To get from one term to the next in a sequence, we multiply by 2 and then
add 4.
The third term in the sequence is 48.
What is the first term in the sequence?


Answer 1

Answer: the first term in the sequence is 9.

Step-by-step explanation:

Let the primary term be x.

At that point the moment term is 2x + 4.

And the third term is 2(2x + 4) + 4 = 4x + 12.

Since the third term is given as 48, we will set up an condition and unravel for x:

4x + 12 = 48

4x = 36

x = 9

Related Questions

Rick bought a new snowmobile for $10,500. He estimates that the snowmobile will decrease
in value by 14% each year.
Write an expression for V(t), the value of Rick's snowmobile, in dollars, after t years.
Write your answer in the form V(t) = a(b), where a and b are integers or decimals. Do not


The value of Rick's snowmobile, in dollars, after t years can be expressed as:

V(t) = 10,500 * (0.86)^t

where 0.86 represents the 14% decrease in value each year.


hope this helps

Step-by-step explanation:

The expression for V(t), the value of Rick's snowmobile, in dollars, after t years can be given by:

V(t) = $10,500 * (1 - 0.14)^t

Simplifying this expression, we get:

V(t) = $10,500 * 0.86^t

So, the required expression for V(t) is:V(t) = 10,500 * 0.86^t

ZA and ZB are vertical angles. If m/A = (4x - 19)° and m/B= (5x - 28)°,
then find the value of x.


Since angles A and B are vertical angles, the value of x is equal to 9.

What is the vertical angles theorem?

In Mathematics and Geometry, the vertical angles theorem is sometimes referred to as vertically opposite angles theorem and it states that two (2) opposite vertical angles that are formed whenever two (2) lines intersect each other are always congruent, which simply means being equal to each other.

By applying the vertical angles theorem to the geometric figure, we have the following congruent angles:

m∠A = m∠B

(4x - 19)° = (5x - 28)°

5x - 4x = 28 - 19

x = 9

Read more on vertical angles theorem here:


Mary needs $9000 in 9 years. What amount can she deposit in a sinking fund at the end of each quarter at 4% interest compounded quarterly so she will have her $9000?

Please serious answers only ​




Step-by-step explanation:

Abby has been keeping an eye on an emerald ring she likes. Its original price was $5,300, but it is now on clearance, marked down by 64%. What is the price of the ring now?


The price of the emerald ring after marked down by 64% is equal to $1.908.

Original price of the emerald ring = $5,300

Let us consider the price of the ring after marked down be 'x'.

Marked down percent at the time of clearance = 64%

Calculate 64% of the original price and then subtract that amount from the original price,

64% of $5,300

= 0.64 x $5,300

= $3,392

So, the amount of the markdown is $3,392.

The price of the ring now is equal to,

Price of the ring now 'x'  = Original price - Markdown

⇒ Price of the ring now 'x' = $5,300 - $3,392

⇒ Price of the ring now 'x' = $1,908

Therefore, now the price of the ring is equal to $1,908.

learn more about price here


The population of a country is modeled by the function f(x) = 375(1 − 0.002)x. What type of change does this function represent?
A. linear growth
B. linear decay
C. exponential growth
D. exponential decay


The function represents exponential decay, meaning that the population is decreasing over time.

Exponential decay:

Exponential growth and decay are mathematical concepts that describe the increase or decrease of a quantity over time.  

Exponential decay occurs when the rate of decrease of a quantity is proportional to the current value of the quantity.

The formula for exponential decay is given:

y = a(1 - r)^t

where y is the final value, a is the initial value, r is the decay rate, and t is the time.

Here we have

The population of a country is modeled by the function

f(x) = 375(1 − 0.002)x.

The given function is f(x) = 375(1 − 0.002)x,

which can be written in form f(x) = a(1 + r)x,

where a = 375 and r = -0.002.

The formula a(1 + r)x represents exponential growth if r is positive and exponential decay if r is negative.

In this case, r = -0.002, which is negative.


