suppose sam's shoe co. makes one kind of shoe. an example of a fixed cost for this company would be:


Answer 1


An example of a fixed cost for Sam's Shoe Co., which produces only one kind of shoe, would be the cost of the factory rent or lease. Fixed costs are expenses that do not vary with the level of production or sales, such as rent, salaries, insurance, or property taxes. In this case, the factory rent would be a fixed cost because it is a recurring cost that the company must pay regardless of how many shoes it produces. Other examples of fixed costs in a shoe manufacturing business might include the cost of machinery or equipment, utilities, or administrative expenses that do not vary with the level of output.


hope this helps

Related Questions

Assume you are thinking about investing in Bank of America stock, which has a beta of 1.33. At the time you are making your investment decision, the risk-free rate () is 2% and the expected market return (m) is 8%. •
What is the expected stock return? •
If the beta were higher, say 2.0, the required return would be higher


Investing in Bank of America stock with a beta of 1.33. To calculate the expected stock return, With a beta of 2.0, the expected stock return increases to 14%.

the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) formula:

Expected Stock Return = Risk-Free Rate + Beta * (Expected Market Return - Risk-Free Rate)

In this case:
Risk-Free Rate (rf) = 2% = 0.02
Beta (β) = 1.33
Expected Market Return (rm) = 8% = 0.08

Plugging in the values, we get:

Expected Stock Return = 0.02 + 1.33 * (0.08 - 0.02)
Expected Stock Return = 0.02 + 1.33 * 0.06
Expected Stock Return = 0.02 + 0.0798
Expected Stock Return = 0.0998 or 9.98%

So, the expected stock return for Bank of America is 9.98%.

If the beta were higher, say 2.0, the required return would indeed be higher. To demonstrate this, let's calculate the expected stock return with a beta of 2.0:

Expected Stock Return = 0.02 + 2.0 * (0.08 - 0.02)
Expected Stock Return = 0.02 + 2.0 * 0.06
Expected Stock Return = 0.02 + 0.12
Expected Stock Return = 0.14 or 14%

With a beta of 2.0, the expected stock return increases to 14%.

To know more about  Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) refer here:


You are thinking about purchasing a 'buy-and-hold' real estate investment. Monthly rental income is $960, monthly operating expenses are estimated at $460, and the subject area has a capitalization rate of 10%. Assume that you pay $50,000 for this investment, calculate the first year 'Cash-on-cash return'. Make sure to convert your answer to a percentage and round off to a whole number.


The cash-on-cash return as a percentage (0.12 x 100 = 20%). The cash-on-cash return for this buy-and-hold real estate investment is 20%.

To calculate this, subtract the monthly operating expenses from the monthly rental income ($960 - $460 = $500) and then divide that by the total purchase price of $50,000 ($500 / $50,000 = 0.01). Multiply that by 12 to get the annual return (0.01 x 12 = 0.12). Finally, multiply that by 100 to get the cash-on-cash return as a percentage (0.12 x 100 = 20%).

The 20% cash-on-cash return is relatively high compared to other investment options. This is because the capitalization rate of 10% is relatively low, meaning that the investment is likely to appreciate in value over time. Additionally, the $500 of monthly income provides a regular and reliable source of income. Therefore, this buy-and-hold real estate investment appears to be a solid choice.

Know more about real estate investment here


small firms with limited capital typically budget using an all-available-funds method. (True or False)


The statement "small firms with limited capital typically budget using an all-available-funds method" is false. While it may seem logical for small firms to use all available funds to create their budget, it is not always the best practice.

Small businesses with limited capital must be especially careful with their budgeting process. They need to ensure that they are allocating their resources efficiently and effectively. An all-available-funds approach may not allow for this level of scrutiny.
A better approach for small firms with limited capital would be to use a zero-based budgeting method. This method requires the business to start from zero each budget cycle, where each expense must be justified and approved before being added to the budget. This ensures that each expense is necessary and relevant to the business's goals.
Another method that small firms can use is a priority-based budgeting approach. This method focuses on prioritizing the most critical expenses and allocating funds accordingly. This approach allows the business to allocate funds to the areas that are most essential, ensuring that resources are being used effectively.
In conclusion, small firms with limited capital should not always budget using an all-available-funds method. Instead, they should consider using zero-based or priority-based budgeting methods to ensure that their limited resources are being allocated in the most effective and efficient way possible.

for more such questions on  funds .


which of the following characteristics applies to process costing, but does not apply to job order costing? multiple choice the need for averaging. the use of equivalent units of production. separate, identifiable jobs. the use of predetermined overhead rates.


Process costing is an account system used to mass yield analogous products by recording the cost of product and allocating it to the units produced. This is variant B.

The use of original units of product relates to reuse costs but not to labor costs.

Process costs are used in the mass product of analogous products when the costs associated with different units of product are indistinguishable. In other words, the cost of each product made is assumed to be equal to the cost of all other products.

Job order going is a going system used to determine the cost of product of each product.


Which of the following statements applies to reuse costs but not to manufacturing costs?

a) the need to take the normal.

b) Use of original product units.

c) different and identifiable professions.

d) apply pre-established general tariffs.

