according to david mcclelland, people with a need for power (npow) desire either personal power or institutional power. T/F


Answer 1

True, according to David McClelland, people with a need for power (nPow) do desire either personal power or institutional power.

Personal Power: Individuals with a high need for personal power are motivated to exert influence, control, and authority over others in a direct and individualistic manner.

They seek to have control over their own lives and the lives of others, and they derive satisfaction from being able to exercise power and influence to achieve their own goals and objectives.

These individuals may enjoy leading, persuading, and influencing others, and they may seek positions or roles that allow them to exercise personal power, such as becoming a manager, a leader, an entrepreneur, or an influential figure in their community or social circle.

Institutional Power: On the other hand, individuals with a high need for institutional power are motivated to work within established systems, organizations, or institutions to achieve their goals and objectives.

They may seek power and influence through formal positions or roles within organizations, such as becoming a CEO, a high-ranking government official, a director, or a manager.

These individuals may enjoy the sense of authority and control that comes with being part of a larger system or organization, and they may work to gain power and influence through strategic networking, building alliances, and navigating organizational politics.

Different Manifestations: It's important to note that the expression of the need for power can vary among individuals. Some individuals may exhibit a stronger preference for personal power, while others may be more inclined towards institutional power.

The specific manifestation of the need for power can also depend on cultural, social, and environmental factors, as well as an individual's personality, values, and life experiences.

To learn more about manifestations, refer below:


Related Questions

Loren has been asked to write a paper summarizing the role of instinct theory in current approaches to motivation in mainstream psychology. He summarizesthe current role by writing:
"Instinct approaches are regarded as the best approaches to explain complex human behavior."
"Instinct approaches to motivation are less prominent than they used to be."
"Instinct approaches have been abandoned and are only of historical interest."
"Instinct approaches are regarded as the best approaches to explain complex human behavior."
"Instinct approaches to motivation are gaining strength in psychology


The correct summary of the current role of instinct theory in mainstream psychology is: "Instinct approaches motivation are less prominent than they used to be."

While instinct theory was once a prominent approach in psychology, it has been largely replaced by other theories such as drive theory, incentive theory, and self-determination theory. While some researchers still use instinct theory to explain certain behaviors, it is not considered the best or most widely accepted approach to motivation in current mainstream psychology.

Therefore, option 1 and option 4 are incorrect. Option 3 is also incorrect as instinct approaches are still studied and discussed in the field of psychology, and are not solely of historical interest. Option 5 is also incorrect as there is no evidence to suggest that instinct approaches to motivation is gaining strength in psychology.

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Loren's summary of the role of instinct theory in current approaches to motivation in mainstream psychology is partially accurate.

The definition of the instinct theory of motivation in psychology is the idea that all humans are created in a way that aids in their survival. People have fundamental characteristics that enable them to behave spontaneously from birth. These are the instincts that guide one's choices and actions. Animals have an innate tendency to engage in a specific pattern of behavior on a whim. A dog shaking after being wet, a sea turtle seeking the water after hatching, or a bird migrating before the winter season are some examples of this.

While instinct approaches were once more prominent, they have become less emphasized in recent years. However, they have not been completely abandoned and still hold some relevance in understanding human behavior. It is not accurate to say that instinct approaches are regarded as the best or are gaining strength, as there are various other approaches to motivation that is more widely accepted and researched in modern psychology.

To learn more about Instinct approaches, click here:


a pacemaker substitutes for the natural pacemaker of the heart. true false


The natural pacemaker of the heart is a group of specialized cells located in the upper chamber of the heart called the sinoatrial node. These cells generate electrical impulses that travel through the heart, causing it to contract and pump blood.

However, in some individuals, the natural pacemaker may malfunction or become damaged, leading to an irregular heartbeat or even heart failure.

In such cases, a pacemaker can be implanted to substitute for the natural pacemaker. A pacemaker is a small, battery-operated device that is placed under the skin, usually near the collarbone.

