How does human rights to law enforcement has freedom? answer 2-3 sentences


Answer 1

Law enforcement, which is sometimes viewed as the link between the legal system and societal norms, has come under assault globally for failing to uphold its duty to protect.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics defines law enforcement as the organizations and people tasked with enforcing the rule of law, maintaining public order, and regulating public safety. Human rights are standards that aim to shield everyone from serious political, judicial, and social violations. Every person is granted these rights merely on the grounds that they are human. They are unalienable, indivisible, and untouchable.

According to the UN documents, policing must reflect the community as a whole and be sensitive to its needs as well as responsible to it. Jack R. Greene, a professor at Northeastern University and a former dean of the school's College of Criminal Justice, claims that the police are the first and most important players in mediating between societal norms and legal requirements. Local law enforcement is in the forefront of the legal system and given significant latitude in deciding how to strike a balance between liberty and order. The police are tasked with upholding and defending the community's rights while also practicing and guaranteeing that everyone abides by the law.

To know more about Human rights visit:


Related Questions

true or false: 'subject' properly speaking names something that already exists whereas 'matter' properly speaking names something that exists only in potency, but 'subject' and 'matter' are broadly speaking interchangeable words.


The term "speaking names" refers to words that have a specific meaning and refer to something that exists in reality. "Potency" refers to something that has the potential to become actualized.

In this context, "subject" properly speaking names something that already exists, while "matter" properly speaking names something that exists only in potency. However, in a broader sense, these terms can be used interchangeably, especially in philosophical discussions.

It is a real last name that someone bears, although one with significance. For instance, John Smith would have a "speaking surname" since John Smith's ancestor was a real smith in the distant past and the surname was passed down through the family.

To learn more about Speaking names, click here:


name of the theory establishing there are no fixed and stable identities that determine who we are


The theory that there are no fixed and stable identities that determine who we are is called postmodernism, which challenges essentialist views.

Postmodernism is the belief that there are no unchanging identities that define who we are. The idea of a permanent and stable identity was questioned by the philosophical and cultural movement known as postmodernism, which first appeared in the middle of the 20th century. This idea contends that identities are produced through language, culture, and social interactions rather than being natural or fundamental.

In addition to highlighting the value of variety, difference, and plurality, postmodernism contends that the construction of identity is a dynamic and fluid process that is continually debated and reinvented. This idea has influenced a wide range of disciplines, including literature, the arts, and the social sciences, and it has sparked fresh perspectives on how to comprehend the nuanced nature of individual identity.

Learn more about postmodernism:


The theory that establishes there are no fixed and stable identities that determine who we are is known as "fluid identity theory" or "identity fluidity."

A constantly evolving or changing identity is referred to as having a fluid identity. People's worldviews, ideas, and values are influenced by both their cultural identity and their cultural experiences. Instead of being a sort of sexual orientation, fluid is a form of gender identity or gender expression. Fluid refers to a person's internal self-identification and external self-presentation. Someone who is gender-neutral may identify as either male or female, neither, both, or neither the next day.

This theory suggests that identities are not fixed or predetermined, but rather are constantly evolving and shaped by various factors such as personal experiences, social context, and cultural norms. It recognizes that individuals have the ability to shape their own identities and move between different identities over time.

To learn more about Identity, click here:


a literary genre that has the purpose of amusing but may be critical, using satire


The literary genre you are referring to is called "satire". Satire is a genre of literature that uses humor, irony, and exaggeration to criticize or poke fun at societal issues, politics, or individuals.

The purpose of satire is to amuse and entertain readers while also making a critical point or commentary on the subject being satirized. Satire can take many forms, including novels, plays, poetry, and even cartoons. It often highlights the flaws, hypocrisy, and absurdity of people or institutions in a humorous and exaggerated manner.

Satirical works are often seen as a way to raise awareness and spark change in society, by highlighting issues that need to be addressed.