To know more about Process Costing,


(Present-value comparison) You are offered $1,600 today, $5,000 in 9 years, or $32,000 in 24 years. Assuming that you can earn 13 percent on your money, which offer should you choose? a. What is the present value of $32,000 in 24 years discounted at 13 percent interest rate? (Round to the nearest cent.) b. What is the present value of $5,000 in 9 years discounted at 13 percent interest rate? (Round to the nearest cent.) c. Which offer should you choose? (Select the best choice below.) A. Choose $1,600 today because its present value is the highest. B. Choose $32,000 in 24 years because its present value is the highest. OC. Choose $5,000 in 9 years because its present value is the highest.


It's advisable to choose $5,000 in 9 years, as it has the largest present value of $1,767.95. Thus, the most desirable scenario is option C.

To compare the three offers, we need to calculate the present value of each option using the given interest rate of 13 percent:
a. To find the present value of $32,000 in 24 years discounted at 13 percent interest rate, use the formula:
PV = FV / (1 + r)^n
where PV = present value, FV = future value, r = interest rate, and n = number of years.
PV = $32,000 / (1.13)^24
PV = $32,000 / 25.1365
PV = $1,273.52 (rounded to the nearest cent)
b. To find the present value of $5,000 in 9 years discounted at 13 percent interest rate, use the same formula:
PV = $5,000 / (1.13)^9
PV = $5,000 / 2.8289
PV = $1,767.95 (rounded to the nearest cent)
c. Comparing the present values of each offer:
- $1,600 today has a present value of $1,600.
- $32,000 in 24 years has a present value of $1,273.52.
- $5,000 in 9 years has a present value of $1,767.95.
The best choice is option C: Choose $5,000 in 9 years because its present value is the highest at $1,767.95.

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Assume that Social Security promises you $49,000 per year starting when you rotire 45 years from today (the first $49,000 will get paid 45 years from now). If your discount rate is 4%, compounded annually, and you plan to live for 15 years after retiring (so that you will receive a total of 16 payments including the first one), what is the value today of Social Security's promise?


The present value of Social Security's promise today is $332,162.14.

To find the value today of Social Security's promise, we can use the present value of annuity formula. Here are the steps:

1. Determine the annuity amount: $49,000 per year.
2. Determine the discount rate: 4% compounded annually.
3. Determine the number of periods: 16 payments (15 years after retiring + 1 initial payment).
4. Calculate the present value factor using the formula: PV Factor = (1 - (1 + r)⁻ⁿ) / r, where r is the discount rate and n is the number of periods.
5. Plug in the values: PV Factor = (1 - (1 + 0.04)⁻¹⁶) / 0.04 ≈ 10.3807.
6. Multiply the annuity amount by the present value factor: $49,000 * 10.3807 ≈ $332,162.14.

So, the value today of Social Security's promise is $332,162.14.

To know more about discount rate click on below link:


in a monopolistically competitive industry, in long run equilibrium group of answer choices firms produce at minimum average total cost and make zero economic profit. firms produce at minimum average total cost and make positive economic profit. firms produce at greater than minimum average total cost and make positive economic profit. firms produce at greater than minimum average total cost and make zero economic profit.


In a monopolistically competitive industry, firms tend to produce at the minimum average total cost in the long run. This is because the industry is characterized by a large number of small firms that are differentiated from each other based on product quality, branding, and marketing strategies.

How was monopolistically competitive industry, in long run equilibrium

As a result, each firm has a certain degree of market power that allows them to charge a slightly higher price than their competitors without losing all their customers. However, this also means that firms cannot charge a price that is too high because consumers have substitute products to choose from.

In the long run, firms will adjust their production levels to reach a point where they are making zero economic profit. This is because firms can enter or exit the industry easily, and if firms are making a positive economic profit, new firms will enter the industry and drive down profits.

Therefore, firms in a monopolistically competitive industry tend to produce at the minimum average total cost and make zero economic profit in the long run.

Learn more about long run equilibrium at


what do you look for in a business? what are some of the things that make you want to purchase an existing business?


When evaluating an existing business for purchase, investors may consider factors such as financial performance, market demand, competitive advantage, operational efficiency, management team, legal and regulatory compliance, and industry trends and outlook.

some general factors that individuals or investors may consider when looking to purchase an existing business:

Financial performance: The financial performance of the business, including revenue, profitability, cash flow, and debt, is a critical factor to consider when evaluating a business for purchase.

Market demand: The demand for the product or service offered by the business, and its potential for growth in the future, is another important factor.

Competitive advantage: The business's competitive advantage, such as a unique product or service, a strong brand reputation, or a loyal customer base, can make it more attractive to buyers.

Operational efficiency: The operational efficiency of the business, including its processes, systems, and technology, can impact its profitability and potential for growth.

Management team: The quality and experience of the management team can play a significant role in the success of the business and can be a crucial factor for investors.

Legal and regulatory compliance: The business's compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, such as taxes, licenses, and permits, is also a crucial factor to consider.

