rather than on providing solutions or opinions.

what doe heresy mean


Essentially, it's a belief that's largely different from a widespread or established belief. For example, a belief in Toaism or Sikhism would be considered heresy in a place like Early to Middle Age England, where there was the established Catholic Church.

a new period of international cooperation was entered with the signing of the __________ in san francisco in june 1945.


The new period of international cooperation that began after World War II was marked by the signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco in June 1945.

The Charter established the United Nations as an intergovernmental organization designed to promote peace, security, and cooperation among nations. It represented a significant departure from the isolationist policies of the pre-war era, emphasizing instead the importance of international cooperation and the peaceful resolution of conflicts.

The signing of the Charter marked the beginning of a new era of multilateralism, as nations came together to address a wide range of global challenges, including poverty, hunger, disease, and environmental degradation. The United Nations provided a framework for collective action, encouraging member states to work together to address these issues and promote sustainable development.

Over the years, the United Nations has played an important role in promoting peace and security around the world, mediating conflicts and supporting peacekeeping efforts in a wide range of countries. While the organization has faced its share of challenges and criticisms over the years, its impact on international cooperation and diplomacy cannot be overstated.

For more question on World War II


A new period of international cooperation was entered with the signing of the United Nations Charter in San Francisco in June 1945.

The United Nations Charter is a treaty signed by 50 countries in San Francisco on June 26, 1945, and entered into force on October 24, 1945. The Charter established the United Nations (UN) as an intergovernmental organization with the goal of promoting international cooperation and preventing future wars.

The Charter outlines the purposes and principles of the UN, including maintaining international peace and security, promoting human rights and fundamental freedoms, and promoting social and economic progress for all peoples. It also establishes the UN's organizational structure, which includes the General Assembly, the Security Council, the International Court of Justice, and various other bodies.

To know more about United Nations (UN)


what does robert putnam believe is the single most important consequence of the television revolution of the latter part of the 20th century?


Answer: What does Robert Putnam believe is the single most important consequence of the television revolution of the latter part of the 20th century? ((People stayed home and watch TV and have less interaction with others.))

Explanation: sorry if this isn't what your looking for!

but hope it helps at least a bit!

"Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing."
- George Orwell, 1984
Consider this quote from Orwell's book, 1984. Describe at least 3 things Totalitarian regimes typically do to make this an accurate quote.


To shape and control people's minds and opinions, totalitarian regimes frequently regulate information, utilize propaganda to sway public opinion, and repress opposition using monitoring and censorship.

What is the fundamental idea of power?

The capacity a person has to affect another person's behavior is referred to as power. One person exerts influence over another in order to get them to do what the influencing person wants.

What is the key phrase from 1984?

They won't rebel before they become conscious, and they won't become conscious until they have rebelled.

To know more about totalitarian visit:


during the 1920s, the ku klux klan . an) led a strong third-party movement to challenge the democrats and republicans during the 1920s; b) was not strong in any texas city; c) elected one of their own as governor of texas during the 1920s d) elected one of their own to a us senate seat from texas


"During the 1920s, the Ku Klux Klan. d) elected one of their own to a us senate seat from Texas." The correct option is D.

What is the Ku Klux Klan?

The Ku Klux Klan is a domestic terror-ist group found-ed shortly after the U S Civil War end-ed. It has used intimidation, violence, & mur-der to maintain white supremacy in Southern govern-ment and social life. The Ku Klux Klan was found-ed at the end of the United States Civil War to re-press the rights & free-doms of African Americans. Even after 150 ye-ars, it is still an act-ive, domestic terror-ist organ-ization. The correct option is D.

To know more about Ku Klux Klan click below:


9. Based on the article, all of the following tactics were used after the Civil War to oppress black people except?
A. Outlawing of redlining, a discriminatory lending practice, which kept African-Americans out of certain neighborhoods
B. Jim Crow kept blacks and whites separated [separated]
C. "Black Codes" made it easier to arrest African-Americans then "lease" them out for work
D. White supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan terrorized black communities.
E. Voting laws kept African-Americans from casting ballots.




Based on my research, all of the following tactics were used after the civil war to oppress black people except outlawing of redlining, a discriminatory lending practice, which kept African-Americans out of certain neighborhoods .

Jim Crow laws kept blacks and whites separated . “Black codes” made it easier to arrest African-Americans then “lease” them out for work. White supremacist groups like the Ku Klux Klan terrorized black communities. Voting laws kept African-Americans from casting ballots.

I hope this helps!


Match the following. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.

