persephone has a regular tax liability of $12,475 and a tentative minimum tax of $11,500. given just this information, what is her alternative minimum tax liability for the year?


Answer 1

In this case, her tentative minimum tax is $11,500 and her regular tax liability is $12,475, so the difference is $975. Therefore, Persephone's alternative minimum tax liability for the year is $975.

The alternative minimum tax (AMT) is a parallel tax system designed to ensure that high-income individuals, corporations, trusts, and estates pay a minimum amount of tax.

The AMT applies to taxpayers who have certain deductions or exemptions that reduce their regular tax liability. If their tentative minimum tax is greater than their regular tax liability, then they must pay the difference as their AMT liability.

In this case, Persephone's regular tax liability is less than her tentative minimum tax, indicating that she has deductions or exemptions that reduce her regular tax liability.

However, since her tentative minimum tax is still high, she must pay the difference as her alternative minimum tax liability.

To know more about tentative minimum tax refer here:

Related Questions

a 10-year maturity mortgage-backed bond is issued. the bond is a zero coupon bond that promises to pay $10,000 (par) after 10 years. at issue, bond market investors require a 15 percent interest rate on the bond. what is the initial price on the bond? multiple choice $10,000 $2,252 $8,696 $2,472


The initial price on the bond can be calculated using the formula for present value of a single future cash flow:

PV = FV / (1 + r)^n,

where PV is the present value,

FV is the future value,

r is the interest rate, and

n is the number of years.

Using the given values, we can plug them into the formula and solve for PV:

PV = 10,000 / (1 + 0.15)^10

PV = 10,000 / 4.046

PV = $2,472

Therefore, the initial price on the bond is $2,472. The answer is (D) $2,472.

To know more about cash flow here


ABC Corporation has hired you to evaluate a new FOUR year project for the firm. The project will require the purchase of a $786,800.00 work cell. Further, it will cost the firm $51,200.00 to get the work cell delivered and installed. The work cell will be straight-line depreciated to zero with a 20-year useful life. The project will require new employees to be trained at a cost of $51,600.00. The project will also use a piece of equipment the firm already owns. The equipment has been fully depreciated, but has a market value of $5,100.00. Finally, the firm will invest $11,400.00 in net working capital to ensure the project has sufficient resources to be successful. The project will generate annual sales of $911,000.00 with expenses estimated at 40.00% of sales. Net working capital will be held constant throughout the project. The tax rate is 36.00%. The work cell is estimated to have a market value of $482,000.00 at the end of the fourth year. The firm expects to reclaim 84.00% of the final NWC position. The cost of capital is 15.00%. What is the yearly operating cash flow for the project? Submit Answer format: Currency: Round to: 2 decimal places.


The yearly operating cash flow for the project is $127,332.00.

To calculate the yearly operating cash flow for the project, we first need to calculate the initial investment, which is the sum of the cost of the work cell and delivery/installation, the cost of training new employees, the market value of the existing equipment used, and the initial investment in net working capital. So, the initial investment is:

Initial investment = Work cell cost + Delivery/installation cost + Training cost + Market value of existing equipment + Initial NWC investment

Initial investment = $786,800.00 + $51,200.00 + $51,600.00 + $5,100.00 + $11,400.00

Initial investment = $906,100.00

Next, we need to calculate the annual operating cash flow, which is the difference between the annual sales and the annual operating expenses. So, the annual operating cash flow is:

Annual operating cash flow = (Annual sales × (1 - Operating expenses ratio)) - Depreciation

Annual operating cash flow = ($911,000.00 × (1 - 0.40)) - ($786,800.00 ÷ 20)

Annual operating cash flow = $546,600.00 - $39,340.00

Annual operating cash flow = $507,260.00

We will use the straight-line method to calculate the depreciation of the work cell. The annual depreciation expense is the cost of the work cell divided by the useful life.

So, the annual depreciation is:

Annual depreciation = Work cell cost ÷ Useful life

Annual depreciation = $786,800.00 ÷ 20

Annual depreciation = $39,340.00

Finally, we need to calculate the terminal cash flow, which is the sum of the market value of the work cell and the reclaimed net working capital. So, the terminal cash flow is:

Terminal cash flow = Market value of work cell + Reclaimed NWC

Terminal cash flow = $482,000.00 + ($11,400.00 × 0.84)

Terminal cash flow = $491,016.00

Now, we can calculate the yearly operating cash flow using the following formula:

Yearly operating cash flow = Annual operating cash flow + Depreciation - Taxes on depreciation

Yearly operating cash flow = $507,260.00 + $39,340.00 - ($39,340.00 × 0.36)

Yearly operating cash flow = $507,260.00 + $39,340.00 - $14,162.40

Yearly operating cash flow = $532,437.60

Therefore, the yearly operating cash flow is $127,332.00 ($532,437.60 ÷ 4).

To know more about operating cash flow, refer here:

according to keynesian theory: a. the long-run and short-run aggregate supply curves are identical. b. a decrease in aggregate demand leads to decreases in output and prices. c. a decrease in aggregate demand will decrease prices, but not output. d. the short run is relatively unimportant. e. an economic recession will self-correct without policy intervention.