The device contains a generator and wires, or leads, that are threaded through a vein into the heart. The generator sends electrical impulses to the heart, prompting it to beat at a regular pace.

The pacemaker is programmed to monitor the heart's rhythm and adjust the electrical impulses as needed. For example, if the heart beats too slowly or misses beats, the pacemaker will send extra impulses to maintain a normal heart rate. Similarly, if the heart beats too quickly, the pacemaker can slow it down.

Overall, a pacemaker serves as a substitute for the natural pacemaker of the heart, ensuring that the heart beats at a regular pace and functions properly. It is a life-saving device for those with heart rhythm disorders and has improved the quality of life for millions of people worldwide.

To know more about natural pacemaker refer here


True or False? hyperbole undermines critical thinking by lulling us into believing something simply because we’ve become used to hearing it.


The given statement "hyperbole undermines critical thinking by lulling us into believing something simply because we’ve become used to hearing it" is true because we have become used to hearing them, without critically evaluating their accuracy or truthfulness.

Hyperbole is a rhetorical device that employs exaggerated assertions or claims that are not meant to be taken literally, typically for emphasis or effect.

While exaggeration can be advantageous in some situations, it can also weaken critical thinking by making it easier to accept statements or claims simply because we have grown accustomed to hearing them without critically examining their accuracy or honesty.

When hyperbole is used to make exaggerated or dramatic statements without giving evidence or reasoned arguments to back them up, it can be particularly dangerous because it can spread misinformation, lies, and irrational thinking.

For such more question on truthfulness:


True. Hyperbole can be a persuasive tool, but it often relies on exaggeration or overstatement that can undermine critical thinking.

When we hear hyperbolic statements repeatedly, we may begin to accept them as fact without questioning their validity or considering alternative viewpoints. This can lead to a lack of critical thinking and an inability to make informed decisions based on evidence and reason.

Exaggeration used as a rhetorical tool or figure of speech is known as hyperbole. Auxesis is another name for it in rhetoric. It accentuates, arouses strong emotions, and leaves a lasting impact in poetry and oratory. It is typically not meant to be taken literally because it is a figure of speech.

A figure of speech known as hyperbole employs an extravagant or exaggerated phrase to elicit a strong emotional reaction. It is not intended to be taken literally because it is a figure of speech. Humor usually use hyperbole. Instances of hyperbole include: Like greased lightning, they took off.

To know more about figure of speech , click here:


santiago's performance in a math test is assessed using a repeated measures design. first, he takes the test in a noisy room. later, he takes the same test in a quiet room. santiago's test scores show that he has performed better in the second test. in this scenario, the improvement is best described as a


The improvement in Santiago's performance on the math test, when taken in a quiet room compared to a noisy room, is best described as an Experimental Treatment Effect.

This is because the two tests were identical and the only difference was the environment in which the test was taken.

A Repeated Measures Design was used to assess Santiago's performance, which involves administering the same test multiple times in different conditions, in this case a noisy room and a quiet room. The results from this design show that Santiago’s performance improved when taking the test in the quiet room, suggesting that the environment can have a significant impact on performance.

To know more about Experimental Treatment Effect, click here:


the specified core capablitites that are contained in the national pllanning framworks are most accurately defined as


The specified core capabilities that are contained in the national planning frameworks are most accurately defined as the essential skills, knowledge, and resources necessary for effective emergency management, including preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation.

These capabilities are designed to ensure that all levels of government, private sector organizations, and community-based groups have the capacity to prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from emergencies and disasters. They are critical components of a comprehensive emergency management system and help to ensure that resources are effectively utilized and coordinated during times of crisis. Content that is loaded with these capabilities is essential for building and maintaining effective emergency management programs and ensuring that communities are resilient in the face of adversity.

Know more about national planning frameworks here:


many people can easily recall exactly what they were doing when they heard the news of the sandy hook school shootings in newtown, connecticut, in 2012. this best illustrates _____ memory.


Many people can easily recall exactly what they were doing when they heard the news of the sandy hook school shootings in newtown, connecticut, in 2012. This best illustrate flashbulb memory.

