
Answer 1



















Related Questions

Are the languages, Bananankan, Efik, Anang, Khana, Ogbia, Loko, Mbembe, Obolo and Gokana all endangered?



yes they aren't known to the world n also not a knowledge by people around the world

what are three positive qualities required for a healthy relationship?



Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power.


There are many positive qualities that can contribute to a healthy relationship, but here are three important ones


Communication: Good communication is essential for any healthy relationship. Partners should be able to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs clearly and respectfully, and also be able to listen actively and empathetically to their partner's perspectives.Trust: Trust is the foundation of any strong relationship. Partners should be honest with each other, keep their promises, and be reliable and dependable.Respect: In a healthy relationship, partners should treat each other with respect, kindness, and consideration. This means valuing each other's opinions and feelings, and being willing to compromise and work together to resolve conflicts.

What is the fastest way to learn a language in a year.


Total immersion is key to mastering a foreign language quickly. The more you immerse yourself in the foreign language — such as reading, listening to the radio or speaking to people — the more rapid your progress will be. So within one year, it's absolutely possible to get fluent in a language for social uses, although probably not for academic purposes. Also, don't expect you'll always understand everything — even when you are fluent. Even people who are fluent in a language continue to learn words.

QUESTION 3 3.1 Define the term fraud and cite TWO examples of fraud that would have taken place within a company like Tencent. (1+2) (3) 3.2 Explain the concept embezzlement. 3.3 Differentiate between nepotism and bribery. 3.4 Explain TWO ways in which corruption impacts on a company's image. (1 x 2) (2) (2 x 2) (4) (2 x 2) (4) 3.5 What do you think are the causes of fraud and corruption within a workplace? (2 x 2) (4) 3.6 Research and advice business employers on what they can do to prevent employees from committing fraud at work. (2 x 2) (4) 3.7 Assess THREE measures the Government has put in place to deal with corruption in society. (3 x 2) (6) 3.8 Motivate why committing fraud or corruption is bad for the advance 10/10 ...​


3.1Fraud-wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain

An intentionally deceptive action designed to provide the perpetrator with an unlawful gain or to deny a right to a victim

Deceiving with the intention to illegally or unethically gain at the expense of another

Overcharging involves an employee who makes continuous extra charges or fees to a customer and then pockets the extra money

Making fake payments through false invoices

improper procurement of company resources

The scooter Project in the Eastern Cape

Misappropriation of company funds

stealing of office supplies

Wrongful awarding of tenders to friends/Family members/Government officials in return for favors

Bribing for Favours

False claim for overtime work that was not done

3.2 The act of withholding assets for the purpose of conversion of such assets by one or more persons to whom the assets were entrusted either to be held or to be used for specific purposes

A type of financial fraud e.g a lawyer might embezzle funds from the trust accounts of their clients/a financial advisor might embezzle the funds of investors and a husband or a wife might embezzle funds from a bank account jointly held with spouse

A premeditated crime performed methodically with precautions that conceal the criminal conversion of the property which occurs without the knowledge or consent of the affected person

3.3 Nepotism (From nipote nephew in italian)is the practice to favor one's relatives for appointments to prestigious and coveted positions

In modern times where the practice is by no means limited to nephews one speaks rather of favoritism or cronyism which implies giving preference to a friend or relative for a position to which they are not the best qualified

Bribery-The offering giving receiving or soliciting of something of value for the purpose of influencing the action of an official in the discharge of his or her public or legal duties

When someone with power seeks payment n exchange for certain actions

3.4 Decrease or decline in investments as a negative picture of the company is created and investors are reluctant /afraid to take chances

3.5 Personal circumstances motivates them to steal or bribe others for monetary

Pressurized to engage in misconduct because of other people's greed others are also doing it

Have plenty of opportunities to commit fraud because of a lack of supervision/accountability

Are often unable to rationalise or justify their actions because of improved/luxurious lifestyle

Work Pressure which often leads to reductions in accountability as checks and balances fall by the way-side because fewer people are being required to do more work

Lack of accountability in both internal and external fraud because fewer because fewer people are available to monitor controls

3.6 Know your employees be alert to key indicators of potential theft such as sudden apparent devotion to work and working late

lifestyle well above salary levels

Strong objections to procedural changes related to financial inventory or supply matters

Drugs and alcohol abuse

Moonlighting with material with materials available at the business

Evidence of compulsive gambling persistent borrowing or bad check writing

Employers must perform background checks on potential employees by checking references