Industry trends and outlook: The overall trends and outlook for the industry in which the business operates, including potential opportunities and threats, can help inform the decision to purchase an existing business.

These factors can help investors or individuals make an informed decision when considering purchasing an existing business. However, it is essential to conduct due diligence and thoroughly evaluate the business before making a purchase to ensure that it aligns with their goals and objectives.

learn more about market demand here:


a department store hiring temporary workers to deal with increased demand during the holiday season is practicing what approach? question 6 options: a) store management b) demand management c) labor management d) seasonal management


Seasonal management is an important strategy for businesses to utilize when faced with seasonal fluctuations in demand. By adapting their workforce and resources to meet these changes, companies can ensure that they continue to operate effectively and meet customer needs.

Department stores often experience a surge in demand during the holiday season. To deal with this increased demand, many stores choose to hire temporary workers. This approach is an example of seasonal management.

Seasonal management involves adjusting a company's resources and workforce to meet seasonal fluctuations in demand. In this case, the department store is responding to the increase in demand during the holidays by hiring temporary workers. This allows the store to ensure that there are enough staff members to handle the extra traffic and provide good customer service.

By using seasonal management, the store can avoid overworking its existing staff members and ensure that customers are taken care of promptly. It also allows the store to operate more efficiently, as the temporary workers can be let go once the holiday season is over and demand returns to normal levels.

Click the below link, to learn more about increased demand:


an agreement can be illegal even if no statute specifically states that such an agreement is illegal. true or false?


True. An agreement can be considered illegal even if there is no specific statute that states it is illegal. This is because certain agreements may violate common law principles or public policy.

Common law principles are legal rules that have been established by courts over time, while public policy refers to societal values and norms that are deemed important.
For example, a contract to commit a crime or engage in fraudulent activity would be considered illegal even if there is no specific statute that prohibits such behavior. Similarly, contracts that violate public policy, such as those that are discriminatory or involve the sale of illegal drugs, can also be deemed illegal.
It is important to note that while there may not be a specific statute that addresses the illegality of certain agreements, courts can still rule them illegal and unenforceable. This is because the law seeks to protect public interests and prevent harm, even if it means going beyond the confines of specific statutes.
In summary, an agreement can be considered illegal even if there is no specific statute that states it is illegal, as long as it violates common law principles or public policy.

for more such questions on  principles .


True. An agreement can be illegal based on common law principles, public policy considerations, or judicial interpretation, even in the absence of specific statutory provisions.

While statutes often define what is legal and illegal, there are instances where an agreement can be considered illegal even in the absence of specific statutory provisions. This can happen when the agreement violates common law principles, such as the prohibition against contracts that promote illegal activity or are contrary to public policy. For example, an agreement to engage in price-fixing may be illegal even if no statute specifically prohibits such an agreement. Additionally, courts may interpret statutes broadly to cover agreements that are not explicitly mentioned in the statute. Overall, the legality of an agreement depends on various factors, including the specific circumstances of the agreement and the applicable legal principles.

Learn more about  An agreement here:


in the mid-twentieth century, which of the following was a similarity between the approaches of china and the soviet union in managing their respective economies? responses insistence on the participation of industrial workers in planning their economies insistence on the participation of industrial workers in planning their economies recognition of the independence of satellite states in developing their economies recognition of the independence of satellite states in developing their economies building popular support for their regimes by slowing the pace of industrialization building popular support for their regimes by slowing the pace of industrialization direct intervention in their economies to speed the process of industrialization


In the mid-20th century, a similarity between the approaches of China and the Soviet Union in managing their respective economies was "direct intervention in their economies to speed the process of industrialization." Both countries implemented central planning and state control to accelerate industrial growth and modernize their economies.

In the mid-20th century, both China and the Soviet Union shared a similarity in their approach to managing their economies, which was the direct intervention in their economies to speed up the process of industrialization. Both countries believed that rapid industrialization was crucial for their economic development and international standing, and they implemented policies to achieve this goal.

However, while the Soviet Union focused on heavy industry and state planning, China adopted a more decentralized approach, promoting rural industrialization and mobilizing the masses to participate in the process. Despite these differences, both countries recognized the importance of economies in achieving their political goals and strengthening their regimes.

Read more about "Soviet Union":


in regard to outsourcing, the most effective way to avoid problems with schedules and deadlines is to question 28 options: develop detailed schedules. hold frequent status reviews. add a penalty clause to the contract. hold frequent conversations with the outsourcer. build extra time into the schedules that the outsourcer is not aware of.


The most effective way to avoid problems with schedules and deadlines in outsourcing is to b) hold frequent status reviews.

Although all the options listed in the question can potentially help in avoiding problems with schedules and deadlines, holding frequent status reviews is the most effective way. It allows the outsourcing company to stay informed of the outsourcer's progress and identify potential problems early.

This proactive approach enables the outsourcing company to take corrective action before a problem becomes a crisis. Developing detailed schedules can help in planning, but it may not take into account unforeseen circumstances that may arise during the project.

Adding a penalty clause to the contract may be a deterrent, but it may not necessarily guarantee timely completion of the project. Holding frequent conversations with the outsourcer may be helpful, but it may not provide the level of detail required to ensure timely completion of the project.

