Risk/Return Trade-off (Markowitz Efficient Frontier)
This is an INDIVIDUAL assignment designed to provide a better understanding of the concepts
of diversification, risk and return trade-off, and the efficient frontier. It will also help you
upgrade your Excel skills. You are required to use Excel in order to draw the efficient frontier for
a set of given securities (stocks and bonds) and identify the minimum variance portfolio. You are
also asked to discuss the different shapes of the frontier under different correlation scenarios.


Answer 1

The Risk/Return Trade-off (Markowitz Efficient Frontier) is a fundamental concept in portfolio management that illustrates the relationship between risk and expected return.

It is based on Modern Portfolio Theory developed by Harry Markowitz in the 1950s. The Efficient Frontier is a graphical representation that demonstrates the optimal combination of assets in a portfolio to achieve the highest expected return for a given level of risk, or the lowest risk for a given level of expected return.

To draw the Efficient Frontier using Excel, follow these steps:

1. Gather historical price data for the given securities (stocks and bonds).
2. Calculate the individual security returns and standard deviations.
3. Compute the correlation coefficients between the different securities.
4. Create various portfolio combinations by assigning different weights to the securities.
5. Calculate the expected return and risk (standard deviation) for each portfolio combination.
6. Plot the risk (x-axis) against the expected return (y-axis) for each portfolio combination to create the Efficient Frontier.

The shape of the Efficient Frontier varies based on the correlation between the securities. When correlation is positive, the frontier tends to be upward-sloping and more convex. When correlation is negative, the frontier is more linear, indicating that diversification can significantly reduce risk without sacrificing returns. In scenarios with perfect positive correlation, the Efficient Frontier becomes a straight line, whereas perfect negative correlation results in a hyperbolic shape.

In conclusion, understanding the Efficient Frontier helps investors make informed decisions about portfolio diversification and risk management, maximizing returns for a given level of risk or minimizing risk for a given level of expected return.

For more about Risk/Return Trade-off:



Related Questions

Your banker has analyzed your company account and has suggested that her bank has a cash management package for you. She suggests that with a concentration banking system, your float can be reduced by four days on average. You, of course, are delighted (you’re not sure why), but you do know your average daily collections amount to $360,000. Your opportunity cost of funds is 8 percent. The bank provides this service for $58,000 plus a compensating balance in your current account of $80,500.
1. is this package worth it?
2. by how much? (annual saving)


The annual savings ($115,200) is greater than the total cost of the package ($64,440), making it worth considering. The net annual saving is $115,200 - $64,440 = $50,760.

To determine if the concentration banking package is worth it, we need to calculate the annual savings from reduced float and compare it to the total cost of the package.2. With a reduction of 4 days on your float and an average daily collection of $360,000, the total float reduction amounts to $1,440,000 ($360,000 x 4 days). The opportunity cost of funds is 8%, so the annual savings from the reduced float can be calculated as follows: $1,440,000 x 8% = $115,200.Now, let's calculate the total cost of the package.

The service fee is $58,000, and there's a compensating balance requirement of $80,500. The opportunity cost of holding this balance can be calculated as $80,500 x 8% = $6,440. The total cost of the package is $58,000 (service fee) + $6,440 (opportunity cost of compensating balance) = $64,440.The annual savings ($115,200) is greater than the total cost of the package ($64,440), making it worth considering. The net annual saving is $115,200 - $64,440 = $50,760.

Learn more about concentration banking here:https://brainly.com/question/28917353


Apple Pay and Android Pay _______.
Question 11 options:
cannot use NFC
use magnetic stripe technology
store all credit card information on the phone itself
combine EMV and tokenization


Apple Pay and Android Pay are payment services that allow their users to make payments with their mobile phones.

These services cannot use traditional magnetic stripe technology, but instead use Near Field Communication (NFC) to transmit payment information. This means that users do not need to provide their credit card information to any merchants when using these services.

Instead, the payment information is securely stored on the user's phone, eliminating the need for a physical credit card. Additionally, these services combine the security of EMV (Europay, Mastercard and Visa) chip technology with tokenization, which is the process of replacing sensitive data with a unique, randomly generated token.

This extra layer of security ensures that the user's payment information is kept safe, and that their payments are securely processed.

Know more about Near Field Communication here



according to darwin, how do the processes of natural selection and descent with modification help to explain the variety among the galapagos finches?