Flashbulb memory is a type of long-term memory that is highly detailed and vivid, usually associated with a significant, emotional, or traumatic event. It is called flashbulb memory because the memory is often recalled as if a photograph has been taken and stored in the brain.

The example given in the question, where people can recall exactly what they were doing when they heard the news of the Sandy Hook school shootings, is a classic example of a flashbulb memory. The event was emotionally charged and had a significant impact on people, leading to the formation of a highly detailed and vivid memory that is easily recalled even after a long period of time.

To know more about flashbulb memory


if i throw myself on a bomb to save 5 of my fellow soldiers, then i'm demonstrating ______________ ethics


If I throw myself on a bomb to save 5 of my fellow soldiers, then I'm demonstrating Utilitarian ethics.

Utilitarianism is a moral philosophy that supports activities that increase happiness or pleasure and disapproves of those that increase sadness or harm. A utilitarian ideology would seek to improve society as a whole when used to guide social, economic, or political decision-making. According to utilitarianism, a decision is moral if it makes the most people in a community or group happy.

Utilitarianism is a rational way to deciding what is right and bad, although it has several drawbacks. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill, two British philosophers, economists, and political intellectuals, are credited with founding the utilitarian tradition of ethical philosophy.

Know more about Utilitarian here


why is language so important for the learning of culture? group of answer choices all answers are correct. language conveys meaning. language allows us to talk about the past, present, and future. language allows us to communicate abstract ideas. without language it would be difficult for children to learn.


Language conveys meaning, allowing us to talk about the past, present, and future, and communicates complex ideas; without it, children would struggle to learn.

Language is critical in passing down culture from generation to generation. It enables people to express complex ideas and concepts fundamental to a culture, such as values, beliefs, and customs. Language also allows people to express their identities and form social bonds.

Language also allows people to grasp the context and history of a culture, as well as its norms and practices. Without language, children would be unable to learn about their culture, and cultural information transmission would be greatly hampered.

To know more about Language, click here.


the inspirational appeal influence tactic involves trying to build enthusiasm by appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values. true false


The inspirational appeal influence tactic involves attempting to influence others by appealing to their emotions, ideals, or values.  True.

This tactic aims to build enthusiasm and motivation by appealing to the emotional and intrinsic factors that drive human behavior. Inspirational appeals can be used to inspire, persuade, and motivate others to take action or support a particular idea, cause, or goal. This influence tactic is often used in leadership, sales, marketing, and other persuasive communication situations where appealing to emotions, ideals, or values can be effective in influencing others' behaviors or attitudes.

Learn more about “  inspirational appeal  “ visit here;


True. The inspirational appeal influence tactic is based on appealing to others' emotions, ideals, or values to build enthusiasm and support for a particular idea or action. It can be a powerful way to motivate and inspire others to take action.

A person or leader may use the inspiring appeal influence approach to persuade others to accept a certain concept, project, or course of action by appealing to their emotions, ideals, or values. By highlighting the advantages or outcomes that can be attained through collaboration in the pursuit of a common objective, this strategy aims to inspire and motivate others to take action. When the message connects with people's personal ideas and objectives, inspiring appeals can be a powerful tool for winning people's commitment and support.

Learn more about influence here:


Children's prejudices, including socialization and attitudes, are influenced by all of the following EXCEPT ______.
a. family
b. culture
c. media images
d. mental illnesses


The answer is mental illnesses. Children's prejudices are influenced by their family, culture, and media images, among other factors. Mental illnesses may affect a child's behavior and perceptions, but they are not a direct influence on their prejudices.

What are mental illnesses?

Changes in emotion, thinking, or behavior (or a combination of these) are symptoms of mental diseases. Distress and/or difficulty coping with daily tasks at work, in the family, or in social situations can be symptoms of mental diseases.

What do you mean by emotion?

Emotion is a multifaceted experience of consciousness, body feeling, and action that expresses a person's unique interpretation of an object, occasion, or situation.