The function represents exponential decay, meaning that the population is decreasing over time.

Learn more about Exponential decay at



Step-by-step explanation:

The answer would be D. exponential decay

The given function is f(x)=375(1-0.002)^x

It's being raised to a power making it exponential and it's a decay because the function has a -0.002 and not +0.002

Does the image below prove ABC = DEF? Explain your answer.


Step-by-step explanation:

yes,because of SAS side angle side are equal.

Factinate claims that 84% of teenagers think highly of their mother. To investigate this claim, a school psychologist selects a random sample of 150 teenagers and finds that 135 think highly of their mother. Does this data provide convincing evidence that the true proportion of teens who think highly of their mother is greater than 0. 84


Yes, based on the given sample data provide convincing evidence that more than 84% of teenagers think highly of their mother.

Percentage of teenagers think highly of their mother = 84%

Sample data = 150

Number of teenagers think highly of their mother = 135

To check convincing evidence that the true proportion of teens who think highly of their mother is greater than 0.84,

Use a hypothesis testing ,

Let p be the true proportion of teenagers who think highly of their mother.

The null hypothesis is that p = 0.84,

and the alternative hypothesis is that p > 0.84.

Use a one-tailed z-test for proportions to test this hypothesis.

The test statistic is calculated as,

z = (p₁ - p) / √(p(1-p)/n)

where p₁ is the sample proportion,

n is the sample size,

and p is the null hypothesis value.


p₁ = 135/150

   = 0.9

p = 0.84

n = 150

The test statistic is,

z = (0.9 - 0.84) / √(0.84×(1-0.84)/150)

  ≈ 2.006

Using a significance level of 0.05,

The critical value for a one-tailed test is 1.645.

Since our test statistic 2.006 is greater than the critical value (1.645).

Reject the null hypothesis.

And conclude that there is sufficient evidence.

Therefore, the true proportion of teenagers of given sample data who think highly of their mother is greater than 0.84 is showing convincing evidence .

learn more about sample data here


On a normal curve the center of the range of scores is represented by the what


On a normal curve, the center of the range of scores is represented by the mean

In a normal distribution, the center of the range of scores is represented by the mean or average of the scores. The normal distribution is a symmetrical bell-shaped curve, with the mean in the center, and the standard deviation determining the width of the curve. The mean is also the point of highest frequency, where the curve is highest.

The normal distribution is widely used in statistics and is a fundamental concept in many fields. It is used to describe real-world phenomena, such as heights or weights of people, test scores, and many other variables. Understanding the normal distribution is crucial in statistical analysis and decision making.

Learn more about mean here


which of the following is the underlying distribution for the independent groups t-test? sampling distribution of sample means sampling distribution of means of differences sampling distribution of the difference between means sampling distribution of the difference between population means


The underlying distribution for the independent groups t-test is the sampling distribution of the difference between means, assuming it's approximately normally distributed. The correct answer is C).

The underlying distribution for the independent groups t-test is the sampling distribution of the difference between means. The independent groups t-test is used to compare the means of two independent groups, and it assumes that the sampling distribution of the difference between the means is approximately normally distributed.

The t-test uses the sample means and sample standard deviations to estimate the population means and population standard deviations, and it tests the null hypothesis that the difference between the population means is zero. The correct option is C).

To know more about sampling distribution:


Question 2
Find the area of the composite figure.
143 ft
10 ft
square feet
18 ft
do yo
12 ft
= = < > < ≥ (0)


216.25 square feet


Lucas takes lessons to learn how to play merengue music on his guitar. He rides the bus to
each lesson and then walks home. He attends 8 lessons, and each lesson costs $13. Which
expression represents the total cost for Lucas to attend the lessons, if each bus ride cost
x dollars?
104 + 13x
104 + 8x
13 + 8x
13 + x



the answer of the question is


40 people were selected, out of those 40 that were selected 4 out of 5 were chosen. Out of the people who were chosen 3 out of 8 were chosen again. What is the ratio of people who were chosen twice?


