The cahiers des doleances were drawn up by the delegates of the Three Estates. What did these lists enumerate?
Napoleonic Code.
Continental System


Answer 1

The Three Estates' representatives drafted the cahiers des doleances is grievances. These listings list complaints. Option 2 is Correct.

The cahiers de doléance, or "ledger of complaints," were journals or ledgers that recorded the complaints and recommendations of the general populace. In the first quarter of 1789, they were written and assembled, after which they were delivered to the Estates-General.

These lists, many of which have survived, provide a wealth of knowledge on the state of the nation just before the revolution. The records contained complaints of government waste, corruption, and aristocracy-only hunting privileges.

The cahiers' purpose was to educate and enlighten the deputies about local viewpoints and to encourage reform. The writing of cahiers of the third estate took place at the parish level, followed by their orderly consolidation at the bailliage/sénéchaussée level. Option 2 is Correct.

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Correct Question:

The cahiers des doleances were drawn up by the delegates of the Three Estates. What did these lists enumerate?

1. Napoleonic Code.

2. grievances

3. Continental System

4. none of these.

Answer 2

The cahiers des doléances were drawn up by the delegates of the Three Estates in France. These lists enumerated grievances of the First, Second, and Third Estates.

These lists enumerated the complaints and requests of the people, including issues such as taxation, corruption, and inequality. The cahiers were used as a means to voice the concerns of the people to the monarchy and were an important catalyst for the French Revolution. The grievances focused on issues such as taxation, representation, and the overall rights of the people. The Napoleonic Code and Continental System are not directly related to the cahiers des doléances, as they pertain to different time periods and contexts in French history.

Thus, the correct answer is B, grievances.

To know more about French Revolution, click here:


Related Questions

the united states legislation that protects human health and environmental integrity by reducing source hazardous waste is:


The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is a United States legislation that safeguards human health and environmental integrity by minimising source hazardous waste.

What exactly is RCRA?

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) is a federal statute that establishes the foundation for the correct management of hazardous and nonhazardous solid waste. The statute specifies the waste management programme mandated by Congress, which authorised the EPA to design the RCRA programme.The EPA works to implement statutes that include the Clean Air Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, the National Environmental Education Act, and the Clean Water Act, several of them predate the founding of the agency itself, to safeguard communities and the environment.

To know about Resource Conservation and Recovery Act visit:


what best represents imitative magic? a. a man fired from his job throws out the tie he was wearing. b. a pin stuck into a doll causes pain to an enemy. c. a rabbit's foot brings good fortune to its possessor. d. a child born under a full moon sign falls ill.


A pin stuck into a doll causes pain to an enemy best represents imitative magic Therefore the correct option is B.

Imitative magic is a form of sympathetic magic that tries to imitate or replicate the desired outcome. It works by attempting to replicate the desired result, or something symbolic of it, using material objects or symbols that are believed to have strong associations with the desired outcome.

For instance, if you wanted to find a job, you might write down your desired job title on a piece of paper and keep it in your pocket - believing that doing so would help you find a job that matches your goals. Imitative magic is based on the belief that if you can recreate an outward symbol of something desired, then you can bring about its realization in reality.

Hence the correct option is B.

To know more about magic visit:


kayla goes to the grocery store but forgets her list at home. she knows the first three things on the list are eggs, milk, and cheese but cannot remember the rest of the list. what effect is kayla experiencing?


Kayla is experiencing the serial position effect. This effect is the tendency to remember the first few and last few items on a list more easily than the middle items.

In this case, Kayla remembers the first few items on the list (eggs, milk, and cheese), but not the rest of the items in the middle. This effect occurs because the first few items have been transferred to long-term memory (primacy effect) and the last few items are still in short-term memory (recency effect), while the middle items have not been as well encoded or rehearsed.

Learn more about Kayla


studies show the intended tone of an e-mail communication is perceived correctly about what percentage of the time?


According to studies, the intended tone of an e-mail communication is perceived correctly about 56% of the time.

What is the Intended Tone of the E-mail Communication?

Studies indicate that the intended tone of an email is accurately understood approximately 56% of the time. This means that more than 40% of the time, the tone of an email is misinterpreted or unclear to the recipient.