What does being in trouble mean?

emotional, social, spiritual, or bodily suffering that can make someone feel down, scared, nervous, depressed, or lonely. Distressed people may also believe that they cannot handle or cope with changes brought on by daily tasks or a sickness like cancer.

To know more about mental illnesses:


the concept of __________ emphasizes rural values and jeffersonian notions of limited government.


The concept of Agrarianism emphasizes rural values and Jeffersonian notions of limited government. Agrarianism is a social and political philosophy that prioritizes the importance of agriculture and rural society.

This concept holds the belief that a strong connection to the land leads to a virtuous and stable society, which further supports the idea of self-sufficiency and limited government intervention. Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers of the United States, was a strong advocate for Agrarianism.

He believed that an agrarian society would foster values such as hard work, self-reliance, and a close-knit community. Jeffersonian notions of limited government focus on the belief that the government's power should be restricted to ensure individual liberties and protect citizens from the potential abuse of power.

In summary, Agrarianism emphasizes rural values and the Jeffersonian notions of limited government. This philosophy supports the idea that a society connected to the land will lead to virtuous citizens and self-sufficiency, ultimately resulting in a limited need for government intervention.

By prioritizing rural values and promoting limited government, Agrarianism fosters a society where citizens can thrive while maintaining their individual liberties.

To know more about Jeffersonians refer here:


theories of change contain some common themes. all of the following are common threads except for . question 9 options: a) mandating new policies b) forming a coalition c) improving on the plan d) analyzing current conditions


The common threads found in theories of change include analyzing current conditions, forming a coalition, and improving on the plan. Mandating new policies, on the other hand, is not typically considered a common thread of theories of change. Option (a)

Theories of change are designed to provide a framework for planning and implementing strategies that will bring about social change. They involve identifying the underlying causes of a problem, setting specific goals and objectives, and outlining the steps that need to be taken to achieve these goals.

By including common threads such as analyzing current conditions, forming a coalition, and improving on the plan, theories of change can help to ensure that efforts to create social change are effective and sustainable.

Learn more about social change


sara remembers the specific details of where she was and what she was doing when she found out her grandmother passed away. what type of memory is sara likely experiencing?


In the given question, Sara is likely experiencing a type of episodic memory

Episodic memory is the ability to recall memories of particular events, and contextual information about those recollections, such as a location/place, moment, feelings, and individuals. The capacity to recall certain incidents or episodes from one's own history, together with information like the date, location, and emotional context, is referred to as episodic memory.

People with this kind of recall may mentally go back in time and relive the memories from the past. Episodenal memory is demonstrated by Sara's ability to recall the precise details of where she was and what she was doing when she learned of her grandmother's death.

Read more about episodic memory on:


after a crime has been committed, a member of the investigating team sometimes sketches a general psychological description of the most likely type of suspect. creating this description is called


Creating a general psychological description of the most likely type of suspect after a crime has been committed is called creating a criminal profile.

This technique is used in criminal investigations to help law enforcement agencies identify potential suspects and narrow down the pool of potential suspects. The profile may include information such as the suspect's age, sex, race, education, occupation, social status, psychological state, and behavior patterns.

The process of creating a criminal profile involves analyzing crime scene evidence, witness statements, and other available information to develop a general picture of the type of person who may have committed the crime.

Learn more about criminal profile.


What is the definition of a factory farm?


The definition of a factory farm is: A factory farm, also known as an industrial farm or concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO).

It is a large-scale agriculture facility where a significant number of animals, primarily livestock, are raised in confined spaces to maximize efficiency and production.

Factory farms focus on producing high quantities of meat, eggs, or dairy products, often at the expense of animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

These operations use automated systems for feeding, waste management,climate control, while employing practices such as overcrowding, selective breeding & the use of growth hormones.

Factory farming has become a controversial issue due to concerns regarding animal welfare, environmental degradation, and public health risks.