If out of people who were chosen 3 out of 8 were chosen-again, then the ratio of people who were chosen twice is 3:10.

The "Ratio" is defined as a way of expressing the quantitative relationship between two or more quantities.

We know that, 40 people were selected and out of those 40 selected, 4 out of 5 were chosen, and

Out of the chosen people, 3 out of 8 were chosen again,

Now, we calculate the total-number of people who were chosen,

⇒ 40 selected × (4/5 chosen) = 32 people were chosen in the first round,

⇒ 32 chosen × (3/8 chosen again) = 12 people were chosen again in the second round.

So, the total number of people who were chosen twice is 12,

Now, we find ratio of people who were "chosen-twice" to "total-number-of-people" who were selected,

⇒ Ratio of people chosen twice to total people selected = 12/40,

On simplifying the ratio "12/40",

We get,

⇒ 12/40 = 3/10,

Therefore, the required ratio is 3:10.

Learn more about Ratio here


I need questions 26-31 for 5 STARS



26) 1.32

27) 90

28) 0.00845

29) 2.56x10^-1

30) 9.5x10^-3

31) 7.8x10

Ella used 5 ⅔ cups of cereal and 4 ⅓ cups of marshmallows to make cereal bars. How many more cups of cereal than marshmallows did Ella use? ]



Step-by-step explanation:start by converting the mixed numbers to improper fractions to make the subtraction easier:

5⅔ cups of cereal = 17/3 cups of cereal

4⅓ cups of marshmallows = 13/3 cups of marshmallows

Now subtract the amount of marshmal ows from the amount of cereal: 4/3 of a cup


1  1/3

Step-by-step explanation:

so first you must take the 5 2/3 and subtract if from the 4 1/3 which gives:

1  1/3

(Solving Two-Step Equations MC)

Solve the equation for x.

−0.18x − 13.7 = 2.41

1: x = −89.5
2: x = −62.7
3: x = 62.7
4: x = 89.5


The equation is solved as x = −89.5. The correct option is 1.

What is a mathematical equation?

The definition of an equation in algebra is a mathematical statement that demonstrates the equality of two mathematical expressions.

To solve the equation −0.18x − 13.7 = 2.41 for x, we need to isolate x on one side of the equation by adding 13.7 to both sides and then dividing by −0.18:

−0.18x − 13.7 = 2.41

−0.18x = 2.41 + 13.7

−0.18x = 16.11

x = 16.11 / (−0.18)

x = −89.5

Therefore, the solution to the equation is x = −89.5. the correct option is 1.

Learn more about the mathematical equations, here:


what is the solution of x^2-1/x^2+5x+4 less than or equal to 0


Answer: We can begin by factoring the quadratic expression in the numerator and denominator of the left-hand side of the inequality:

x^2 - 1 = (x + 1)(x - 1)

x^2 + 5x + 4 = (x + 1)(x + 4)

Substituting these expressions into the inequality, we get:

(x + 1)(x - 1)/(x + 1)(x + 4) ≤ 0

We can simplify this expression by canceling out the common factor of (x + 1) from both the numerator and the denominator:

(x - 1)/(x + 4) ≤ 0

To solve this inequality, we can use a sign chart or test values. Here's a sign chart:

x x - 1 x + 4 (x - 1)/(x + 4)

-4 -5 0 +

-1 -2 3 -

1 0 5 0

4 3 8 +

The inequality is satisfied when (x - 1)/(x + 4) is less than or equal to 0, which occurs when x is between -4 and -1, or when x is equal to 1. Therefore, the solution to the inequality is:

-4 ≤ x < -1 or x = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

The slope of one line is a, where a is a positive number. A second line is parallel to the first line. Which word best describes the slope of the second line? Type positive, negative, or zero.


The slope of the second line is also positive, as it is parallel to the first line which has a positive slope.

What is slope?