This is likely due to the absence of nonverbal cues, such as facial expressions and tone of voice, which can be important in conveying meaning and emotion. To improve the likelihood that the intended tone is correctly perceived, it can be helpful to use clear and concise language, avoid sarcasm or humor that could be misinterpreted, and consider using emoticons or other indicators to convey emotion or intent.

Learn more about tone of image on:


chadwick wants to reduce the amount of ultra-processed foods that he eats. he should _____.


If Chadwick wants to lessen the amount of extremely-processed foods he eats, he have to focus on incorporating entire, minimally processed foods into his diet.

This includes meals together with fresh fruits and vegetables, entire grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Chadwick also can opt for minimally processed meats, inclusive of grilled hen or fish, rather than highly processed meats like sausage or deli meats.

Analyzing food labels can help him become aware of ultra-processed ingredients and make knowledgeable choices. He also can try cooking meals at domestic using fresh elements in preference to relying on pre-packaged, processed meals. reducing the consumption of ultra-processed foods can improve typical fitness, decrease the danger of continual illnesses, and growth nutrient consumption.

Learn more about Diet:-


Chadwick wants to reduce the amount of ultra-processed foods that he eats. He should gradually decrease his consumption and incorporate more whole, natural foods into his diet.

Diet is the total amount of food that a person or other organism consumes. The term "diet" frequently connotes the utilization of a particular nutritional intake for medical or weight-management purposes. Despite the fact that humans are omnivores, each culture and individual has certain eating preferences or food taboos.

Our diet has an important effect on the way we feel, and ultra-processed foods like chips, soda, pizza, and candy don't have enough of the essential vitamins and minerals that the body needs. The total nutritional quality of our diet degrades the more ultra-processed foods we consume. That's why Chadwick wants to reduce the amount of ultra-processed foods.

To learn more about Diet, click here:


a process concerned with the flow of information within an organization is known as the supply chain.


The supply chain is a procedure that deals with information movement inside a company. True.

Any supply chain will experience three basic sorts of flows: the flow of materials/goods, the flow of currency, and the flow of information. From upper tier suppliers to the final customer, there is a forward flow of resources and commodities for the regular flow.

A supply chain is the network of all the people, businesses, resources, tasks, and technological advancements involved in the production and distribution of a good. An entire supply chain, from the distribution of raw materials from the supplier to the producer to the final delivery to the customer, is included.

Learn more about supply chain Visit:


Correct Question:

State true or false: A process concerned with the flow of information within an organization is known as the supply chain.

The given statement is False. The process concerned with the flow of information within an organization is known as information management.

Actually, the term "supply chain" typically refers to the process of getting products or materials from suppliers to consumers, and typically involves logistics, transportation, and inventory management. The process concerned with the flow of information within an organization is usually referred to as "information flow" or "information management." However, these two concepts are closely related, as effective information flow is a critical component of successful supply chain management.

By closely tracking and analyzing information about inventory levels, customer demand, and supplier performance, organizations can optimize their supply chain processes and ensure timely and efficient delivery of products to customers.

To know more about information management, click here:


elaine is a clinical sociologist who practices marriage and family therapy. she is also a college professor. one of her current students ask if she can make an appointment for a therapy session. elaine tells the student that she will refer her to a colleague because she feels that holding therapy sessions with a student might cause:


Elaine's decision to refer the student to a colleague is an appropriate ethical move to maintain professional boundaries.

According to the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics, boundary crossings, such as entering a dual relationship with a student, can lead to potential exploitation and harm. As a mental health professional, Elaine must prioritize the safety of her student and must not use her professional power to exploit the student.

It is also important for Elaine to protect her own professional integrity by avoiding any potential conflicts of interest. Her decision to refer the student to a colleague is an ethical one that will ensure the student's safety and privacy, while also protecting Elaine's professional reputation.

To know more about Social Workers , click here:


requiring 60 votes to pass major legislation results in . group of answer choices gridlock in parliamentarian systems gridlock in presidential systems gridlock in neither system gridlock in both systems


Requiring 60 votes to pass major legislation results in gridlock in both parliamentary and presidential systems.

The president is chosen independently of the legislature in a presidential system. This can be done directly by a popular vote or indirectly, such in the United States, using the electoral college. The president is the prime executive and is chosen by the people directly under the presidential system of government.  The executive, legislative, and judicial departments of government in this system are all constitutionally independent of one another, and no branch has the authority to remove or dissolve another.  Laws must be made by the legislature, approved by the courts, and then enforced by the president.  Each is granted certain authority to counterbalance the others.