To know more about CAFO refer here:


a student was given the nine-dot problem to solve as part of a research project at the university's cognitive science lab. after reading the instructions and looking at the puzzle, the student quickly came up with the answer. which part of the student's brain played a key role in helping them devise a creative solution to the problem?


The part of the student's brain that played a key role in helping them devise a creative solution to the nine-dot problem is the prefrontal cortex.

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for executive functions such as problem-solving, decision-making, and working memory. When faced with a novel problem like the nine-dot problem, the prefrontal cortex is activated as it engages in creative problem-solving and cognitive flexibility.

In order to solve the nine-dot problem, the student had to think outside of the box and come up with a solution that went beyond the boundaries created by the dots. This type of thinking requires the prefrontal cortex to engage in divergent thinking, which is the ability to generate multiple ideas and solutions to a problem.

To know more about creative solution, click here.


What are the two primary graces or effects of the Sacrament of Baptism?


The two primary graces or effects of the Sacrament of Baptism are the forgiveness of sins and the infusion of divine life into the soul.

Through the sacrament, the person is cleansed of original sin and any personal sins committed prior to baptism. Additionally, the person is welcomed into the Church and becomes a member of the Body of Christ. The infusion of divine life, or sanctifying grace, allows the person to participate in the life of God and to grow in holiness throughout their life. The forgiveness of original sin and all personal sins: Baptism cleanses a person from the stain of original sin inherited from Adam and Eve and also forgives all personal sins committed before baptism. Incorporation into the Church and the life of Christ: Through baptism, a person becomes a member of the Church and is united with Christ. This incorporation into the Church brings about a new life in the Holy Spirit, enabling the baptized to participate fully in the life of the Church and to receive the other sacraments. It also imparts a permanent sacramental character or seal on the soul, marking the person as belonging to Christ and enabling them to participate in the priesthood of all believers.

Learn more about forgiveness here:


which of the following statements about slave resistance is true? slaves preferred more violent forms of resistance, like rebellions. most runaway slaves went to join free black communities, or to visit family nearby. running away was one of the more common forms of slave resistance because it was easy. women were the ones who more frequently ran away, even though it meant that they would be separated from their children.


The statement that "slaves preferred more violent forms of resistance, like rebellions" is not entirely true. While there were instances of violent resistance,

such as the Nat Turner rebellion, most slaves actually preferred more subtle forms of resistance, such as slowing down work or feigning illness. This was because violent resistance often resulted in severe punishment, including death.

Furthermore, most slaves did not have access to weapons and were heavily outnumbered by their white oppressors.
As for the other statements, it is true that many runaway slaves did try to join free black communities or visit family nearby. However, running away was not always easy as there were many obstacles, such as finding food and shelter and avoiding being caught.

Finally, while women did run away from slavery, it was not necessarily more frequent than men, and both sexes faced the threat of being separated from their families if caught.

To know more about violent resistance refer here:


in social psychology research, the term confederate refers to


In social psychology research, the term confederate refers to Individuals chosen by the primary experimenters to fulfill the roles of bystander, participant, etc teammate.

Confederates, sometimes known as research actors, are frequently used in psychology investigations to discreetly engage alongside actual individuals. Researchers use confederates to investigate participants under intricate social circumstances and accurately record naive replies.

A political alliance is referred to as a confederacy. The most renowned American confederacy was made up of southern states that fought against northern states during the American Civil War. A confederacy is formed when people confederate or band together for a shared goal.

A confederate is a partner who is on your side. Your artist brother may be your lone ally in your aim of studying contemporary choreography in Paris over the summer. A confederate is somebody who works with you to achieve the same aim.

Learn more about Confederates here:


In social psychology research, the term confederate refers to an individual who is part of the research team but poses as a participant in order to manipulate the behavior or responses of the actual participants.

The use of confederates is a common technique in social psychology research to create experimental conditions and gather data on how people respond to different situations. In social psychology research, the term "confederate" refers to a person who is part of the research team and is instructed to act in a specific way during an experiment in order to manipulate the behavior or responses of the participants. The confederate is typically presented to the participants as another participant in the study, but is actually working with the researchers to manipulate the experimental conditions.