Building extra time into the schedules may be helpful, but it may also increase costs and delay the project unnecessarily.

For more questions like Outsourcing click the link below:


Suppose a five-year, $1,000 bond with annual coupons has a price of $897.72 and a yield to maturity of 6.3%.
What is the bond's coupon rate? (Round to three decimal places.)


The coupon rate for the bond is 8.471%. The solution, rounded to three decimal places, is 0.085.

To calculate the bond's coupon rate, we need to first understand what it means. A bond's coupon rate is the fixed annual interest rate that the bond issuer promises to pay the bondholder until the bond matures.

The annual coupon payment is the coupon rate multiplied by the face value of the bond. In this case, the face value is $1,000. Let's call the coupon rate "r".

The present value of a bond is the sum of the present values of each coupon payment and the face value discounted at the yield to maturity (YTM). Therefore, we can use the following formula to calculate the bond's price:

Price =  (Coupon payment / [tex](1 + YTM)^1)[/tex] + (Coupon payment / [tex](1 + YTM)^2)[/tex] + ... + (Coupon payment + Face value / [tex](1 + YTM)^n)[/tex]

Where n is the number of years until maturity.

We know the bond's price, YTM, and face value, so we can solve for the annual coupon payment using this formula. Then, we can use the coupon payment and face value to solve for the coupon rate.

Price = $897.72

YTM = 6.3%

Face value = $1,000

n = 5 years


$897.72 = [tex]($r x $1,000 / (1 + 0.063)^1) + ($r x $1,000 / (1 + 0.063)^2) + ($r x $1,000 / (1 + 0.063)^3) + ($r x $1,000 / (1 + 0.063)^4) + ($r x $1,000 + $1,000 / (1 + 0.063)^5)[/tex]

Solving for the coupon payment, we get:

Coupon payment = $84.71

Now we can solve for the coupon rate using the following formula:

Coupon rate = Annual coupon payment / Face value

Coupon rate = $84.71 / $1,000

Coupon rate = 0.08471

Therefore, the bond's coupon rate is 8.471%. Rounded to three decimal places, the answer is 0.085.

For more such questions on coupon rate , click on:


AAA’s zero-coupon bond is trading at 64 and has exactly 8 years
to maturity. What is its current yield to maturity? (Your answer
should be a % carried to 2 places.)


The current yield to maturity of AAA's zero-coupon bond is 5.14%. The current yield to maturity of AAA's zero-coupon bond can be calculated by using the formula:

Current yield to maturity = (Face value of bond / Bond price)^(1/years to maturity) - 1

In this case, the face value of the bond is not given, but we can assume it to be $1000. So, the bond price is 64% of the face value, which is $640. The years to maturity are given as 8.

Substituting the values in the formula, we get:

Current yield to maturity = ($1000 / $640)^(1/8) - 1
Current yield to maturity = 0.0514 or 5.14%

Therefore, the current yield to maturity of AAA's zero-coupon bond is 5.14%. This means that if the bond is held till maturity, the investor will earn a return of 5.14% per year.

It is important to note that zero-coupon bonds do not pay any interest during their lifetime, but are sold at a discount to their face value and provide a return to investors at maturity.

To know more about AAA's zero-coupon bond refer here:


The dissolution or liquidation of an LLC is most likely to occur: (Check all that apply.)
-at the end of the fiscal year, after all taxes are paid.
-when a majority of the members vote to end the business.
-when a competitor offers to buy the business.
-when an event defined in the operating agreement occurs, such as the death of a member.


The dissolution or liquidation of an LLC is most likely to occur when a majority of the members vote to end the business or when an event defined in the operating agreement occurs, such as the death of a member.

So the options that apply are:

1. When a majority of the members vote to end the business.

2. When an event defined in the operating agreement occurs, such as the death of a member.

The dissolution of an LLC does not necessarily occur at the end of the fiscal year, and it is not directly related to the payment of taxes. The offer of a competitor to buy the business may or may not lead to the dissolution of an LLC, as it depends on the decision of the members whether to accept the offer or not.

Learn more about the dissolution at


An LLC is most likely to be dissolved or liquidated when a majority of the members decide to dissolve the company and when an event specified in the operating agreement, such as a member's death, takes place.

An LLC may dissolve at any time, even after the fiscal year has ended and taxes have been paid. The sale of the company could result from a rival's purchase offer, but the LLC might not necessarily be dissolved. However, the LLC may be terminated if a majority of the members decide to do so or if an occasion specified in the operating agreement, such as a member's death, occurs. If the LLC's members believe that the company is no longer viable or lucrative, they may vote to dissolve the LLC in the first scenario. In the latter scenario, the operating agreement may specify specific circumstances that would result in the LLC's dissolution, such as the passing of a significant member.

learn more about operating agreements here:


the labor-management relations act (taft-hartley act) gave more power to management. group of answer choices true false


True, the labor-management relations act (Taft-Hartley) gave management additional control.

What exactly is the Labor-Management Act?

