What is the value of
for this aqueous reaction at 298 K?

Δ°=17.32 kJ/mol
K= ?


Answer 1

The equilibrium constant for the reaction A + B ⇌ C + D at 298 K is 0.00101.

Describe Equilibrium Reaction?

An equilibrium reaction is a chemical reaction where the forward and reverse reactions occur at equal rates, resulting in no net change in the concentration of reactants and products. In other words, the reactants are constantly being converted into products, and the products are constantly being converted into reactants, but the concentrations of both remain constant over time.

An equilibrium reaction is represented by a double arrow (⇌) in a chemical equation, indicating that the reaction can proceed in both the forward and reverse directions. The chemical equation for an equilibrium reaction shows the reactants and products on both sides of the arrow, with their respective coefficients indicating the stoichiometric ratios.

The equilibrium constant (K) for a reaction at a given temperature can be calculated from the standard Gibbs free energy change (Δ°) using the following equation:

Δ° = -RT ln(K)

where R is the gas constant (8.314 J/mol.K) and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

To solve for K, we need to rearrange the equation to isolate K:

K = [tex]e^{(-\Delta /RT)}[/tex]

Substituting the given values, we get:

K = [tex]e^{(-17320 J/mol / (8.314 J/mol.K * 298 K))}[/tex]

K = e⁻⁷

K = 0.00101

Therefore, the equilibrium constant for the reaction A + B ⇌ C + D at 298 K is 0.00101.

To know more about Gibbs free energy visit:



Related Questions

Calculate the pOH of a 0.000259 M HClO₄ solution at 25 ⁰C.

3.861 x 10⁻¹¹


A solution of 0.000259 M [tex]HCIO_4[/tex] at 25°C has a pOH of 10.413. The answer is option (c).

What is solution?

A solution is a method for resolving a conflict or navigating a challenging circumstance. It provides a solution to a particular issue. Solutions frequently involve many players in the problem-solving process and are creative and collaborative.

Using the HClO₄ concentration, find pH of the solution.

HClO₄ is a powerful acid.

The chemical reaction is:

HClO₄(aq) -> H⁺(aq) + ClO₄⁻(aq)

H⁺ ion concentration in the solution is equivalent to HClO₄ concentration.

pH = -log[H⁺]

substitute H⁺ values:

pH = -log[0.000259]

pH = 3.585

calculated using the following equation:

[H⁺] = Ka x [HClO₄]

where Ka is the acid dissociation constant of HClO₄,

The pOH is determined by the negative logarithm of the concentration of hydroxide ions:

pOH = 14 - pH

substitute pH value

pOH = 14 - 3.585

pOH = 10.415

Therefore, A solution of 0.000259 M HClO₄ at 25°C has a pOH of 10.415.

To know more about chemical reaction, visit:



Phosphorus (P4) and oxygen react to produce diphosphorus pentoxide. How many grams of diphosphorus pentoxide are produced from the reaction of 38.76 grams of oxygen with excess phosphorus? Round your answer to the hundredths of a gram. Do not include units. Use the atomic masses in this PERIODIC TABLE. DO NOT ROUND THESE MASSES IN YOUR CALCULATION.


The mass of diphosphorus pentoxide produced is: 549.47 g

What is mass?

Mass is a measure of the amount of matter in an object. It is typically measured in units of grams (g) or kilograms (kg). Mass is a scalar quantity and is different from weight, which is the force exerted on an object due to gravity and depends on both the mass of the object and the acceleration due to gravity.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between phosphorus and oxygen to produce diphosphorus pentoxide is:

[tex]4P[/tex] + [tex]5O_{2}[/tex] → [tex]2P_{4}O_{10}[/tex]

To solve the problem, we need to first calculate the amount of phosphorus required to react with 38.76 grams of oxygen. Since phosphorus is in excess, the amount of diphosphorus pentoxide produced will be limited by the amount of oxygen.

The molar mass of oxygen is 15.999 g/mol. Therefore, the number of moles of oxygen in 38.76 grams is:

38.76 g / 15.999 g/mol = 2.422 mol

According to the balanced equation, 5 moles of oxygen react with 4 moles of phosphorus to produce 2 moles of diphosphorus pentoxide. Therefore, the number of moles of phosphorus required is:

4/5 × 2.422 mol = 1.9376 mol

The molar mass of diphosphorus pentoxide is 283.886 g/mol. Therefore, the mass of diphosphorus pentoxide produced is:

1.9376 mol × 283.886 g/mol = 549.47 g

Rounding to the hundredths of a gram, the answer is:

549.47 g → 549.47

To know more about mass, visit:



The isotope Tl-208 undergoes β decay with a half-life of 3.1 min.

What is the decay constant for this process?

4.47 min⁻¹
2.15 min⁻¹
0.224 min⁻¹
0.031 min⁻¹


The decay constant for this process is

c.) 0.224 min⁻¹

How to find the decay constant

The decay constant (λ) is related to the half-life (t1/2) by the following equation:

λ = ln(2) / t1/2


ln(2) is the natural logarithm of 2, which is approximately 0.693.