Learn more about satire


PLEASE EXPLAIN WHAT I HAVE TO DO ?. ***Write short answers to a series of questions about Elie Wiesel's "The Perils of Indifference. " You'll reference the speech directly to describe how its language and structure contribute to its tone, purpose, and overall meaning. Your assignment should include the following elements: Responses to each question that show a thorough understanding of Elie Wiesel’s arguments Examples that support your answers You should have completed a draft of this assignment in the activity before this one. If you haven't done so, go back and complete that activity now


Elie Wiesel's speech has an urgent and morally responsible vibe.

He exhorts the audience to act and confront the dangers of passivity. He speaks in a somber, serious tone and emphasizes the necessity for the audience to understand the negative effects of passivity. To make his point clear, he employs a range of rhetorical strategies, including rhetorical questions, personal tales, and strong imagery.

He conveys a sense of urgency in his speech, as if he were trying to alert the listeners to the risks of being complacent in the face of injustice. He emphasizes that everyone has a duty to defend the rights of those who are oppressed and to forge a brighter future for all.

To learn more about rhetorical questions link is here


The complete question is:

The assignment for this lesson is to answer a series of questions about Elie Wiesel's

"The Perils of Indifference." Your answers should reference the speech directly to

describe how its language and structure contribute to its tone, its overall meaning,

and the author's purpose.

You should have created a draft of this assignment in the writing activity called

"Prepare Short Responses." If you didn't complete that activity, you should go back

and do so now. If you have already completed the draft, continue to the next page to

start revising.

This writing assignment focuses on the following skills:

Examining how an author orders, introduces, and connects ideas

• Determining the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text

• Analyzing an author's use of figurative language for a rhetorical purpose

Question 1: What is the tone of Elie Wiesel’s speech?

The basic sound that composes a language is called the _______; the ________ is the smallest unit of language that has meaning.
morpheme; semantic
parse; phoneme
phoneme; morpheme
morpheme; polysemy


The basic sound that composes a language is called the phoneme the morpheme is the smallest unit of language that has meaning. Because A morpheme is the smallest meaningful component in a language.

Language is a form of communication that is used to express thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Language has a significant role in human connection. The cognitive linguistic relationship has only been fully developed in humans.

The smallest unit of meaning in language and the fundamental building block of language, the morpheme, cannot be divided into smaller meaning-containing components. The meaning is largely the same across languages and contexts.The discipline of morphology is concerned with morphemes. Bound and free morphemes are two categories into which these can be separated.While bound morphemes need the existence of a free morpheme in order to communicate meaning, free morphemes.

To know more about morpheme visit:


Jamie is trying to find the source for a long quote she wants to use in her paper. What is the BEST way for her to enter her search terms to find the quote?

A. Type the whole quote into the search bar exactly as it is written.

B. Take a selection of keywords from the quote and search for only those.

C. Type in part of the quote and filter for useful results, like a specific date.

D. Use part of the quote with distinctive keywords and add quotation marks.


Answer: Hi again! I found your question. The answer to your question is D! Brainliest? Read the explanation down below:


D. Use part of the quote with distinctive keywords and add quotation marks.

This is the best way for Jamie to enter her search terms to find the quote. By using distinctive keywords and enclosing them in quotation marks, she is telling the search engine to find the exact phrase that she is looking for. This will help her to narrow down her search results to only those that are relevant to her specific quote, rather than sifting through a lot of irrelevant information.

Answer: I would say either A or D


B is just obvious that it's wrong; you don't take just a skeleton of a long quote and hope for the best. C is the same thing. But A & D are great candidates for the correct answer due to the fact that if you type in the whole thing it's surely going to pop up

write letter to my sister studying in abroad about our new environment and at least three reasons for disliking the place​


The letter to my sister studying in abroad about our new environment and at least three reasons for disliking the place is given below.

How to write the letter

Dear [Sister's Name],

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It's been a while since we last spoke, and I thought I would update you on our new environment. We recently moved to a new town, and while it has its charm, there are a few things that I'm not particularly fond of.

