Project 1: Modernized Version of Three Chapters of The Outsiders
While the theme of social classes extends across time, some of the specific instances and events
addressed in The Outsiders seem confined to America in the 1960s. Think about how Hinton's
novel could be updated for a modern-day audience. What social groups cause the most friction
today? How would this friction be demonstrated? What would be the consequences of their
feuding? Create a modern-day version of the first three chapters of The Outsiders. You may
create a written or a video version. Be sure to think about how to translate the novel into the
present day.
Answer the questions in the chart below to help you re-create a modern version of the first
three chapters of the novel.
Tips for Success Questions to Answer
Literary Ele-
ments from The
Most Import-
ant Characters:
Darry, Dally,
Johnny, Two-Bit,
Steve, Cherry,
and various
unnamed Socs
Reread chap-
ters 1 and 2 to
refresh your
memory about
the characters in
those chapters.
1. How would the character's
change to reflect teens today?
2. What would their hair and
clothing look like today?
3. What activities would they val-
ue today that weren't available in
the 1960s?
4. What details about the culture
(such as movies, movie stars,
cars, clothing, etc.) do teens
today think are important as op-
posed to those in the novel?
Your Thoughts and


Answer 1

In a modern-day version of The Outsiders, the characters' personalities, behaviors, and perspectives could be updated to reflect contemporary teenage culture.

What is the The Outsiders?

An example, Ponyboy, the protagonist, could be portrayed as a tech-savvy teenager who is knowledgeable about social media, video games, and online trends. Sodapop, his brother, could be depicted as a fashion-conscious and socially aware teenager who is passionate about social justice causes. Darry, their older brother, could be portrayed as a responsible and ambitious student who is focused on his academic and career goals.

What would their hair and clothing look like today?

The characters' hair and clothing styles could be updated to reflect current fashion trends. Ponyboy could have a modern haircut, such as an undercut or a man bun, and wear casual and comfortable clothing, like skinny jeans and graphic t-shirts. Sodapop could have a stylish and trendy hairstyle, such as a fade or a pompadour, and wear fashionable clothing, like designer jeans and vintage-inspired t-shirts. Darry could have a polished and professional look, with a clean-cut hairstyle and formal attire, reflecting his ambitious and responsible nature.

What activities would they value today that weren't available in the 1960s?

In a modern-day version of The Outsiders, the characters could value activities and hobbies that are popular among contemporary teenagers. For example, they could be interested in social media, video games, sports, music festivals, and other forms of entertainment that are prevalent in today's youth culture. They could also engage in social activism, participate in online communities, and be aware of current events and social issues.

What details about the culture (such as movies, movie stars, cars, clothing, etc.) do teens today think are important as opposed to those in the novel?

Teens today may have different cultural references and interests compared to the 1960s. For example, instead of classic movies and movie stars mentioned in the original novel, modern teens may be more interested in current popular movies, TV shows, and celebrities. They may also have different preferences for music genres, fashion trends, and technological devices, which could be reflected in the modern version of The Outsiders.

Read more about The Outsiders here:


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Read more about story telling  here:


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