1 .
Paul said of him, For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare.
2 .
that which is necessary; something indispensable.
3 .
was urged to take heed and fulfill his ministry
4 .
zeal without this is useless
5 .
declares that a man's gift makes room for him
6 .
one of the ministry gifts God has placed in the Church
7 .
his gift brought him before great men
8 .
records the parable of the talents
9 .
records the parable of the pounds
10 .
In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.
11 .
said we should grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ (need help fast)


1. Proverbs - declares that a man's gift makes room for him.

2. Archippus - was urged to take heed and fulfill his ministry.

3. Daniel - something indispensable.

What are the Proverbs?

The Proverbs are a book of the Bible that contains a collection of wise sayings and teachings. The book of Proverbs is part of the Old Testament and is traditionally attributed to King Solomon, who is believed to have authored or collected many of the sayings contained in the book.

The Proverbs offer practical wisdom on a variety of topics, including ethics, morality, relationships, personal conduct, and the pursuit of knowledge and understanding. The book is structured as a series of short sayings, each offering a nugget of wisdom that can be applied to everyday life.


4. Paul - zeal without this is useless.

5. Timothy - Paul said of him, "For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will genuinely be concerned for your welfare."

6. Peter - one of the ministry gifts God has placed in the Church.

7. Requisite - that which is necessary.

8. Matthew - records the parable of the talents.

9. Knowledge - records the parable of the pounds.

10. Teacher - In this case, moreover, it is required of stewards that one be found trustworthy.

11. Luke - said we should grow in grace and the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

To know more about spirit, visit:


Why did the Tang Dynasty face difficulties toward the end of its reign?

The economy struggled as China became unable to protect its long-distance trade routes.

The government suffered as friends were placed in official positions instead of skilled workers.

The economy struggled as peasants became unable to pay their increasingly higher taxes.

The government suffered as the line of succession became unclear after Gaozong’s death


The Tang Dynasty faced difficulties toward the end of its reign due to a number of factors.

Economic difficulties included an inability to protect its long-distance trade routes, with peasants unable to pay the increasingly high taxes, leading to a decline in government revenue. In addition, the government itself was weakened by the increasing prevalence of nepotism, with friends of the emperor being placed in official positions instead of those with the necessary skills.

Finally, the death of Emperor Gaozong led to an unclear line of succession, which added to the instability of the dynasty. All of these factors combined to lead to the decline of the Tang Dynasty.

To know more about Tang Dynasty, click here:


which of the following did louis xiv of france and peter the great of russia have in common as monarchs? both rulers distrusted the people of the noble class and forced them to live in close proximity to their royal courts.



This statement is not accurate. While both Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia were powerful absolute monarchs, they had different approaches to dealing with the noble class.Louis XIV famously brought the French nobility under his control by inviting them to live at the Palace of Versailles, where he could keep a close eye on them and reward them for their loyalty. He also established a strict etiquette and court culture that reinforced his authority and created a sense of hierarchy among the nobility.Peter the Great, on the other hand, was known for his efforts to modernize Russia and bring it into line with the other major powers of Europe. He introduced Western technologies and ideas, and he actively sought to break the power of the traditional nobility by creating a new class of nobles who owed their allegiance to the state rather than to their hereditary titles.Therefore, while both Louis XIV and Peter the Great were absolute monarchs who sought to consolidate their power, their methods of dealing with the nobility were quite different.

Final answer:

Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia both maintained control over the nobility by requiring them to live in close proximity to the royal court. This was a strategy to minimize potential threats from the noble class.


Indeed, one key similarity between Louis XIV of France and Peter the Great of Russia was their shared view of the noble class as potential threats to their absolute power. Both rulers implemented strategies to keep the nobility close and under their watch.

Louis XIV mandated that the high nobility spend part of the year at his lavish palace, Versailles, effectively turning them into courtiers. In this way, he kept them preoccupied with court life and under his surveillance, ensuring they would not conspire against him.

Similarly, Peter the Great forced the Russian nobility to serve in his military or civil administration, often requiring them to reside in the capital, St. Petersburg. This was part of his efforts to modernize Russia and centralize power in the monarchy.

Learn more about monarchy here:


a series of arches placed back to back produces


Answer: A Barrel Vault


Explain what the Little Rock school desegregation crisis was about and then explain what finally led to the integration of the Little Rock central and Arkansas schools .



Here ya go

Explanation:The Little Rock school desegregation crisis was a significant event in the Civil Rights Movement that occurred in 1957 in Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. The crisis began when the Little Rock School Board adopted a plan to desegregate the city's schools in compliance with the U.S. Supreme Court's ruling in Brown v. Board of Education in 1954, which declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional. However, the plan was met with resistance from some members of the white community who opposed integration and wanted to maintain the segregation of the schools.