Substituting the given half-life of 3.1 min into the equation, we get:

λ = ln(2) / (3.1 min) ≈ 0.223 min^(-1)

Therefore, the decay constant for the β decay of Tl-208 is approximately 0.223 min^(-1).

Learn more about decay constant at



Consider the reaction described by the chemical equation shown.

C2H4(g)+H2O(l)⟶C2H5OH(l)Δ∘rxn=−44.2 kJ

Use the data from the table of thermodynamic properties to calculate the value of Δ∘rxn
at 25.0 ∘C.

Δ∘rxn= ? J⋅K−1

Calculate Δ∘rxn.

Δ∘rxn= ? kJ

In which direction is the reaction, as written, spontaneous at 25 ∘C
and standard pressure?


The direction of the reaction, as written, spontaneous at 25 ∘C and standard pressure is reverse.

What is the direction of the reaction?

To calculate the value of Δ∘rxn at 25.0 ∘C, we can use the equation:

Δ∘rxn(T2) = Δ∘rxn(T1) + ΔH∘(products) - ΔH∘(reactants)


T2 is the desired temperature (25.0 ∘C), T1 is the standard temperature (usually 25 ∘C), ΔH∘(products) is the enthalpy change of formation of the products, and ΔH∘(reactants) is the enthalpy change of formation of the reactants.

Using the data from the table of thermodynamic properties, we can look up the enthalpy change of formation values for C2H4(g), H2O(l), and C2H5OH(l):

ΔH∘f(C2H4(g)) = 52.26 kJ/mol

ΔH∘f(H2O(l)) = -285.83 kJ/mol

ΔH∘f(C2H5OH(l)) = -277.69 kJ/mol

Substituting these values into the equation, we get:

Δ∘rxn(25.0 ∘C) = -44.2 kJ + (-277.69 kJ/mol) - (-52.26 kJ/mol)

Δ∘rxn(25.0 ∘C) = -44.2 kJ - (-277.69 kJ/mol) + 52.26 kJ/mol

Δ∘rxn(25.0 ∘C) = -44.2 kJ + 277.69 kJ/mol + 52.26 kJ/mol

Δ∘rxn(25.0 ∘C) = 233.23 kJ/mol

So the value of Δ∘rxn at 25.0 ∘C is 233.23 kJ/mol.

In which direction is the reaction, as written, spontaneous at 25 ∘C and standard pressure?

Since the value of Δ∘rxn at 25.0 ∘C is positive (233.23 kJ/mol), the reaction as written is not spontaneous at this temperature and standard pressure. The correct answer is "reverse."

Learn more about enthalpy change here: https://brainly.com/question/16387742


When you balance the equation Ca(OH)₂ + H₃PO₄ ---> Ca₃(PO₄)₂ + H₂O, what is the coefficient of calcium phosphate?



The answer is A --------

C) A solution containing NaOH and Na2CO3 was titrated with 0.1202 M HCl. Two titration measurements were carried out using different indicators to determine the concentration of sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate in the solution. In the first titration 25.00 mL of this solution required 36.42 mL of HCl with bromocresol green as indicator. In the second titration, 25.00 mL of this solution required and 29.64 mL of HCl with phenolphthalein as the indicator. Calculate the concentration of each solute in mg/mL of solution


When sodium carbonate is titrated against HCl in the presence of the indicator phenolphthalein, it is transformed to NaCl.

When phenolphthalein was used to titrate a combination of NaOH and Na2CO3 with HCl?

To decolorize phenolphthalein, 50 mL of a combination of NaOH and Na2CO3titrated with N10 HCl using phenolphthalein indicator required 50 mL of HCl. At this point, methyl orange was added, and the acid addition was continued. The second endpoint was obtained when another 10 ml of N10 HCl was added.

You can use more than one indicator since the interaction between sodium carbonate and hydrochloric acid occurs in two phases. The first stage is better served by phenolphthalein, whereas the second is best served by methyl orange.

learn more about phenolphthalein





The above is about the movement of lithospheric plates. See explanation and attached image for details.

What are the process of lithospheric plates movement?

The movement of lithospheric plates is driven by convection currents in the Earth's mantle, which are caused by heat generated from the Earth's core. These currents cause the lithospheric plates to move, and the motion can result in a variety of geological phenomena, including earthquakes, volcanic activity, and the formation of mountain ranges and oceanic trenches.

There are three main types of plate boundaries, and each one results in a different type of movement of lithospheric plates:

Divergent Boundaries: At divergent boundaries, lithospheric plates move away from each other. This movement is caused by the upwelling of hot material from the mantle, which pushes the plates apart. As the plates move away from each other, magma rises up to fill the gap between them, creating new crust. Divergent boundaries are where new oceanic crust is formed.