This higher vote threshold makes it more challenging to reach a consensus, which can lead to delays and stagnation in the legislative process.

To learn more about Presidential system, click here:


the first church paul began in eastern europe was in the roman colony of


The first church Paul began in Eastern Europe was in the Roman colony of Philippi, in present-day Greece.

Paul and his companions, Silas and Timothy, had set sail from Asia Minor and stopped in Philippi on their journey to spread the gospel. After being arrested for preaching and spending a night in prison, Paul and Silas were released and continued to preach in the city.

They were met with resistance from local Jews and Gentiles, but eventually established a small church in the city. This church was the first of many Paul would establish in Eastern Europe and the beginning of the spread of Christianity in the region.

Know more about Christianity here


increase in physiological stress b. cognitive depletion c. increased group identification d. engagement in maladaptive behaviors


An increase in physiological stress can lead to a variety of negative outcomes, including cognitive depletion, increased group identification, and engagement in maladaptive behaviors.

When our bodies are under stress, our cognitive abilities can become compromised, making it difficult to focus, think clearly, and make rational decisions. Additionally, when we feel stressed, we may feel a stronger connection to our social groups, which can be both positive and negative.

On the one hand, this increased identification with a group can provide a sense of belonging and support. On the other hand, it can also lead to group polarization, conflict, and intolerance of out-group members.

Finally, when individuals are experiencing high levels of stress, they may engage in maladaptive behaviors such as substance abuse, overeating, or other forms of self-destructive behavior as a way of coping with their distress.

To know more about physiological stress refer here:


With malice towards none, with charity for all . . . let us strive on to finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation's wounds . . . to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with all nations

Based on the excerpt, Lincoln advocated for

(Answer choices on screenshot)


Based on the excerpt, Lincoln advocated for integration of the northern cities. The Option B.

What did Lincoln advocated for based on the excerpt?

In this excerpt from Abraham Lincoln's second inaugural address, he advocated for reconciliation and unity following the end of the Civil War. Despite the enormous challenges facing the nation at the time, Lincoln's words reflect his belief in the power of forgiveness and cooperation to heal the wounds of division and restore the bonds of friendship and mutual respect.

Lincoln's call for "malice towards none, with charity for all" reflects his desire to move beyond the bitterness and rancor of the war and to work towards a brighter future for all Americans, regardless of their political or ideological beliefs. He recognized that the task ahead would not be easy, and that it would require hard work, sacrifice, and a willingness to listen to the perspectives of others.

Read more about Lincoln


which of the following is true? question 3 options: 1) spirituality refers to a search for the sacred grounded specifically in institutional forms. 2) affiliation with traditional faiths has been increasing for young americans. 3) both spirituality and religion encompass a need to relate to something greater than the self. 4) the majority of the u.s. population (over 90%) identifies itself as spiritual but not religious.


Of the alternatives you gave, "both spirituality and religion involve a yearning to relate to something higher than the self" is the most accurate. Option 3 is Correct.

Though they have diverse definitions, spirituality and religion both entail the desire to associate with something greater than oneself. Religion frequently incorporates particular beliefs, practices, and structured organizations, but spirituality is a wider concept that can refer to a desire for meaning, purpose, and connection to something more than oneself.

Considering the alternative choices:

Option 1 is untrue since spirituality isn't just found in institutional settings.

Option 2 is untrue since research indicates a decline in young Americans' adherence to established religions.

Option 4 is untrue since research show that more people are becoming religiously unaffiliated.

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jack and christopher, both 16-years-old, are best friends. how are the boys likely to spend their time together? question 8 options: a) playing competitive games b) talking about girls and other kids at school c) avoiding large group activities d) sharing thoughts and feelings


The boys are more likely to spend their time together playing completive games. Therefore the correct answer from the given question is Option A.

Teenage boys are more inclined in playing  competitive video games or sports due to the increase in the levels of testosterone that comes along with puberty. In this phase, the individual becomes more active in participating in events such as sports or extracurricular activities.

This rise in the levels of testosterone provides a boost of energy which in return builds a mindset of winning in every situation. But this differs from person to person, in minor people this doesn't affect their mindset and they are pushed to other horizons that deal with either sharing feelings or thoughts, etc.

