One hundred adults were asked to name
their favorite sport, and the results are
shown in the circle graph. What percent of
adults preferred soccer or baseball?
Volleyball, 3
Other. 4
Golf, 7
Soccer, 11.
Baseball, 14
Basketball, 22


Answer 1

The percentage of adults who preferred soccer or basketball is 25%.

What is circle graph?

The size of each slice in a circle graph, also called a pie chart, indicates the proportion or percentage of each category, and the information is displayed as a circle divided into sections or slices. Circle graphs are frequently used to compare various categories in a dataset or to illustrate how various components contribute to the overall. They are particularly helpful when working with data that can be broken down into distinct categories, such survey results or demographic data.

From the circle graph we see that, percentage of adults who preferred soccer is 11%, and the percentage who preferred baseball is 14%.


11% + 14% = 25%

Hence, the percentage of adults who preferred soccer or basketball is 25%.

Learn more about circle graph here:


Related Questions

Fill in the blanks to make the statement true.

Pi the ratio of the (choose your answer...) of a circle to its ( choose your answer....)​


Pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

The following data values represent a population. What is the variance of the population? u = 12. Use the information in the table to help you.
A. 18 B. 41 O C. 12 OD. 80
x 3 11 13 21
(x-μ)² 81 1 1 81​


The variance of the population according to the given table is option B 41.

What is variance?

The spread or dispersion of a set of data around its mean is measured by variance. It has the same units as the original data and is calculated as the average of the squared deviations from the mean. Variance is a frequently used statistical term to describe the diversity or variability of a population or sample. When the variance is modest, the data points are closely grouped around the mean, whereas when the variance is great, the data points are widely dispersed.

The variance is given by the formula:

variance = (sum of squared deviations from the mean) / (number of observations)

Using the table we have sum of squared deviations from the mean:

81 + 1 + 1 + 81 = 164

variance = 164 / 4 = 41

Hence, the variance of the population according to the given table is option B 41.

Learn more about variance here:


Please help please and thank u :)


There is no mode. The median is 37.50

The length of the altitude of an equilateral triangle is 4 square root of 3 . Find the length of a side of the triangle.


[tex]\textit{height of an equilateral triangle}\\\\ h=\cfrac{s\sqrt{3}}{2}~~ \begin{cases} s=\stackrel{length~of}{a~side}\\[-0.5em] \hrulefill\\ h=4\sqrt{3} \end{cases}\implies 4\sqrt{3}=\cfrac{s\sqrt{3}}{2} \\\\\\ 8\sqrt{3}=s\sqrt{3}\implies \cfrac{8\sqrt{3}}{\sqrt{3}}=s\implies 8=s[/tex]

What vocabulary and properties of graphs and functions do you see represented in the graph? How did any of those affect your choice of sport?


1. We can see that brainstorming, we discover that sports the graph represents is 100-yard dash. This is because athletes start from a stationary position and accelerate to their maximum speed, which is usually reached halfway through the race, and then slow down to a stop at the finish line.

2. The vocabulary and properties of graphs and functions do you see represented in the graph are:

SpeedTimeVertical axisHorizontal axis.

What is graph?

A graph is a mathematical representation of a set of data or a relationship between two or more variables. It typically consists of a set of points, or vertices, connected by lines or curves, known as edges or arcs. Graphs are used to visualize and analyze data, and to model and solve real-world problems in a variety of fields, including mathematics, science, engineering, economics, and social sciences.

We see here that the vocabulary and properties of the graph shows the choice of sports as it tells us how the speed decreases as time increases.

Learn more about graph on


The complete question is:

Portfolio Option 1: Sports Graph

This portfolio problem will have you write. You will turn in a “mathematical paper” of about 1 page of writing. You can use this handout to write rough draft ideas first.

Brainstorm: Which of the above sports do you think the graph could represent? Why?

Brainstorm: What vocabulary and properties of graphs and functions do you see represented in the graph? How did any of those affect your choice for the sport?

