A recipe for lemonade uses 5 scoops of mix for every 4 cups of water mai says:

"no matter how much lemonade you make, there is always one more scoop of mix than cups of water"

Is she correct?


Answer 1
Yes, Mai is correct.

According to the recipe, 5 scoops of mix are used for every 4 cups of water. We can express this as a ratio:

5 scoops mix : 4 cups water

If we simplify this ratio by dividing both sides by 4, we get:

5/4 scoops mix : 1 cup water

So for every 1 cup of water, we need 5/4 scoops of mix, or 1.25 scoops. This means that for any amount of lemonade we make, we will always need one more scoop of mix than the number of cups of water.
Answer 2


Step-by-step explanation:

yeah she is... i think.. this is twisting my mind rn

Related Questions

pls pls help. just need the answer


The value of k is given as follows:

k = 5.

How to obtain the value of k?

The function in the context of this problem is defined as follows:

f(x) = x³ + kx - 6.

We have that x - 1 is a factor of the function, meaning that, by the Factor Theorem:

f(1) = 0, x - 1 = 0 -> x = 1.

Hence, applying the numeric value, the value of k is obtained as follows:

1 + k - 6 = 0

k - 5 = 0

k = 5.

More can be learned about the Factor Theorem at https://brainly.com/question/24729294


in a study of the treatment of congestive heart failure (chf), a new surgical procedure was compared to the standard surgical procedure. the study enrolled 550 people with chf and randomly assigned half to receive the new procedure and half to receive the standard procedure. among those that received the new procedure, 98 died within 5 years. among those that received the standard procedure, 190 died within 5 years. what is the result for the appropriate measure to describe the strength of the association between surgical procedure and death?


The result for the appropriate measure, relative risk, is approximately 0.515.

This indicates that the risk of death within 5 years is about 51.5% lower in the new procedure group compared to the standard procedure group.

This suggests a strong association between the surgical procedure and the reduction in the risk of death.

To determine the strength of the association between the surgical procedures and death, we can calculate the relative risk.
Identify the numbers given in the question.
- Total participants: 550
- New procedure group: 275 (half of 550)
- Deaths in new procedure group: 98
- Standard procedure group: 275 (half of 550)
- Deaths in standard procedure group: 190
Calculate the death rate (proportion of deaths) in each group.
- Death rate in new procedure group = (Number of deaths in new procedure group) / (Total in new procedure group) = 98/275 ≈ 0.356
- Death rate in standard procedure group = (Number of deaths in standard procedure group) / (Total in standard procedure group) = 190/275 ≈ 0.691
Calculate the relative risk.
- Relative risk = (Death rate in new procedure group) / (Death rate in standard procedure group) = 0.356/0.691 ≈ 0.515.

For similar question on standard.



a plumber works twice as fast as his apprentice. after the plumber has worked alone for 3 hours, his apprentice joins him and working together they complete the job 4 hours later. how many hours would it have taken the plumber to do the entire job by himself?


If after the plumber has worked alone for 3 hours, his apprentice joins him and working together they complete the job 4 hours later, it would take the plumber 9 hours to do the entire job by himself.

Let's start by assigning some b to represent the rate at which each person works. Let's say that the plumber's rate is P (in units of job per hour) and the apprentice's rate is A (also in units of job per hour). Since the plumber works twice as fast as the apprentice, we can write:

P = 2A

Next, let's think about how much work can be done in a certain amount of time. If the plumber works alone for 3 hours, he completes 3P units of work. When the apprentice joins him, they work together for another 4 hours to complete the entire job, which is a total of 7 hours of work. So, the amount of work done in those 4 hours is:

4(P + A)

We also know that the total amount of work is 1 (since it's one complete job). Putting this all together, we can write an equation:

3P + 4(P + A) = 1

We can simplify this to:

7P + 4A = 1

But we also know that P = 2A, so we can substitute that in:

7(2A) + 4A = 1

Simplifying this, we get:

18A = 1

So, A = 1/18. This means that the apprentice can complete 1/18 of the job in one hour. Since the plumber works twice as fast, he can complete 2/18 of the job (or 1/9) in one hour.

To find out how long it would take the plumber to do the entire job by himself, we can use the formula:

Time = Work / Rate

The entire job is 1, and the plumber's rate is 1/9. So:

Time = 1 / (1/9) = 9 hours

To learn more about time and work click on,



What are the cross-products of the proportion 6/40 = 9/60? Is the proportion TRUE?