To learn more about testosterone,


for a child, the sight of a needle (cs) is followed by an injection (us), which causes fear (ur). eventually the sight of the needle (cs) may produce a learned fear of the needle (cr). this illustrates question 19 options: a) observational learning. b) classical conditioning. c) operant conditioning. d) social learning.


This process of learning is known as classical conditioning, and is one of the most basic forms of learning.

The correct option is B.

The scenario described in the question involves a child first encountering a needle. The child experiences fear when they receive an injection, which is an unconditioned response (UR). Over time, the child learns to associate the sight of a needle (conditioned stimulus, CS) with the fear response (conditioned response, CR).

This process of learning is known as classical conditioning, and is one of the most basic forms of learning. Classical conditioning involves the pairing of a stimulus with an emotional response. In this case, the stimulus (needle) is paired with the emotional response (fear) to form a conditioned response. It is different from observational learning, operant conditioning, and social learning, which involve different forms of learning.

The correct option is B.

To know more about classical conditioning, click here:


an anesthetic is used primarily to produce the sensation of numbness. True or False


The statement "An anesthetic is used primarily to produce the sensation of numbness" is true because anesthetics are substances that are used to reduce or eliminate pain and sensation.

An anesthetic is a medication that is used to produce a lack of sensation or feeling. It can be administered locally, regionally, or generally to produce numbness or loss of consciousness during medical procedures.

Anesthetics work by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses from the site of the procedure to the brain, effectively preventing the patient from feeling pain or discomfort. While other sensations may also be affected by anesthetics, such as touch or temperature, the primary goal is to produce a state of numbness.

To know more about anesthetic, click here.


with the second great awakening, american christianity became more hierarchical and out of touch with the common folk.T/F


Respect to child maltreatment, permanency planning is a tertiary level of prevention.

Tertiary prevention is the last level of prevention and focuses on addressing the long-term consequences of a problem that has already occurred. In the case of child maltreatment, tertiary prevention focuses on minimizing the negative effects of abuse or neglect that have already occurred and preventing further harm to the child. Permanency planning is a type of tertiary prevention that aims to find a permanent and safe living arrangement for a child who has been removed from their home due to abuse or neglect.

Permanency planning is often used in cases where a child cannot be safely reunited with their biological family and involves finding a permanent placement for the child, such as adoption, legal guardianship, or long-term foster care. The goal of permanency planning is to provide stability and security for the child and to minimize the disruption and trauma that can result from repeated placements or prolonged stays in foster care.

In summary, permanency planning is a type of tertiary prevention that is used in cases of child maltreatment to find a permanent and safe living arrangement for a child who has been removed from their home due to abuse or neglect.

Click the below link, to learn more about Tertiary:



With the Second Great Awakening, American Christianity actually became more democratic and accessible to the common folk, as it emphasized individual conversion experiences and rejected traditional hierarchical structures.

To know more about the above please click:-


how can you use maslow's hierarchy of needs to explain why - a hungry young person would steal? - a lonely new student in a school would join a club?


A young person who is hungry will steal because they have a physiological need. A lonely new student would join a group to satisfy demands for love and belonging.

Even if they are successful, artists still strive to fulfil their urge for self-actualization. Maslow's hierarchy of needs states that lower wants, such as the desire to be a respectable, law-abiding citizen, would take precedence over higher needs like the need to sate one's hunger. This would explain why a starving, helpless individual might turn to stealing in order to survive. The rate at which energy is used to maintain fundamental bodily functions while at rest is known as the basal metabolic rate. These are crucial because they keep the body healthy even in periods of semi-starvation.

To know more about physiological need, click here:


how can you use maslow's hierarchy of needs to explain why a hungry young person would steal, lonely new student in high school would join a club, successful artist would continue to invest tremendous effort in her career?

The need for _____ is evident in U.S. children in military families. A) siblings B) public school C) continuity D) popularity


Option c: The need for continuity is evident in U.S. children in military families.

Children in US military households have similar experiences and particular difficulties, such as frequent moving and parental deployment. There are a number of elements and interventions that have been identified to enhance resilience, even though some of the stressors of military life have been linked to greater incidence of mental health disorders and increased health care usage among family members. Military children frequently reside on or close to military posts, where they may attend schools and daycare centres supported by the Department of Defence and receive medical care from military hospitals.