Slope is a measure of how steep a line is, and is defined as the ratio of the change in the y-coordinate (vertical change) to the change in the x-coordinate (horizontal change) between any two points on the line. It represents the rate at which the line is rising or falling as it moves from left to right. Slope can be positive, negative, or zero. A positive slope indicates that the line is increasing as it moves from left to right, a negative slope indicates that the line is decreasing as it moves from left to right, and a zero slope indicates that the line is horizontal.


When two lines are parallel, they have the same slope. In this case, the first line has a positive slope of "a," which means that it is increasing as it moves from left to right. Since the second line is parallel to the first line, it will also have the same slope as the first line. Therefore, the slope of the second line will also be positive, indicating that it is increasing as it moves from left to right.

To know more about slope,


x^2+3x=0 what is the gcf



gcf is 'x'

Step-by-step explanation:

the common factor to the terms 'x²' and '3x' is 'x'

Type the correct answer in each box. Use numerals instead of words for numbers.
Soccer ball specifications require a diameter of 8.65 inches with an allowable margin of error of 0.05 inch.

Use this information to complete these statements.

The equation that can be used to find d, the diameter of a new soccer ball, is |

| =

The minimum possible diameter of a soccer ball is
, and the maximum possible diameter is



The minimum possible diameter of a soccer ball is 8.60 inches, and the maximum possible diameter is 8.70 inches.

What is equations?

Equivalent equations are algebraic equations that are having identical roots or solutions.

The soccer ball specifications require a diameter of 8.65 inches, with an allowable margin of error of 0.05 inch.

This means that the actual diameter of any new soccer ball should be within the range of 8.60 inches to 8.70 inches. The equation that can be used to find the diameter of a new soccer ball is d = 8.65 ± 0.05, where d represents the diameter. The symbol "±" indicates that the diameter can be either 0.05 inches larger or smaller than the specified diameter of 8.65 inches.

It is important to ensure that the diameter of a soccer ball falls within this allowable range to comply with the specifications and ensure fair play.

Therefore, The minimum possible diameter of a soccer ball is 8.60 inches, and the maximum possible diameter is 8.70 inches.

To know more about equations visit,


Find the base area (B), lateral area (L) and surface area (S) of the solid. Round to the
nearest tenth, if necessary.
10.4 cm
B = 96
L =
12 cm
12 cm
12 cm
8 cm


The base area, the lateral area and the surface area of the prism are 124.8 cm², 288 cm² and 412.8 cm², respectively.

How to compute the base area, the lateral area and the surface area

In this problem we need to compute three kinds of areas in a prism with a triangular base. The base area, that is, the sum of the areas of the two triangles, the lateral area, that is, the sum of the areas of the three rectangles and the surface area, that is, the sum of the base and lateral areas.

The area formulas of the triangle and rectangle are, respectively:


A = 0.5 · b · h


A = b · h


A - Area, in square centimeters.b - Width, in centimeters.h - Height, in centimeters.

Now we proceed to determine each kind of area:

Base area

A = 2 · 0.5 · (12 cm) · (10.4 cm)

A = 124.8 cm²

Lateral area

A = 3 · (8 cm) · (12 cm)

A = 288 cm²

Surface area

A = 124.8 cm² + 288 cm²

A = 412.8 cm²

To learn more on surface areas:


in the number 714.438 how does the value of the digit 4 to the left of the decimal point compare to the value of the digit 4 to the right of the decimal point?

Sentence please


The value of digit 4 to the left of the decimal point (400) is much greater than the value of the digit 4 to the right of the decimal point (0.004).

What is the decimal point?

The decimal point is a punctuation mark represented by a dot (.) or a comma (,) used to separate the whole number part from the fractional part in decimal notation. It is placed between the units and the tenth places and separates the integer part of a number from its fractional part.

The digit 4 to the left of the decimal point is in the hundreds place, and has a value of 4 x 100 = 400.

The digit 4 to the right of the decimal point is in the thousandth place, and has a value of 4 x 0.001 = 0.004.

Therefore, the value of digit 4 to the left of the decimal point (400) is much greater than the value of the digit 4 to the right of the decimal point (0.004).