54 and 2,400; the proportion is false.

54 and 540; the proportion is true.

360 and 360; the proportion is true.


Therefore, the answer is: 360 and 360; the proportion is true.

54 and 540; the proportion is true.

360 and 360; the proportion is true.

To find the cross-products of the proportion 6/40 = 9/60, we multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction, and the numerator of the second fraction by the denominator of the first fraction.

So we have:

6 × 60 = 360

9 × 40 = 360

The cross-products are 360 and 360.

To check if the proportion is true, we compare the cross-products. If they are equal, then the proportion is true; otherwise, it is false.

Since the cross-products are equal, the proportion is true.

Therefore, the answer is:

360 and 360; the proportion is true.

To know more about fraction visit:



Which property was used to simplify the expression? 3c+ 9 + 4c = 3c + 4c + 9


The property used to simplify the expression is the Commutative Property of Addition, which states that changing the order of addends does not change the sum.

What is Commutative Property?

The Commutative Property is a property of operations that states that the order in which two numbers are added or multiplied does not affect the result. In other words, the property says that changing the order of the terms being added or multiplied will not change the final answer.

According to given information:

The property that was used to simplify the expression is the Commutative Property of Addition. This property states that the order in which we add two numbers does not affect the result. In other words, if we have two numbers a and b, then a + b is equal to b + a.

In the given expression, we have two terms, 3c and 4c, that are being added together. By applying the Commutative Property of Addition, we can rearrange the terms to get 4c + 3c. This gives us the simplified expression 7c + 9.

To know more about Commutative Property visit:



armer abe has a budget of $300 to build a rectangular pen to protect his rambunctious sheep. he decides that three sides of the pen will be constructed with chain-link fence, which costs only $1 per foot. farmer abe decides that the fourth side of the pen will be made with sturdier fence, which costs $5 per foot. find the dimensions of the largest area the pen can enclose.


Let x be the length of the pen and y be the width of the pen.

The total cost of the pen is given by:

Cost = 3x + 5y = 300

3x + 5y = 300

3x = 300 - 5y

x = (300 - 5y)/3

The area of the pen is given by:

Area = xy = (300 - 5y)/3 * y

in a recent basketball game, shenille attempted only three-point shots and two-point shots. she was successful on 20% of her three-point shots and 30% of her two-point shots. shenille attempted 30 shots. how many points did she score?(2013 amc 12a


The probability of a score for a recent basketball game, shenille attempted only three-point shots and two-point shots is 18 points in the game. The answer is Option B.

Let x be the number of three-point shots and y be the number of two-point shots attempted by Shenille.

Then, we have:

x + y = 30 (total number of shots attempted)

Let's solve for one of the variables. For example, we can solve for x by subtracting y from both sides of the equation:

x = 30 - y

Now, we can express Shenille's points in terms of x and y:

Points = 3x + 2y

Substituting x = 30 - y, we get:

Points = 3(30 - y) + 2y

Points = 90 - y

Shenille's success rate for three-point shots is 20%, so the number of successful three-point shots she made is 0.2x. Similarly, the number of successful two-point shots she made is 0.3y.

Total points scored = (0.2x)(3) + (0.3y)(2)

Substituting x = 30 - y, we get:

Total points scored = (0.2(30 - y))(3) + (0.3y)(2

Total points scored = 18 + 0.4y

Now we need to maximize the total points scored by Shenille. Since she attempted 30 shots in total, we have:

y = 30 - x

Substituting this into the equation for total points, we get:

Total points scored = 18 + 0.4(30 - x)

Total points scored = 30 - 0.4x

This is a linear function, which is maximized at its endpoint. The maximum value of this function occurs at x = 0, which means Shenille attempted all two-point shots. In this case, y = 30, and the total points scored would be:

Total points scored = 0 + 0.3(30)(2)

Total points scored = 18

Learn more about probability at



The question is -

In a recent basketball game, Shenille attempted only three-point shots and two-point shots. She was successful on 20% of her three-point shots and 30% of her two-point shots. Shenille attempted 30 shots. How many points did she score?