However, a lot of families reside in isolated areas where they lack access to these services. Military children are treated in both military and civilian medical settings due to their widespread geographic dispersal. This clinical report gives background information on military culture and offers helpful advice for paediatricians working with both civilian and military patients.

To learn more about children, here:


nelson's family and friends are deeply distressed by their behavior. there have been instances when they behave violently and talk in a different voice, saying that their name is rocky. however, the next moment they behave normally, as though nothing had happened. when their family members tell them how they behaved, they deny any awareness of the odd behavior. given these symptoms, which of these disorder diagnoses seems most likely?


Based on the symptoms described, the most likely diagnosis for Nelson would be dissociative identity disorder (DID), which is also commonly known as multiple personality disorder.

What is Nelson suffering from?

DID is a complex psychiatric disorder in which an individual has two or more distinct personalities or identities that alternate control of their behavior and consciousness.

The sudden changes in behavior and speech patterns, as well as the denial of awareness of their odd behavior, are common symptoms of this disorder. It is important for Nelson to seek professional help and treatment to manage their condition and improve their quality of life.

To know more about multiple personality disorder visit:


the divisions of an m-form organization are true group of answer choices matrix teams. profit-and-loss centers. functional units. organic structures.


The divisions of an M-form (multidivisional) organization: profit-and-loss centers. The correct option is A.

In an M-form organization, divisions are structured as profit-and-loss centers. This means that each division operates independently and is responsible for its own revenue generation and expenses.

These divisions are managed separately and their performance is measured based on the profits they generate, allowing for better monitoring and control.

This differs from other organizational structures such as B) functional units, where divisions are based on the functions they perform, like marketing or finance;

C) matrix teams, which involve employees from different functions working together on projects or tasks; and D) organic structures, where there is a flat hierarchy, emphasizing flexibility and adaptability in decision-making processes.

In summary, the divisions of an M-form organization are true profit-and-loss centers, with each division functioning independently and being responsible for its own financial performance. This structure allows for better monitoring, control, and accountability of each division within the organization.

To know more about multidivisional, refer here:


Complete question:

The divisions of an M-form organization are true:

A) profit-and-loss centers.

B) functional units.

C) matrix teams.

D) organic structures.

various forms of electronic communication that users can employ to create online communities for sharing ideas, information, their interpersonal messages, and other content fall under what category?


The various forms of electronic communication that users can employ to create online communities for sharing ideas, information, interpersonal messages, and other content fall under the category of social media.

Social media platforms enable users to connect and interact with others, share their thoughts and opinions, and create and consume content in various forms, such as text, images, and videos. Examples of social media platforms include, and among others. These platforms have revolutionized the way people communicate, and they have become an integral part of modern-day communication, facilitating both personal and professional networking and information sharing.

Learn more about Social media


your audience analysis reveals that audience members will be friendly and interested in your topic. you should be


When your audience analysis reveals that audience members will be friendly and interested in your topic, you should be enthusiastic, engaging, and knowledgeable about your subject matter.

This means delivering your message with confidence, using clear and concise language, and incorporating visual aids or other relevant materials to support your presentation. You should also be open to questions and feedback from your audience, as this can help you to better understand their interests and tailor your message to meet their needs. Overall, your goal should be to create a positive and engaging experience for your audience and to leave them feeling informed, inspired, and motivated to take action.

Know more about enthusiastic here:


true or false: the more value an individual places on information to be learned, the more effective and efficient the individual becomes in the learning process.


The statement is True. When an individual places a high value on the information they are trying to learn, they are more likely to be motivated and engaged in the learning process.

This leads to a deeper understanding of the material, better retention of information, and improved performance on related tasks.

Additionally, when an individual sees the relevance and importance of the information, they are more likely to approach the learning process with a growth mindset and view mistakes as opportunities for improvement.

On the other hand, if an individual does not see the value in the information, they may be less motivated to learn and may not retain the information as effectively. Therefore, placing a high value on the information being learned can make the learning process more effective and efficient.

Consequently, the individual's overall learning process becomes more effective and efficient, allowing them to acquire and apply the knowledge more successfully.

For more such questions on information


rob was gathering his tools, taking his supplements and feeding his dogs and reflectively answered yes to his roommate asking him to put garbage out. rob walks out without putting out the garbage. this is an example of . group of answer choices dichotic-listening feature search conjunction search selective attention


Rob walks out without putting out the garbage after saying yes to his roommate for that, this is an example of Selective attention. This is the processing that occurs in the mind.