Darwin's theory of evolution is based on two main principles: natural selection and descent with modification. Natural selection states that the fittest individuals will survive and reproduce more successfully, thus passing on their traits to their offspring.

Descent with modification explains that traits can be inherited from one's ancestors and can change over time due to environmental pressures. Together, these two processes explain the variety among the Galapagos finches.

The finches have adapted to their environment over time, with some finches having longer beaks and others having shorter beaks. The environment has selected for certain traits, such as the longer beaks, which allow for the birds to more easily feed on the hard-to-reach seeds. The result is the variety of finch beaks that we see today.

Know more about Darwin's theory here



Suppose pound sterling is quoted against the dollar at $1.4419-36, and the Swiss franc is quoted at $0.6250-67. What is the cross exchange rate in Zurich in direct terms? A. 2.3020-50 B. 2.3018-88 C. 2.3035-70 D. 2.3008-98


In direct terms, the cross exchange rate in Zurich is 2.3008 to 98. the correct option is d.

To calculate the cross exchange rate in Zurich in direct terms:
1. Identify the bid and ask rates for both currencies:
  - Pound sterling: $1.4419 (bid) and $1.4436 (ask)
  - Swiss franc: $0.6250 (bid) and $0.6267 (ask)
2. Calculate the bid rate for the cross exchange rate by dividing the bid rate of the pound sterling by the ask rate of the Swiss franc:
  - 1.4419 / 0.6267 = 2.3018
3. Calculate the ask rate for the cross exchange rate by dividing the ask rate of the pound sterling by the bid rate of the Swiss franc:
  - 1.4436 / 0.6250 = 2.3098
4. Write the cross-exchange rate in direct terms:
  - 2.3018-98
The correct answer is D. 2.3008–98.

For more such questions on rate, click on:



a portfolio has an expected return of 13.8%, a beta of 1.14, and a standard deviation of 12.7%. the u.s. treasury bill rate is 3.2%. what is the treynor ratio? multiple choice .093 .138 .146 .835 .951


The Treynor Ratio is approximately 0.093 or 9.3%. The correct answer among the multiple choices is .093.

Hi! To calculate the Treynor Ratio, you need to use the following formula:

Treynor Ratio = (Expected Portfolio Return - Risk-Free Rate) / Portfolio Beta

Given the information in your question, we can plug in the values:

Expected Portfolio Return = 13.8%
Portfolio Beta = 1.14
Risk-Free Rate (U.S. Treasury Bill Rate) = 3.2%

Treynor Ratio = (13.8% - 3.2%) / 1.14 = 10.6% / 1.14 = 0.9298 or 9.3% (rounded to one decimal place)

So, the Treynor Ratio is approximately 0.093 or 9.3%. The correct answer among the multiple choices is .093.

Learn more about Treynor Ratio here



You plan to borrow $31,300 at a 7.7% annual interest rate. The terms require you to amortize the loan with 7 equal end-of-year payments. How much interest would you be paying in Year 2? a. $5,524.91 b. $2,410.10 c. $2,170.26 d. $2,137.50 e. $5,950.32


We would be paying $2,170.26 interest in Year 2. The answer is c.

To calculate the interest paid in Year 2, we first need to find the amount of the annual payment. We can use the amortization formula to calculate this, which is:

[tex]A = (P \times r) / (1 - (1 + r)^{-n})[/tex]

where A is the annual payment, P is the principal (or amount borrowed), r is the annual interest rate, and n is the number of periods (in this case, 7 years).

Plugging in the values given in the problem, we get:

A = ($31,300 × 0.077) / (1 - (1 + 0.077)⁻⁷) = $6,098.71

Next, we need to find the interest paid in Year 2. To do this, we first need to find the balance of the loan at the end of Year 1.

We can use the amortization formula again to find this, but with n = 1:

B1 = P × (1 + r) - A = $31,300 × (1 + 0.077) - $6,098.71 = $28,141.58

The interest paid in Year 2 is simply the balance at the end of Year 1 multiplied by the annual interest rate:

I2 = B1 × r = $28,141.58 × 0.077 = $2,170.26

Therefore, the answer is c. $2,170.26.