Firstly, the weather here is quite unpredictable. We experience extreme temperature changes throughout the day, which can be quite uncomfortable. It can be scorching hot during the day, and then suddenly become cold and windy at night. It's been challenging to adjust to the weather, and we often find ourselves feeling quite drained.

Secondly, the town is relatively small, and there aren't many entertainment options. There are a few local attractions, but after visiting them a few times, we've become quite bored. It's challenging to find new things to do, especially on weekends when we have more free time.

Finally, the locals here aren't as friendly as we would have hoped. We've had a few encounters where people have been quite rude or dismissive, and it's been challenging to feel like we belong here. It's challenging to make new friends, and the lack of a supportive community can be quite isolating.

Despite these challenges, we are making the most of our time here. We've found a few things that we enjoy, like hiking in the nearby hills and exploring the local markets. We're also grateful for the opportunity to experience a different way of life and broaden our perspectives.

I hope this letter finds you well, and I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences studying abroad.

Take care,

[Your Name]

Learn more about letter on;


according to the terms of the agreement between latinus and aeneas in book 12, what will happen if aeneas wins against turnus?


According to the terms of the agreement between Latinus and Aeneas in book 12, if Aeneas wins against Turnus.

Then he will be granted the right to marry Lavinia and rule over the Latins. This agreement was made against the wishes of Turnus, who also sought to marry Lavinia and become ruler. Aeneas asks for protection, declaring that the Trojans will leave if Turnus triumphs. But if he succeeds, he won't make the Italians his slaves; instead, he'll invite them to join him as equal citizens in a new country.

                         The terms are accepted by Latinus. To seal the deal, they offer animal sacrifices. Aeneas informs Latinus that he does not desire a kingdom for himself. His sole objective, as it has been throughout the entire epic, is to construct a city where he and his exiled countrymen can live in harmony. The last altercation between Aeneas and Turnus is characterised as earth-shattering.

To know more about Aeneas refer :


3. One common criticism of capitalism is that it encourages greed and harsh competition for money. In the context of this text, does money buy happiness? Cite evidence from this text, your own experience, and other literature, art, or history in your answer


The text does not provide a clear answer to the question of whether money buys happiness or not, as it mainly focuses on the downsides of capitalism such as exploitation and inequality.

However, there is evidence in the text that suggests that the pursuit of wealth and material possessions can lead to unhappiness, as the author argues that "the chase for more and more money" can be a "never-ending treadmill."

Additionally, other literature, art, and history have explored this topic, with some arguing that money can buy some level of happiness in terms of meeting basic needs and providing security, while others argue that true happiness comes from non-material sources such as relationships, purpose, and personal growth. Ultimately, the relationship between money and happiness is complex and may vary depending on individual circumstances and values.

To learn more about capitalism, here


The architect poem that tribute to martin luther king jr what do they comare them to


The architect poem "A Monument for the Dreamer"  tribute to Martin Luther King Jr. They compare Martin Luther King Jr. to a monument that stands tall, shining in the sunlight and inspiring hope. They compare him to a beacon of light, a symbol of justice, and a leader of courage and truth.

More than a monument, Martin Luther King Jr. accomplished more. He served as a guiding light, a representation of justice, and a champion of courage and the truth. Inspiring people all around the world to speak up for what is right and fight for equality, he led a revolution of optimism and progress.

He demonstrated to us the power of perseverance and hard effort. He was an advocate for social justice and civil rights who had big dreams. People who value justice and equality will always remember him and his legacy. His spirit will live on for many generations, and his bravery and fortitude will never be forgotten.

To learn more about Martin Luther King Jr link is here


1. To whom is Tyrone speaking when he says, “Take a deep breath. Ain’t nobody going to hurt you here”? What aspect of Tyrone’s character does this comment reveal? (Article: If the sista read any faster, I’d be looking for her Super girl cape. Talk about nervous! Diondra’s hands were shaking the whole time she was holding that poem. She sure spooks easy for somebody so tall. “Yo!” I said. “Take a deep breath. Ain’t nobody going to hurt you here.” She smiled a little and tried to slow down. But I swear that girl burned rubber getting back to her seat when she was through. I guess she’s not exactly used to the limelight. She’s got plenty of company. Four more kids read their poetry for the first time today. They were shaking in their boots, but it was all good. I only had to tell one of them to loosen up. Guess you could call that progress!)
2. Devon shares his thoughts in narrated paragraphs and in a poem—two different structures. What thoughts in his narration are emphasized most clearly in his poem?