Supervise employees closely by checking what they do

Control cash receipt by using serially pre-numbered sales slips and register receipts should be done by someone other than the sales clerk

Make unannounced internal audits and have a yearly audit perfomed by an outside firm

install computer security measures and monitor movement and action

Restrict access to computer terminals and records by periodically changing entry codes checking regularly to ensure tha security procedures are in effect

Provide a way for employees to report theft or fraud by co workers as it can be highly effective

3.7 stronger rules and procedures to stop Nepotism favouritism and the awarding of contacts to people who do not deserve it

A toll-Free anti corruption hotline(0800701701) where incidents of corruption can be reported anonymously

Financial audits to check for corruption

investigating units like Special investigation unit to root out corruption in the public sector

Why is the Arabic language dying out now and not spoken as it was before?


dude its not dying and actually their are probably people who speak arabic right now more then before

¿Yo __________ español?

¿Cómo ______ ustedes a casa?


Manuel ______ su mochila.


Los amigos ________ correos electrónicos.


Ana y yo _____ regalos para Olivia.


Julia ____ a la escuela Washington.


Doy el dinero________ empleado en la caja.

a los
a la

Es el libro ____ Sra. Contreras.
de la
de las



See explanation.


1. hablo

2. regresan

3. busca

4. mandan

5. damos

6. va

7. a las

8. de la

Hablo regreso busca mandan damos va al del

Is the Singaporean Mandarin language endangered?


Answer: Yes

Explanation: The Singapore Government recognises the importance of the English language for a multi-racial society and therefore it has been attributed the status of an official language and a de facto national language.

de facto meaning : the language or one of the languages that is accepted by a country's government, is taught in schools, used in the courts of law, etc.

Why is the letter C pronounced as ayn in Arabic?


The reason why the letter "C" is pronounced as "ayn" in Arabic is because the Arabic language does not have an equivalent sound for the English "C" sound.


The letter C is not pronounced as "ayn" in Arabic. However, there is a letter in the Arabic alphabet called "ayn" that is often transliterated as "c" or "ʿ" in English. This letter represents a unique sound that does not exist in English or many other languages. It is pronounced by constricting the throat and producing a guttural sound. In some cases, it may be difficult for non-native Arabic speakers to distinguish the sound of "ayn" from other similar sounds in the language.

Why is the Arabic language dying?


Answer: English is one of the main reasons


Experts blame many factors for the decline of the Arabic language, including: Globalization. Use of the English language in these countries, especially on social media. Use of Arabizi (Roman characters and English numbers) in speech and text.

English may be one of the factors because many Arabics are switching from Arabic to English, leading to the language Arabic to die.

Critically analyse the benefit of the following examination writing skills :
2.5.1 Revision
2.5.2 Planning response


Revision and planning are two critical skills when it comes to writing an examination. Both skills can significantly improve a student's performance and help them achieve better grades.

What are the benefit of Revision and Planning Response?

Revision and planning are two vital examination writing skills that can help students achieve better grades.

By reviewing their work, students can correct grammatical and spelling errors, fill in gaps in their knowledge, and improve the clarity and coherence of their responses.

Planning involves carefully analyzing exam instructions and questions, deciding how best to approach each question, and managing time effectively. By planning their responses, students can ensure they address all the key points of each question and provide evidence to support their arguments, demonstrating their understanding of the topic.

Thus, these skills are crucial for enhancing the accuracy and quality of examination responses, leading to better grades.

Learn more about Revision on:


WHy is the Yoruba language dying out?



hey there

please make me brainalist and keep smiling dude I hope you will be satisfied with my answer

<3... :^)


Also, other views expressed by language teachers and linguists in respect of the three Nigerian major languages – Yoruba, Igbo, and Hausa; show that they are also endangered. These languages are spoken predominantly in the North, South-East, and South-West respectively.

1.5.1 Briefly explain TWO reasons why non-verbal communication is important during a negotiation process. (2x2) (4) 1.5.2 How does one's attitude and values influence effective communication with others? (2x2) (4) 1.5.3 Explain TWO ways in which accepting responsibility can help teenagers to maintain good relations with parents. (2x2) (4) 1.5.4 Assess whether the development of the internet and social media has caused a change in the way we communicate with others. (3x2) (6) 1.5.5 Justify why teenagers could benefit from communication courses/seminars in today's society. (1x3) (3)​


avoiding/not confronting /changing the subject /putting the conflict off only pushes the conflict to a later date and this means that the problem remains unresolved or it cannot be resolved

if conflict is left unresolved for too long it can cause resentment and frustration in the relationship

it attempts to avoid directly confronting the issue at hand and this could result in people withdrawing from a relationship because they don't feel heard

conflict avoidance can actually create further conflict because it creates another point of contention

if an issue is avoided/not discussed people may think something else is actually wrong and this could lead to further issues or it can be harmful to one's health

it can contradict the message you are trying to convey thus indicating to your listener that you may not be telling the truth or they can offend, confuse and undermine what you're trying to convey

when your nonverbal signals match up with the words you're saying they increase trust clarity and rapport when they don't they can generate tension mistrust and confusion