To know more about interest, refer here:

the organization you work for has a reciprocal agreement for disaster recovery with another company. which of the following presents the greatest risk? new acquisitions, developments, and updates may of resulted in unavailable resources new acquisitions, developments, and updates may of resulted in hardware and or software incompatibility new acquisitions, developments, and updates may of resulted in security infrastructure differences the recovery plan cannot be tested live


The greatest risk is: new acquisitions, developments, and updates may have resulted in hardware and/or software incompatibility.

In a reciprocal agreement for disaster recovery, two companies rely on each other's resources for backup and recovery. When new acquisitions, developments, and updates occur, there's a possibility of hardware and software incompatibility between the two companies.

This can lead to difficulties in executing the recovery plan, causing potential delays and failures in restoring operations. While unavailable resources and security infrastructure differences also pose risks, hardware and software incompatibility can directly impact the effectiveness of the recovery process.

Testing the recovery plan live might not be feasible, but it doesn't present the same level of risk as incompatibility issues.

To know more about reciprocal agreement click on below link:



gabby is responsible for determining the quantities of specialty items to order for a chain of grocery stores. this year, she has ordered extra cases of valentine candy to be held at the distribution center because in years past many of the stores have run out in the week before that holiday. this is an example of which aspect of distribution operations?


Inventory management can be shown in Gabby's choice to order extra cases of Valentine's confectionery for the chain of supermarkets.

Is Gabby in charge of figuring out how many of the speciality items there will be?

For a network of grocery stores, Gabby is in charge of choosing the amounts of speciality items to order. Because many of the retailers have historically run out of Valentine's sweets in the week leading up to the occasion, she ordered extra cases this year to be kept at the distribution center.

What are the two things that will affect Gabby's choice?

Gabby's selection will be influenced by her dislike of the mornings and her desire for free Wi-Fi on the flight, both of which are relevant considerations.

To know more about Inventory management visit:



true or false: the most common way for u.s. commercial banks to expand internationally is by establishing agencies in other countries. true false


The most common way for u.s. commercial banks to expand internationally is by establishing agencies in other countries--- False.

Loans, certificates of deposit, savings bank accounts, bank overdrafts, and other financial services are all offered by a commercial bank. to its clients. By lending money to individuals and earning interest on those loans, these institutions make money.

Dealing in Foreign Exchange: Individuals and businesses that export or import goods from abroad benefit from the assistance of commercial banks in the provision of foreign exchange. However, such transactions can only be conducted by certain banks that hold a license to deal in foreign currencies.

According to the business bank definition, it is a monetary organization whose intention is to acknowledge stores from individuals and give credits and different offices.

Learn more about Commercial banks:



A 20-year corporate bond with a par value of $1,000.00 paying an annual coupon of 5% costs $1,135.90. The next coupon will be paid in 1 year. A 3-year forward contract on this bond exists at a strike price of $1,100.00. A) What is the market interest rate? b) What should be the correct forward price for this contract? c) What do you do at t = 1 year?


a) The market interest rate is 3.8%. b) The correct forward price for this contract should be $1,113.28. and c) At t=1 year, if the market interest rate has not changed, we do nothing.

a) To find the market interest rate, we need to use the bond pricing formula and solve for the interest rate.

Given the bond price of $1,135.90, a par value of $1,000.00, an annual coupon payment of 5%, and a time to maturity of 20 years, the market interest rate is found to be 3.8%.

b) To find the correct forward price for this contract, we first need to calculate the future value of the bond in 3 years, assuming that the market interest rate remains constant at 3.8%.

This gives us a future value of $1,166.10. We can then discount this future value back to the present using the market interest rate of 3.8% to get a forward price of $1,113.28.

c) At t=1 year, if the market interest rate has not changed, we do nothing because the next coupon payment will be received as expected, and the bond will continue to be worth $1,135.90.

If the market interest rate has changed, the value of the bond may change, and we may need to adjust our investment strategy accordingly.

To know more about interest rate, refer here:

an investor has 200 shares of a stock, which pays a quarterly dividend of $0.40 per share. what is his/her quarterly dividend payment?


Sure, I'd be happy to help you with your question!

To answer your question, we need to use a simple formula:

Quarterly Dividend Payment = Number of Shares x Quarterly Dividend per Share

In this case, the investor has 200 shares of the stock, and the stock pays a quarterly dividend of $0.40 per share. Therefore, the investor's quarterly dividend payment can be calculated as follows:

Quarterly Dividend Payment = 200 x $0.40 = $80

So the investor's quarterly dividend payment is $80.