To learn more about the decimal point visit:


Miss Western is setting a goal to earn 10 times her savings account in order to buy a new car if she has $1240.54 right now what is her goal




Step-by-step explanation:

We Know

She has $1240.54 right now

Miss Western is setting a goal to earn 10 times her savings account to buy a new car.

What is her goal?

We Take

1240.54 x 10 = $12405.40

So, her goal is $12405.40

Unit 8.5, Lesson 14: Practice Problems

4. Here is a graph. The horizontal axis represents time and the vertical axis represents distance from school.
Write a possible story for the graph.


A possible story of the graph would be about a student going to school for an important event.

What story would fit the graph ?

One day, a student named Alex had to go to school for an important event. The graph represents Alex's journey to and from school, with the horizontal axis representing time and the vertical axis representing the distance from school.

In the morning, Alex left home (time = 0, distance = 0) and began walking to school. The line on the graph climbs gradually, indicating that Alex was steadily covering the distance to school. Upon reaching school, Alex attended the important event, which lasted for a certain amount of time. During this period, the line on the graph remains flat.

Once the event was over, Alex began their journey back home. The line on the graph starts to decrease gradually until Alex arrived back home, ending up at a distance of zero from the school.

Find out more on graphs at


What else would need to be congruent to show that APQR = ASTU by ASA? T Given: P OA. ​


The thing that would be needed to be congruent to show that APQR = ASTU by ASA is A. <Q ≡ <T

How to prove congruence

To prove the congruence of triangles ΔPQR and ΔSTQ, we need to establish that the angle Q in ΔPQR is congruent to the angle T in ΔSTQ, in addition to the given conditions that PQ = ST and ∠P = ∠S.

This is because the ASA (angle-side-angle) congruence postulate states that if two triangles have two pairs of corresponding angles and a corresponding side between them equal, then the triangles are congruent.

Therefore, establishing the congruence of the angles Q and T, along with the given conditions, satisfies the requirements of the ASA postulate, and proves the congruence of ΔPQR and ΔSTQ.

Read more about congruence here:

why is 0.5 used in place of p when determining the minimum sample size necessary for a proportion confidence interval?


0.5 is used as a conservative estimate of p in determining the minimum sample size for a proportion confidence interval to account for maximum uncertainty.

How to determine the minimum sample size?

In statistical hypothesis testing and estimation, we often need to make inferences about population parameters based on a sample. One of the parameters of interest is the proportion of successes in a population.

When we construct a confidence interval for a proportion, we need to specify the desired level of confidence and the desired margin of error. The margin of error depends on the sample size and the standard error of the sample proportion.

The standard error of the sample proportion is estimated using the population proportion, p, which is unknown. Since we don't know the true value of p, we typically use the sample proportion, p-hat, as an estimate. However, using p-hat alone can lead to an overly optimistic estimate of the standard error and, therefore, an overly narrow confidence interval.

To account for this uncertainty, we use a conservative estimate of the standard error that assumes a worst-case scenario for p. The worst-case scenario is when p is 0.5, which corresponds to maximum uncertainty or variability in the estimate of the proportion. This is why 0.5 is often used as a conservative estimate of p when determining the minimum sample size necessary for a proportion confidence interval. By assuming p = 0.5, we ensure that our sample size is large enough to account for the worst-case scenario and provide a reliable estimate of the proportion.

Learn more about proportion confidence interval


consider the following online auction system. there are n bidding agents; agent i has an integer bid bi > 0. all bids are distinct. the bidding agents appear in an order chosen uniformly at random. each agent proposes its bid bi in turn, and at all times the system maintains a variable bmax equal to the highest bid seen so far. ow many times do you expect to update bmax when this process is executed?


The more bidders there are, the more likely it is that the highest bid variable bmax will be updated multiple times as each agent outbids the previous highest bidder.

Explain your answer further in detail?

Let us denote the expected number of times the variable bmax gets updated by E.