(A) 12

(B) 18

(C) 24

(D) 30

(E) 36

For the first half of a baseball season, a player had 90 hits out of 270 times at bat. The player's batting average was
≈ 0. 333. During the second half of the season, the player had 64 hits out of 276 times at bat. The player's batting average was
≈ 0. 232. (Round your answers to three decimal places. )
(a) What is the average (mean) of 0. 333 and 0. 232?


The issue inquires to discover the normal (cruel) of two values:

0.333 and 0.232. To do this, able to essentially include the two values together and partition them by 2. Including the two values gives us:

0.333 + 0.232 = 0.565

Separating by 2 gives us:

0.565 / 2 = 0.2825

So the normal of 0.333 and 0.232 is 0.2825.

In any case, the issue inquires to circular our answer to three decimal places, which suggests we have to be circular 0.2825 to the closest thousandth. The third decimal put maybe a 2, which implies we circular down. Hence, the ultimate reply is roughly 0.283, adjusted to three decimal places.

To learn about partition visit:




call a positive integer kinda-prime if it has a prime number of positive integer divisors. if there are $168$ prime numbers less than $1000$, how many kinda-prime positive integers are there less than $1000$?


There are 173 kinda-prime positive integer less than 1000.

To find the number of kinda-prime positive integer less than 1000, we'll follow these steps:

1. Understand the definition of a kinda-prime number: A positive integer is kinda-prime if it has a prime number of positive integer divisors.
2. Determine the number of prime numbers less than 1000: There are 168 prime numbers less than 1000, as given.
3. Determine the possible prime number of divisors: Since 168 is not too large, we only need to consider 2 and 3 as possible prime numbers of divisors for a kinda-prime number.
4. Analyze the cases:

Case 1: Kinda-prime numbers with 2 divisors (prime numbers)
All prime numbers have exactly 2 divisors (1 and itself). Thus, all 168 prime numbers less than 1000 are kinda-prime.

Case 2: Kinda-prime numbers with 3 divisors
Let N be a kinda-prime number with 3 divisors. Then, N = p^2 for some prime number p. To find the suitable prime numbers p, we need[tex]p^2 < 1000[/tex]. The prime numbers that meet this condition are 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11 (since 13^2 = 169 > 1000). Therefore, there are 5 additional kinda-prime numbers ([tex]2^2, 3^2, 5^2, 7^2, and 11^2[/tex]).

5. Add the total number of kinda-prime numbers from both cases: 168 + 5 = 173.

Learn more about integer here:



[tex]$(\pi(1000)-1)+11=\boxed{177}$[/tex] "kind a-prime" positive integers less than $1000$.

Let [tex]$n$[/tex] be a positive integer with[tex]$k$[/tex] positive integer divisors.

If [tex]$k$[/tex] is prime, then.

[tex]$n$[/tex] is a "kind a-prime" integer.

[tex]$k$[/tex] must be of the form.

[tex]$k=p$[/tex] or [tex]$k=p^2$[/tex] for some prime [tex]$p$[/tex].

If [tex]$k=p$[/tex], then [tex]$n$[/tex] must be of the form.

[tex]$p^{p-1}$[/tex] for some prime [tex]$p$[/tex]. Since [tex]$p < 1000$[/tex], there are.

[tex]$\pi(1000)$[/tex]possible values of [tex]$p$[/tex].

[tex]$p=2$[/tex] gives [tex]$2^1$[/tex], which is not prime, so we have to subtract.

[tex]$1$[/tex] from [tex]$\pi(1000)$[/tex] to get the number of possible.


[tex]$\pi(1000)-1$[/tex] values of [tex]$p$[/tex] that give a "kind a-prime" integer of this form.

If [tex]$k=p^2$[/tex], then [tex]$n$[/tex] must be of the form.

[tex]$p^{p^2-1}$[/tex] for some prime[tex]$p$[/tex].

There are.

[tex]$\pi(31)=11$[/tex] primes less than [tex]$31$[/tex], and each of them gives a different "kind a-prime" integer of this form.

Since [tex]$31^5 > 1000$[/tex], no primes larger than [tex]$31$[/tex]can be used to form a "kind a-prime" integer of this form.

[tex]$11$[/tex] possible values of [tex]$p$[/tex] that give a "kind a-prime" integer of this form.

For similar questions on Positive Integer



What is the argument of z = StartFraction 1 Over 16 EndFraction minus StartFraction StartRoot 3 EndRoot Over 16 EndFraction i?