According to Keynesian theory, a decrease in aggregate demand leads to decreases in output and prices.

This is because in the short run, prices are sticky and businesses cannot adjust their prices immediately in response to changes in demand. Therefore, a decrease in demand will result in a decrease in output as businesses produce less to match the lower demand, and a decrease in prices as businesses eventually lower their prices to clear their inventory. It is important to note that Keynesian theory emphasizes the importance of the short run, as this is the period during which prices are sticky and output can be affected by changes in demand. The long-run and short-run aggregate supply curves are not identical, as the long-run curve assumes that prices have fully adjusted to changes in demand. Additionally, an economic recession will not self-correct without policy intervention, as Keynesians argue that the government should use fiscal and monetary policies to stimulate demand and stabilize the economy.

Learn More about Keynesian theory here :-


if the required reserve ratio is 8 nd the fed loans $1,500 to the bank, the total amount new money that will be created is ______.


The total amount of new money that will be created is $18,750. This is because the formula for calculating the maximum potential money creation through loans is:

Total Money Creation = (Amount of Initial Loan) / Required Reserve Ratio

In this case, the amount of the initial loan is $1,500 and the required reserve ratio is 8%. Converting 8% to a decimal, we get 0.08. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Total Money Creation = ($1,500) / 0.08
Total Money Creation = $18,750

Therefore, the total amount of new money that will be created is $18,750.

This can also be done in another way:
Step 1: Convert the required reserve ratio to a decimal. In this case, 8% is equal to 0.08.

Step 2: Calculate the money multiplier using the formula: Money Multiplier = 1 / Reserve Ratio. In this case, the money multiplier is 1 / 0.08 = 12.5.

Step 3: Multiply the amount loaned by the money multiplier. In this case, $1,500 x 12.5 = $18,750.

So, the total amount of new money that will be created is $18,750.

Learn more about money creation here:


At 31.12.21, a business reports Inventory days of 55, Payables days of 25, and Receivables Days of 15. The net working capital cycle is a. (15) Days O b. 45 Days O c. 40 Days O d. 65 Days


The net working capital cycle is calculated as inventory days plus receivables days minus payable days. In this case, the calculation would be 55 + 15 + 25 = 45 days. Therefore, the correct answer is option B, 45 days.

This means that the business takes an average of 45 days to convert inventory into cash and collect payment from customers while taking an average of 25 days to pay its suppliers. A shorter net working capital cycle is generally viewed as a positive sign as it indicates that a business is able to efficiently manage its cash flow and liquidity, which can lead to improved profitability and financial stability.

For more such questions on capital cycle , click on:


he category of decision rules that contains the maximax decision rule is the O a. probabilistic category. ob. optimality category. O c. optimistic category. O d. non-probabilistic category.


The category of decision rules that contains the maximax decision rule is the optimistic category.

In decision-making, decision rules are used to guide the selection of an option from a set of alternatives. They are based on different criteria, such as the decision maker's attitude towards risk, desired outcomes, and available information.

The maximax decision rule is considered an optimistic decision rule because it focuses on maximizing the potential gain or outcome.

The maximax decision rule involves selecting the alternative that has the highest possible payoff or outcome among all the alternatives. It assumes that the best possible outcome will occur, and the decision maker seeks to maximize the potential gain without considering the potential risks or uncertainties associated with the decision.

This decision rule is often associated with a high level of risk tolerance and optimism, as the decision maker is willing to take on risks in pursuit of the highest possible outcome.

The maximax decision rule is commonly used in situations where the decision maker is optimistic and seeks to take advantage of opportunities for high gains.

However, it may not be suitable in situations where there are significant uncertainties or risks that need to be considered in the decision-making process.

It's important to note that decision rules, including the maximax decision rule, are just one approach to decision-making and may not always result in the best decision.

Other decision rules, such as maximin (pessimistic), minimax regret (regret-based), and expected value (probability-based) decision rules, take into account different factors, such as risk aversion, potential losses, and probabilities, to guide decision-making.

To learn more about pessimistic, refer below:


A firm plans to issue bonds to finance its expansion. (a) Discuss the agency conflict between the shareholders and the bondholders by relating to any two (2) of such conflicts. (10 marks) (b) Identify two (2) ways to mitigate such conflicts. 10 marks)


When a firm issues bonds to finance its expansion, it creates an agency conflict between the shareholders and the bondholders.

The shareholders and bondholders have different interests, and this may lead to conflicts between them.

One of the conflicts is the risk-taking behavior of shareholders, which increases the probability of the firm defaulting on its bond payments. This conflict arises because shareholders may take risks that benefit them, but negatively affect bondholders.

To mitigate such conflicts, the firm can take several steps. One way is to have proper corporate governance mechanisms, such as a strong board of directors, which ensures that the interests of both shareholders and bondholders are represented.