Use your brainstorms above to write a 1 page paper that talks about this graph, what sport you believe it could represent, and what properties of functions and graphs support your answer. You can add diagrams as well.



The correct matches for the probability of falling below the z-score are:

-0.08: 0.4681

0.63: 0.7357

-2.7: 0.0035

1.95: 0.9744

Explain probability

Probability is a measure of the likelihood or chance of an event occurring. It is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 means the event is impossible and 1 means the event is certain. Probability is calculated by dividing the number of favourable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. Probability is used in many fields, including mathematics, statistics, science, economics, and finance, to make predictions and decisions based on uncertain events.

According to the given information

To match the probability of falling below a given z-score, we need to use a standard normal distribution table or a calculator with a built-in normal distribution function. Here are the probabilities for each z-score:

For a z-score of -0.08, the probability of falling below it is 0.4681.For a z-score of 0.63, the probability of falling below it is 0.7357.For a z-score of -2.7, the probability of falling below it is 0.0035.For a z-score of 1.95, the probability of falling below it is 0.9744.

To know more about probability visit


An average newspaper contains at least 9 pages and at most 46 pages. How many newspapers must be collected to be certain that at least two newspapers have the same number of pages?


We need to collect 46 newspapers to be certain that at least two newspapers have the same number of pages.

What is the minimum number of newspapers needed to guarantee that two newspapers have the same number of pages?

According to the Pigeonhole Principle, if we have n+1 pigeons and n holes, then there must be at least one hole with two or more pigeons. Similarly, if we have n+1 newspapers with n possible page counts, then there must be at least one page count that appears in two or more newspapers.

In this case, we have a range of 38 possible page counts (46 - 9 + 1), so we need at least 39 newspapers to guarantee that each possible page count appears in at least one newspaper.

However, to guarantee that at least two newspapers have the same number of pages, we need one more newspaper than the number of possible page counts, so we need a total of 46 newspapers. Therefore, if we collect 46 newspapers, we can be certain that at least two of them have the same number of pages.

Read more about newspapers


Help me on this problem!


use pythagoras theorem to do 15^2 - 9^2=144 and the square root of that is 12

Please I’ll give brainliest

A Ferris wheel reaches a maximum height of 60 m above the ground and takes twelve minutes to complete one revolution. Riders have to climb a m staircase to board the ride at its lowest point.
(a) [4 marks] Write a sine function for the height of Emma, who is at the very top of the ride when t = 0.
(b) [2 marks] Write a cosine function for Eva, who is just boarding the ride.
(c) (2 marks] Write a sine function for Matthew, who is on his way up, and is at the same height as the central axle of the wheel.


If Riders have to climb a m staircase to board the ride at its lowest point.

a. sine function for the height of Emma, who is at the very top of the ride when t = 0 is: h(t) = 60 sin(π/6 t).

b. a cosine function for Eva, who is just boarding the ride is: h(t) = m + 60 cos(π/6 t).

c.  a sine function for Matthew is: h(t) = 30 sin(π/6 t).

What is the sine function for the height of Emma?

(a) Let's assume that the Ferris wheel completes one full revolution in 12 minutes. The height of the Ferris wheel can be modeled by a sine function as it moves up and down periodically. When the Ferris wheel completes one revolution, it returns to its original position, so the period of the sine function is 12 minutes.

The maximum height of the Ferris wheel is 60 m, so the amplitude of the sine function is 60 m. When t = 0, Emma is at the very top of the ride, which means she is at the maximum height of the Ferris wheel. Therefore, the sine function for Emma's height, h(t), can be written as:

h(t) = 60 sin(2π/12 t)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

h(t) = 60 sin(π/6 t)

(b) Eva is just boarding the ride, which means she is at the lowest point of the ride when t = 0. The cosine function is ideal for modeling this situation, as it starts at its maximum value and reaches its minimum value after one-fourth of the period. Therefore, the cosine function for Eva's height, h(t), can be written as:

h(t) = m + 60 cos(2π/12 t)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

h(t) = m + 60 cos(π/6 t)

where m is the height of the staircase that Eva has to climb to board the ride.