To find the argument of the complex number z = 1/16 - (sqrt(3)/16)i, we need to find the angle that the complex number forms with the positive real axis in the complex plane.

We can start by finding the magnitude of z, which is the distance between the origin and the point representing z in the complex plane:

|z| = sqrt( (1/16)^2 + (sqrt(3)/16)^2 )

= sqrt(1/256 + 3/256)

= sqrt(4/256)

= 1/4

Next, we can find the argument of z using the formula:

arg(z) = tan^(-1)(Im(z)/Re(z))

where Im(z) is the imaginary part of z, and Re(z) is the real part of z.

In this case, we have:

Re(z) = 1/16

Im(z) = -(sqrt(3)/16)

Therefore, we get:

arg(z) = tan^(-1)(Im(z)/Re(z))

= tan^(-1)(-(sqrt(3)/16)/(1/16))

= tan^(-1)(-sqrt(3))

= -60° (in degrees)

So, the argument of z is -60 degrees (or -π/3 radians).



Step-by-step explanation:

. imagine you had a research question in which you wanted to compare a sample mean to the mean of a population. under these circumstances you would either do a z-test or a one-sample t-test. what key piece of information would be missing if you needed to do a one-sample t-test?


Sample size and sample standard deviation are the key information needed for a single-sample t-test.


In the event that you need to compare the test cruel with the populace cruel, and you perform a single-sample t-test rather than a z-test, the vital piece of data that will be lost is the populace standard deviation.

Within the z-test, the populace standard deviation is known and the standard mistake of the cruel is calculated utilizing the populace standard deviation.

In a single-sample t-test, the populace standard deviation is obscure, and the standard mistake of the cruel is evaluated from the test standard deviation. 

Therefore, sample size and sample standard deviation are the key information needed for a single-sample t-test. 

learn more about standard deviation



in an integer overflow attack, an attacker changes the value of a variable to something outside the range that the programmer had intended by using an integer overflow.T/F


True. An integer overflow attack occurs when an attacker manipulates a variable in a way that causes it to exceed its maximum value or minimum value, leading to unexpected and potentially harmful behavior.

This can happen if a programmer fails to properly check and validate the input values that are being used in their code, allowing an attacker to inject a value that triggers an overflow.

As a result, the variable may be assigned a value that is outside the intended range, leading to unpredictable behavior and potentially causing the program to crash or execute unintended code. It is important for programmers to take steps to prevent integer overflow attacks, such as validating input values and using data types with sufficient capacity to hold the expected range of values.

This occurs when an arithmetic operation results in a value that is too large to be stored in the allocated memory, causing the value to wrap around and become smaller, or even negative. This can lead to unintended consequences in a program's behavior, which an attacker can exploit to gain unauthorized access or cause other security issues.

To learn more about integer overflow attack: brainly.com/question/30906850


The volume of a cylinder is given by the formula v - pi^h, where r is the radius of the cylinder and h is the height.
Which expression represents the volume of this cylinder?


The expression that represents the volume of the cylinder is:

V = π[tex]r^{2}[/tex]h

What is cylinder?

A cylinder is a three-dimensional geometric shape that consists of two parallel circular bases of the same size and shape, and a curved lateral surface connecting the bases. The cylinder can be thought of as a tube or a can. The lateral surface of the cylinder is formed by "unrolling" a rectangular shape along the circumference of the base.

There appears to be a typographical error in the given formula for the volume of a cylinder. The correct formula is:

V = π[tex]r^{2}[/tex]h

where V is the volume of the cylinder, r is the radius of the circular base, and h is the height of the cylinder.

Using this formula, the expression that represents the volume of the cylinder is:

V = π[tex]r^{2}[/tex]h

To learn more about cylinder from the given link:



the random variable x is the number of occurrences of an event over an interval of 10 minutes. it can be assumed the probability of an occurrence is the same in any two time periods of an equal length. it is known that the mean number of occurrences in 10 minutes is 5.3. the probability there are 8 occurrences in 10 minutes is . a. .0771 b. .0241 c. .1126 d. .9107


The probability of having 8 occurrences in 10 minutes is approximately 0.0241, which means the answer is (b).

The number of occurrences of an event in 10 minutes as a Poisson distribution with mean lambda = 5.3.

The probability of having 8 occurrences in 10 minutes is:

[tex]P(X = 8) = (e^(-5.3) * 5.3^8) / 8![/tex]

where X is the random variable representing the number of occurrences of the event in 10 minutes.