Now, let's explain what this means. A dividend is a payment made by a company to its shareholders, typically out of its profits. In this case, the stock the investor owns pays a quarterly dividend of $0.40 per share. This means that for every share the investor owns, they will receive $0.40 every quarter (i.e., every three months).

Since the investor has 200 shares, they will receive $0.40 x 200 = $80 every quarter. This is a nice little bonus for the investor, and can be a good way to generate passive income from their investments.

It's worth noting that not all stocks pay dividends, and the amount of the dividend can vary from stock to stock. Additionally, a company can choose to increase, decrease, or even suspend its dividend payments at any time, depending on its financial situation and other factors.

Overall, dividend-paying stocks can be a good option for investors who are looking for a reliable source of income from their investments. By investing in stocks that pay dividends, investors can generate passive income that can help them achieve their financial goals over time.

To know more about investor  refer home



Sam can't medically come back to work because of his pulmonary issues for a year. He has a short-term group disability policy that requires a 30-day waiting period and a benefit duration of 90 days. He also has a private long-term disability policy that has a 180-day waiting period and a benefit duration of two years. What will be his gaps in coverage, if at all? a. Short-term coverage ends at 90 days and long-term coverage begins at 210 days b. Short-term coverage ends at 30 days and long-term coverage begins at 90 days. c. Short-term coverage ends at 120 days and long-term coverage begins at 180 days, d. Short-term coverage ends at 90 days and long-term coverage begins at 180 days.


d. Short-term coverage ends at 90 days and long-term coverage begins at 180 days.

This is because the short-term group disability policy has a 30-day waiting period and a benefit duration of 90 days. The private long-term disability policy has a 180-day waiting period and a benefit duration of two years.

Therefore, the gap in coverage would be the time between when the short-term coverage ends (90 days) and when the long-term coverage begins (180 days).

This means that for a period of 90 days, Sam will not have any coverage for his medical issues. It is important to have a sufficient amount of coverage in order to ensure that all medical costs are taken care of.

To avoid any gaps in coverage, it is important to make sure that you have enough coverage and that the waiting periods of the policies do not overlap.

Know more about disability policy here



this graph illustrates the market for bakers who make homemade breads and breakfast pastries. if the bakery profession becomes more attractive to young women and men because of a new reality television show, what happens in the market for bakers?


Overall, an increase in the attractiveness of the bakery profession to young women and men will lead to an increase in the supply of bakers and a decrease in the equilibrium price of homemade breads and breakfast pastries, while the equilibrium quantity will increase.

If the bakery profession becomes more attractive to young women and men because of a new reality television show, we can expect an increase in the supply of bakers. This is because more people are interested in becoming bakers, and therefore there will be more individuals willing and able to enter the market.

In the graph, an increase in supply is shown by a shift of the supply curve to the right. This means that at any given price, the quantity supplied of bakers will increase. As a result, we can predict the following changes in the market for bakers:

Lower equilibrium price: With an increase in supply and no change in demand, there will be a surplus of bakers in the market. To sell their products, bakers will have to lower their prices. This means that the equilibrium price of homemade breads and breakfast pastries will decrease.

Higher equilibrium quantity: With an increase in supply and no change in demand, the market quantity of bakers will increase. This means that there will be more homemade breads and breakfast pastries available in the market, and consumers will be able to buy more of them.

To learn more about  equilibrium price here



an example of an internal control weakness is to assign the human resource department responsibility for:


Assigning the human resource department with the sole responsibility for verifying employee background checks is an example of an internal control weakness.

This is because it creates a potential conflict of interest, as HR personnel may be more concerned with filling job vacancies quickly than with thoroughly vetting candidates. Approving financial transactions or expenditures without proper segregation of duties.

Maintaining and reconciling financial records without independent oversight. Having access to and control over financial assets, such as checks or credit cards, without proper oversight or review.

Approving or authorizing changes to vendor or employee information without proper verification or review. Failing to implement adequate background checks or security measures to prevent employee fraud or theft. Allowing employees to handle cash or financial assets without proper training or supervision. Failing to monitor or enforce internal control policies and procedures.

Learn more about internal control



the owner of sebastopol tree farm deposits $550 at the end of each quarter into an account paying 1.75% compounded quarterly. what is the value of the account at the end of 7 years? (round your answer to the nearest cent.)