(c) Matthew is at the same height as the central axle of the Ferris wheel, which means he is halfway between the maximum and minimum height of the ride. Therefore, the sine function for Matthew's height, h(t), can be written as:

h(t) = 30 sin(2π/12 t)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

h(t) = 30 sin(π/6 t)

Therefore  sine function for the height of Emma, who is at the very top of the ride when t = 0 is: h(t) = 60 sin(π/6 t).

Learn more about sine function here:


what even is 2 + 2? ​



Definitely 4 always 4!!!

what’s the surface area of this figure ?


Thus, the total surface area of pentagonal prism is found to be 308.6 sq. ft.

Explain about the pentagonal prism:

A prism having a pentagonal base is referred to as a pentagonal prism. It has two hexagonal bases, five parallelogram faces, and seven faces. Seven faces, fifteen edges, and ten vertices make up a pentagonal prism.

The two bases of each of the seven faces—two pentagons—and the remaining five faces—parallelograms—connect the bases of the pentagons.

Given data:

base area B = 84.3 sq. ftLength of rectangular side L = 7 ftwidth of rectangular side w = 4 ft

surface area of pentagonal prism = 2* base area + 5*rectangle area

surface area of pentagonal prism = 2* B + 5*L*w

surface area of pentagonal prism = 2* 84.3 + 5*7*4

surface area of pentagonal prism = 168.6 + 140

surface area of pentagonal prism = 308.6 sq. ft

Thus, the total surface area of pentagonal prism is found to be 308.6 sq. ft.

Know more about the pentagonal prism:


20!!!!! POINTS!!!!!!! The bar graph shows the strengths of tornadoes that occurred in Alabama in 2011. What percent of the tornadoes were EF1s?


The percentage of tornadoes that were EF1s is 40%.

What is the percentage?

A figure or ratio stated as a fraction of 100 is called a percentage. The acronyms pct., pct., and occasionally pc are also used to indicate it, however, the percent sign is most frequently used. A % is a number without dimensions and without a standard measurement.

Here, we have

Given: the strengths of tornadoes that occurred in Alabama in 2011.

We have to find the percentage of tornadoes that were EF1s.

EF1s = 58

Total = 145

percentage of tornadoes = 58/145 = x/100

5800/145 = x

x = 40%

Hence, the percentage of tornadoes that were EF1s is 40%.

To learn more about the percentage from the given link


Calculating Income Tax Expense

Given the following.
Taxable Income $500k
Future taxable amounts $45k
Future deductible amounts $55k
Beginning Balances DTA $20k
Beginning Balances DTL $50k
Tax rate 40%.

1. What is the income tax payable?
2. What is the DTA year end balance?
3. What is the DTL year end balance?
4. What is the income tax expense?
5. What is the originating/reversing amount for the future taxable amount and for the deductible amount of the current year?


The income tax payable can be calculated as follows:

Taxable income = $500,000

Tax rate = 40%

Income tax payable = $500,000 x 40% = $200,000

What is the DTA year end balance?

The DTA (Deferred Tax Asset) year-end balance can be calculated as follows:

Beginning balance DTA = $20,000

Future deductible amounts = $55,000

DTA year-end balance = $20,000 + $55,000 = $75,000

The DTL (Deferred Tax Liability) year-end balance can be calculated as follows:

Beginning balance DTL = $50,000

Future taxable amounts = $45,000

DTL year-end balance = $50,000 - $45,000 = $5,000

The income tax expense can be calculated as follows:

Income tax payable = $200,000

Add: Increase in DTL = $5,000

Less: Increase in DTA = $55,000 - $20,000 = $35,000

Income tax expense = $200,000 + $5,000 - $35,000 = $170,000

The originating/reversing amount for the future taxable amount and for the deductible amount of the current year can be calculated as follows:

Future taxable amount:

Origination amount = $45,000 x 40% = $18,000

Reversing amount = $18,000

Future deductible amount:

Origination amount = $55,000 x 40% = $22,000

Reversing amount = $22,000 - $20,000 = $2,000 (since the beginning balance of DTA was $20,000)

Learn more about income tax from


b) A Jar contains four green tickets numbered one to four,
Six blue tickets numbered one to six, and two red tickets
numbered one to two. You randomly pick a ticket.