Convergent Boundaries: At convergent boundaries, lithospheric plates move towards each other. There are three types of convergent boundaries: oceanic-oceanic, oceanic-continental, and continental-continental. At oceanic-oceanic and oceanic-continental convergent boundaries, one plate is forced beneath the other, creating a subduction zone. This movement is caused by the sinking of a denser plate beneath a less dense plate. As the denser plate sinks, it melts and can trigger volcanic activity. At continental-continental convergent boundaries, the plates are too buoyant to subduct, so they instead buckle and push up, forming mountain ranges.

Transform Boundaries: At transform boundaries, lithospheric plates move past each other. This movement is caused by the lateral movement of the convection currents in the mantle. Transform boundaries can create large faults, which can lead to earthquakes.

Overall, the movement of lithospheric plates is a complex and dynamic process, driven by the movement of material within the Earth's mantle.

Learn about movement of lithospheric plates here brainly.com/question/2722711


If the volume of a gas at -40°C is double to 80 L what is the final temperature in degrees Celsius?


The final temperature is -160°C

To solve this problem

We can use the combined gas law, which relates the pressure, volume, and temperature of a gas:

(P₁V₁)/T₁ = (P₂V₂)/T₂


P₁, V₁, and T₁ are the initial pressure, volume, and temperature of the gas, and P₂, V₂, and T₂ are the final pressure, volume, and temperature of the gas

In this case, we can assume that the pressure of the gas is constant, since it is not given in the problem statement. So we can simplify the equation to:

(V₁/T₁) = (V₂/T₂)


V₁ and T₁ are the initial volume and temperature V₂ and T₂ are the final volume and temperature

We are given that the initial volume (V₁) is 80 L and the final volume (V₂) is twice that, or 160 L. We are also given that the initial temperature (T₁) is -40°C. To find the final temperature (T₂), we can plug these values into the equation:

(V₁/T₁) = (V₂/T₂)

(80 L)/(-40°C) = (160 L)/T₂


-2 L/°C = (160 L)/T₂

Multiplying both sides by -1°C/2 L (the reciprocal of -2 L/°C):

1/2 = (T₂)/(160 L) x (-1°C/2 L)

1/2 = -T₂/320

Multiplying both sides by -1 to isolate T₂:

-1/2 = T₂/320

T₂ = -160°C

Therefore, the final temperature is -160°C.

Learn more about combined gas law here : brainly.com/question/11296079


A student determines there are 5.45 mg of vitamin C in a 45.7 mL juice sample.
How many mg of vitamin C would there be in a standard serving of the juice?


A typical serving of the juice would provide about 29.8 milligrammes of vitamin C.

How is the vitamin C content in juice determined?

Subtract the total amount of iodine drops from the quantity of drops required to produce 1 mg of vitamin C in the reference sample. For instance, if your reference sample needed 2 drops for every 1 mg of vitamin C and your test fruit needed 10 drops of iodine, the equation would be Per ounce of fruit juice, there are 5 mg of vitamin C (10/2=10).

We need to know the volume of a normal serving in order to determine the quantity of vitamin C in the juice. Let's presume that a serving size is 250 mL.

5.45 mg / 45.7 mL = x mg / 250 mL

5.45 mg * 250 mL = 45.7 mL * x

1362.5 mg/mL = 45.7 mL * x

x = 1362.5 mg / 45.7

x = 29.8 mg

To know more about vitamin C visit:-



4-etil-3,6-dimetil-7-(1-metilpropil) dekan açık formülü



Explanation:4-etil-3,6-dimetil-7-(1-metilpropil) dekanın açık formülü şu şekildedir:


Please help me
Define acid.
Mention four products of destructive distillation of coal.
In a tabular, highlight two differences between diamond and graphite.
List four types of salt.
Outline two physical properties of a base.


1. An acid is a substance that produces hydrogen ions, H +(aq), when dissolved in water

4. acidic salt, basic salt, neutral salt, and double salt

I only know the two questions not the rest sorry

20. Calculate the mole fractions (X) of each compound in each of the following solutions:

a. 19.4 g of H2SO4 in 0.251 L of H20 (density of water is 1.00 g/mL)

b.35.7 g of KBr in 16.2 g of water

C.233 g of CO2 in 0.409 L of water


[tex]CO_{2}[/tex]The following compounds' mole fractions (X) are (a)0.986 (b)0.750 (c)0.811 for the given solutions.

How can the mole fraction of 19.4 g of H2SO4 in 0.251 L of water be determined?

[tex]H_{2}SO_{4}[/tex] mass is 19.4 g.

[tex]H_{2}SO_{4}[/tex]'s molecular weight is 98.08 g/mol.

It's molecular weight is 19.4 g/98.08 g/mol, or 0.1979 mol.

Density times volume is 1.00 g/mL times 0.251 L and 251 g for water mass.

[tex]H_{2} O[/tex] has a molecular weight of 18.02 g/mol.