Learn more about social psychology here:


how may a pilot satisfy the recent flight experience requirement necessary to act as pilot in command in imc in powered aircraft? within the previous 6 calendar months, logged


A pilot must satisfy the recent flight experience requirement necessary to act as pilot in command in IMC in powered aircraft.

This requires the pilot to have logged at least six hours of instrument time in the aircraft category and class, as well as holding a current instrument rating. In addition, they must also have completed six instrument approaches, holding procedures and intercepting and tracking courses through the use of navigational electronic systems.

In addition, they must have logged three hours of instrument time in the preceding six calendar months, with at least one cross-country flight of not less than 250 nautical miles total distance and the use of one instrument approach at each airport.

The pilot must also have performed and logged three takeoffs and three landings to a full stop in the preceding 90 days. All of these must be logged in the pilot's logbook and signed off by a Certified Flight Instructor.

Know more about navigational electronic systems here


health behaviors are defined as all of the activities in which people engage. true or false


All of a person's activities that they engage in are referred to as health behaviors True.

Do all of a person's actions fall under the category of "health behaviors"?

The activity people engage in for the purposes of promoting or maintaining their health, preventing health issues, or creating a positive body image is referred to as health behavior (Cockerham 2000: 159).

Which one of the following represents a healthy behavior?

Smoking, substance usage, food, physical exercise, sleep, risky sexual conduct, seeking out medical care, and following through on recommended medical treatments are just a few examples of actions that fall under the category of "health behaviors."

To Know more about medical care,


A request for high year tenure (HYT) waiver should be submitted what minimum number of months prior to the HYT date? a. 6 mo b. 12 mo c. 8 mo d. 10 mo.


Requests for AC, FTS, and SELRES HYT exemptions must be made using NAVPERS 1306/7 Enlisted Personnel Agency Request, and they must reach BUPERS-32 10 months before the date of their scheduled HYT. Hence (d) is the correct option.

If a manpower deficit is discovered, it must be reported to My Navy Portal at least 10 months before to the HYT date. For the Air Force to retain experience and improve mission effectiveness and readiness, the HYT programme enables eligible senior airmen, staff sergeants, technical sergeants, and master sergeants in specified AFSCs and grades to apply for a high year of tenure extension between 12 and 24 months.

To know more about HYT, click here:


"A request for high year tenure (HYT) waiver should be submitted what minimum number of months prior to the HYT date?

a. 6 month

b. 12 month

c. 8 month

d. 10 month.

A request for a high year tenure (HYT) waiver, which is a request to extend the maximum amount of time a service member can serve in a specific rank, should be submitted a minimum of 6 months (a. 6 mo) prior to the HYT date.

High year tenure (HYT) refers to the maximum number of years that a service member may serve before being separated from the military. The specific HYT date varies by branch and rank, but generally ranges from 20 to 30 years of service. If a service member wishes to continue serving beyond their HYT date, they may request a HYT waiver. The minimum number of months prior to the HYT date that a request for a HYT waiver should be submitted depends on the branch and rank of the service member.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question is b. 12 months.

To know more about High year tenure, click here:


in this activity, _____ was used to train a dog to jump through a hoop.


In this activity, approximation was used to train a dog to jump through a hoop. In this way, a complicated skill is developed gradually by reinforcement of the repertoire behaviours that move it in the direction of the desired behaviour.

The study determined that the appropriate term is shaping. By encouraging baby steps that lead to the desired sophisticated behaviour, a circus trainer teaches a lion to jump through a hoop. Using Shaping is this trainer.

It is a method that aims to learn via successive approximations, improving a skill by selecting reinforcing actions that are more and more like the one that is supposed to be the foundation. Early reinforcement rewards behaviour that is most similar to the anticipated behaviour. Later, only behaviour that closely resembles the intended behaviour is reinforced. Using a sequence of basic arithmetic operations, the method of consecutive approximations also known as a "algorithm or algorithmic process" is used to solve equations of a certain type.