Tyrone is speaking to Diondra when he says, "Take a deep breath. Ain't nobody going to hurt you here." This comment reveals Tyrone's caring and supportive nature.

How to explain the information

He recognizes that Diondra is nervous and wants to help her feel more comfortable. By reassuring her that no one will hurt her, he shows empathy and a desire to make her feel at ease.

This demonstrates that Tyrone is someone who is able to put others at ease and help them feel comfortable in challenging situations.

Learn more about poem on


according to hersey and blanchard’s situational leadership theory, the lowest level of readiness is _____________ where a follower is unable, unwilling or insecure.


According to Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership theory, the lowest level of readiness is referred to as "D1 - Directing" where a follower is unable, unwilling, or insecure.

At this level of readiness, the follower lacks the skills, knowledge, or confidence to perform the task at hand, and requires a high level of direction and guidance from the leader. The leader must provide clear instructions and closely supervise the follower to ensure that the task is completed correctly.

As the follower gains more skills and confidence, they move up the readiness levels and require less direction and support from the leader. The other readiness levels in the situational leadership theory are "D2 - Coaching," "D3 - Supporting," and "D4 - Delegating."

To know more about Hersey and Blanchard:


According to Hersey and Blanchard's Situational Leadership Theory, the lowest level of readiness is R1, where a follower is unable, unwilling, or insecure.

The situational leadership theory, developed by Hersey and Blanchard, suggests that effective leadership is dependent on the readiness level of followers. Readiness level is determined by a combination of two factors: ability and willingness. The theory identifies four levels of readiness: low, moderate, high, and very high. In this level, the follower lacks the necessary skills, knowledge, or experience to complete the task at hand and is also unwilling or insecure about their ability to perform the task.

As a result, they require a high level of direction and support from their leader to achieve the desired outcome.

To know more about situational leadership theory, click here:


Read the fable. Then, answer the question that follows.

"The Mouse and the Weasel" from Aesop's Fables

A little hungry Mouse found his way one day into a basket of corn. He had to squeeze himself a good deal to get through the narrow opening between the strips of the basket. But the corn was tempting and the Mouse was determined to get it. When at last he had succeeded, he gorged himself to bursting. Indeed he became about three times as big around the middle as he was when he went in.

At last he felt satisfied and dragged himself to the opening to get out again. But the best he could do was to get his head out. So there he sat groaning and moaning, both from the discomfort inside him and his anxiety to escape from the basket.

Just then a Weasel came by. He understood the situation quickly.

"My friend," he said, "I know what you've been doing. You've been stuffing. That's what you get. You will have to stay there till you feel just like you did when you went in. Good night, and good enough for you."

And that was all the sympathy the poor mouse got.

Which two themes are developed in this fable?

You should never take more than you truly need.
If it appears too good to be true, it probably is.
Greediness often leads to trouble.
Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
A and B
B and C
A and C
C and D


Answer: The answer is A & C


This is because the mouse took more corn than he needed and as a result, couldn't leave the basket.

The other reason is that because he was greedy enough to take a lot of corn, he got into the trouble of not being able to leave the basket.

Hope this helped and if you need any assistance, just send a comment, I'll be happy to help!

How does the point of view of a
story affect the reader's
experience? Cite examples from
the movie to support your



well it depends on the movie and the readers feelings about it


The point of view of a story affect the reader's experience because it allows the reader to understand the story from the main character's thoughts and feelings.

What is a point of view of a story?

A point of view is the perspective from which a story is told. There are different types of points of view that an author can use to tell a story, including First-person point of view  is when the narrator is a character in the story and uses the pronoun "I" to refer to themselves. This point of view provides a personal and intimate perspective on the story.