The probability of picking a blue marble or a marble with an odd number is 7/9.

How to solve the probability

We can use set theory to calculate the probability of picking a blue marble or a marble with an odd number. Let B be the set of blue marbles and O be the set of marbles with odd numbers. Then, we need to calculate the probability of the union of B and O.

P(B or O) = P(B U O) = P(B) + P(O) - P(B and O)

We know that P(B) = 4/9 and P(O) = 5/9. To calculate P(B and O), we need to count the number of marbles that satisfy both conditions, i.e., they are blue and have an odd number. There are two such marbles: B1 and B3.

Therefore, P(B and O) = 2/9, and the probability of picking a blue marble or a marble with an odd number is:

P(B or O) = P(B U O) = P(B) + P(O) - P(B and O) = 4/9 + 5/9 - 2/9 = 7/9

Read more on probability here:


Need help will give brainliest and 5 stars! (Check Picture)

Give the equation of a rational function which has all of the properties above.



[tex]f(x) = \frac{(x - 1)(x - 2)(x - 6)}{(x - 1)(x - 3)(x - 5)} [/tex]

What is a solution to the system of equations that includes quadratic function f(x) and linear function g(x)?
(x is -2,-1,0,1,2 and g(x) is 1,3,5,7,9?
f(x) = 2x^2 + x + 4


We see that f(-1) = g(1) = 5. Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = -1.

Describe System of equation?

A system of equations is a set of two or more equations that are to be solved simultaneously. Each equation in the system represents a relationship between variables, and the solution to the system is the set of values for the variables that satisfy all of the equations in the system.

One way to solve a system of equations is by substitution. We can solve one of the equations for one of the variables in terms of the other variable, and then substitute that expression into the other equation to get an equation in one variable. We can then solve that equation for the variable, and use that value to find the value of the other variable.

Another way to solve a system of equations is by elimination. We can add or subtract the equations in the system to eliminate one of the variables, and then solve for the other variable. We can then use that value to find the value of the eliminated variable.

To find a solution to the system of equations that includes the quadratic function f(x) and the linear function g(x), we need to find the value of f(x) for each value of x and compare it to the corresponding value of g(x). If f(x) and g(x) are equal for any value of x, then that value is a solution to the system.

Substituting each value of x into the quadratic function f(x), we get:

f(-2) = 2(-2)² + (-2) + 4 = 10

f(-1) = 2(-1)² + (-1) + 4 = 5

f(0) = 2(0)² + 0 + 4 = 4

f(1) = 2(1)² + 1 + 4 = 7

f(2) = 2(2)² + 2 + 4 = 14

Comparing these values to the corresponding values of g(x), we see that f(-1) = g(1) = 5. Therefore, the solution to the system of equations is x = -1.

To know more about function visit:


Can someone tell me what 2.72 as a fraction?




Step-by-step explanation:

Name one right angle.
Name one straight angle.


Right angle: JEF
Straight angle: DEF

Aeronautical researchers have developed three different processes to pack a parachute. They want to compare the different processes in terms of time to deploy and reliability. There are 1,200 objects that they can drop with a parachute from a plane. Using a table of random digits, the researchers will randomly place the 1,200 items into three equally sized treatment groups suitable for comparison. Which design is the most appropriate for this experiment

- Randomly number each item with 1, 2, or 3. Assign the items labeled 1 to the process 1 group, assign the items labeled 2 to the process 2 group, and assign the items labeled 3 to the process 3 group.

- Number each item from 1 to 1,200.
Reading from left to right from a table of random digits, identify 800 unique numbers from 1 to 1,200. Assign the items with labels in the first 400 numbers to the process 1 group. Assign the items with labels in the second 400 numbers to the process 2 group. Assign the remaining items to the process 3 group.