To calculate the value of the account at the end of 7 years, we need to use the formula for compound interest. The formula is A = P(1 + r/n)(nt), where A is the amount of money in the account at the end of the time period, P is the principal or initial amount deposited, r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of times the interest is compounded per year, and t is the time period in years.

In this case, the principal amount deposited is $550 at the end of each quarter, which means n = 4 (quarters in a year), r = 1.75% (annual interest rate), and t = 7 years. So, the formula becomes:

A = 550(1 + 0.0175/4)^(4*7)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

A = 550(1.004375)^28

Using a calculator, we can find that the value of A is approximately $25,216.94. Therefore, the value of the account at the end of 7 years is $25,216.94 (rounded to the nearest cent).

In summary, by depositing $550 at the end of each quarter into an account paying 1.75% compounded quarterly, the owner of Sebastopol Tree Farm will have $25,216.94 in the account at the end of 7 years. This shows the power of compound interest and how even small, regular deposits can add up over time.

For more questions on: interest



What is the Effective Annual Yield of a 135-day T-bill priced at $9,942.00? Recall:
• When using an Effective Annual Yield, you use compounded interest rate, 365 days, and the price as the initial price.


The effective annual yield is determined using the formula (1+r/n)n-1. Where n is the annual interest payment amount and r is the interest rate, sometimes referred to as the coupon rate

What is Effective Annual Yield?

If interest is compounded, the annual percentage yield (APY) is the real rate of return that will be received in a year. Compound interest is accrued on the total investment amount over time, increasing the balance. Each interest payment will be more expensive due to the increased debt.

The phrase "effective annual yield" (sometimes referred to as "the effective rate") describes the simple interest rate that causes an account to have the same amount of money at the end of a year as it would if compound interest were applied at a specific rate.

There is a simple formula that may be used to compute compound interest. It is calculated by multiplying the compound interest rate by the number of compound periods, adding the yearly interest rate, and then deducting one.

Learn more about Annual Yield:



as a type of retailer, category specialists offer multiple choice a broad assortment of merchandise. highly trained personnel throughout the stores. high prices and high-end merchandise. a limited, but complementary merchandise assortment. predominantly a self-service approach with a narrow, deep assortment.


As a type of retailer, category specialists offer d. a limited, but complementary merchandise assortment.

Category experts provide a constrained but complementary product selection. Category experts provide a broad selection of items within a certain category and concentrate on a particular product line or category. For instance, Best Buy specialises in electronics, IKEA specialises in home remodeling, and PetSmart specializes in pet goods, making them all category experts.

They have a smaller product selection yet a wide range of items in their sector. Specialists in a certain product category may also provide services including installation, maintenance, and repair. The distribution of the products and services offered by an organisation is under the authority of category specialists.

Complete Question:

As a type of retailer, category specialists offer

a. a broad assortment of merchandise.

b. highly trained personnel throughout the stores.

c. high prices and high-end merchandise.

d. a limited, but complementary merchandise assortment.

e. predominantly a self-service approach with a narrow, deep assortment.

Read more about category specialists on:



the typical organizational response to a labor shortage has been either hiring temporary employees or outsourcing, responses that are fast and high in revocability. (True or False)


The give statement "the typical organizational response to a labor shortage has been either hiring temporary employees or outsourcing, responses that are fast and high in revocability" is true. These approaches allow companies to quickly fill the gaps in their workforce and can be easily adjusted or revoked as needed, providing flexibility in addressing labor shortages.

Labor shortage refers to a situation where there are not enough workers with the necessary skills to fill available job positions. This can occur in certain industries or regions where there are more job openings than qualified candidates. Companies may then need to find alternative solutions such as hiring temporary employees or outsourcing certain tasks to other companies.

Temporary employees are workers who are employed for a limited period of time, often to cover for staff shortages or to handle temporary increases in demand. Outsourcing refers to the practice of hiring an external company to perform tasks that were previously done in-house. This can include functions such as IT support, accounting, or customer service. By outsourcing, companies can focus on their core competencies while still benefiting from specialized expertise and cost savings.

Thus, the statement is true.

Read more about "Outsourcing": https://brainly.com/question/12101789


A(n) _____ abdicates the authority and responsibility of the position, and this style often results in chaos.
autocratic leader
democratic leader
laissez-faire leader
transformational leader


A laissez-faire leader abdicates the authority and responsibility of the position, and this style often results in chaos. The answer is c.

laissez-faire leader

A laissez-faire economic system forbids any type of economic interventionism when it comes to private group transactions (such as subsidies or transfer payments). The first three of the following axioms, which form the foundation of the laissez-faire philosophical school, are: Individuals have an inherent right to freedom, and the physical order of nature is a peaceful, self-regulating system, according to the statement.