The Taft-Hartley Act, also known as the Labour Management Relations Act of 1947, is a United States federal statute that limits the activities and authority of labour unions. The Taft-Hartley Act forbids jurisdictional attacks, wildcat strikes, solidarity or federal strikes, tertiary boycotts, secondary and bulk picketing, store closures and monetary contributions to federal political campaigns by unions. The amendments also allowed states to enact right-to-work legislation that outlawed union shops. The law, passed during the early stages of the Cold War, required union officials to sign non-communist certifications with the government.

To know about Taft-Hartley Act visit:


assuming the use of the allowance method, which of the following does not change the balance in the accounts receivable account? select one: a. bad debt expense adjustment. b. write-offs of bad debts. c. returns on credit sales. d. collections on customer accounts.


Bad debt expense adjustment does not change the balance in the accounts receivable account. The right answer is a.

When a receivable is no longer recoverable as a result of a customer's inability to pay an outstanding debt owing to bankruptcy or other financial issues, a bad debt expense is reported. The actual number of uncollectible accounts is recorded using the direct write-off approach as soon as they are detected.

Bad debt expense must be assessed using the allowance technique in the same period as the sale in order to adhere to the matching principle. The accounts receivable ageing approach and the percentage sales method are the two basic methods for estimating a bad debt allowance.

The correct answer is option a.

Know more about Bad debt expense here


during the 1990s, a deposit was made into a savings account paying interest compounded quarterly. on january 1, 2022, the balance was $2020. what was the balance on october 1, 2021?


The interest rate is 2%, the balance on October 1, 2021 would be approximately $2010.40 .

[tex]A = P * (1 + r/n)^(n*t)[/tex]

Where A is the final amount, P is the principal (initial deposit), r is the annual interest rate, n is the number of times the interest is compounded per year, and t is the time in years.Since the interest is compounded quarterly, n = 4.

We don't know the value of the principal or the interest rate, but we do know that the balance on January 1, 2022 was $2020, which is the final amount after more than 21 years of compounding.

Therefore, we can set t = 21.25 years and solve for P:

2020 =[tex]P * (1 + r/4)^(4*21.25)[/tex]

2020/P =[tex](1 + r/4)^85[/tex]

ln(2020/P) = [tex]85 * ln(1 + r/4)[/tex]

ln(2020/P) = [tex]85 * (r/4 - r^2/32 + r^3/192 - ...)[/tex]

(ln(2020/P))/85 =[tex]r/4 - r^2/32 + r^3/192 - ...[/tex]

(ln(2020/P))/85 is a constant, so we can simplify to a cubic equation in r:

[tex]r^3/192 - r^2/32 + (ln(2020/P))/85 - ...[/tex]

Unfortunately, this equation is difficult to solve analytically. We could use numerical methods, such as Newton's method or the bisection method, to find the value of r that satisfies the equation, but that would be beyond the scope of this answer.However, we can make an estimate by assuming a reasonable interest rate.

For example, if we assume an interest rate of 2%, we can calculate the balance on October 1, 2021 (which is 3 months before January 1, 2022):

t = (9 months) / (12 months/year) = 0.75 years

A = P *[tex](1 + r/n)^(nt)[/tex]

A = [tex]P * (1 + 0.02/4)^(40.75)[/tex]

A [tex]= P * 1.005^3[/tex]

A = 1.0151P

Therefore, The interest rate is 2%, the balance on October 1, 2021 would be approximately $2010.40 .

For more such questions on interest rate


You own two risky assets, both of which plot on the security market line. Asset A has an expected return of 12.5% and a beta of 0.74. Asset B has an expected return of 16.5% and a beta of 1.38. If your portfolio beta is the same as the market portfolio, what proportion of your funds are invested in asset A? Answer as a decimal to three decimal places and do not include the % sign (i.e. .105 not 10.5%) Your Answer:


The proportion of your funds invested in Asset A is approximately 0.594 or 59.4%.To determine the proportion of funds invested in Asset A, we need to find the weights of Asset A and Asset B in the portfolio.

Since the portfolio beta is the same as the market portfolio, we know that the portfolio beta is 1.0. Given that Asset A has a beta of 0.74 and Asset B has a beta of 1.38, we can use the following formula to find the weight of Asset A:
Portfolio Beta = (Weight of Asset A * Beta of Asset A) + (Weight of Asset B * Beta of Asset B)
1.0 = (Weight of Asset A * 0.74) + ((1 - Weight of Asset A) * 1.38)
Now, solve for the weight of Asset A:
1.0 = 0.74 * Weight of Asset A + 1.38 - 1.38 * Weight of Asset A
1.0 = 0.74 * Weight of Asset A + 1.38(1 - Weight of Asset A)

Combine terms:
1.0 - 1.38 = (0.74 - 1.38) * Weight of Asset A
-0.38 = -0.64 * Weight of Asset A
Now, divide by -0.64:
Weight of Asset A = -0.38 / -0.64
Weight of Asset A = 0.594 (rounded to three decimal places)
Therefore, the proportion of your funds invested in Asset A is approximately 0.594 or 59.4%.