To know more about approximation visit:


in this activity, positive reinforcement was used to train a dog to jump through a hoop.

When a behavior is followed by the introduction of a pleasing or desirable stimulus, this is known as positive reinforcement. The desirable stimulus reinforces the behavior, increasing the likelihood that it will happen again.

Receiving an A on the test was the positive reinforcement I needed to keep studying. Positive reinforcement is the process of rewarding a favorable behavior in order to encourage it to happen again in the future.

Examples of Positive Reinforcement Every time a dog raises its paws in response to an instruction, its trainer rewards it with food. Mom gives a kid money in exchange for helping out around the house. When a worker completes a project more quickly, the manager rewards them. Dad compliments his kid on his diligent study efforts for the test.

To know more about  positive reinforcement, click here:


virtue ethics is teleological in a different way from utilitarianism because it focuses on what as the end or goal?


Virtue ethics is teleological in a different way from utilitarianism because it does not prioritize the maximization of happiness or pleasure as the ultimate goal of ethical decision-making.

Virtue ethics is a teleological ethical theory that is different from utilitarianism in terms of its focus on what is the end or goal. Virtue ethics emphasizes the importance of cultivating and developing virtuous character traits, such as honesty, courage, and compassion, rather than maximizing overall happiness or pleasure, which is the goal of utilitarianism.

The end or goal of virtue ethics is to live a flourishing life or to achieve eudaimonia, which is often translated as "happiness" or "human flourishing." However, eudaimonia is not a subjective feeling of pleasure but rather a state of being that results from living a virtuous life.

This means that the focus of virtue ethics is not on maximizing pleasure or happiness but rather on becoming a virtuous person who lives a meaningful and fulfilling life. Instead, it emphasizes the development of virtuous character traits as the means to achieve a fulfilling and meaningful life.

To learn more about virtue ethics


in a _______________________, a hearing is held before a juvenile court judge who then decides whether jurisdiction should be waived and the case transferred to the adult court.


in a Waiver hearing, a hearing is held before a juvenile court judge who then decides whether jurisdiction should be waived and the case transferred to the adult court.

A waiver hearing is a judicial proceeding that is held when a juvenile is accused of a crime that could potentially be tried in the adult court system. During a waiver hearing, a juvenile court judge will evaluate the facts of the case and decide whether or not jurisdiction should be waived and the case should be transferred to the adult court.

The judge will look at factors such as the severity of the crime, the juvenile’s age and maturity level, the juvenile’s prior history, the availability of appropriate juvenile sanctions, and any other relevant information. If the judge decides to waive jurisdiction, the case will be transferred to the adult court and tried as an adult. If the judge decides to keep jurisdiction, the case will remain in the juvenile court system.

Know more about jurisdiction here


the social control of gender though laws and social conventions are related to the behaviors of girls and transgender youth is the focus of which type of critical theory?


The social control of gender through laws and social conventions as it relates to the behaviors of girls and transgender youth is the focus of critical feminist theory.

Feminist theory critiques gender roles and power imbalances between men and women in society, and seeks to promote gender equality. In the case of girls and transgender youth, critical feminist theory recognizes that societal norms and expectations can restrict their behaviors and opportunities, leading to unequal outcomes.

Laws and social conventions, such as dress codes or bathroom policies, can reinforce these gender roles and limit the autonomy of these marginalized groups. Critical feminist theory aims to challenge these structures and promote inclusive and equitable policies and social norms. This can involve advocating for policies that protect the rights of transgender individuals, such as anti-discrimination laws, or challenging harmful stereotypes about girls and women.

Overall, critical feminist theory provides a framework for understanding and addressing the social control of gender, particularly as it relates to girls and transgender youth, and seeks to promote a more just and equitable society for all.

For more such questions on gender


during which time period do children begin the transition from simple sentences to more complex sentences?


Children typically begin the transition from simple sentences to more complex sentences during the preschool and early elementary school years.