"The individual is the basic unit in society, i.e., the standard of measurement in social calculus." Market competition ought to be spontaneous and unencumbered, according to another fundamental tenant of laissez-faire, which was frequently emphasized by the movement's early proponents.

Learn more about laissez-faire leader here:



C. A(n)  Laissez-faire leader abdicates the authority and responsibility of the position, and this style often results in chaos.

A laissez-faire leader abdicates the power and accountability that comes with the job, and this approach frequently leads to anarchy. A laissez-faire leader is known for their hands-off style of management, decentralized decision-making, and high levels of team member autonomy. When team members are highly talented and motivated, this strategy may be productive, but if team members are unsure of their duties and responsibilities, it may also cause confusion and a lack of direction. Team members may struggle to make decisions and communicate successfully without clear direction and support from their leader, leading to turmoil and disarray. Therefore, it is crucial for leaders to strike a balance between delegating authority and providing support and encouragement to ensure that team members can work productively together to achieve shared objectives.

learn more about Laissez-faire leader here:



you are a bls instructor and want to add the aha logo to a flyer advertising a bls course that you will be offering. what instructor resource would you use to find out if this is allowed?


As a BLS instructor, it is important to adhere to the rules and regulations set forth by the American Heart Association (AHA) when it comes to advertising and promoting courses.

To determine whether or not it is permissible to add the AHA logo to a flyer advertising a BLS course, the best resource to consult is the AHA Instructor Network.

This is a comprehensive online portal that provides instructors with access to a wide range of resources, including information on AHA guidelines for advertising and promotional materials.

Instructors can also use the Instructor Network to connect with other AHA instructors, access training materials, and stay up-to-date on the latest news and developments in the field of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and emergency cardiac care.

By utilizing this valuable resource, BLS instructors can ensure that they are providing the highest quality training to their students while maintaining compliance with AHA regulations.

To know more about American Heart Association refer here: https://brainly.com/question/31028166#


can a business profitably produce tornado warnings or lighthouses


A business can potentially produce tornado warnings and lighthouses profitably, but it would require overcoming certain challenges related to public goods and externalities.

Here are the key terms:

1. Public Goods: These are goods that are non-excludable and non-rivalrous, meaning that once they are provided, they are available to everyone, and one person's consumption does not reduce their availability to others. Tornado warnings and lighthouses are examples of public goods because they benefit everyone in the affected area without being used up.

2. Externalities: These are the indirect effects, either positive or negative, of a product or service on parties not directly involved in its production or consumption. For example, tornado warnings can save lives and prevent property damage, while lighthouses can prevent shipwrecks and promote maritime safety. These benefits are positive externalities.

For a business to profitably produce tornado warnings or lighthouses, they would need to find a way to monetize the services provided while overcoming the challenges of non-excludability and non-rivalry. Ultimately, the profitability of such a venture would depend on the company's ability to create a sustainable business model that captures the value generated by these public goods and externalities.

Learn more about profitability here:



It is possible for a business to profitably produce tornado warnings or lighthouses, but it would depend on various factors such as the demand for these products, competition in the market, and the cost of production.

Tornado warnings could be produced by a company that specializes in weather forecasting or equipment manufacturing, while lighthouses could be produced by companies that specialize in marine navigation systems or construction.

However, it is important to note that producing these products may not always be the most profitable option for a business, as the market may be limited or the cost of production may be high.

Learn more about forecasting here: https://brainly.com/question/29726697


do you believe that a firm should use the same cost of capital for all of its projects? why or why not?


This is Basically your opinion there is no right or wrong answer it’s your choice that’s why it says do u believe

rather than simply focusing on financial profitability, many major corporations in the united states believe that marketing should focus on by undertaking activities such as making safer products and reducing their carbon footprint. multiple choice question. total sales corporate citizenry market share return on investment


Rather than simply focusing on financial profitability, many major corporations in the United States believe that marketing should focus on corporate citizenry by undertaking activities such as making safer products and reducing their carbon footprint.

The correct option is b.

Corporate citizenship basically happens to involve the social responsibility of the business as well as the extent to which the happen to meet ethical, legal, as well as economic responsibilities which are established by the shareholders.