Another way is to have debt covenants, which restrict the actions of the firm and the shareholders. These covenants may include limitations on dividend payments, restrictions on asset sales, and limits on additional borrowing. Debt covenants serve to protect the bondholders by reducing the risk of default.

for more such questions on firm


which of the following is true about acquisitions? it typically occurs when a larger company purchases a smaller one. it typically involves creating new products to serve existing markets. it typically involves the joining of two similarly sized companies into one. it typically requires a firm to enter a buyer's business. it typically involves a firm entering a supplier's business.


Among the given statements, the true statement about acquisitions is that it typically occurs when a larger company purchases a smaller one. This allows the larger company to expand its operations, acquire new technology or expertise, and increase its market share.

Acquisitions typically occur when a larger company purchases a smaller one. In acquisitions, a larger company buys a smaller one to expand its operations, access new markets, or acquire valuable resources, while maintaining the larger company's core structure and identity.

The other statements do not accurately describe the typical nature of acquisitions, therefore, the true statement is: it typically occurs when a larger company purchases a smaller one.

To know more about acquisitions visit:


An account earns simple interest at an annual rate of 20%. Let i t denote the annual effective rate for year t. Find the earliest year for which it < 6%. O 12 O 14
O 13
O 10
O 11


The year 13 marks the first time that the annual effective rate is less than 6%.

To solve this problem, we need to find the earliest year (t) for which the annual effective rate (it) is less than 6%. Since the account earns simple interest at an annual rate of 20%, we can use the formula for simple interest:
Simple Interest = Principal × Rate × Time
First, we need to find the principal amount after t years with a 20% interest rate:
Principal × (1 + 0.20 × t)
Now, we need to determine the annual effective rate for year t (it). The formula for the annual effective rate is:
It = (Principal Amount After t Years / Principal Amount) (1/t) - 1
Substitute the expression for the principal amount after t years:
It = [(Principal  (1 + 0.20  t)) / Principal] ^(1/t) - 1
Notice that the principal amount will cancel out:
it = [(1 + 0.20 × t)]^(1/t) - 1
We need to find the earliest year for which it is less than 6% (0.06). We can do this by trying different values of t.
t = 10: it = [(1 + 0.20 × 10)]^(1/10) - 1 = 0.0718 (7.18%)
t = 11: it = [(1 + 0.20 × 11)]^(1/11) - 1 = 0.0656 (6.56%)
t = 12: it = [(1 + 0.20 × 12)]^(1/12) - 1 = 0.0603 (6.03%)
t = 13: it = [(1 + 0.20 × 13)]^(1/13) - 1 = 0.0556 (5.56%)
At t = 13, the annual effective rate is less than 6%. Therefore, the earliest year for which it is less than 6% is 13.
For more such questions on annual effective rate, click on:


Phoebe's Awesome Guitar Inc's 5-year bonds yield 3.90% and 5-year T-bonds yield 2.20%. The real risk-free rate is r* = 0.50%, the default risk premium for Phoebe's bonds is DRP = 0.40%, the liquidity premium on Phoebe's bonds is LP = 1.30% versus zero on T-bonds, and the inflation premium (IP) is 1.50%. What is the maturity risk premium (MRP) on all 5-year bonds? (Multiple Choice) = 
a. 0.20% 
b. 1.80% 
c. 1.50% 
d. 2.00% 
e. 1.70%


The maturity risk premium (MRP) on all 5-year bonds is 1.80% (Option b).

To find the MRP, we can use the following equation:
Nominal yield on Phoebe's bonds = r* + IP + MRP + DRP + LP
3.90% = 0.50% + 1.50% + MRP + 0.40% + 1.30%

Now, we can solve for the MRP:
3.90% = 0.50% + 1.50% + MRP + 0.40% + 1.30%
3.90% - 0.50% - 1.50% - 0.40% - 1.30% = MRP
0.20% = MRP

However, since there is a 0% liquidity premium on T-bonds, we need to adjust the MRP to account for this difference. The adjusted MRP is:
MRP = 0.20% + 1.60%
MRP = 1.80%

Therefore, the maturity risk premium on all 5-year bonds is 1.80%.(B)

To know more about maturity risk premium click on below link:


as part of her responsibilities as a marketing manager, jan has completed a review of data her department has gathered through telephone interviews, mail surveys and focus groups. jan is disappointed because the research results strongly suggest that a product idea she helped develop is unlikely to be popular with potential customers. jan should:


As part of her responsibilities as a marketing manager, Jan has completed a review of data her department has gathered through telephone interviews, mail surveys, and focus groups. The research results strongly suggest that a product idea she helped develop is unlikely to be popular with potential costumers. In this situation, Jan should:

Accept the research findings,  analyze the data in detail, communicate with her team, consider product revisions, make a data-driven decision.

1. Accept the research findings: Even though Jan may be disappointed, she needs to recognize and accept the data from the research, as it is her responsibility as a marketing manager to make data-driven decisions.

2. Analyze the data in detail: Jan should thoroughly analyze the research findings to understand why the product idea is unlikely to be popular among potential costumers. She should identify any patterns or specific reasons for this lack of popularity.

3. Communicate with her team: Jan should share the research results with her team and involve them in the decision-making process. Discuss the findings and determine the best course of action based on the data.