On September 4, 1957, nine African American students, known as the "Little Rock Nine," attempted to enroll at Little Rock Central High School, which had previously been an all-white school. However, they were met with a violent mob of white protesters who physically blocked them from entering the school. The Arkansas National Guard was sent in by Governor Orval Faubus to prevent the students from entering, citing concerns for their safety. President Dwight D. Eisenhower then ordered federal troops to intervene and enforce the integration of the school, leading to a standoff between federal troops and the National Guard.

After several weeks of tension and violence, the Little Rock Nine were finally able to attend classes at Little Rock Central High School under the protection of federal troops. The crisis brought national attention to the issue of desegregation and highlighted the resistance of some white Americans to the Civil Rights Movement.

The integration of the Little Rock Central and Arkansas schools was finally achieved through a combination of federal intervention, legal action, and activism by civil rights organizations and individuals. The Little Rock School District continued to face legal challenges to its desegregation efforts throughout the 1960s and 1970s, but the crisis served as a catalyst for the larger push towards desegregation and the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which outlawed segregation in public schools and other public facilities. The Little Rock Nine and their supporters also paved the way for other African American students to attend integrated schools and helped to inspire further activism in the Civil Rights Movement.

what was not one of the advantages the british had during the us war of independence? question 1 options: experienced soldiers and officers knowledge of the land most powerful navy in the world most black colonists and native americans supported them


The British had many advantages during the American War of Independence such as experienced soldiers and officers, knowledge of the land, and the most powerful navy in the world.

The correct options are A, B and C.

However, one advantage they did not have was most black colonists and Native Americans supporting them. Although there were some black colonists and Native Americans who supported the British, the majority of them sided with the American forces.

This lack of support was a major disadvantage for the British as they were unable to effectively harness the resources of these groups. The British were also hampered by the fact that they were fighting a war of attrition on a distant battlefield, whereas the Americans enjoyed the support of the home front. These factors, among others, ultimately contributed to the British losing the war.

The correct options are A, B and C.

To know more about British , click here:


what factors may have stymied industrial development in the south? multiple select question. the southern culture the booming agricultural economy the lack of raw materials the southern climate the lack of workers


I think the answer is A..

the national assembly a. freed all slaves living in france b. outlawed christianity c. established gender equality d. established deism as the sate religion e. outlawed workers' associations


The correct answer is A: the national assembly freed all slaves living in France. The National Assembly in France was responsible for the abolition of slavery in the French colonies in 1794.

Christianity was not outlawed by the National Assembly, and neither was deism established as the state religion. Gender equality was not established at this time, and workers' associations were not outlawed by the National Assembly. The National Assembly outlawed workers' associations. They did not free all slaves, outlaw Christianity, establish gender equality, or establish deism as the state religion. Romans adopt Christianity. The Edict of Thessalonica, which the emperor Theodosius issued in 380 CE, declared Nicene Christianity to be the official religion of the Roman Empire. The Roman government declared the majority of other Christian sects to be heretical, stripped them of their legal standing, and seized their assets. Although they do not oppose the First Amendment or call for a theocracy, Christian nationalists do think that Christianity should have special privileges in public life.

To know more about National Assembly refer :


Using the graph, determine the coordinates of the x-intercepts of the parabola.





Hope this helps

What role did women have in the labor force of the building of Djoser’s pyramid?



woman were apart of the crew


explain how japan's geographic location affected the course of early japanese history, as well as the political and social institutions that arose there.



Japan's geographic location had a significant impact on the course of early Japanese history and the political and social institutions that arose there.

Japan is an archipelago located off the coast of East Asia, and its isolation from the Asian mainland allowed it to develop a unique culture that was distinct from neighboring countries. The sea provided Japan with a natural barrier that protected it from invasion, while also providing abundant marine resources that supported its economy and culture.

This isolation also allowed the Japanese to develop their own political and social institutions, which were influenced by indigenous traditions and ideas borrowed from neighboring cultures such as China and Korea. The early political system in Japan was based on a decentralized system of clans, with powerful local leaders known as daimyo controlling their own territories and vying for power and influence. This system persisted until the late 16th century, when the central government under the Tokugawa shogunate was established, leading to a period of relative political stability and social order that lasted until the mid-19th century.

The geography of Japan also influenced the development of its social institutions, particularly in the areas of religion and art. Shinto, the indigenous religion of Japan, was closely tied to the natural world, with a focus on the worship of kami, or spirits, that were believed to reside in natural features such as mountains, rivers, and trees. This emphasis on the natural world also influenced the development of Japanese art, particularly the tradition of landscape painting, which focused on capturing the beauty of Japan's natural environment.