Example: "I walked down the street, feeling nervous about what was to come. My heart was racing, and my palms were sweaty."

Second-person point of view  is when the narrator addresses the reader directly, using the pronoun "you." This point of view can be effective for creating a sense of immersion in the story.

Learn more about  point of view at:


The Tuscany theme Jordynn adopts, including photos of Italian scenes and Italian-style architecture, is part of Olive Garden's ________________.


Part of Olive Garden's faculty is the Tuscan theme that Jordynn adopts, including imagery of Italian geographies and armature.

Olive Garden is an American chain of casual chaffs specializing in Italian- American cookery. It's an attachment of Darden Restaurants, Inc. grounded in Orange County, Florida. Innards at the

Tuscan has a sunny, rustic vibe with worsening gravestone quadrangles, simple, solid cabinet work with elegant iron accentuations, terra-cotta penstocks, textured wall homestretches, elegant, detailed showpieces, and trompe-l'oeil motifs.

The colors of Tuscany are well known wonderfully warm orange, red, olive green, and golden unheroic. In 2022, Olive Garden Restaurants reckoned for $4.5 billion of their parent company's$9.63 billion in deals for Darden.

To know more about Olive Garden,


The Tuscany theme Jordynn adopts, including photos of Italian scenes and Italian-style architecture, is part of Olive Garden's overall restaurant theme and decor.

The theme is meant to evoke the ambiance and aesthetic of Tuscany, Italy, including its architecture and landscape. The message that the artist hopes to express through the artwork is the concept of theme in art. The theme of a work of art is not only the subject matter; rather, it is the overarching concept that is conveyed through the artist's design and the subject matter that is produced. Outlines surround the figures, emphasising their rounded forms rather than the specific people. In order to express the passing of time and mortality rather than familial affection and intimacy, the theme is dark, the mood is unpleasant, and the tone is ominous. A mother and child are taking a bath in the second artwork.

To know more about theme refer :


can someone please read my essay

Every year, about 480,000 Americans die from smoking-related diseases. In this essay, I will discuss the health issues one may get from smoking.

To start with I will explain how smoking started. There are many types of smoking but the number one most smoked substance is tobacco. Smoking goes back to 5000 BC and would be used in rituals. Around the time of the Revolutionary War, tobacco goods started to become very popular in the US.

Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Smoking causes more deaths yearly than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle accidents, and firearm-related incidents. Smoking tobacco causes 90% of all lung cancer deaths, more than women with breast cancer.

Smoking can cause lung disease by damaging your airways. Tobacco harms every organ in your body. Smoking tobacco introduces not only nicotine but also more than 5,000 chemicals, including numerous carcinogens (cancer-causing chemicals), into your lungs, blood, and organs. It has been proven that smoking tobacco can shorten your lifespan.

Some examples of diseases you can get from smoking are Lung Cancer, COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Heart Disease, Stroke, and Asthma. Those are just some of the many conditions you can get.

Lung Cancer
Compared to other cancers, lung cancer claims the lives of most individuals. Nearly 90% of lung cancer cases are caused by cigarette smoking, making it the leading lung cancer risk factor. There is a one in five possibilities that you will still be living five years after being diagnosed.

COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)
Obstructive pulmonary illness (COPD) makes breathing difficult. Early death and severe lasting effects are the results. When COPD first begins to limit one's ability to be active, such as when playing with a grandchild, it typically grows worse, making even simple tasks like walking to the mailbox or going up a couple of steps difficult or impossible. People may become restricted to their homes, unable to have their desires or visit friends. Smoking cigarettes contributes to 85% to 90% of all cases of COPD. The sixth most common cause of mortality in the US is COPD.

Heart diseases
Nearly every function in your body, including your heart, is harmed by smoking. Smoking can result in challenges and artery pressure, which reduces the amount of blood and oxygen reaching your heart. The rate of cardiac disease also dropped as cigarette use declined in the United States. However, the leading cause of mortality in the US continues to be heart illness.