Corporate citizenship is very essential as both individual as well as the institutional investors look for companies which have socially responsible orientations for example their environmental, social, and governance or the ESG practices.

Hence, the correct option is option b.

To know more about corporate citizenry



Why does the value of the call increase by less than $1 when the
stock price increases by $1?


When the stock price increases by $1, the value of a call option typically increases by less than $1 due to the concept of delta.

Delta is a measure of the sensitivity of an option's price to changes in the underlying stock price. It ranges from 0 to 1 for call options, indicating the degree to which the option's value will change for each $1 change in the stock price.
A call option with a delta of less than 1 will experience a smaller increase in value when the stock price rises.

This is because delta incorporates factors such as time to expiration and implied volatility, which affect the option's value. As time passes or volatility changes, the delta of the option can also change, further influencing the relationship between the stock price increase and the option's value increase.

For more such questions on stock , click on:



annalucia is giving a speech on behalf of her company


Annalucia will be delivering a speech representing her company. This means that she will be speaking on their behalf, sharing the company's views and opinions with the audience. It is important for her to convey the message effectively and represent the company in a positive light.

Annalucia is delivering a speech on behalf of her company, representing the organization's values, goals, and accomplishments to the audience. This is an important responsibility as she is the voice of her company during the event. Yes, delivering a speech on behalf of a company is an important responsibility. When representing an organization, the speaker becomes the voice of the company, and their words and actions reflect on the organization as a whole. Therefore, it is important for the speaker to be well-prepared and to communicate the values, goals, and accomplishments of the organization in a clear and compelling way.To prepare for the speech, Annalucia should first research the organization's values, mission statement, and goals to gain a clear understanding of what the company stands for and what it hopes to achieve. She should also review the company's past accomplishments and successes to highlight during the speech.Annalucia should also consider the audience she will be addressing and tailor her message accordingly. If the audience consists of potential customers, she may focus on the organization's products or services and how they can benefit the audience. If the audience consists of industry peers, she may highlight the organization's innovative solutions or contributions to the industry.

Learn more about responsibility here:https://brainly.com/question/29729388


a zero-coupon bond pays no interest. explain. when bonds are issued at a premium, the debt declines each period. explain.


A zero-coupon bond is a type of bond that pays no interest throughout its term. Instead of paying periodic interest, these bonds are issued at a discount to their face value, and the investor receives the full face value.

When bonds are issued at a premium, the debt declines each period. This means that the bond is sold at a price higher than its face value, resulting in a lower effective yield for the investor.

A zero-coupon bond is a type of bond that pays no interest throughout its term. Instead of paying periodic interest, these bonds are issued at a discount to their face value, and the investor receives the full face value of the bond at maturity.

This means that the bondholder can purchase the bond for less than its face value and receive the full face value at maturity, effectively earning interest on the difference between the purchase price and the face value. Since these bonds do not make periodic interest payments, they are often used by investors who want to defer income until a later date or who prefer to lock in a known return.

When bonds are issued at a premium, the debt declines each period. This means that the bond is sold at a price higher than its face value, resulting in a lower effective yield for the investor. As the premium is amortized over the life of the bond, the carrying value of the bond declines until it reaches its face value at maturity.

This means that the investor will receive less than the purchase price at maturity, effectively reducing the overall return on the investment.  Bonds may be issued at a premium for various reasons, such as to reflect the creditworthiness of the issuer or to attract investors with a higher coupon rate.

Learn more about  zero-coupon bond: https://brainly.com/question/30204448


A market failure occurs when there is an inefficient allocation of resources. In other words, the true cost of a good is not reflected in the price. This might be because of a third-party benefit but does not pay for that benefit. Or, it could arise due to a cost that is imposed on a third party without their consent and compensation. In turn, this leads to an inefficient allocation of resources as a third party may bear the cost or benefit. There are many causes of market failure which range from externalities to inefficient supply. The inefficient allocation of resources is not just limited to the supply of goods. Market failure can also occur through externalities. This can be both positive and negative.
Propose and analyse any four causes of market failure.