To know more about asset click here


When a company uses its own profits to reinvest into its own operations, instead of paying these funds out to shareholders, it is using___________as a source of capital.
Suppose that Coleman Co., a U.S.-based MNC, is looking for sources of debt.
Coleman looks to sell bonds, denominated in U.S. dollars, to a small number of institutional investors located in the countries in which they do business.
This is an example of which of the following sources of debt?
a) loans from financial institutions
b) private placement bonds
c) domestic bond offering
d) global bond offering


Correct answer is: A. The percentage of a company's net income retained by management for internal use as opposed to being distributed to shareholders as dividends is known as retained earnings.

Which of the following types of debt does this represent?

Loans, bonds, promissory notes, debentures, mortgages, and credit card balances are a few examples of debts that can exist. A debt instrument, in the broad sense, is a type of debt.

Taking out a mortgage, investing in yourself by borrowing for more education, purchasing necessities, saving time and money, and consolidating debt are examples of positive debt. Though they may initially put you in a bind, borrowing the money will benefit you in the long term.

Delinquent debts that a collector may be entrusted with collecting include unpaid credit card balances, phone bills, vehicle loans, utility bills, and back taxes.

Learn more about debt:


the lead manager will sometimes invite co-managers to form a managing group to: a. manage the issuance b. all of the options c. ascertain market conditions d. help negotiate terms with the borrower


The role of the lead manager (a) in managing an issuance is crucial as they are responsible for overseeing the entire process. The correct answer is a.

However, sometimes the lead manager may require assistance from co-managers to form a managing group to ensure that the issuance is managed efficiently.

The purpose of forming a managing group is to ensure that all aspects of the issuance are taken care of. This includes managing the issuance, ascertaining market conditions, and helping negotiate terms with the borrower. By working together, the managing group can combine their expertise and knowledge to ensure that the issuance is a success.

The lead manager may invite co-managers to join the managing group for various reasons. It could be due to the complexity of the issuance or the need for additional expertise. By inviting co-managers, the lead manager can ensure that all aspects of the issuance are handled with care and precision.The correct answer is a.
for more such questions on issuance


customers who face the same general needs of the marketplace but are likely to experience them months or years earlier than the rest of the market and stand to benefit disproportionately from solutions to those needs are referred to as . group of answer choices early followers intrapreneurs lead users laggards


The customers who happen to face the general requirements of the marketplace but also happen to experience them months or even years before the rest of the market as well as also benefit disproportionately from the solutions which are given to those in need are called lead users.

The correct option is option c.

Lead user is basically a term which was given by American economist who is named Eric von Hippel. According to him, lead users happen to face needs which are general and common in a marketplace but they happen to face them months or even years earlier than the bulk of the market encounters them, and they are also positioned in a way that they benefit by getting a solution for their needs and so they may innovate.

Lead users are very essential to innovative progress because since they act earlier and can therefore producers to develop new types of products as well as applications.

Hence, the correct option is option c.

To know more about marketplace


public policies and government regulations are shaped by multiple choice all of these choices are correct. business. government. special interest groups.


Public policies and government regulations are shaped by business, government and special interest groups. Option a is answer.

Public policies and government regulations are shaped by a variety of actors, including business, government, and special interest groups. Businesses often lobby the government to influence policies that will benefit their industries, while government officials are responsible for creating and enforcing regulations that affect businesses and society as a whole. Special interest groups, such as environmental organizations or labor unions, also play a role in shaping policies and regulations by advocating for their particular interests and causes.

The interactions between these different actors can be complex and dynamic, and the resulting policies and regulations can have far-reaching impacts on society and the economy.

Option a : " all of these choices are correct" is answer.

You can learn more about Public policies at


poornima: hi valerie. the professor was talking about the stock market and the market for equities. can you help me understand whether the two markets are different or the same?


Actually, there is no difference between the stock market and the market for stocks. People refer to the market where stocks, or equities, are purchased and sold when they talk about the stock market.

When you purchase a stock, you acquire a shareholder in the company, and stocks symbolise ownership in a corporation. Investors may purchase or sell stock of publicly traded corporations on the stock market.

The stock exchange is a crucial component of the economy because it gives businesses accessibility to capital and enables people to invest and maybe make money. Due to a number of variables, including prevailing economic conditions, corporate performance, and investor attitude, the market for stocks can be volatile and vulnerable to changes.

Since both the market for stocks and the marketplace for equities allow financiers to purchase and sell stock of publicly traded corporations, they are essentially the same thing.

Learn more about stock market here:


In Country A, it is popular for the citizen to have a glass of orange juice together with a piece of cupcake at the tea time. Recently, the citizens found that the price of orange juice increases dramatically. What are the effects on the equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity in the market of cupcake? No diagram is needed but you need to describe how the curve(s) shifts in your written explanation. (6 marks)


The increase in the price of orange juice will lead to a decrease in the demand for cupcakes, causing the demand curve to shift to the left. This shift results in a lower equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity in the market for cupcakes.

1. Identify the relationship between goods: In this case, orange juice and cupcakes are considered complementary goods since they are consumed together at tea time.