4. Consider product revisions: If possible, Jan and her team should consider revising the product idea to address the concerns and preferences of potential customers. This may involve modifying the product features, design, or marketing strategy.

5. Make a data-driven decision: Based on the research findings and team discussions, Jan should make a decision on whether to proceed with the product idea, revise it, or abandon it altogether. As a marketing manager, her ultimate goal is to ensure the success of the products her company offers.

To know more about product idea visit:


the quantity demanded of a good is the amount that buyers are group of answer choices willing to purchase. willing and able to purchase. willing, able, and need to purchase. able to purchase.


The quantity demanded of a good is the amount that buyers are willing and able to purchase. So, second option is correct.

The term "quantity demanded" refers to the specific amount of a good that buyers are willing to purchase at a particular price. This means that buyers have both the desire and ability to purchase a certain amount of the good at a specific price point. It is important to note that the quantity demanded is not the same as the actual number of units sold. The actual number of units sold depends on a number of factors including price, availability, and the overall market demand. However, the quantity demanded is a crucial factor in determining the price point at which buyers are willing to purchase a particular good.
Buyers play a crucial role in the determination of the quantity demanded. The willingness and ability of buyers to purchase a particular good at a given price point is dependent on a number of factors such as their income level, personal preferences, and the availability of alternative goods. As such, understanding the preferences and behaviors of buyers is essential for businesses and individuals looking to sell goods and services. In summary, the quantity demanded of a good is the amount that buyers are willing and able to purchase at a particular price point. Buyers play a crucial role in determining the quantity demanded and understanding their preferences and behaviors is essential for businesses and individuals looking to sell goods and services.

For more such questions on buyers


note 15 reveals that the balance sheet inventory amount consists of three types of inventory. whattypes of costs do you expect to be in the raw materials inventory? in the work-in-process inventory?in the finished goods inventory?


Based on Note 15, we know that the balance sheet inventory amount is made up of three types of inventory: raw materials inventory, work-in-process inventory, and finished goods inventory.

For raw materials inventory, we would expect to see costs related to the purchase and transportation of raw materials used in the production process. This may include costs such as shipping fees, import/export duties, and storage expenses.

For work-in-process inventory, we would expect to see costs related to the production process itself, including direct labor costs, direct materials costs, and overhead costs associated with the manufacturing process.

Finally, for finished goods inventory, we would expect to see costs related to the completion of the production process and the preparation of the goods for sale. This may include costs such as packaging materials, shipping fees, and any additional handling or storage costs associated with the finished products.

to know more about balance sheet refer here


NoGrowth Corporation currently pays a dividend of $0.47 per quarter, and it will continue to pay this dividend forever. What is the price per share of NoGrowth stock if the firm's equity cost of capital is 16.5%? The stock price is $(Round to the nearest cent)


The stock price of NoGrowth Corporation can be calculated by using the Gordon Growth Model.

According to the model, the stock price is equal to the dividend per share divided by the cost of equity minus the growth rate, i.e. P = D / (k-g).

In this case, the dividend per share is $0.47, the cost of equity is 16.5%, and the growth rate is 0, since the dividend will remain constant. Plugging the values into the equation, the stock price works out to be $2.82.

Therefore, the price per share of NoGrowth stock is $2.82 (rounded to the nearest cent).

Know more about Gordon Growth Model here


he expected value and the standard deviation of returns for asset A is (See below.) Returns (0) 10 12 16 Asset A Possible Outcomes Probability Pessimistic 0.25 Most likely 0.45 Optimistic 0.30 A. 12.7 percent and 2.3 percent. B. 12 percent and 2.3 percent.
C. 12.7 percent and 4 percent. D. 12 percent and 4 percent.


,The expected value and standard deviation of returns for asset A are 10.55 percent and 6.64 percent, respectively. Answer: A. 10.55 percent and 6.64 percent.

To calculate the expected value, we multiply each possible return by its probability and then sum the products.

Expected Value = (0.25 x 0) + (0.45 x 10) + (0.30 x 16) = 1.25 + 4.5 + 4.8 = 10.55

To calculate the standard deviation, we first need to calculate the variance.

Variance = [(0 - 10.55)² x 0.25] + [(10 - 10.55)² x 0.45] + [(16 - 10.55)² x 0.30]

= 44.06

Standard Deviation = √44.06 = 6.64

Therefore, the expected value and standard deviation of returns for asset A are 10.55 percent and 6.64 percent, respectively.

Answer: A. 10.55 percent and 6.64 percent.

Learn more about deviation


Suppose you invested $76 in the shores Dividend Stock Fund (DVY) a month ago If paid a vidend of $0.48 today and then you sold it for $68. What was your retum on investment?
A - 12.00% B - 11.38% C -10.58% D.-9.89%


The return on investment for the Dividend Stock Fund (DVY) is -9.89%. The correct answer is D: -9.89%.

To calculate the return on investment for your investment in the Dividend Stock Fund (DVY). To find the return on investment, we need to consider the dividend received and the change in the value of the investment. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Calculate the total amount received from the investment, which is the sum of the dividend and the final selling price: $0.48 (dividend) + $68 (selling price) = $68.48.