Selective attention means focusing on one work and excluding all others. When a listener focuses on one particular work and does not do any activity for other messages.

Selective attention means selective listening, this happens when your auditory awareness focuses on just one stimulus or activity without being distracted by others.

That's why when Rob's roommate assigned him some work and he said yes, he did not focus on the message and he later did not complete the task because he focused less on other activities.

Learn more about Mind:


the type and level of assessment of suppliers during the selection process:


The kind and extent of supplier evaluations during the selection process, including the use of questionnaires to collect precise data on suppliers and their operations.

The procedures are: recognising a need for supplier selection; identifying supply requirements; deciding on a supply strategy; identifying possible suppliers; reducing the number of suppliers in the selection pool; doing an official evaluation; and choosing a supplier and coming to an agreement.

A different method of getting information from suppliers on the tendering process is by using a questionnaire. It aids procuring authorities in figuring out how to make the procurement process better.

Read more about suppliers process at


as people move into late adulthood, they are predominantly group of answer choices learning to combine two or more serial skills adapting their movements due to changes in anatomy and physiology learning new skills learning to combine two or more discrete skills


As people move into late adulthood, they are predominantly adapting their movements due to changes in anatomy and physiology.

As people move into late adulthood, they experience a variety of physical changes, including changes in sensory and motor systems. These changes can affect movement and mobility, making it necessary to adapt movements in order to maintain balance and stability.

For example, older adults may take shorter steps or walk more slowly to avoid falling. They may also use assistive devices, such as canes or walkers, to help with balance and mobility. Overall, adapting movements to changes in anatomy and physiology is an important aspect of maintaining physical function and independence in late adulthood.

To know more about adulthood, click here.


is being a student really more dangerous than working near power lines, or being a police officer, a taxicab driver, or a postal employee?


Being a student is generally not considered more dangerous than working near power lines, or being a police officer, a taxicab driver, or a postal employee.

While there are certainly risks associated with being a student, such as potential exposure to infectious diseases, campus violence, or mental health issues, these risks are not typically as severe or life-threatening as those faced by workers in high-risk occupations.

For example, police officers, taxicab drivers, and postal employees may face significant physical dangers in the course of their work, including the risk of assault, car accidents, or exposure to hazardous materials. Similarly, workers who are required to work near power lines face a high risk of electrocution or other electrical hazards.

That being said, every occupation carries some degree of risk, and it is important for individuals in any profession to be aware of the potential hazards and take appropriate safety precautions.

Learn more about taxicab driver


checklists, questionnaires, and parent interviews are techniques that require assessment personnel to conduct direct observation of student behavior.T/F


Techniques like checklists, and all questionnaires, and parent interviews demand that evaluation staff members see student behavior in-person. False.

A checklist is a type of evaluation instrument that details the precise standards for the abilities, attitudes, or behaviors that participants must exhibit to successfully complete training. Checklists typically include comments or inquiries regarding how well the participant met each requirement.

Checklists can speed up learning, aid in memorizing, and increase the understanding of ideas being studied in the classroom. The effectiveness of checklists in instructing undergraduate students and students from other non-healthcare subjects has to be further investigated. assessments that let pupils accomplish a specific task while showing their knowledge and abilities to an instructor or an observer.

Learn more about questionnaires Visit:


False. Checklists, questionnaires, and parent interviews are examples of indirect assessment techniques, which do not involve direct observation of student behavior.

Instead, they rely on information gathered from others about the student's behavior, skills, and abilities. Indirect assessment techniques gather information about a student's behavior, skills, or performance through means other than direct observation, such as asking others who interact with the student or reviewing existing records. Indirect assessments can provide valuable insight into a student's strengths and challenges, as well as their social and emotional functioning.

Thus, the correct answer is false.

To know more about Indirect assessment, click here:


the field that studies how different societies understand, interact with, and make changes to the natural world is known as .


The field that studies how different societies understand, interact with, and make changes to the natural world is known as environmental sociology.

Environmental sociology examines the complex relationship between human societies and the natural environment, exploring topics such as resource use, environmental policy, and sustainable development.

Environmental sociology is a subfield of sociology that explores the relationship between human society and the natural environment. It examines the social and cultural factors that shape environmental attitudes and behaviors, as well as the impact of environmental problems on human societies and the global ecosystem.