Using a calculator, we can evaluate this expression:

[tex]P(X = 8) = (e^(-5.3) * 5.3^8) / 8! ≈ 0.0241[/tex]

for such more questions on  random variable



The data for the height and weight of different people was collected the line of best fit for this date it was determined to be Y equals 0. 9 1X -65. 5 where X is the height in centimeters and why is the weight in kilograms is in the equation predict the height of a person who weighs 63 kg


According to the equation, a person who weighs 63 kg is predicted to be approximately 141 centimeters tall.

The equation given is Y = 0.91X - 65.5, where X represents the height in centimeters and Y represents the weight in kilograms. To predict the height of a person who weighs 63 kg, we need to solve for X, the height in centimeters.

To do this, we can plug in the given weight of 63 kg for Y in the equation and then solve for X. So, we have:

63 = 0.91X - 65.5

Adding 65.5 to both sides, we get:

63 + 65.5 = 0.91X

Simplifying, we have:

128.5 = 0.91X

Finally, to solve for X, we divide both sides by 0.91, giving:

X = 141.21

To know more about equation here



Given the following code fragment, which of the following expressions is always true?
int x;
scanf("%d", &x);
A) if( x = 1)
B) if( x < 3)
C) if( x == 1)
D) if((x/3) > 1)


If the expressions given, only C) if( x == 1) is always true.

In the given code fragment, the value of x is read from the user using the scanf() function. The value of x can be any integer value, depending on what the user enters. After the value of x is read, the program checks the value of x using a conditional statement (if statement) and executes the code inside the if statement only if the condition is true.

Expression A) if( x = 1) assigns the value 1 to x and then checks if x is true. This means that the condition is always true, because the assignment operation (=) returns the assigned value (in this case, 1), which is a non-zero value and therefore considered true in C programming.

Expression B) if( x < 3) checks if x is less than 3. This expression is not always true, as x can be any value greater than or equal to 3, in which case the condition would be false.

Expression C) if( x == 1) checks if x is equal to 1. This expression is always true if the user enters the value 1 for x.

Expression D) if((x/3) > 1) checks if the integer division of x by 3 is greater than 1. This expression is not always true, as x can be any value less than or equal to 3, in which case the result of the integer division by 3 would be 1 or less, in which case the condition would be false.

Learn more about  expressions



the only expression that is always true in this code fragment is option C) if( x == 1).

The expression that is always true in this code fragment is option C) if( x == 1).

Option A) if( x = 1) is not always true because it is an assignment statement instead of a comparison statement. It assigns the value 1 to x instead of checking if x is equal to 1.

Option B) if( x < 3) is also not always true because x could be any number less than 3.

Option D) if((x/3) > 1) is not always true because x could be any number less than or equal to 3, in which case the expression would evaluate to false.

Therefore, the only expression that is always true in this code fragment is option C) if( x == 1).

learn more about code fragment



From a horizontal distance of 80.0 m, the angle to the top of a flagpole is 18°. Calculate the height of the flagpole to the nearest tenth of a meter.

1. 24.7 meters
2. 76.1 meters
3. 26.0 meters
4. 25.3 meters ​



The figure is omitted--please sketch it to confirm my answer.

Set your calculator to degree mode.

Let h be the height of the flagpole.

[tex] \tan(18) = \frac{h}{80} [/tex]

[tex]h = 80 \tan(18) = 25.994[/tex]

The height of the flagpole is approximately 26.0 meters. #3 is correct.

What is the slope of the line?






Answer: positive 2

Step-by-step explanation:

The answer to their question is positive 2

Solve the following problem. Be sure to show all the steps (V. E. S. T. ) and work in order to receive full credit.

The sum of three numbers is 26. The second number is twice the first and the third number is 6 more than the second. Find the numbers. ​

Please help due tomorrow


The three numbers are 4, 8, and 14.

Let's use variables to represent the three numbers

Let x be the first number.

Then the second number is twice the first, so it is 2x.

The third number is 6 more than the second, so it is 2x + 6.

We know that the sum of the three numbers is 26, so we can write an equation:

x + 2x + (2x + 6) = 26

Now we can solve for x

5x + 6 = 26

5x = 20

x = 4

So the first number is 4.

To find the second number, we can use the equation we wrote earlier:

2x = 2(4) = 8

So the second number is 8.