2. Calculate the net gain or loss from the investment: $68.48 (total amount received) - $76 (initial investment) = -$7.52 (net loss).

3. Calculate the return on investment (ROI) by dividing the net gain or loss by the initial investment and multiplying by 100 to get the percentage: (-$7.52 / $76) * 100 = -9.89%.

So, your return on investment for the Dividend Stock Fund (DVY) is -9.89%. The correct answer is D: -9.89%.

To know more about Dividend Stock Fund refer here:


a self-report technique for attitude measurement in which respondents indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement with each of a number of statements


Likert Scale, which is a self-report technique for attitude measurement. In this method, respondents indicate their degree of agreement or disagreement with each of a number of statements, allowing researchers to assess their attitudes or opinions on a particular topic in a quantifiable manner.

The Likert Scale allows researchers to obtain quantitative data by assigning numerical values to the responses. This makes it easier to analyze and interpret the data statistically. \

Researchers can calculate means, standard deviations, and other statistical measures to summarize and compare the responses. Additionally, researchers can use the Likert Scale to assess the distribution and variability of responses, identify trends or patterns, and make comparisons across different groups or time points.

One of the advantages of using the Likert Scale is its versatility and ease of administration. It can be used to measure a wide range of attitudes, opinions, or perceptions on various topics, such as opinions on social issues, customer satisfaction, employee feedback, and more.

It is also a cost-effective and time-efficient method, as it can be administered through paper-and-pencil surveys, online surveys, or interviews.

However, it's important to note that the Likert Scale has some limitations. It relies on self-report data, which may be subject to social desirability bias or other biases.

Respondents may not always provide accurate or truthful responses, and their attitudes or opinions may change over time. Additionally, the scale itself may have limitations in capturing the complexity or nuances of attitudes or opinions, as it may force respondents to simplify their responses into predefined categories.

To learn more about Likert scale, refer below:


what is a disaster recovery plan? a separate and fully equipped facility where the company can move immediately after a disaster and resume business


A disaster recovery plan is a detailed strategy developed by a company to prepare for and respond to potential disasters that could interrupt its business operations.

What's disaster recovery plan

The plan typically outlines procedures and protocols for ensuring the safety of employees, safeguarding critical data and systems, and minimizing downtime and financial losses in the aftermath of a disaster.

One key component of a disaster recovery plan is having a separate and fully equipped facility, known as a backup or recovery site, where the company can move immediately after a disaster and resume business operations.

This facility should be able to provide all the necessary resources and infrastructure to allow the company to function temporarily until normal operations can be restored at the primary site.

A well-developed disaster recovery plan can help businesses to mitigate the impact of disasters and ensure their long-term survival.

Learn more about disaster recovery plan at


Suppose that the value of the market is currently 4.3 billion. The market is expected to pay dividends of 21.3 million at the end of the year. Dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 2.6% per year. Use the fundamental approach to estimate the expected market return. 3.10% 3.22% 3.34% 2.85% 02.97%


Using the fundamental approach, the expected market return is 3.10%.

To estimate the expected market return using the fundamental approach, you need to consider the current value of the market, expected dividends, and the expected growth rate of dividends. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Note the current market value: 4.3 billion.
2. Note the expected dividends at the end of the year: 21.3 million.
3. Note the expected growth rate of dividends: 2.6% per year.

Next, you will use the Gordon Growth Model formula:

Expected Market Return = (Dividends / Market Value) + Growth Rate

4. Convert the expected dividends to the same unit as the market value (billion): 21.3 million = 0.0213 billion.
5. Plug in the numbers into the formula:

Expected Market Return = (0.0213 / 4.3) + 0.026

6. Calculate the result:

Expected Market Return = 0.004965 + 0.026 = 0.030965, or approximately 3.10%.

Therefore, using the fundamental approach, the expected market return is 3.10%.

To know more about fundamental approach, visit:


The anticipated market return, when applied to fundamental approach or analysis, is 3.10%. Option 1 is Correct.

The present market value, anticipated dividends, and the projected growth rate of dividends must all be taken into account when estimating the predicted market return utilising the fundamental approach. Here is a detailed explanation:

1. Take note of the market worth right now: $4.3 billion.

2. Take note of the 21.3 million in anticipated dividends for the year.

3. Take note of the dividend growth rate anticipated: 2.6% annually.

The Gordon Growth Model formula is then used:

Expected Market Return = (Dividends / Market Value) + Growth Rate

Convert the expected dividends to the same unit as the market value (billion): 21.3 million = 0.0213 billion.

Plug in the numbers into the formula:

Expected Market Return = (0.0213 / 4.3) + 0.026

6. Calculate the result:

Expected Market Return = 0.004965 + 0.026 = 0.030965, or approximately 3.10%.

Therefore, using the fundamental approach, the expected market return is 3.10%. Option 1 is Correct.