Know more about environmental sociology


organizational rules and regulations are examples of and . group of answer choices controls; behaviors controls; norms boundaries; behaviors boundaries; constraints


Organizational rules and regulations are examples of boundaries and  constraints.

Under this idea of organizational rules, the enterprise basically expects that people obey, apply (or even internalize) requirements and ideas shared with different people. a hard and fast of instructions, guidelines and hints for widespread behaviour. It determines the acts which can be to be accomplished or now no longer to be accomplished, inside the agency. They are created to make sure that the agency is running in a manner this is constant with its values and goals. Policies may be used to manual personnel on how they must behave in sure situations. They also can be used to manual clients on what they must count on from the enterprise.

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Very quick can someone like help me You are considering an investment in Justus Corporation's stock, which is expected to pay a dividend of $1.75 a share at the end of the year (D1 = $1.75) and has a beta of 0.9. The risk-free rate is 3.2%, and the market risk premium is 6.0%. Justus currently sells for $33.00 a share, and its dividend is expected to grow at some constant rate, g. Assuming the market is in equilibrium, what does the market believe will be the stock price at the end of 3 years? (That is, what is P3 ?) Round your answer to two decimal places. Do not round your intermediate calculations. Which expresion has the greatest value when n is equal to 4 You are planning to start up a technology-based business in Malaysia. As technopreneur, what would be the business start-up model to be implemented to reduce the first 2 years Capital Expenditures (CapEx). With an aid of diagram, propose and discuss a suitable business start-up model. As treasurer of Leisure Products, Inc., you are investigating the possible acquisition of Plastitoys. You have the following basic data: Plastitoys Forecast earnings per share Forecast dividend per share Number of shares Stock price Leisure Products $ 5 $ 3 600,000 $ 50 $ 3.20 $ 1.80 400,000 $ 26 You estimate that investors currently expect Plastitoys's earning and dividend to grow at a steady rate of 7% per year. You believe that Leisure Products could increase Plastitoys's growth rate to 10% per year, after 1 year, without any additional capital investment required.d-1. Suppose immediately after the completion of the merger, everyone realizes that the expected growth rate will not be improved. Reassess the cost of the cash offer. d-2. Reassess the NPV of the cash offer. d-3. Reassess the cost of the share offer. d-4. Reassess the NPV of the share offer. the limitation on the deduction of business interest does not apply to businesses that qualify under the gross receipts test. true or false YIELD TO CALL A firm's bonds have a maturity of 12 years with a $1,000 face value, have an 9% semiannual coupon, are callable in 5 years at $1,150, and currently sell at a price of $1,200. What are their nominal yield to call? Round to TWO decimal places. a production process is designed to fill 100 soda cans per minute with with 6.8 ounces of soda, on average. overfilling is costly and under-filling risks a large fine. you are the production chief and instruct your staff to take regular random samples to test the process. what is the correct way to set up the hypotheses test? an inappropriately managed injury to the periosteum may develop into how large a sample is needed if we wish to be % confident that our sample mean will be within hours of the true mean? Determine how many grams (g) of carbohydrate are in a sandwich thatcontains 475 total Calories, 10 g of fat, and 25 g of protein. Beth and Jose went to dinner at a restaurant and their entire meal costed $30.75. If they want to give their server a 20% tip, about how much money should they leave on the table for the tip? Responses $6.15 $6.15 $3.07 $3.07 $36.90 $36.90 $24.60 Explique cul es y en que consiste el recurso habilitado para los casos de decisiones que resuelven asuntos relativos a excepciones declinatorias What is the bond equivalent yield on a $1 million T-bill that currently sells at 91 750 percent of its face value and is 109 days from maturity? (write your answer in and sound it to a dee mal phoon) each potential client may not know the competitors to _________ product. a culturally competent organization displays all of the following attributes except: group of answer choices a. values diversity b. relies on others to promote cultural competence c. institutionalizes cultural knowledge d. adapts services to fit needs motivation what does it mean when we say that drive has multiple inputs or means of activation? Desert plants are characterized byA. Broad leavesB. Succulent stemsC. Deciduous leaves if you live in a town or a city that has a single provider of electricity or natural gas, then that natural monopoly provider: Lazarus' findings on hassles suggest that the effects of stress are: a. inconclusive b. non-existent c. cumulative d. mutually exclusive