Smoking may lead to a stroke because it changes the blood vessels. When your brain's temporary blood flow is cut off, a stroke occurs. Because of the lack of air, brain cells begin to weaken. The effects of a stroke can include death, paralysis, speech difficulties, and changed brain function. Stroke is the fifth most common cause of death and plays an important role in adult damage in the United States.

Asthma is a chronic lung condition that makes it more difficult to "breathe," or send oxygen in and out of your airways. Cigarette smoke can cause quick and serious attacks of asthma because it affects the airways. More than 25 million people in the United States suffer from asthma, a severe medical disease. It only gets worse when you smoke.

Those are just some of the effects smoking can cause. Here is more, it can increase tooth loss and gum damage, lower the immune system, increase diabetes, premature aging, stained teeth, and bad breath.

As a result of all that I've stated, smoking can lead to lifelong illnesses or even death. Even though smoking can be a very tempting and addictive thing to do it’s best not to do it.

Health Risks of Smoking Tobacco (cancer. org)10 of the Worst Diseases Smoking Causes | State of Tobacco Control | American Lung AssociationSmoking: Effects, Risks, Addiction, Quitting, Treatment (


This essay was well written and informative. You did a great job of explaining the history of smoking and the various health risks associated with it. You also provided some helpful statistics to back up your points. The conclusion was also strong, emphasizing the importance of avoiding smoking. Overall, this was a great essay!

Draw a mind map to outline the typical achievements of Dai Viet civilization in the fields of politics and economy


A former name for Vietnam was Dai Viet (i Vit). The name was utilised from 1054 until 1400 and then once more from 1428 to 1804. In 939 CE, Vietnam broke away from China and took control of the Red River Delta. However, by the 14th century, the country had essentially crumbled.

Dai Viet practised which religion?

However, Buddhism continued to be the dominant religion of the kingdom in Dai Viet, and the oath, spirits, and Indra rituals of the king tied the regions of the mandala together as well as the realm to the universe.

In Vietnam, what does the word Dai mean?

The ao dai, a silk tunic with trousers worn by both men and women, is the national traditional attire of Vietnam.

To know more about Dai Viet civilization visit:-


In "A White Heron," how does Sylvia's moral dilemma influence the plot and theme?



life isn't just about money.


The short story, “The White Heron”, written by Sarah Jewett, gave me a moral that many people need to remember for their entire lives. The moral that I personally received from the story was that life isn't just about money. It's so much more than just what life can buy.

which of the following is not an effective concluding transition?
By comparison
On the whole


Answer: Read the explanation! Brainliest?


All of the listed transitions can be effective concluding transitions, depending on the context in which they are used. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of a transition depends on the specific content of the text and the writer's intended meaning.

That being said, it's possible for a transition to be ineffective if it does not fit the overall tone or purpose of the text or if it is used inappropriately. Therefore, it's important to use transitions thoughtfully and strategically.

In general, "on the whole" might be the least effective concluding transition out of the options listed, as it tends to be more commonly used to indicate an overall assessment or evaluation of something rather than to signal the end of a discussion or argument. However, as mentioned before, it could still be an effective transition in certain contexts.

Short Communicative Message (Writing) Paper 2 - Part 1 You received an email from your pen pal, Roger from England. Hi In your previous email, you told me you live with your extended family at home. Who are the members of your extended family? How long have you lived together? Do you like this living arrangement? Reply soon. Bye! Write an email to your friend in about 80 words in the space provided. Write your answer below.​


Answer:Yes! I have been there. My trip there last year was great! We spent a lot of time at the beach. You should try out the cable cars, they were fun and it was a nice view. Hope the weather is great for you, let me know how your trip is, can't wait to see pictures.


Killing at the camps was different from the mass shootings perpetrated by the Einsatzgruppen. How did the new use of gas chambers change the distance between perpetrator and victim? What effect might this distance have had on the perpetrators?