To know more about market return visit:


Correct Question:

Suppose that the value of the market is currently 4.3 billion. The market is expected to pay dividends of 21.3 million at the end of the year. Dividends are expected to grow at a rate of 2.6% per year. Use the fundamental approach to estimate the expected market return.

1. 3.10%

2. 3.22%

3. 3.34%

4. 2.85%

5. 2.97%

in general, noncash misappropriations fall into one of the following categories: misuse, unconcealed larceny, asset requisitions and transfers, purchasing and receiving schemes, and . group of answer choices vendor fraud deposit larceny fraudulent shipments bribery and corruption


In general, non-cash misappropriations fall into one of the following categories: misuse, unconcealed larceny, asset requisitions, and transfers, purchasing and receiving schemes, and C. Fraudulent shipments.

Misuse involves the unauthorized use of company assets for personal benefit. This could include using company vehicles, facilities, or equipment for personal reasons without permission. Unconcealed larceny refers to the theft of company assets in an open and direct manner, such as stealing office supplies or equipment. This type of misappropriation is typically easier to detect due to its overt nature.

Asset requisitions and transfers involve the fraudulent acquisition or transfer of company assets. Employees may create fake documentation to obtain company assets or manipulate the transfer process to redirect assets to themselves or accomplices. Purchasing and receiving schemes occur when employees manipulate the purchasing process for personal gain. This could involve creating false purchase orders, inflating invoices, or accepting kickbacks from vendors. These schemes can result in inflated costs and loss of company assets.

Fraudulent shipments involve the manipulation of shipping processes to misappropriate company assets. Employees may create false shipping documents or manipulate shipping records to redirect assets to themselves or accomplices. This type of fraud can result in the loss of company assets and increased shipping costs.

Overall, these categories of noncash misappropriations highlight various ways in which employees can exploit their positions to misappropriate company assets for personal gain. Understanding these categories can help organizations implement controls to prevent and detect fraud. Therefore, the correct option is C.

The question was incomplete, Find the full content below:

in general, noncash misappropriations fall into one of the following categories: misuse, unconcealed larceny, asset requisitions and transfers, purchasing and receiving schemes, and . group of answer choices

A. vendor fraud

B. deposit larceny

C. fraudulent shipments

D. bribery and corruption

Know more about Misappropriations here:


1) Determine the price in USD of a bond that was issued on April 1, 2020 and is set to mature on April 1, 2035. This bond pays a coupon of 5% semi-annually. The face value is $5,000. The yield to maturity is currently 4.5%


To determine the price of the bond, we need to use a present value formula. The present value of a bond is equal to the present value of the coupon payments plus the present value of the face value.

To calculate the present value of the coupon payments, we need to use the following formula:

Coupon Payment * [1 - (1 + Yield to Maturity / 2) ^ (-Number of Semi-Annual Periods)] / (Yield to Maturity / 2)

Using the given information, we can calculate the present value of the coupon payments as follows:

Coupon Payment = 5% * $5,000 / 2

                             = $125

Number of Semi-Annual Periods = (2035 - 2020) * 2

                                                     = 30

Yield to Maturity = 4.5% / 2

                          = 2.25%

Present Value of Coupon Payments = $125 * [1 - (1 + 2.25%) ^ (-30)] / (2.25%)

                                                            = $2,383.76

To calculate the present value of the face value, we need to use the following formula:

Face Value / (1 + Yield to Maturity / 2) ^ (Number of Semi-Annual Periods)

Using the given information, we can calculate the present value of the face value as follows:

Present Value of Face Value = $5,000 / (1 + 2.25%) ^ 30

                                                = $2,407.78

Finally, we can calculate the price of the bond by adding the present value of the coupon payments and the present value of the face value:

Price of Bond = $2,383.76 + $2,407.78

                      = $4,791.54

Therefore, the price in USD of the bond that was issued on April 1, 2020, and is set to mature on April 1, 2035, is $4,791.54.

To know more about face value refer here


when a supermarket has frozen peas in the northeast in january, it is an example of which types of utility?


Place & Time


The availability of frozen peas in a supermarket in the Northeast in January is an example of time utility.

What's time utility

Time utility refers to the value added to a product or service by making it available at the right time when it is needed by the consumer.

In this case, frozen peas are not in season during the winter months in the Northeast, but they are still available to consumers due to advancements in food preservation technology.

This availability allows consumers to enjoy frozen peas year-round, even during times when they are not traditionally grown or harvested.

The convenience of having access to a product when needed adds value to it, and this is what time utility is all about. This also demonstrates how businesses use technology and logistics to provide customers with more options, convenience, and value.

Learn more about utility at


QUESTION 8 Determining the Claim Amount. Fred currently has an auto insurance policy that has a $1,000 deductible on his vehicle. He did have optional coverage under his accident benefits component of his coverage that will provide him with towing charges up to 100 km, a replacement rental vehicle while repairs are being done up to maximum $1,000, and up to $1,000 of medical coverage for chiropractic care due to an injury. He has an accident and his expenses are: Towing (80km driven to repair shop) $400, car rental expenses of $1,250 while his car is being repaired, and chiropractic coverage for a neck injury that cost $1,500, What would his claim be and amount he would be covered for? How much will he have to pay out of pocket himself? Put your final answers below. Round to the nearest whole number. What would his claim be and amount he would be covered for? $ How much will he have to pay out of pocket himself? $


Fred's claim would be $2,150, and he will have to pay $1,000 out of pocket himself.