- Number each item from 0000 to 1199.
Reading from left to right on a random number table, identify 800 unique four-digit numbers from 0000 to 1199. Assign the items with labels in the first 400 numbers to the process 1 group. Assign the items with labels in the second 400 numbers to the process 2 group. Assign the remaining items to the process 3 group.

- Select an item, and identify the first digit reading from left to right on a random number table. If the first digit is a 1, 2, or 3, assign the item to the process 1 group.
If the first digit is a 4, 5, or 6, assign the item to the process 2 group. If the first digit is a 7, 8, or 9, assign the item to the process 3 group. If the first digit is a 0, skip that digit and move to the next one to assign the item to a group. Repeat this process for each item.


Answer: The most appropriate design for this experiment is the third option:

- Number each item from 0000 to 1199.

- Reading from left to right on a random number table, identify 800 unique four-digit numbers from 0000 to 1199. Assign the items with labels in the first 400 numbers to the process 1 group. Assign the items with labels in the second 400 numbers to the process 2 group. Assign the remaining items to the process 3 group.

This design ensures that the groups are equally sized and selected randomly without any biases. The use of a random number table to assign the groups helps to avoid any systematic patterns or preferences that might arise from numbering or labeling the items directly.

Step-by-step explanation:

You draw five cards from a standard deck of 52 cards. P(heart) =
What type of probability is illustrated and why?
O A. theoretical; the result is based on the number of possible outcomes
O B. theoretical; the result is found by repeating an experiment
OC. experimental; the result is based on the number of possible outcomes
O D. experimental; the result is found by repeating an experiment


Answer: The type of probability illustrated here is theoretical probability, and option A correctly identifies it as such.

Theoretical probability is based on mathematical reasoning and analysis of possible outcomes. In this case, we know that there are 52 cards in a deck, and 13 of them are hearts. So, the probability of drawing a heart on the first card is 13/52. After the first card is drawn, there are 51 cards remaining in the deck, including 12 hearts. So, the probability of drawing a heart on the second card is 12/51. Continuing this process, we find the probability of drawing five hearts in a row to be:

P(heart) = (13/52) x (12/51) x (11/50) x (10/49) x (9/48) = 0.0104 or about 1.04%

This probability is based purely on mathematical reasoning and analysis of possible outcomes, and does not involve any actual experimentation. Therefore, it is an example of theoretical probability.

Step-by-step explanation:

Clare lives in Iowa and pays 6% in sales tax. She just bought $135 in groceries, but $40 worth of those groceries were not taxable. What is the total amount that Clare paid for the groceries, including sales tax?




Step-by-step explanation:

Graph the circle x2+y²+16x-16y+124 = 0.


The graph of circle x² + y² + 16x - 16y + 124 = 0 has centre (-8, 8) and radius 2.

What is radius?

A circle's or sphere's radius is any line segment that connects the object's centre to its edge according to classical geometry; in more contemporary usage, the term also refers to the length of such line segments. The Latin origin of the word "radius" gives it the meanings of "ray" and "the spoke of a chariot wheel."

To graph the circle x² + y² + 16x - 16y + 124 = 0

We rewrite equation in standard form:

x² + 16x + y² - 16y + 124 = 0

(x² + 16x + 64) + (y² - 16y + 64) = -124 + 64 + 64

(x + 8)² + (y - 8)² = 4

The circle's centre (-8, 8) and radius (2) are now visible.

We may graph it by first plotting the centre point and then circling it with a radius of 2.

To learn more about radius from the given link


A 4-sided die, labeled 1–4 is rolled twice. Which outcome is not part of the sample space?


Answer: Let the experienced one help you out! Read the explanation down below! Brainliest?

Step-by-step explanation:

The sample space for rolling a 4-sided die twice consists of all possible pairs of outcomes, where each outcome is a number from 1 to 4. To find which outcome is not part of the sample space, we can list all the possible outcomes and then look for a number pair that does not appear.