To find the third number, we can use the other equation we wrote earlier

2x + 6 = 2(4) + 6 = 14

So the third number is 14.

Learn more about equation here



If r=0.5 m, A = ???
(Use the r key.)


The calculated value of the angular velocity of the object is 2 rad/s.

Calculating the angular velocity

The angular velocity, denoted by the Greek letter omega (ω), represents the rate of change of the angle with respect to time.

For an object moving in a circular path, the angular velocity is related to the linear speed and the radius of the circle by the equation:

ω = v/r

where v is the linear speed and r is the radius.

In this case, the radius is 0.5m and the speed is 1ms−1. Thus, the angular velocity is:

ω = v/r = 1/0.5 = 2 radians per second (rad/s)

Therefore, the angular velocity of the object is 2 rad/s.

Read more about angular velocity at



Complete question

An object moves in a circular path of radius 0.5m with a speed of 1ms−1. What is its angular velocity (A)?

If r = 0.5 m, A = ???

6 greater than a number is 24.



Step-by-step explanation:

6 greater than a number is 24.

This means adding 6 to a number, x, will equal 24.

6 + x = 24

subtract 6 from both sides of the equation, and you are left with x=18

18 is your answer!!

Evaluate the expression when x = 7 (4x + 9) - 4(x - 1) + x use the answer choices in the diagram



The answer is 20

Step-by-step explanation:

when x=7



28+9 -4(6)+7




fuel efficiency of manual and automatic cars, part i. each year the us environmental protection agency (epa)releases fuel economy data on cars manufactured in that year. below are summary statistics on fuel efficiency (in miles/gallon) from random samples of cars with manual and automatic transmissions. do these data provide strong evidence of a difference between the average fuel efficiency of cars with manual and automatic transmissions in terms of their average city mileage? assume that conditions for inference are satisfied.


Given the above prompt on hypothesis testing, we can state that specifically, cars with manual transmissions have a significantly higher average city mileage than those with automatic transmissions.

What is the explanation for the above response?

To determine if there is strong evidence of a difference between the average fuel efficiency of cars with manual and automatic transmissions in terms of their average city mileage, we can conduct a two-sample t-test assuming unequal variances. The null hypothesis is that there is no difference in the average city mileage between the two types of transmissions, and the alternative hypothesis is that there is a difference.

The t-test statistic is calculated as follows:

t = (x1 - x2) / sqrt((s1^2/n1) + (s2^2/n2))

where x1 and x2 are the sample means, s1 and s2 are the sample standard deviations, and n1 and n2 are the sample sizes.

Plugging in the values from the given statistics, we get:

t = (16.12 - 19.85) / sqrt((3.85^2/26) + (4.51^2/26))

t = -3.31

Using a significance level of 0.05 and 50 degrees of freedom (approximated by n1+n2-2), the critical t-value is ±2.01.

Since the calculated t-value (-3.31) is less than the critical t-value, we can reject the null hypothesis and conclude that there is strong evidence of a difference between the average fuel efficiency of cars with manual and automatic transmissions in terms of their average city mileage.

Specifically, cars with manual transmissions have a significantly higher average city mileage than those with automatic transmissions.

Learn more about hypothesis testing at:



Full Question:

Although part of your question is missing, you might be referring to this full question: See attached image.

Lin notices that the number of cups of red paint is always 2/5 of the total number of cups. She writes the equation r = 2/5 to describe the relationship.


In the given equation r = 2/5 t "r" is the dependent variable.

Dependent variables:

In mathematics, a variable is a symbol that represents a quantity that can take on different values. In many cases, variables can be divided into two types: dependent variables and independent variables.

An independent variable is a variable that can be changed freely, and its value is not dependent on any other variable in the equation.

A dependent variable is a variable whose value depends on the value of one or more other variables in the equation

Here we have

Lin notices that the number of cups of red paint is always  2/5 of the total number of cups.

She writes the equation r = 2/5 t to describe the relationship.

In the equation, r = 2/5 t, "t" represents the total number of cups, while "r" represents the number of cups of red paint.

Here "t" is the independent variable because it represents the total number of cups, which can be changed arbitrarily.

The value of "r" depends on the value of "t" because the number of cups of red paint is always 2/5 of the total number of cups.


In the given equation r = 2/5 t "r" is the dependent variable.