Water moles are equal to 251 g / 18.02 g/mol, or 13.93 mol.

The solution's total moles are equal to 0.1979 mol plus 13.93 mol, or 14.13 mol.

Sulphuric Acid's mole fraction is equal to 0.1979 mol/14.13 mol, or 0.014.

Water mole fraction is equal to 13.93 mol / 14.13 mol, or 0.986 mol.

How can the mole fraction of 35.7 g of KBr in 16.2 g of water be determined?

KBr's mass is 35.7 g.

KBr has a molecular weight of 119 g/mol.

The formula for KBr is 35.7 g/119 g/mol, which equals 0.300 mol.

16.2 g of water in mass

Water has a molecular weight of 18.02 g/mol.

Water moles are equal to 16.2 g / 18.02 g/mol, or 0.899 mol.

The solution has a total of 1.199 moles (0.300 mol + 0.899 mol).

The mole fraction of KBr is equal to 0.300 mol/1.199 mol, or 0.250

Water mole fraction is equal to 0.899 mol / 1.199 mol, or 0.750 moles.

How can the mole fraction of 233 g of CO2 in 0.409 L of water be determined?

[tex]CO_{2}[/tex] mass = 233 g

It has a molecular weight of 44.01 g/mol.

Its moles are equal to 233 g / 44.01 g/mol, or 5.291 mol.

Water volume equals 0.409 L.

Water has a molecular weight of 18.02 g/mol.

(density × volume) / molecular weight (1.00 g/mL 409 mL) / 18.02 g/mol = 22.71 mol = number of moles of water

The solution's total moles are equal to 5.291 mol plus 22.71 mol, or 28.00 mol.

[tex]CO_{2}[/tex] mole fraction = 5.291 moles / 28.00 moles = 0.189

[tex]H_{2} O[/tex] mole fraction is 22.71 mol/28.00 mol, or 0.811 moles.

To learn more about mole fraction visit:



True/False: Paraffin wax (d = 0.910 g/cm3) would float in ethanol (d = 789 kg/L)


The claim that paraffin wax would float in ethanol (d = 789 kg/L) is accurate.

In ethanol, does paraffin wax float?

A 40–50% aqueous solution would have a density that could be adjusted to be just below that of paraffin wax, while regular alcohol (ethanol) has a density of roughly 0.8. The wax would then begin to sink. Warming causes the wax's density to significantly decrease (more than ethanol does), causing it to float.

Does ethanol allow you to float?

Even with your lungs completely expanded, you cannot float in 80-proof (or 40%) alcohol since your body weighs more than the booze and will sink if you stop swimming.

To know more about paraffin wax visit:-



Question 5(Multiple Choice Worth 3 points)
(07.02 LC)

The substances below are listed by increasing specific heat capacity value. Starting at 30.0 °C, they each absorb 100 kJ of thermal energy. Which one do you expect to increase in temperature the least?

a) Cadmium, 0.230 J/(g °C)
b) Sodium, 1.21 J/(g °C)
c) Water, 4.184 J/(g °C)
d) Hydrogen, 14.267 J/(g °C)


Component form of the vector v is as follows: 4 3 1.5 1 Using the standard basis vectors I and j), express the vector w as follows: 3 two 1 4 pp . 1 3 w 3.5 C. V plus w= d. Determine the vector v's magnitude

What does "vector" mean?

Latin word for "carrier" is "vector." Point A is transported to point B by vectors. The orientation of the vectors AB is the direction in which point A is moved in relation to point B, and the amplitude of the vector is the width of the line connecting the two locations A and B. The terms Euclidean vectors and spatial vectors are also used to refer to vectors.

A vector space is what?

A vector space, also known as a linear space, is a collection of things called vectors that can be added to and multiplied ("scaled") by figures called scalars in the fields of mathematics, physics, and engineering.

To know more about vector visit:



1-A tennis ball travelling at a speed of 46 m/s with a mass of 58 g. Calculate its kinetic energy Ek=0.5mv2

2-A plane at a speed of 255 m/s with a mass of 2.15 × 105 kg. calculate its kinetic energy

3-A hot air balloon with a kinetic energy of 76 550 J and a mass of 1890 kg. Calculate its velocity


The tennis ball has a kinetic energy of around 56.8 J. The aircraft has a kinetic energy of around 4.43 x 10⁹ J. The hot air balloon travels at a speed of around 9.0 m/s.

A 750 kilogramme automobile travelling at a speed of 50.0 km/h has how much kinetic energy?

How much effort must be put into slowing down a 750 kg automobile from 100 km/h to 50 km/h. We know that the of this automobile at 50.0 km/h is 72,300 Joules from the last example problem.