The mass shootings were resource-intensive, requiring many shooters and escort guards as well as guns, ammunition, and transport. Concerns about the inefficiency of the shootings and their psychological impact on the shooters led to the development of special vans outfitted with engines that pumped carbon monoxide into sealed passenger compartments. Jews were packed into the compartments, then driven to a mass grave, asphyxiating during the journey. 

essay for cardiac nurse for senior project​


The essay for cardiac nurse for senior project​ is given as follows.

The Sample Essay for cardiac nurse

Cardiac nurses play a critical role in caring for patients with cardiovascular diseases. As a specialized nurse, their responsibilities include assessing patient conditions, administering medications, managing patient care plans, and providing education to patients and their families.

The role of a cardiac nurse is challenging but rewarding, as they make a significant impact on patients' lives by providing compassionate care and support during a vulnerable time. For a senior project, exploring the career of a cardiac nurse is an excellent way to learn about the profession's requirements, daily duties, and the impact they have on patient outcomes.

The project could include research on the education and training requirements, job outlook, and the steps needed to pursue a career in cardiac nursing.

Learn more about Essays:

The “Read Books, Share the Love” advertisement effectively uses the association technique to convince people to read more books. The advertisement targets parents who could easily associate the children in the picture with their own children. This has a positive connotation of intimacy and love. The image implies that reading is not just intellectually beneficial, but that it creates a closer bond between parents and their children. Because of this association technique, parents are persuaded to read to their children. Most parents certainly would want their children to do well academically and feel loved at the same time. Therefore, this ad effectively encourages literacy.

Which of the following revisions would most improve this paragraph?
specific details from the poster
a strong topic sentence
a discussion of the techniques used in the ad
additional information about the ad in general


A strong topic sentence would most improve this paragraph. A possible revised paragraph can be constructed.

What  possible revised paragraph can be constructed to improve the paragraph?

"The 'Read Books, Share the Love' advertisement efficaciously uses the association technique to promote literacy by spotlighting the emotional alliance between parents and their children while reading. Through the image of a parent and child cuddled up with a book, the ad targets parents by tapping into their desire for intimacy and love with their children. The ad implies that reading not only benefits a child's intellectual development, but also strengthens the relationship between parent and child. This powerful association technique persuades parents to read to their children in order to achieve both academic and emotional success."

This revised paragraph includes a strong topic sentence that clearly states the main idea of the paragraph, as well as specific details from the poster and a discussion of the techniques used in the ad. It also provides additional information about the ad in general.

Learn more about topic sentence here:


A dependent clause can act as which part of speech within the structure of a sentence?

a. Verb

b. Pronoun

c. Adjective

d. Conjunction


A dependent clause supports the main clause in a sentence by functioning as an adverb, an adjective, or a noun.

What do Starr's parents learn about that night from the interview?​





Assuming that you are referring to Starr's parents in the novel "The Hate U Give" by Angie Thomas, the answer would be:Starr's parents learn from the interview that their daughter was the witness to the shooting of Khalil, and that she was in the car with him when he was pulled over by a white police officer. They also learn that Starr's best friend, Kenya, was present at the scene of the shooting.During the interview, Starr's father asks her if she told the police everything she saw, and Starr admits that she did not tell them that Khalil had been selling drugs because she was afraid it would make him look bad. This causes some tension between Starr and her father, as he believes that she should have been honest with the police.Overall, the interview reveals to Starr's parents the extent of their daughter's involvement in the shooting and the difficult choices she has had to make in the aftermath.

Later, Starr hears her parents arguing, with Lisa yelling at Maverick for bringing DeVante home and, more broadly, for insisting the family stay in Garden Heights.

What was notable about Starr's interview after it aired?

Online, there is an outpouring of support for Starr, and the interview ends up being one of the most watched in the network's history. Kenya texts her approval, but she also mentions that King is upset that Starr essentially ratted him out. Kenya is from Garden Heights and knew Khalil, so Starr values her endorsement much.