2. Determine the impact of a price increase in one good on the demand for the other good: As the price of orange juice increases, the demand for its complementary good, cupcakes, will decrease. This is because people might cut back on their consumption of orange juice due to the higher price, and thus, they would also consume fewer cupcakes.

3. Analyze the shift in the demand curve: Since the demand for cupcakes decreases, the demand curve for cupcakes will shift to the left.

4. Observe the change in equilibrium price and quantity: As the demand curve for cupcakes shifts to the left, the equilibrium quantity of cupcakes in the market will decrease. In addition, the equilibrium price of cupcakes will also decrease as suppliers will need to lower their prices to sell the lower demanded quantity of cupcakes.

To know more about equilibrium price visit:


kevin borrows $8,000 from second national bank at 10% interest. kevin will repay the loan in six equal payments beginning at the end of year 1. what is the annual amount that kevin will pay the bank each year? round your answer to the nearest dollar. multiple choice question. $1,266 $2,133 $1,837 $1,333


To calculate the annual amount that Kevin will pay the bank each year, we need to use the formula for the Present Value of an Annuity:

PMT = PV / [ (1 - (1 + r)^(-n)) / r ]

PV = Present Value or the amount borrowed (in this case $8,000)
r = Interest rate per period (in this case 10%/year or 0.1/year)
n = Number of payment periods (in this case 6)

Substituting the values we get:

PMT = 8000 / [ (1 - (1+0.1/1)^(-6)) / (0.1/1) ]

PMT = $1,837 (rounded to the nearest dollar)

Therefore, the correct answer is C) $1,837.

ou read an interesting article in a magazine and want to share it in the discussion forum. what should you do when posting? select all that apply.


Here are some possible options for what to do when posting an article from a magazine in a discussion forum:

1. Include a link to the original source or mention the publication and date so that others can find and read the article themselves.

2. Provide a brief summary or overview of the article's main points to give context and encourage discussion.

3. Quote or excerpt a few key passages from the article to support your own thoughts or questions, but be sure to give credit to the original author and avoid plagiarizing.

4. Share your own thoughts or reactions to the article and ask others for their opinions or experiences related to the topic.

5. Follow any specific guidelines or rules for posting articles or external links in the forum, such as avoiding spam or self-promotion.

To know more about article refer here


________ market stock trading among investors is directed through three main channels. An investor may trade directly with other investors, indirectly through a broker, or directly with a dealer.


In the stock market, trading among investors is directed through three main channels. An investor may trade directly with other investors, indirectly through a broker, or directly with a dealer.

Trading directly with other investors involves buying and selling shares without the involvement of intermediaries. This method is typically facilitated through online platforms or over-the-counter markets.

Indirect trading through a broker involves using the services of a professional who executes transactions on behalf of the investor. Brokers charge a commission for their services and provide investors with access to a wider market.

Trading directly with a dealer means engaging with an individual or firm that buys and sells securities for their own account. Dealers create a market by offering liquidity, quoting both bid and ask prices, and profiting from the spread between them.

In summary, investors have the option to trade stocks directly with each other, indirectly via brokers, or directly with dealers, depending on their preferences and access to market resources.

To know more about stock market refer here:


How to do Question 1 and 2?
Question 1 Describe in detail the relationship between the scarcity, choices, and opportunity cost. Question 2 Are all economies based on free market economies? What determines the structure of econom


In economics, scarcity "refers to the basic fact of life that there exists only a finite amount of human and nonhuman resources which the best technical knowledge is capable of using to produce only limited maximum amounts of each economic good."

What is the relation ship between the scarcity, choices , and oppurtunity?

Scarcity is the concept that resources are limited and cannot satisfy all of our wants and needs. As a result, we must make choices about how to allocate those scarce resources. When we make a choice, we are also giving up the opportunity to use those resources in another way. This is known as opportunity cost - the cost of the next best alternative foregone. The relationship between scarcity, choices, and opportunity cost is fundamental to economics. Scarcity forces us to make choices about how to allocate resources, and those choices have opportunity costs. For example, if we choose to spend money on a vacation, the opportunity cost is that we cannot use that money for other things such as buying a car or investing in stocks.Not all economies are based on free market economies. In fact, there are several different types of economies, including command economies, traditional economies, and mixed economies. The structure of an economy is determined by a variety of factors, such as the political system, cultural values, and historical circumstances. For example, a command economy is characterized by a central authority that makes all economic decisions, while a traditional economy is based on customs, traditions, and beliefs that have been passed down through generations. In a mixed economy, both government intervention and market forces play a role in determining economic outcomes.

to know more about the scarcity:


Backtest on the model on the F-IRB Approach method is carried out on ...
A. All risk factors (default probability, loss given default, and exposure at default)
b. Loss Given Default and Exposure AT Default specified by Supervisor
c. Default Probability and Loss Given Default estimated by the Bank
d. The default probability estimated by the bank
e. Not set in Basel II


The backtesting process for the model on the F-IRB Approach method is typically carried out on  a. all risk factors (default probability, loss given default, and exposure at default).