Ek = 0.5 x 0.058 kg x (46 m/s)²

Ek = 0.5 x 0.058 kg x 2116 m²/s²

Ek = 56.8468 J

Ek = 0.5mv²

Ek = 0.5 x 2.15 x 10⁵ kg x (255 m/s)²

Ek = 0.5 x 2.15 x 10⁵ kg x 65025 m²/s²

Ek = 4.433 x 10⁹ J

Ek = 0.5mv²

v = √(2Ek/m)

v = √(2 x 76550 J / 1890 kg)

v = √(81.011 J/kg)

v = 9.0 m/s (approx.)

To know more about energy visit:-



Calculate the density of Sulfur dioxide gas at a temperature of 15oC and pressure of 300 torr. Convert to atm


The density of sulfur dioxide gas at a temperature of 15°C and pressure of 300 torr is 0.001022 g/cm³, or 0.001022 g/mL, or 1.022 kg/m³, or 0.01022 g/L when converted to atm.

What is density?

To calculate the density of sulfur dioxide gas at a temperature of 15°C and a pressure of 300 torr, we can use the ideal gas law:

PV = nRT

where P is the pressure in atmospheres, V is the volume in liters, n is the number of moles, R is the ideal gas constant (0.08206 L·atm/(mol·K)), and T is the temperature in Kelvin.

First, we need to convert the given temperature of 15°C to Kelvin:

T = 15°C + 273.15 = 288.15 K

Next, we can rearrange the ideal gas law to solve for the number of moles:

n = PV/RT

where we can use the given pressure of 300 torr and convert it to atm by dividing by 760 torr/atm:

P = 300 torr / 760 torr/atm = 0.3947 atm

Substituting the values into the equation, we get:

n = (0.3947 atm) V / (0.08206 L·atm/(mol·K) × 288.15 K)

Now, we can use the molar mass of sulfur dioxide, which is 64.06 g/mol, to convert the number of moles to mass:

mass = n × molar mass

Finally, we can calculate the density of sulfur dioxide gas using the mass and volume:

density = mass / V

To convert the density from g/L to g/cm³, we divide by 1000.

Putting it all together, we get:

n = (0.3947 atm) V / (0.08206 L·atm/(mol·K) × 288.15 K)

n = 0.01595 V

mass = n × molar mass = 0.01595 V * 64.06 g/mol = 1.022 gV

density = mass / V = 1.022 gV / V = 1.022 g/L = 0.001022 g/cm³

Therefore, the density of sulfur dioxide gas at a temperature of 15°C and pressure of 300 torr is 0.001022 g/cm³, or 0.001022 g/mL, or 1.022 kg/m³, or 0.01022 g/L when converted to atm.

To know more baout density, visit:



Complete question is: The density of Sulfur dioxide gas at a temperature of 15oC and pressure of 300 torr is 0.01022 atm.

C6H12O6 + 6 O₂ ---> 6CO₂ + 6 H₂O
How many moles of oxygen are needed to burn 5.00 moles of glucose (C6H12O6)?


Answer is 30 mol

Ratio of C6H12O6:O2 IS 1:6
Mole of O2 = 5x6=30 mol

At 25 ∘C
, the equilibrium partial pressures for the reaction


were found to be A=5.63
atm, B=5.00
atm, C=5.47
atm, and D=5.63

What is the standard change in Gibbs free energy of this reaction at 25 ∘C


The standard change in Gibbs free energy of the reaction at 25 ∘C is -1.69 kJ/mol.

What is standard change?

To find the standard change in Gibbs free energy of the reaction, we need to use the following equation:

ΔG° = -RT ln(K)

where ΔG° is the standard change in Gibbs free energy, R is the gas constant (8.314 J/mol·K), T is the temperature in Kelvin (25 °C = 298 K), and K is the equilibrium constant.

To find K, we need to use the equilibrium partial pressures:

K = (PC × PD) / (PA × PB²)

where PA, PB, PC, and PD are the equilibrium partial pressures of A, B, C, and D, respectively.

Substituting the values, we get:

K = (5.47 atm × 5.63 atm) / (5.63 atm × (5.00 atm)²)

K = 0.6176

Now we can calculate the standard change in Gibbs free energy:

ΔG° = -RT ln(K)

ΔG° = -(8.314 J/mol·K) × (298 K) × ln(0.6176)

ΔG° = -1,690 J/mol or -1.69 kJ/mol

Therefore, the standard change in Gibbs free energy of the reaction at 25 ∘C is -1.69 kJ/mol.

What is free energy?

Free energy, also known as Gibbs free energy, is a thermodynamic quantity that represents the amount of energy in a system that is available to do work at a constant temperature and pressure. It is denoted by the symbol G and is expressed in units of joules (J) or calories (cal).

In simple terms, free energy is the energy that can be used to do work. It is defined by the equation:


where ΔH is the change in enthalpy (heat content) of the system, ΔS is the change in entropy (disorder) of the system, and T is the absolute temperature in Kelvin.

If ΔG is negative, the reaction is spontaneous and can proceed without the input of external energy. If ΔG is positive, the reaction is non-spontaneous and requires energy input to proceed. If ΔG is zero, the system is at equilibrium.