Learn more about Variables at



Complete Question:

Lin notices that the number of cups of red paint is always  2/5 of the total number of cups. She writes the equation r = 2/5 t to describe the relationship. Which is the independent variable? Which is the dependent variable? Explain how you know.

The function:
V(x) = x(10-2x)(16-2x), 0 a) Find the extreme values of V.
b) Interpret any valuse found in part (a) in terms of volumeof the box.


The minimum value of V occurs at x ≈ 0.93, which means that the volume of the box is smallest when the height is about 0.93 units.

To find the extreme values of V, we need to take the derivative of V and set it equal to zero. So, let's begin:

[tex]V(x) = x(10-2x)(16-2x)[/tex]
Taking the derivative with respect to x:
[tex]V'(x) = 10x - 4x^2 - 32x + 12x^2 + 320 - 48x[/tex]
Setting V'(x) = 0 and solving for x:
[tex]10x - 4x^2 - 32x + 12x^2 + 320 - 48x = 0\\8x^2 - 30x + 320 = 0[/tex]
Solving for x using the quadratic formula:
[tex]x = (30 ± \sqrt{(30^2 - 4(8)(320))) / (2(8))\\x = (30 ± \sqrt{(1680)) / 16\\x = 0.93 or x =5.07[/tex]
So, the extreme values of V occur at x ≈ 0.93 and x ≈ 5.07. To determine whether these are maximum or minimum values, we need to examine the second derivative of V. If the second derivative is positive, then the function has a minimum at that point. If the second derivative is negative, then the function has a maximum at that point. If the second derivative is zero, then we need to use a different method to determine whether it's a maximum or minimum.

Taking the second derivative of V:
V''(x) = 10 - 8x - 24x + 24x + 96
V''(x) = -8x + 106

Plugging in x = 0.93 and x = 5.07:
V''(0.93) ≈ 98.36 > 0, so V has a minimum at x ≈ 0.93.
V''(5.07) ≈ -56.56 < 0, so V has a maximum at x ≈ 5.07.

Now, to interpret these values in terms of the volume of the box, we need to remember that V(x) represents the volume of a box with length 2x, width 2x, and height x. So, the maximum value of V occurs at x ≈ 5.07, which means that the volume of the box is greatest when the height is about 5.07 units. The minimum value of V occurs at x ≈ 0.93, which means that the volume of the box is smallest when the height is about 0.93 units.

learn more about extreme values



a) The extreme values of V are:

Minimum value: V(0) = 0

Relative maximum value: V(3) = 216

Absolute maximum value: V(4) = 128

b) The absolute maximum value of V at x = 4 represents the case where the box has a square base of side length 4 units, height 2 units, and width 8 units, which has a volume of 128 cubic units.

a) To find the extreme values of V, we first need to find the critical points of the function. This means we need to find where the derivative of the function equals zero or is undefined.

Taking the derivative of V(x), we get:

[tex]V'(x) = 48x - 36x^2 - 4x^3[/tex]

Setting this equal to zero and solving for x, we get:

[tex]48x - 36x^2 - 4x^3 = 0[/tex]
4x(4-x)(3-x) = 0

So the critical points are x = 0, x = 4, and x = 3.

We now need to test these critical points to see which ones correspond to maximum or minimum values of V.

We can use the second derivative test to do this. Taking the derivative of V'(x), we get:

[tex]V''(x) = 48 - 72x - 12x^2[/tex]

Plugging in the critical points, we get:

V''(0) = 48 > 0 (so x = 0 corresponds to a minimum value of V)
V''(4) = -48 < 0 (so x = 4 corresponds to a maximum value of V)
V''(3) = 0 (so we need to do further testing to see what this critical point corresponds to)

To test the critical point x = 3, we can simply plug it into V(x) and compare it to the values at x = 0 and x = 4:

V(0) = 0
V(3) = 216
V(4) = 128

So x = 3 corresponds to a relative maximum value of V.
b) In terms of the volume of the box, the function V(x) represents the volume of a rectangular box with a square base of side length x and height (10-2x) and width (16-2x).
The minimum value of V at x = 0 represents the case where the box has no dimensions (i.e. it's a point), so the volume is zero.
The relative maximum value of V at x = 3 represents the case where the box is a cube with side length 3 units, which has a volume of 216 cubic units.
for such more question on extreme values



If you spin the spinner 36 times, what is the best prediction possible for the number of times
it will land on green or blue?