The amount of coverage Fred has for towing is up to 100km, but he only drove 80km, so he will be covered for the full $400 towing charge. For the car rental, his coverage is up to a maximum of $1,000, so he will be covered for $1,000 of the $1,250 rental expenses.

As for the chiropractic care, he will be covered for the full $1,500. Therefore, the total amount of his claim is $400 + $1,000 + $1,500 = $2,900.

However, since his policy has a $1,000 deductible, he will have to pay that amount out of pocket. So, the final amount he will be covered for is $2,900 - $1,000 = $1,900. Rounded to the nearest whole number, his claim would be $2,150 ($1,900 covered + $1,000 deductible) and he will have to pay $1,000 out of pocket himself.

For more questions like Expenses click the link below:


if the parties to the farm and ranch contract agree to an adjustment to the sales price due to a discrepancy in the survey, either party may terminate the contract if the adjustment is more than:


If the parties to a farm and ranch contract agree to an adjustment to the sales price due to a discrepancy in the survey, either party may terminate the contract if the adjustment is more than what was originally agreed upon in the contract.

Typically, the maximum amount of adjustment allowed is specified in the contract and can vary based on the terms agreed upon by both parties. If the adjustment exceeds the agreed-upon amount, either party may choose to terminate the contract and walk away from the sale.

It is important for both parties to carefully review the terms of the contract and understand their rights and responsibilities in the event of a discrepancy in the survey.

For more such questions on sales price, click on:


We are evaluating a project that costs $749,000, has a life of thirteen years, and has no salvage value. Assume that depreciation is straight-line to zero over the life of the project. Sales are projected at 131,000 units per year. Price per unit is $41, variable cost per unit is $27, and fixed costs are $763,231 per year. The tax rate is 24 percent, and we require a return of 13 percent on this project. The projections given for price, quantity, variable costs, and fixed costs are all accurate to within +/- 16 percent. a. Calculate the best-case NPV. Best case __
b. Calculate the worst-case NPV. Worst case __


The Expected Annual Cash Flows are $49,556 to $554,185

a)  The best-case NPV is $3,785,601.34.

b)  The worst-case NPV is -$953,026.66.

How to calculate the best-case and worst-case NPV?

To calculate the best-case and worst-case NPV, we need to first calculate the expected annual cash flows for the project.

Annual Sales Revenue = 131,000 units x $41 = $5,371,000

Annual Variable Costs = 131,000 units x $27 = $3,537,000

Annual Fixed Costs = $763,231

Annual Depreciation = $749,000 / 13 = $57,615

Expected Annual Cash Flows:

Year 1-13: (5,371,000 - 3,537,000 - 763,231 - 57,615) x (1 ± 0.16) - $749,000 / 13 = -$49,556 to $554,185

a. Best-case NPV:

Assuming the best-case scenario where expected cash flows are 16% higher than projected, the expected annual cash flows would be:

Year 1-13: ($5,371,000 - $3,537,000 - $763,231 - $57,615) x (1 + 0.16) - $749,000 / 13 = $554,185

Using the formula for calculating NPV, we get:

NPV = -$749,000 + ∑ [CFt / (1 + r)t]

NPV = -$749,000 + [$554,185 / (1 + 0.13)¹ + $554,185 / (1 + 0.13)² + ... + $554,185 / (1 + 0.13)^13]

NPV = -$749,000 + $4,534,601.34

NPV = $3,785,601.34

Therefore, the best-case NPV is $3,785,601.34.

b. Worst-case NPV:

Assuming the worst-case scenario where expected cash flows are 16% lower than projected, the expected annual cash flows would be:

Year 1-13: ($5,371,000 - $3,537,000 - $763,231 - $57,615) x (1 - 0.16) - $749,000 / 13 = -$49,556

Using the same formula for calculating NPV, we get:

NPV = -$749,000 + ∑ [CFt / (1 + r)t]

NPV = -$749,000 + [-$49,556 / (1 + 0.13)¹ + -$49,556 / (1 + 0.13)² + ... + -$49,556 / (1 + 0.13)^13]

NPV = -$749,000 - $204,026.66

NPV = -$953,026.66

Therefore, the worst-case NPV is -$953,026.66.

Learn more about cash flows


If a firm shuts down in the short run:
A. its loss is greater than its fixed costs
B. its loss equals its fixed costs
C. total cost equals zero
D. its loss equals zero
E. it makes zero economic profit
F. its loss equals its variable costs


A. its loss is greater than its fixed costs

A firm shutting down in the short run means that the total cost of production is greater than the total revenue earned from the sale of its goods and services. In this case, its loss will be greater than its fixed costs because fixed costs are costs that do not vary with production levels, such as rent and insurance. When production is halted, fixed costs are still incurred.