Asserting that Starr could be dating any boy in Garden Heights, DeVante makes fun of her for dating a white boy who dresses like a black man. According to Starr, Garden Heights residents exclusively refer to her as "Big Mav's daughter." DeVante contends that she never attends their get-togethers.

Starr is very close with her parents and siblings, and family relationships play a big part in how many individuals behave in the book.

Thus, Later, Starr hears her parents arguing, with Lisa yelling at Maverick for bringing DeVante home.

For more information about notable about Starr's interview, click here:


Personal ……………. Left behind on seats in the theater are brought to the lost and found department, but most are nervous claimed


Personal property Left behind on seats in the theater are brought to the lost and found department, but most are nervous claimed.

Any personal items left on seats at a theatre must be collected by the lost and found department. Due to potential embarrassment over having forgotten anything in the first place, most people are reluctant to claim their lost items.

They can also worry that the item has been stolen or misplaced in the interim. Many people will not even try to find their lost belongings and instead assume they are lost forever out of their own peace of mind.

To learn more about Personal Property link is here


The marrow thieves In what type of container did Wab's captors keep her locked as she was tortured and raped for a series of days?


Invoking her ancestors, Minerva sang a song that contained all of her deepest dreams. Both the machine and the Cardinals struggled to handle the tune. The Council now understands that Minerva had been gathering dreams in anticipation of this day.

Minerva from Marrow Thieves: Who is she?

The Elder of Ming's family is Minerva in the game Marrow Thieves. She has two braids in her grey hair, wears it in a very short ponytail, and frequently exudes an air of doubt as to her sanity. Frenchie initially feels as though being assigned to stay at camp with her is a waste of time because she mostly sings or mutters in Cree when she talks at all.

This is how Minerva appears.

To know more about marrow thieves  visit:


What did Minerva in the marrow thieves do to make the system fail?

ANY COMMENT GETS BRAINLIEST In your own words, evaluate the objectivity of each article. Where can you see the authors’ personal biases? Where can you see an objective delivery of facts? What is the central message of each article?

* * *

the answer:

you can see that something is biased by the way it is written. If a writing is biased the author will use words to make you feel a certain way, they will put their own personal feelings or opinion in subtle ways in hope that the reader will agree with them. Unbiased writing would not have adjectives that are subjective, only plain fact. Proof of bias in t he first article is through the use of these phrases: "masterful skills" "terrible sportsmanship" this is bias because it is not simply stating what happened, the other is building a tone by saying things like "terrible". It might not have been terrible to everyone, so that makes it biased. Proof of bias the second article is: "Unfortunately" "unsportsmanlike activity" "overzealous" "egregious penalties" "disappointing. "


Objectivity is an important factor when evaluating any article. By carefully evaluating the objectivity of each article, you can get a better sense of the author's true intentions and the article's overall message.

To determine the objectivity of an article, look for signs of personal bias from the author, such as the use of loaded language or emotive words. Additionally, consider how well the article delivers facts objectively. When facts are presented in a clear and unbiased manner, they can be trusted as reliable sources.

The central message of each article should also be evaluated. Is the author trying to persuade readers to accept a particular opinion or viewpoint? Or is the author simply presenting facts and allowing readers to make up their own minds? If the article is attempting to persuade readers to accept a particular opinion, it is likely to contain personal biases.

To learn more about objective delivery of facts link is here


Which of these statements includes a

He felt unwell and looked as pale as

She had teeth as white as pearls.

I was as hungry as a horse.

"Thank you for your help, you're a star!"



that would be the third sentence my friend

“Thank you for your help, you’re a star!”

How to get answer key for 6 grade New York mesuring up book


You can contact the publisher of the "Measuring Up" book or your child's school to request the answer key for the 6th grade edition.

Many publishers offer answer keys to teachers and schools for educational purposes. Parents can request the answer key through their child's school or by contacting the publisher directly. The publisher may require proof of purchase or authorization from the school before providing access to the answer key. It's important to note that some schools may not allow students or parents to access the answer key to encourage independent learning and critical thinking.

To know more about answer key, here


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