The best prediction possible for the number of times the spinner will land on green or blue is given as follows:

30 spins.

How to calculate a probability?

A probability is calculated as the division of the desired number of outcomes by the total number of outcomes in the context of a problem/experiment.

Out of six regions, three are green and two are blue, hence the probability of one spin resulting in green or blue is given as follows:

p = (3 + 2)/6

p = 5/6.

Thus the expected number out of 36 trials of spins resulting in green or blue is given as follows:

E(X) = 5/6 x 36

E(X) = 30 spins.

More can be learned about probability at https://brainly.com/question/24756209


As a nurse working in a hospital one of the jobs is to give appropriate doses of medicine
before surgery so the patient doesn't wake up during surgery. 4cc of this particular medicine is
meant for a 180lb man, what would be the correct dosage for a 145 lb. woman?



the correct dosage of the medicine for a 145 lb. woman would be approximately 3.22 cc

Step-by-step explanation:

To calculate the correct dosage of the medicine for a 145 lb. woman, we can use the following formula:

dosage = (weight of patient / weight of reference patient) x reference dosage

where the weight of the reference patient is 180 lb. and the reference dosage is 4 cc.

Plugging in the given values, we get:

dosage = (145 / 180) x 4

      = 3.22 cc (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, the correct dosage of the medicine for a 145 lb. woman would be approximately 3.22 cc. However, it's important to note that dosages of medications should only be determined by a qualified medical professional based on a number of factors, including the patient's weight, medical history, and current condition.



Plugging in the values given into the expression, and simplifying, we would have our answer as: B.  [tex]\frac{9}{25}[/tex]

How to Evaluate an Expression?To evaluate an expression, follow these steps:Identify the variables and constants in the expression.Substitute the given values for each variable in the expression.Simplify the expression until there are no more operations left.

Given that, a = 5 and k = -2, substitute the values into the expression given and simplify:

[tex](\frac{3^2(5^{-2})}{3(5^{-1})} )^{-2}[/tex]


[tex](\frac{9 * \frac{1}{25} }{3* \frac{1}{5} } )^{-2}[/tex]

[tex](\frac{\frac{9}{25} }{\frac{3}{5} } )^{-2}\\\\(\frac{9}{25} * \frac{5}{3} } )^{-2}\\\\(\frac{3}{5} )^{-2}\\\\ = \frac{9}{25}[/tex]

Learn more about value of an expression on:



A rectangular plece of paper with length 28 cm and width 14 cm has two semicircles cut out of it, as shown below. Find the area of the paper that remains. Use the value 3.14 for 1, and do not round your answer. G ✓6 14 cm 0 00 H cm X 2023 McGraw Hill LLC As Rights Reserve​


The area of the paper remains  is 238.14 cm².

What is area?

Area is the region bounded by a plane shape.

To calculate the area of the paper that remains, we use the formula below.


Area of the paper that remains(A) = Area of the rectangle(LW)-Area of the two semi circles [π(W/2)²]A = LW- [π(W/2)²]................ Equation 1


L = Length of the rectangleW = Width of the rectangle = Diameter of the semi circle

From the diagram in the question,


L = 28 cmW = 14 cm

Substitute these values into equation 1

A = (28×14)-[3.14(14/2)²A = 392-153.86A = 238.14 cm²

Hence, the area  is 238.14 cm².

Learn more about area here: https://brainly.com/question/28470545


You need to lower your debt to credit limit ratio by $1000. Your current limit is $1400. $1000 is what percent of your credit limit


$1000 is 71.43 percent of the credit limit.

To lower the debt to credit limit ratio by $1000, you have a few options. The first option is to increase your credit limit by requesting a higher limit from your credit card issuer. Alternatively, you can pay off some of your outstanding balance to reduce your debt. Either way, it's important to make sure you're not maxing out your credit limit, as this can negatively impact your credit score.

It's also a good idea to review your spending habits and create a budget to ensure you're not overspending and accumulating debt. By making responsible financial decisions and managing your credit wisely, you can improve your credit score and achieve your financial goals.

To calculate the percentage of $1000 in terms of the credit limit of $1400, we need to divide $1000 by $1400 and multiply the result by 100. This gives us,

($1000 / $1400) x 100 = 71.43%

Therefore, $1000 is approximately 71.43% of the credit limit of $1400.

To learn more about percent here:



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