We can start by computing the probability that the ith agent updates bmax. This is equal to the probability that agent i has the highest bid among the first i bids. Since all bids are distinct and the order of the agents is chosen uniformly at random, the probability of this event is 1/i.

Therefore, the expected number of updates to bmax is:

E = ∑i=1 to n P(agent i updates bmax)

E = ∑i=1 to n 1/i

This is the harmonic series, which diverges as n approaches infinity. Therefore, as the number of bidding agents increases, the expected number of updates to bmax increases without bound.

In practical terms, this means that the more bidders there are, the more likely it is that the highest bid variable bmax will be updated multiple times as each agent outbids the previous highest bidder.

Learn more about variable.


help please. find the sum of the geometric sequence


We have confirmed that the sum of the series is 28/3. Therefore, the correct answer is option (b) 28/3.

What is geometric series?

A geometric series is a series of numbers where each term is a fixed multiple of the preceding term. Specifically, a geometric series has the form:


The given series is a geometric series with first term (a) = 14 and common ratio (r) = -1/2.

Consider sum of series be S, So-

S = a/(1 - r) = 14/(1 - (-1/2)) = 28/3

To see why this is the correct answer, we can also write out the first few terms of the series:


It is evident that each term is produced by multiplying the one before it by -1/2.

So, the second term is obtained by multiplying the first term by -1/2, the third term is obtained by multiplying the second term by -1/2, and so on.

We can also notice that the sum of the first two terms is 7, the sum of the first three terms is 21/2, and the sum of the first four terms is 28/3. This suggests that the sum of the first n terms of the series might be given by the formula Sn = a(1 - rⁿ)/(1 - r).

We can verify that this is true by using the formula to find the sum of the first four terms:

S4 = 14(1 - (-1/2)⁴)/(1 - (-1/2)) = 28/3

To know more about common ratio visit:


21. shipping crates a square-based, box-shaped shipping crate is designed to have a volume of 16 ft3. the material used to make the base costs twice as much (per square foot) as the material in the sides, and the material used to make the top costs half as much (per square foot) as the material in the sides. what are the dimen- sions of the crate that minimize the cost of materials?


Therefore, the dimensions of the crate that minimize the cost of materials are approximately:

l = 1.587 ft
w = 2.519 ft
h = 3.159 ft

To minimize the cost of materials, we need to find the dimensions of the crate that will minimize the surface area of the crate. Let's call the height, width, and length of the crate "h", "w", and "l", respectively.

We know that the volume of the crate is 16 ft3, so we can write:

lwh = 16

We want to minimize the cost of materials, which is determined by the surface area of the crate. The surface area consists of the top, bottom, front, back, left, and right sides of the crate. The cost of the materials for the base is twice the cost of the materials for the sides, and the cost of the materials for the top is half the cost of the materials for the sides. Let's call the cost of the materials for the sides "c".

The surface area of the crate can be written as:

2lw + 2lh + 2wh

We can use the volume equation to solve for one of the variables, say "h":

[tex]h = \frac{16}{(lw)}[/tex]

Now we can substitute this expression for "h" into the surface area equation:

[tex]2lw + 2l(\frac{16}{(lw))} + 2wh[/tex]

Simplifying this expression gives:

[tex]2lw + 32/l + 2wh[/tex]
To find the dimensions that minimize this expression, we need to take the partial derivatives with respect to "l" and "w" and set them equal to zero:
[tex]\frac{d}{dl} (2lw + 32/l + 2wh) = 2w - \frac{32}{l^2} = 0\\[/tex]

[tex]\frac{d}{dw} (2lw + 32/l + 2wh) = 2l + 2h = 2l + 2(16/(lw)) = 2l + 32/(lw) = 0[/tex]
Solving these equations for "l" and "w" gives:

[tex]l = 2^{(1/3)}\\w = 2^{(2/3)}[/tex]

Substituting these values into the equation for "h" gives:

[tex]h = 8/(2^{(2/3)})[/tex]

Therefore, the dimensions of the crate that minimize the cost of materials are approximately:

l = 1.587 ft
w = 2.519 ft
h = 3.159 ft

learn more about volume


The dimensions of the box that minimize the cost of materials are approximate:

x ≈ 2.52 ft

y ≈ 3.55 ft

z ≈ 2.52 ft

Let's denote the length, width, and height of the box as x, y, and z,

respectively. We are given the volume of the box is [tex]16 ft^3[/tex], so we


x × y × z = 16

We are also given that the material used to make the base costs twice as

much (per square foot) as the material in the sides.