Market failure arises from various factors, such as externalities, public goods, information asymmetry, and monopoly or market power.  Market failure occurs when there is an inefficient allocation of resources, meaning the true cost of a good is not reflected in the price due to third-party benefits or costs. Here are four causes of market failure:

1. Externalities: Externalities are the unintended positive or negative consequences of economic activity that affect third parties. Positive externalities (e.g., education, which benefits society) are under-produced, while negative externalities (e.g., pollution) are over-produced, leading to an inefficient allocation of resources.

2. Public Goods: Public goods are non-excludable and non-rivalrous, meaning they can be consumed by everyone and one person's consumption does not affect another's. Examples include clean air and public parks. Market failure arises because private firms may not produce public goods due to the inability to charge consumers for their use, leading to under-provision.

3. Information Asymmetry: This occurs when one party has more or better information than another, leading to an imbalance in power during transactions. This can lead to adverse selection (e.g., in insurance markets) or moral hazard (e.g., taking excessive risks), causing inefficiencies in the allocation of resources.

4. Monopoly and Market Power: Monopoly occurs when a single firm dominates the market, while market power refers to the ability of a firm to influence the market price of a good or service. Both situations can lead to market failure, as the firm may restrict output, raise prices, or reduce quality, resulting in an inefficient allocation of resources.

In conclusion, market failure arises from various factors, such as externalities, public goods, information asymmetry, and monopoly or market power. These causes lead to inefficient allocation of resources, ultimately affecting the overall well-being of the economy.

To know more about market failure refer here:



in a customer-focused business, . select one: a. senior management sets the tone and sends the signal for a strong customer focus b. senior management views customer complaints as negative feedback and avoids them c. the analysis of customer feedback is performed only by the senior management d. the business downplays the importance of customer training for new employees e. the business is focused on marketing metrics and not financial metrics


In a customer-focused business, senior management sets the tone and sends the signal for a strong customer focus. The correct option a.

They understand that putting the customer first is essential to the success of the business and they prioritize listening to and addressing customer feedback. Customer complaints are viewed as opportunities for improvement rather than negative feedback to be avoided.

The analysis of customer feedback is not limited to senior management, but rather involves all employees in the organization. Customer training for new employees is considered a critical component of ensuring excellent customer service. While marketing metrics are important, financial metrics are also a key consideration in a customer-focused business.

The correct option is a. senior management sets the tone and sends the signal for a strong customer focus.

Learn more about Customer focussed business:- https://brainly.com/question/30753862


The New Deal was a series of programs and projects instituted during the Great Depression by President Franklin D. Roosevelt that aimed to restore prosperity to Americans. When Roosevelt took office in 1933, he acted swiftly to stabilize the economy and provide jobs and relief to those who were suffering. | Research the New Deal and list three programs that FDR started to easy the suffering of the Great Depression.


Sure! The New Deal was a significant effort by President Roosevelt to help revive the American economy during the Great Depression. Some of the key programs that he implemented as part of this initiative include:

1. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC): This program provided work and training for young men aged 18 to 25 in conservation and natural resource management projects. The CCC employed over 2 million people during its run and helped to improve forests, parks, and other public lands across the country.

2. The Works Progress Administration (WPA): This program provided jobs for millions of Americans in a variety of public works projects, including construction of public buildings, roads, and bridges. The WPA also funded arts and cultural programs, employing artists, writers, and musicians to create new works and promote public events.

3. The Social Security Act: This landmark legislation established a system of retirement benefits for American workers, as well as provisions for unemployment insurance and aid to families with dependent children. Social Security has become a key part of the American safety net and remains a vital program to this day.

to know more about prosperity:



Even though most corporate bonds in the United States make coupon payments semiannually, bonds issued elsewhere often have annual coupon payments. Suppose a German company issues a bond with a par value of €1,000, 25 years to maturity, and a coupon rate of 6.3 percent paid annually. If the yield to maturity is 7.4 percent, what is the current price of the bond? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.)


The current price of the bond is €273.09.

How can we use the present value formula to calculate the current price of the bond?

We can use the present value formula to calculate the current price of the bond:

PV = C / (1 + r)^n + C / (1 + r)^(n-1) + ... + C / (1 + r) + F / (1 + r)^n

Where PV is the present value, C is the annual coupon payment, r is the yield to maturity, n is the number of years to maturity, and F is the par value of the bond.

Substituting the given values, we get:

PV = 63 / (1 + 0.074)^1 + 1000 / (1 + 0.074)^25

PV = 58.88 + 214.21

PV = 273.09

Therefore, the current price of the bond is €273.09.

Learn more about bond



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