Possible outcomes:

(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4)

(2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4)

(3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4)

(4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4)

There are 16 possible outcomes, so one of the numbers from 1 to 16 is not part of the sample space. The missing outcome is (3,4) or (4,3), depending on the order in which the dice are rolled.

if 4-sided die, labeled 1–4 is rolled twice then 5,3 is not part of the sample space because the outcomes 5 and 3 are not part of the sample space.

What is Probability?

It is a branch of mathematics that deals with the occurrence of a random event.

A sample space is a collection or a set of possible outcomes of a random experiment.

The sample space of rolling a 4-sided die twice can be represented by all possible ordered pairs of the outcomes, which can be listed as follows:

{(1,1), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,1), (2,2), (2,3), (2,4), (3,1), (3,2), (3,3), (3,4), (4,1), (4,2), (4,3), (4,4)}

Therefore,  if  4-sided die, labeled 1–4 is rolled twice then 5,3 is not part of the sample space because the outcomes 5 and 3 are not part of the sample space.

To learn more on probability click:


Round your answer to the nearest tenth of a degree




Step-by-step explanation:


use sin^1 to get angle


to the nearest tenth=57.8°

Which of these expressions could Alex and Taylor use to calculate the square footage of the tile Dining area? Find only the tile floor, and not the cabinets shown in black. Select all that apply.

A 34 foot by 13 foot grid. The kitchen is flush left. It has an 18 foot by 2 foot horizontal rectangle in the top left of the grid. Under the far left and right sides of the rectangle are two 6 foot by 2 foot vertical rectangles. There are two other horizontal rectangles on the bottom left of the grid that are 2 foot by 6 foot. There is a 4 foot gap between them. The dining room is on the right with a 12 foot by 2 foot rectangle in the top right of the grid.
Select answers

(16 x 13) - (12 x 2)
(4 x 13) + (12 x 2) + (12 x 11)
(17 x 11) + (4 x 2)
(4 x 13) + (12 x 11)


Expressions for the square footage of the tile Dining area, Considering only the tile floor, and not the cabinets shown in black will be (16 x 13) - (12 x 2) and (4 x 13) + (12 x 11)

How to calculate the area of rectangle?

The area of a rectangle is a measure of the amount of space it occupies in two-dimensional (2D) space. It is calculated by multiplying the length of the rectangle by its width. Mathmatically,


Now, Solving given problem,

The total area of the grid will be:Length of grid = 16 ft, Width of grid = 13 ft

Total area of grid = Length x Width = 16 ft x 13 ft = 208 sq ft

The area of the rectangle in the top right :Length of rectangle = 12 ft, Width of rectangle = 2 ft

Area of rectangle = Length x Width = 12 ft x 2 ft = 24 sq ft

To remove the top right rectangle from the tile dining area, subtract its area from the total area of the grid:

(Total area of grid) - (Area of rectangle in top right) = (208 sq ft -24 sq ft )= 184 sq ft

So, the expression for this calculation will be: (16 x 13) - (12 x 2) = 184 sq ft

The area of the vertical rectangles on the far left and right sides is calculated as follows:Width of vertical rectangles = 4 ft, Length of grid = 13 ft

Area of vertical rectangles = Width of vertical rectangles x Length of grid = 4 ft x 13 ft = 52 sq ft

The area of the rectangle in the top right:Length of rectangle = 12 ft, Width of rectangle = 11 ft

Area of rectangle = Length x Width = 12 ft x 11 ft = 132 sq ft

Add the areas of the vertical rectangles and the rectangle in the top right to get the total area of the tile dining area:

Area of vertical rectangles + Area of rectangle in top right = 52 sq ft + 132 sq ft = 184 sq ft

So, the expression for this calculation is: (4 x 13) + (12 x 11) = 184 sq ft

Hence, both of these expressions- (16 x 13) - (12 x 2) and (4 x 13) + (12 x 11) gives the square footage of the tile dining area based on the given information.