To know more about free energy, visit:



what is the awnser for these


7a. Using the mole ratio from the balanced chemical equation, we can set up the following proportion:

n(N₂)/n(NH₃) = 1/2

where n(N₂) is the number of moles of N₂ and n(NH₃) is the number of moles of NH₃. Solving for n(N₂), we get:

n(N₂) = (10.0 mol NH₃) / (2 mol N₂/mol NH₃) = 5.00 mol N2

Therefore, 5.00 moles of nitrogen would be needed to make 10.0 moles of ammonia.

7b. Using the same mole ratio as above, we can set up the following proportion:

n(NH₃)/n(H₂) = 2/3

where n(H₂) is the number of moles of H₂. Solving for n(NH₃), we get:

n(NH₃) = (9.00 mol H2) x (2 mol NH3/3 mol H₂) = 6.00 mol NH₃

Therefore, 6.00 moles of ammonia could be made by completely reacting 9.00 moles of hydrogen.

7c. Again, using the same mole ratio as above, we can set up the following proportion:

n(N₂)/n(H₂) = 1/3

where n(N₂) is the number of moles of N₂. Solving for n(H₂), we get:

n(H₂) = (7.41 mol N2) x (3 mol H₂/1 mol N₂) = 22.2 mol H₂

Therefore, 22.2 moles of hydrogen would be needed to react completely with 7.41 moles of nitrogen.

8a. The amounts of reactants consumed and the amount of product made can be calculated using stoichiometry, which is based on the mole ratio from the balanced chemical equation. However, the mole ratio from the balanced chemical equation cannot be interpreted as a ratio of masses, since the molar mass (and thus the mass) of each substance is different.

8b. The mole ratio from the balanced chemical equation is based on the number of moles of each substance, which is proportional to the mass of each substance. Therefore, by using the molar mass of each substance, we can convert the mole ratio to a mass ratio. However, the mole ratio itself cannot be interpreted as a ratio of masses.

9a. Yes, the mole ratio from a balanced chemical equation can be interpreted as a ratio of masses. This is because the mole ratio is determined based on the stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced equation, which represent the number of moles of each substance involved in the reaction. Since the molar mass (mass per mole) of each substance is known, the mole ratio can be used to determine a mass ratio.

9b. The mathematical concept that explains how the mole ratio from a balanced chemical equation can be interpreted as a ratio of masses is the mole-to-mole conversion factor. This conversion factor is based on the stoichiometric coefficients in the balanced equation, which represent the mole ratio between the reactants and products. By multiplying the mole ratio by the molar mass of a substance, the ratio can be converted to a mass ratio.

To solve the problem "What mass of nitrogen is needed to produce 30.0 g of ammonia?", we would need to use the concept of stoichiometry and mole-to-mole conversions. We can start by writing the balanced chemical equation for the reaction:

N₂(g) + 3H₂(g) → 2NH₃(g)

From the equation, we can see that the mole ratio of N2 to NH₃ is 1:2. We can use this ratio to determine the number of moles of N2 needed to produce 1 mole of NH₃:

1 mole N₂ : 2 moles NH₃

Next, we can use the molar mass of NH₃ to convert the moles of NH₃ to grams:

2 moles NH₃ x 17.03 g NH₃/mole = 34.06 g NH₃

So, for every 34.06 g of NH₃ produced, we need 1 mole of N₂. Using this information, we can set up a proportion to solve for the mass of N₂ needed to produce 30.0 g of NH₃:

1 mole N₂ : 34.06 g NH₃ = x moles N₂ : 30.0 g NH₃

Solving for x, we get:

x moles N₂ = (30.0 g NH₃ x 1 mole N₂) / 34.06 g NH₃ = 0.881 moles N₂

Finally, we can convert the moles of N₂ to grams using the molar mass of N₂:

0.881 moles N₂ x 28.01 g N₂/mole = 24.67 g N₂

Therefore, we would need 24.67 g of nitrogen to produce 30.0 g of ammonia.

learn more about mole here



What is the molar concentration of Na+ ions in 0.0300 M solutions of the following sodium salts in water?



NaBr is 0.0300 because the dissociation of is Na + br
Na2SO4 has 2na so 0.0300*2=0.0600
Na3PO4 has 3na so 0.0300*3=0.0900

Write the structure of the product. If no reaction occurs write NR.
a. H3C-C=CH₂ + Br2
+ KMnO4 (aq)

C. H3C-CH=CH-CH3 + H₂SO4 (conc.) —
+ KMnO4 (aq) -


a. The product of the reaction between [tex]H_{3}C[/tex]-C=CH₂ and [tex]Br_{2}[/tex] is 1,2-dibromo-2-methylpropane:  [tex]H_{3}C[/tex]-C=CH₂ + [tex]Br_{2}[/tex]  → BrCH₂ -CH(Br)-[tex]CH_{3}[/tex]

b. The product of the reaction between  [tex]H_{3}C[/tex]-CH=CH-[tex]CH_{3}[/tex] and conc.  [tex]H_{2}SO _{4}[/tex] is 2-methylpropene:

[tex]H_{3}C[/tex]-CH=CH-[tex]CH_{3}[/tex] + [tex]H_{2}SO _{4}[/tex] →  [tex]H_{3}C[/tex]-C([tex]CH_{3}[/tex])=CH₂ + H₂O

c. The product of the reaction between [tex]KMnO_{4}[/tex] (aq) and any organic compound is typically a mixture of products, depending on the specific organic compound being reacted. Therefore, the structure of the product cannot be determined without additional information about the organic compound being reacted.

d. NR means that no reaction occurs.

What is product of the reaction ?

In chemistry, the product of a reaction refers to the substances that are formed as a result of a chemical reaction. These substances are formed by the rearrangement of atoms and molecules in the reactants. The products of a chemical reaction are typically represented by a chemical equation, which shows the reactants on the left side of the equation and the products on the right side of the equation. In many cases, the products of a chemical reaction have different properties than the reactants, and they can be used in a variety of applications in chemistry, biology, and other fields.

To know more about product, visit:



CHALLENGE The circles below represent of the large circle, and multiply it by 30. That Earth and the moon. Measure the diameter would be the correct distance from Earth to the moon at this scale. Draw the two circles in the space provided. Use the correct distance you found.● = Earth ●=moon ​


To draw the two circles, we would need to draw a smaller circle with a diameter of 2,532.5 miles (representing the moon) and a larger circle with a diameter of 75,974.4 miles (representing the Earth) that is 30 times larger than the smaller circle.

What is the explanation for the above response?

If we assume that the larger circle represents the Earth, then the diameter of the Earth would be 30 times the diameter of the smaller circle representing the moon. Let's say that the diameter of the smaller circle is x. Then the diameter of the larger circle (Earth) would be 30 times x or 30x.

To find the correct distance from Earth to the moon at this scale, we need to know the actual distance from Earth to the moon, which is approximately 238,855 miles or 384,400 kilometers. If we divide this distance by the scale factor of 30, we get:

238,855 miles / 30 = 7,961.8 miles

Therefore, the diameter of the smaller circle (moon) would be approximately 7,961.8 miles / π = 2,532.5 miles (rounded to one decimal place). And the diameter of the larger circle (Earth) would be 30 times that or 75,974.4 miles

So, to draw the two circles, we would need to draw a smaller circle with a diameter of 2,532.5 miles (representing the moon) and a larger circle with a diameter of 75,974.4 miles (representing the Earth) that is 30 times larger than the smaller circle.

Learn more about Earth at:



Consider the following reaction at 298 K.

C(graphite)+2Cl2(g)⟶CCl4(l)Δ∘=−139 kJ

Calculate the following quantities. Refer to the standard entropy values as needed.

Δsys= ? J/K

Δsurr= ? J/K

Δuniv= ? J/K


System entropy = -80.8 J/K Surrounding entropy = 253.7 J/K The universe's entropy is 172.9 J/K. The reaction is unplanned. The procedure is a natural one.

In layman's terms, what is entropy?

Entropy is a measure of energy quality in the way that as lower the entropy, the more desirable the energy. Energy stored in a well-organized manner (the efficient library has a lower entropy. The entropy of energy contained in a chaotic manner (the random-pile library) is high.

What is another name for entropy?

Entropy is a gauge of a system's randomness or disorder. Entropy is greater in gases than in liquids, and greater in liquids than in solids. Order and disorder are important concepts in physical systems also known as randomness.

To know more about entropy visit :



Strong Acid/Strong Base Titration.
100 mL of 0.10M HNO3 titrated with 0.10M NaOH
a. Initial pH, 0.0 mL of NaOH
Circle one: Type of solution (strong acid, weak acid, strong base, weak base,
buffer, neither)


The compound NaOH as shown is a strong base.

Is NaOH a strong base?

NaOH (sodium hydroxide) is considered a strong base. A strong base is a base that dissociates completely in water to form hydroxide ions (OH-) and cations. NaOH is highly soluble in water and, when added to water, it completely dissociates into Na+ and OH- ions, which makes it a strong base.

The strength of a base depends on the extent of its dissociation in water. Strong bases dissociate completely in water, while weak bases dissociate only partially. The dissociation of a base is usually represented by its base dissociation constant (Kb), which is the equilibrium constant for the reaction of the base with water to form hydroxide ions.

Learn more about strong base:https://brainly.com/question/16749233


1. Your teacher will show a video that demonstrates how aluminum metal reacts
with copper (II) chloride (CuCl₂). Answer the following questions about the
reaction you observed between aluminum and copper(II) chloride.
(a) Based on the observations you made during the video, write the balanced
molecular equation for the reaction between solid aluminum and a solution
of copper(II) chloride.