Let's denote the cost of the material for the sides as c, so the cost of the

material for the base is 2c.

The area of the base is xy, so the cost of the material for the base is


Similarly, the material used to make the top costs half as much (per

square foot) as the material in the sides.

Let's denote the cost of the material for the top as 0.5c.

The area of the top is also xy, so the cost of the material for the top is 0.5cxy.

The cost of the material for the four sides is simply 4cz.

Therefore, the total cost of materials is:

C(x, y, z) = 2cxy + 4cz + 0.5cxy

Simplifying, we have:

C(x, y, z) = (2.5c)xy + 4cz

We want to minimize this function subject to the constraint that the volume of the box is [tex]16 ft^3[/tex]:

x × y × z = 16

We can use the method of Lagrange multipliers to solve this constrained optimization problem:

L(x, y, z, λ) = (2.5c)xy + 4cz - λ(xyz - 16)

Taking partial derivatives with respect to x, y, z, and λ, we get:

dL/dx = 2.5cy - λyz = 0

dL/dy = 2.5cx - λxz = 0

dL/dz = 4c - λxy = 0

dL/dλ = xyz - 16 = 0

From the first two equations, we can solve for λ:

λ = 2.5cy/yz = 2.5cx/xz

Setting these two expressions equal to each other and simplifying, we get:

y/x = z/y

This implies that x:y:z = 1:√2:1, since we know that the dimensions of the box must be in proportion to each other.

Substituting this into the constraint x × y × z = 16, we get:

x = 2∛2

y = 2∛4

z = 2∛2

for such more question on dimensions


Madison made the following table to record the height of each person in her family. If Madison and Jade lay end to end, how far will they reach?


The answer you are looking for is 10 feet.

Find all numbers c that satisfy the conclusion of Rolle's Theorem for the following function and interval. Enter the values in increasing order and enter N in any blanks you don't need to use. 7sin(2pix)


The value of c in increasing order which satisfy the Rolle's theorem for a given function is equal to  c = 1/4 and c = 3/4.

Function f(x) = 7sin(2πx) ,

Interval = [0, 1]

To apply Rolle's Theorem, check the following conditions,

f(x) must be continuous on the closed interval [a, b].

Here, the interval is [0,1].

f(x) must be differentiable on the open interval (a, b).

f(a) = f(b)

Function f(x) = 7sin(2πx).

f(x) is continuous on the interval [0, 1].

f(x) is differentiable on the interval (0, 1), and its derivative is,

f'(x) = 14π cos(2πx)

The derivative is continuous on the interval (0, 1).

f(0) = 7sin(0)

     = 0

f(1) = 7sin(2π)

     = 0

Since f(0) = f(1) = 0,

⇒ As per Rolle's Theorem there exists at least one number c in the interval (0, 1) .

Such that f'(c) = 0.

Values of c that satisfy this conclusion,

Solve the equation

f'(c) = 14π cos(2πc)

⇒14π cos(2πc) = 0

⇒ cos(2πc) = 0

This equation has solutions at c = 1/4 and c = 3/4,



= cos(π/2)

= 0



= cos(3π/2)

= 0.

Therefore, the values of c that satisfy the conclusion of Rolle's Theorem for the given function are c = 1/4 and c = 3/4, and they are already in increasing order.

Learn more about function here


The above question is incomplete, the complete question is:

Find all numbers c that satisfy the conclusion of Rolle's Theorem for the following function 7sin(2pix) and interval [0, 1 ]. Enter the values in increasing order and enter N in any blanks you don't need to use.

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