Learn more about Areas here:


Which two equations would be most appropriately solved by using the zero product property? Select each correct answer. Responses 3x2−6x=0 3 x squared minus 6 x equals 0 4x² = 13 4, x, ² = 13 0.25x2+0.8x−8=0 0.25 x squared plus 0.8 x minus 8 equals zero −(x−1)(x+9)=0


The two equations that can be most appropriately solved by using the zero product property are:

3x² - 6x = 0 and -(x - 1)(x + 9) = 0.

What is the quadratic equation?

The solutions to the quadratic equation are the values of the unknown variable x, which satisfy the equation. These solutions are called roots or zeros of quadratic equations. The roots of any polynomial are the solutions for the given equation.

The zero product property can be used to solve equations that can be factored into the product of two or more expressions, where one or more of those expressions is equal to zero.

Therefore, the two equations that can be solved using the zero product property are:

3x² - 6x = 0

This equation can be factored as:

3x(x - 2) = 0

Using the zero product property, we get:

3x = 0 or x - 2 = 0

Solving for x, we get:

x = 0 or x = 2

-(x - 1)(x + 9) = 0

This equation can be factored using the difference of squares:

-(x - 1)(x + 9) = -(x² - 1² - 9x + 1x) = -(x² - 8x - 9) = 0

Using the zero product property, we get:

x - 1 = 0 or x + 9 = 0

Solving for x, we get:

x = 1 or x = -9

Therefore, the two equations that can be most appropriately solved by using the zero product property are:

3x² - 6x = 0 and -(x - 1)(x + 9) = 0.

To learn more about the quadratic equation visit:


In a bag there are 3 red marbles, 2 yellow marbles, and 1 blue marble. What is the likelihood of a yellow marble being selected on the first draw?

even chance


Therefore, it is not even chance, but it is also not very unlikely. It is moderately likely that a yellow marble will be selected on the first draw.

What is Probability?

Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of random events and their likelihood of occurring. It is a measure of the likelihood or chance of an event happening. Probability is expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 means the event is impossible, and 1 means the event is certain.

In other words, probability is a way of quantifying uncertainty. It is used in various fields, such as statistics, physics, finance, engineering, and more, to help make predictions and decisions based on uncertain information. Probability theory provides a set of rules and tools for analyzing and manipulating random variables and events, and for calculating the probability of complex events.

The likelihood of a yellow marble being selected on the first draw can be calculated by dividing the number of yellow marbles by the total number of marbles in the bag:

likelihood of selecting a yellow marble = number of yellow marbles / total number of marbles

So, in this case, the likelihood of selecting a yellow marble on the first draw is:

likelihood of selecting a yellow marble = 2 / (3 + 2 + 1) = 2/6 = 1/3

To know more about probability visit:


Please help with this math question!


The exponential function of the population is P(x) = 15000 * 1.046^x

Calculating the exponential function of the population

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

Initial, a = 15000

Rate, r = 4.6%

The equation of the function is represented as

P(x) = a * (1 + r)^x

Substitute the known values in the above equation, so, we have the following representation

P(x) = 15000 * (1 + 4.6%)^x


P(x) = 15000 * 1.046^x

Hence, the function is P(x) = 15000 * 1.046^x

Read more about exponential function at



Set up a proportion and use your proportion to solve for x.



do how to do this is 16 x 16=256 and 8 x 8 =64 so 256+64=320

the area of Rectangle is 112 in sq. if the height is 8 in, what is the base length




Step-by-step explanation:


base length=14cm


To find the base length of a rectangle, given its area and height, you can use the formula for calculating the area of a rectangle, which is:

Area = Length x Width

In this case, you are given that the area is 112 square inches and the height is 8 inches. Let's denote the base length as "x" inches.

So, the equation for the area of the rectangle becomes:

112 = x * 8

To solve for "x", you can divide both sides of the equation by 8:

112 / 8 = x

x = 14

Therefore, the base length of the rectangle is 14 inches.

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