The balanced molecular equation for the reaction between solid aluminum and a solution of copper(II) chloride is: 2Al(s) + 3CuCl2(aq) → 3Cu(s) + 2AlCl3(aq).

What takes place when aluminium and copper II chloride interact?

Aluminium and copper(II) chloride react very vigorously, causing the reaction mixture to become extremely hot as heat is produced, the aluminium foil to dissolve, a reddish brown solid to appear, and gas bubbles to be released.

What does place when aluminium foil is dipped in a copper II nitrate solution?

The aluminium foil disintegrates, heat is released, the copper(II) ions' blue colour disappears, and a new, reddish-brown solid develops in the reaction mixture.

To know more about solution visit:-



A balloon holds 60.0 kg of helium. What is the volume of the balloon if the final pressure is 1.20 atm and the temperature is 22°C?




Use the formula PV=nRT

P is pressure in atm

V is volume in whatever unit you're working in as long as everything is in that unit (anything volume related)

n is the number of moles

R is the constant so 0.08206

and T is temperature and this MUST be in Kelvin which is 173.15 + C

the equation can be shifted depending on what you need to solve

What is the Molality of a solution in which
25 g of sodium chloride is dissolved in 2.0
kg of water?


The molality of a solution is determined by the amount of solute (in moles) and the mass of the solvent (in kilograms). To convert the mass of NaCl to moles, the molar mass of NaCl is 58.44 g/mol. The number of moles of NaCl is 25 g / 58.44 g/mol = 0.427 mol. The molality of the solution is 0.213 mol/kg.

What is molality?

The amount of a solute dissolved in a solvent is indicated by the chemical term "molality," which is commonly defined in terms of moles of solute per kilogramme of solvent. Because it takes into account variations in the volume of the solution owing to temperature and pressure, it differs from molarity, which quantifies the quantity of a solute in moles per litre of solution.

To calculate the molality of a solution, we need to know the amount of solute (in moles) and the mass of the solvent (in kilograms).

In this case, we are given:

Mass of solute (NaCl) = 25 g

Mass of solvent (water) = 2.0 kg

To calculate the amount of solute in moles, we need to convert the mass of NaCl to moles using its molar mass:

Molar mass of NaCl = 58.44 g/mol

Number of moles of NaCl = (25 g) / (58.44 g/mol) = 0.427 mol

Now we can calculate the molality of the solution:

Molality = (number of moles of solute) / (mass of solvent in kg)

Molality = (0.427 mol) / (2.0 kg) = 0.213 mol/kg

Therefore, the molality of the solution is 0.213 mol/kg.

To know more about molality, visit



In the Periodic Table below, shade all the elements for which the neutral atom has an outer electron configuration of ms2nd2, where n and m are integers, and =m+n1.


The elements that have an outer electron configuration of ms2nd2 are located in the d-block of the periodic table and include some of the transition metals and lanthanides.

What is the periodic table?

To determine which elements in the periodic table have this outer electron configuration, you can look at the position of the d-block elements in the table. The d-block elements are located in the middle of the table and include the transition metals. These elements have partially filled d orbitals, which can accommodate up to 10 electrons.

Elements in the d-block with an atomic number of 21 through 30 (scandium through zinc) have an outer electron configuration of d10s2 and do not fit the ms2nd2 configuration. However, elements in the d-block with an atomic number of 39 through 48 (yttrium through cadmium) have an outer electron configuration of d10s2p1 and can have the ms2nd2 configuration by removing the single electron in the p orbital. Elements in the d-block with an atomic number of 57 through 80 (lanthanum through mercury) also have the possibility of having an outer electron configuration of ms2nd2.

Learn more about periodic table:https://brainly.com/question/11155928


Help please! I'll award brainliest and extra points if you show your work too :)


a. This reaction is endothermic because energy is absorbed during the reaction.

b. ΔH = +187 kJ

What is the energy change of the reaction?

c. The balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of calcium carbonate is:

CaCO3(s) → CO2(g) + CaO(s)

d. We can use the molar mass of calcium carbonate to convert 21.0 g of CaCO3 to moles:

21.0 g CaCO3 x (1 mol CaCO3 / 100.09 g CaCO3) = 0.210 mol CaCO3

From the balanced equation, we can see that the molar ratio of CaCO3 to ΔH is 1:1. Therefore, the energy absorbed can be calculated as:

0.210 mol CaCO3 x 187 kJ/mol = 39.3 kJ

Therefore, 39.3 kJ of energy is absorbed during the decomposition of 21.0 g of calcium carbonate.

Learn more about energy changes of reactions at: https://brainly.com/question/21357822


im struggling

What quantity of heat (in kJ) would be required to convert 13.4 g of ice to water at 0.00 °C? (∆Hfus = 6.01 kJ/mol for water)


Around 80.5 KJ

Multiply Heat of Fusion and Mass to get the q value.

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