However, there are certain situations where the Supervisor may specify only Loss Given Default and Exposure At Default for backtesting. In this case, the bank should comply with the Supervisor's requirements. Alternatively, the bank may estimate the default probability and loss given default themselves, and carry out backtesting on these two factors. However, if the Supervisor has specified certain requirements, the bank must comply with them.

It's important to note that the default probability estimated by the bank is not sufficient for backtesting purposes. Backtesting should be carried out on all three risk factors to ensure that the model accurately captures the risk of the portfolio. Overall, while the specific approach for backtesting may vary depending on Supervisor requirements and bank estimates, it's important to ensure that all three risk factors are taken into consideration for accurate and reliable results. The backtesting process for the model on the F-IRB Approach method is typically carried out on  a. all risk factors (default probability, loss given default, and exposure at default).

Learn more about probability at:


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How did the majority of homesteaders build homes on the prairie in the late 1800s? O They constructed homes out of sod from the area. O They bought lumber from the East to build homes. O They hired immigrant workers to build their houses. O They traded with American Indians to obtain tents. social facilitation refers to the tendency to group of answer choices comply with a large request if one has previously complied with a small request. neglect critical thinking because of a strong desire for social harmony within a group. experience an increasing attraction to novel stimuli as they become more familiar. perform well-learned tasks more effectively in the presence of others. lose self-restraint in group situations that foster anonymity. if 3.50 mol of an ideal gas has a pressure of 2.68 atm and a volume of 75.71 l, what is the temperature of the sample in degrees celsius? ______ A tendency to exhibit modesty and sensitivity is associated with which type of leadership, according to Project GLOBE?ParticipativeSelf-protectiveHumane-orientedTeam-orientedAutonomous PLSSSS HELP IF YOU TURLY KNOW THISSS Suppose that 19,665$ is invested at an interest rate of 6.8% per year, compounded continuously. a) Find the exponential function that describes the amount in the account after time t, in years. b) What is the balance after 1 year? 2 years? 5 years? 10 years? c) What is the doubling time?helppppppp Alpha and Beta Companies can borrow for a five-year term at the following rates:Alpha BetaMoody's credit rating Aa BaaFixed-rate borrowing cost 10.5% 12.0%Floating-rate borrowing cost LIBOR LIBOR + 1%a. Calculate the quality spread differential (QSD):b. Develop an interest rate swap in which both Alpha and Beta have an equal cost savings in their borrowing costs. Assume Alpha desires floating-rate debt and Beta desires fixed-rate debt. No swap bank is involved in this transaction. eBook Carnes Cosmetics Co.'s stock price is $59, and it recently paid a $1.50 dividend. This dividend is expected to grow by 25% for the next 3 years, then grow forever at a constant rate, 9; and rs = 13%. At what constant rate is the stock expected to grow after year 3? Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answer to two decimal places, __________% Fifteen customers arrive every hour (Poisson distributed) at Andy Johnson's food truck when it parks outside the Orlando Courthouse from 11-2 p.m. on weekdays. It takes Andy a mean time of 2 minutes to fill each order (following a negative exponentialdistribution). The Waiting Line Table is provided below and also we know thata) What is the average number of customers in the queue? Using the table, the average number of customers in the queue is nothing customers (round your response to four decimal places).b) How long will a person wait in line on average?The average time a person spends in the queue is ______ minutes(round your response to two decimal places).c) If Andy's wife joins him in serving meals (at the same speed as Andy), how will your answers to parts a and bchange?Using the table, the new average number of customers in the queue is _________ customers (round your response to four decimal places).The new average time a person spends in the queue is _________ minutes (round your response to two decimal places). a section of marine sediments is uplifted, folded, and then overlain by sandstone. what is the name of the resulting feature? Your initial thread should answer #13 AND at least SIX of the otherquestions from the following list of questions in at least 400 words incomplete sentences. Your discussion should analyze the marketing research andstrategy challenges facing the particular business, as well as the ethical/socialresponsibility issues facing business marketers today.You must also specify your recommended strategy for either Company A (Intuit)or Company B (Lego).Please make sure that you do the following: Indicate the number of each question set that you are discussing, suchas #1 or #3 or #13, before the numbered question set. Answer ALL the questions within each numbered question set. Do NOT answer more than one question set in the same paragraph. Answer one numbered question set at a time in a separate paragraph. Skip a line between each numbered question set paragraph. Answer in detail #13 AND at least six of the other question sets. 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Write an expression for the amount of pure copper sulfate in 3x liters of 25% copper sulfate solution. b. A chemist added x liters of 90% copper sulfate solution to 3x liters of 25% copper sulfate solution. Use division to find the percentage of pure copper sulfate in the resulting solution.The percentage of pure copper is . help would be absolutely appreciated good vibrations"" consumed more studio time and budget allocation than any other pop single ever had before. a. true b. false q1 homeworkunanswereddue today, 11:59 pm amanda is stretching to touch her toes. what component of physical activity is she working on? select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a cardiorespiratory endurance b flexibility c muscular strength d body composition e muscle endurance the sds for 1-octanol is provided here. (links to an external site.) is 1-octanol a combustible liquid? Please helppppp!!! Like quick pleaseee