In summary, Japan's geographic location and isolation from the Asian mainland allowed it to develop a unique culture and political system that were influenced by indigenous traditions and ideas borrowed from neighboring cultures. This led to the development of a decentralized political system based on powerful local leaders and a social system that emphasized the importance of nature and the natural world.

The geographic location affected the course of early Japanese history because Japan is an archipelago. This means that Japan is made up of many islands and this made each island fairly isolated and they had their own cultures.

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a policyowner provides a check to the producer for her initial premium. how soon from receiving the check must the producer remit it to the insurer? a plane is headed due east at 600 mph with winds blowing at 85 ohm in the direction s 59 calculate final ? Which of the following scenarios best shows the relationship between art, commerce, and technology? suppose a curve is given by the parametric equations where the range of is [-1, 9] and the range of is [-1, 9]. what can you say about the curve? you must select all correct choices to get full credit on this problem. which of the following statements describe cookies? check all of the boxes that apply. they can be removed from a computer. they are needed to access websites. they are mostly harmless and useful. they are permanent and need to be quarantined. Choose and complete research on two leadership gurus and analyze what their definition of leadership is, including the characteristics they use to describe leadership. Include a biography (information about them) on each but incorporate it naturally into your paper. Pickler Company has a debt-equity ratio of .65. Return on assets is 7.2 percent, and total equity is $815,000. a. What is the equity multiplier? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) b. What is the return on equity? (Do not round intermediate calculations and enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) c. What is the net income? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) elso's has a return on equity of 16.2 percent, a debt-equity ratio of 44 percent, a capital intensity ratio of 1.08, a current ratio of 1.25, and current assets of $138,000. what is the profit margin? A. 12.15 percent B. 9.72 percent. C. 7.48 percent D. 15.19 percent What is the work required for the separation of air (21-mol-% oxygen and 79-mol-% nitrogen) at 25C and 1 bar in a steady-flow process into product streams of pure oxygen and nitrogen, also at 25C and 1 bar, of the thermodynamic efficiency of the process is 5% and if T = 300 K A friend tells you he is interested in a market-linked GIC (MLGIC) offered by Canadian Bank of the Empire. This MLGIC has the following termsIt is a 3 year non-redeemable productA guaranteed return of 2%It allows you to fully participate in the return (price appreciation) of the TSX 60 index up to 13%The current level of the TSX 60 index is 950.33. The index has a dividend yield of 1.5% and its volatility (standard deviation of returns) is 16%.Canadian Bank of the Empire also offers a plain vanilla 3 year non-redeemable GIC that pays 2% p.a. Assume a $1,000 investment and a risk free rate of 1.1%.(Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your final answers to 2 decimal points. Use the BS calculator excel spreadsheet I provided you with where necessary.)a. The (Click to select) plain vanilla MLGIC product dominates the (Click to select) plain vanilla MLGIC product by dollars.b. If the MLGIC had a 50% participation rate (that is you only got 50% of the price appreciation over 2%) and no maximum upside, the value of the MLGIC would be dollars. a smooth and connected style of playing or singing is known as . group of answer choices accent staccato legato pizzicato Help whats the answer? d. Amandais considering changing her regimen by running two miles the first week and then runningadditional two miles each subsequent week. Write a sequence for the number of miles that Amandawould run the first 10 weeks of her training if she followed the new regimen. Explain your reasoning. Point A, located at (5, -4) is reflected in the y-axis, resulting in the location of point A'. Which of the following statements is true? Point A' is located at (-5,-4)Point A' is located at (-5,4)Point A is located at (4,5)Point A' is located at (-4,5) markela is feeling edgy about an upcoming psychology exam and is eating large amounts of chips and cookies. however, they are surprised by how much of this type of food they are eating. what can explain their eating behavior?carbohydrates increase levels of gaba, which can help a person sleep. Consider the following information on a portfolio of three stocks: State of Economy Probability of State of Economy Stock A Rate of Return Stock B Rate of Return Stock C Rate of Return Boom .15 .02 .32 .60Normal .60 .10 .12 .20Bust .25 .16 .11 . 35If the expected T-bill rate is 3.75 percent, what is the expected risk premium on the portfolio? a. 7.015% b. 3.750%c. 14.515% d. 10.765% e. None of the above 7. a high-frequency photon is scattered off of an electron andexperiences a change of wavelength of 1.7 x 10-4 nm at whatangle must a detector be placed to detect the scattered photon(relative to the direction of the incoming photon)? based solely on their current weighted average cost of capital, which company should pursue an investment opportunity with an expected return of 6.5%? how materials are received, how debris is disposed of, and how everyday workers and visitors circulate throughout the job site are major factors in a job's safety program A satellite calculates the distances and angle shown in the figure below (not to scale).Find the distance between the two cities. Round to the nearest tenth.