1.5.2 people who are have an open attitude and listen are more likely to get cooperation than people who are critical

people who have a negative attitude will convey this by their tone and body language and this will hinder effective communication

people who are positive will make other people feel accepted and will increase effective communication

people who value other people will communicate respectfully regardless of differences

people who are okay with people thinking differently to them don't feel they need to convince everyone to their way of thinking

people who have a superior attitude are less likely to communicate effectively with others

1.5 3if teenagers who are responsible for what they say and the way they communicate then they are able to admit when they said something unfairly or inappropriately and this helps to strengthen relations

If they show responsibility when they listen then they are able to understand their parents and this could enhance communication with them

once teenagers are accepting of responsibility and are able to apologize not shift responsibility this will promote better relations with parents

Teenagers who accept responsibility understand that they cannot use guilt or shame to manipulate parents when communicating and this helps to deepen the relations with parents

teenagers who are responsible do not sugarcoat issues but acknowledge them truthfully and this increases effective communication with parents

1.5.4 social media has absolutely changed the way we communicate now messages now messages can travel around the world in a matter of seconds and sometimes reaching an audience far larger than any single newspaper could ever hope to reach

How is the Cacua language being revived?


One of the main efforts is the development of language revitalization programs and materials, such as dictionaries, grammar books, and teaching materials, that are designed to preserve and promote the language.

What is the language  about?

The Cacua language, which is an indigenous language spoken in the Cauca region of Colombia, is being revived through various efforts by the local community and organizations.

There are also community-led initiatives that promote the use of Cacua in everyday life, such as language immersion programs for children and adults, cultural events, and language exchanges with other indigenous communities.

Additionally, the Cacua people have been using modern technology to support the revival of their language. For example, they have created mobile apps and online resources that help people learn and practice the language.

Read more about language here:


The author of your text describes a scenario wherein his psychology professor would give extra points on an exam if students figured out and said the right word. This scenario illustrates a number of relevant points to learning, motivation, and the self. Which of the following apply to this scenario?
Correct Answer(s) Incorrect Answer(s)
• psychoanalytic theory • Behaviors that are reinforced are more likely to happen again. • Behaviors that we expect to be reinforced are more likely to happen again.
• behaviorist theory • trait theory • social learning theory • By watching others, we can learn what is reinforced


This scenario illustrates the  Behaviorist theory.

How this theory is reinforced?

Behaviorist theory emphasizes that behaviors that are reinforced are more likely to happen again. In this scenario, the professor is reinforcing the students' behavior of figuring out and saying the right word by giving them extra points on the exam.
Behaviors that we expect to be reinforced are more likely to happen again. This is connected to the behaviorist theory, as students are motivated to find the right word because they expect to be rewarded with extra points if they do so.

Learn more about Behaviorist theory


write 5 nouns in wa class that begin with prefix ki in singular and vi in plural?​


1. kilometer

2. kingmaker




1. vibraphones





In "In the Victory Garden," Henry agrees to help Olive and Pearl with their garden because he wants to

share his knowledge of gardening.
contribute to the war effort.
take home some of the vegetables.
share the vegetables with the church.


Henry agrees to help Olive and Pearl with their garden because he wants to contribute to the war effort.

Option B

Select the correct answer.
How do the legendary selkies transform into humans?
O A.
O B.
O D.
by wiping their skin with magical water
by praying to a sea goddess
by performing magical rituals
by shedding their sealskins



by shedding their sealskins

Selkies are shapeshifters, transforming between seal and human form by shedding and replacing their skin.  therianthropy, changing from seal to human form by shedding their skin.

Answer:by shedding their sealskins
Step by step explanation: In Celtic and Norse mythology, selkies (also spelled silkies, sylkies, selchies) or selkie folk (Scots: selkie fowk) meaning 'seal folk' are mythological beings capable of therianthropy, changing from seal to human form by shedding their skin
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