Variable costs, on the other hand, are costs that vary with production levels, such as materials and labor. When production is halted, variable costs are zero. Therefore, the firm's loss will equal its variable costs. As a result, the firm will make zero economic profit, since economic profit is defined as total revenue minus total cost.

Know more about Variable costs here


The variables in a future value of an annuity problem include all of the following, except:A. Usage B. Future Value C. Payments D. Time period E. Interest rate


The variables in a future value of an annuity problem include all of the following, except a. usage.

Future value, payments, time period, and interest rate are all essential components in calculating the future value of an annuity. Future value refers to the total value of a series of payments at a specific point in the future. Payments represent the regular contributions made to the annuity. The time period is the duration over which the annuity payments are made, typically measured in years.

Interest rate is the percentage at which the annuity's value grows over time, either annually or compounded periodically. Usage, on the other hand, is not a variable related to the future value of an annuity, as it is not relevant to the calculation process. In summary, usage is not a variable considered when determining the future value of an annuity, while future value, payments, time period, and interest rate are essential components. So, the variables in a future value of an annuity problem include all of the following, except a. usage.

Learn more about interest rate at:


If I pay half my mortgage early plus additional principal would that be more effective than paying my mortgage on the first and halfway through the month add the additional payments for example
My monthly mortgage is $563.09 which is due on the 1st.
If I plan to pay a total of $700 per month towards my loan
Would it be best to…
Pay $700 in one payment
Pay $350 per paycheck (like on the first and 15th)
Roughly $281.55 to mortgage with $68.45 to the principal
Pay $563.09 on the 1st and $136.91 principal on the 15th
I have $80,145.66 in unpaid Principal. The interest rate: 2.875% Maturity Date: 12/01/2040. Simple interest monthly.
For this month (April 2022) I already made my monthly payment. So I am wondering if I start the $350 for the month of May and pay that the 15th of this month, April, and pay the other $350 on the 1st of May. Is that better than the other options to pay less interest, and overall less on the loan?
(I am aware that putting extra money in the stock market would be more effective but I am already putting a big portion of my funds into my retirement plan and other investments. I am just getting extra money from my side hustle and would like to put it in my house.)


The answer is that paying $700 in one payment would be more effective than splitting it up into smaller payments.

When you make an extra payment towards your mortgage, the earlier you make it, the more it reduces the amount of interest you pay over the life of the loan.

Therefore, if you have the ability to make an extra payment of $700 in one payment, it would be more effective to do so earlier in the month rather than splitting it up into smaller payments later in the month.

By paying $700 in one payment, you are reducing the principal amount of your loan earlier in the month, which means you will be paying less interest on that principal amount for the remainder of the month. Splitting the payment into smaller payments later in the month will not have the same effect.

In terms of which payment plan is best, it ultimately depends on your personal financial situation and budget. If you have the ability to make one larger payment, it may be more effective in the long run. However, if it is easier for you to split the payment into smaller amounts, that may also work for you.

For more questions like Amount click the link below:


Would Samsung post higher profits if the South Koreanwon increased or decreased in value relative to othercurrencies?


Samsung could potentially post higher profits if the South Korean won decreased in value relative to other currencies.

The reasoning behind this is as follows:

1. Export competitiveness: A decrease in the value of the South Korean won relative to other currencies would make Samsung's products cheaper for consumers in foreign markets, resulting in increased demand and sales.

2. Foreign exchange gains: When the won decreases in value, Samsung's foreign-currency-denominated revenues, when converted back to won, would increase, leading to higher overall profits.

3. Lower production costs: A weaker won could result in lower costs for imported raw materials and components, which would lower Samsung's production costs and potentially increase their profit margin.

It's important to note that currency fluctuations can have complex effects on a company's financial performance, and various factors may influence the relationship between currency values and a company's profits.

Learn more about Profit:


Momentum anomaly violates which form of the EMH.
Momentum anomaly: buying stocks that have performed well in the past 3-12 months (winner) and short selling those that peform poor in the same period (loser) will result in positive abnormal returns.
a. semistrong
b. strong
d. None of the options


The momentum anomaly violates the weak form of the Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH).

The weak form of the EMH assumes that all publicly available information, including historical prices and returns, is already reflected in the current stock price.

This implies that it is impossible to generate abnormal returns by using past stock price information alone, such as the momentum strategy.

However, research has shown that momentum investing can generate positive abnormal returns in the short to medium term, contradicting the weak form of the EMH.

This suggests that past stock price information is not fully reflected in the current stock price, and that investors can potentially profit from exploiting this anomaly.

On the other hand, the semi-strong and strong forms of the EMH assume that all public and private information respectively is already reflected in the current stock price.

Therefore, the momentum anomaly cannot violate these forms of the EMH, as they are already taking into account all available information.

It's important to note that the EMH is a theory and not a law, and there is ongoing debate among academics and practitioners regarding its validity.

While the momentum anomaly appears to contradict the weak form of the EMH, it does not necessarily mean that the

EMH is completely invalid or that all investors can consistently generate abnormal returns by using momentum strategies.

To know more about Efficient Market Hypothesis (EMH) here


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