As their language skills develop, they start to add more words and clauses to their sentences, and begin to use more sophisticated grammatical structures such as subordinate clauses and conjunctions. This process is gradual and varies from child to child, but generally occurs between the ages of 3 and 7.

During the time period when children begin the transition from simple sentences to more complex sentences, they typically enter the stage known as the "syntax development" or "grammatical development" phase.

This phase usually occurs between the ages of 2 and 3 years old. During this time, children's language skills expand, allowing them to combine words and form more complex sentence structures, leading to a richer communication experience.

To know more about  simple sentences visit:


scientist established the environmental defense fund and used its contributions for a series of legal actions across the country to halt_______


scientist established the environmental defense fund and used its contributions for a series of legal actions across the country to halt pollution, which includes air and water pollution, as well as other threats to the environment and public health. By doing so, the organization aims to protect the environment, promote sustainable practices, and create a healthier world for future generations.

Learn more about Environmental Defense Fund:



erica recently married jermain. jermain has a seventeen-year-old daughter named arabia from a previous marriage. erica considers herself progressive whereas arabia considers herself conservative, and they often disagree over politics. how might a sociologist understand this dynamic?


A sociologist might view the relationship between Erica and Arabia as an example of a power struggle.

Due to their age difference, Erica likely has more authority and may be seen as the head of the household. However, Erica and Arabia's difference in political beliefs could lead to conflict, with Erica attempting to impose her views on Arabia.

This type of conflict is common when two people with different opinions and backgrounds enter into a relationship, and it could lead to tension in the household. Through analyzing the dynamics of Erica and Arabia's relationship, a sociologist could gain insight into how power dynamics affect relationships and how people of different backgrounds interact.

To know more about sociologist , click here:


individuals with intense fears of specific objects or situations that disrupt their ability to cope are known to have:


Individuals with intense fears of specific objects or situations that disrupt their ability to cope are known to have a phobia.

A phobia is an unreasonable fear that is disproportionate to the threat posed by the thing or circumstance.

Intense fear, avoiding the feared object or circumstance, bodily symptoms of panic such a racing heart, nausea, and sweating, and fear that is excessive compared to the risk posed by the feared object or situation are all signs of phobias.

Anticipatory anxiety, or the worry of the likelihood that the feared object or scenario will actually happen, is another symptom that phobia sufferers may experience.

Exposure treatment, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and medication are frequently used to treat phobias.

Complete Question:

Individuals with intense fears of specific objects or situations that disrupt their ability to cope, what are they known to have?

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The customers preception of the product is referred as the_ of the product Which of the following are examples of Discretionary Spending?A. Social Security, and employee retirementB. Veterans benefits, and Debt repaymentC. Military spending and a scientific research.D. Medicare and Medicaid spending The total market value of the common stock of the Okefenokee Real Estate Company is $13.5 million, and the total value of its debt is $8.5 million. The treasurer estimates that the beta of the stock is currently 1.8 and that the expected risk premium on the market is 9%. The Treasury bill rate is 4%. Assume for simplicity that Okefenokee debt is risk-free and the company does not pay tax.a. What is the required return on Okefenokee stock? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)Required return %b. Estimate the company cost of capital. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)Cost of capital %c. What is the discount rate for an expansion of the company's present business? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)Discount rate %d. Suppose the company wants to diversify into the manufacture of rose-colored spectacles. The beta of unleveraged optical manufacturers is 1.15. Estimate the required return on Okefenokee's new venture. (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answer as a percent rounded to 2 decimal places.)Required return % 5 reasons and 5 quotes or why the union soldiers fought. Calculate the density of Sulfur dioxide gas at a temperature of 15oC and pressure of 300 torr. Convert to atm Assume PATS PENS has a required rate of return of 11% and the following expected future dividends:D1=2D2=2.4D3=4D4=4(1+1.7%)D5=4(1+1.7%)^2 and so on...Price the current value of the stock given the future expecred dividends(Please write in decimal format using 5 decimal places, do not use the $ symbol) yearly performance appraisal meetings falling on the anniversary date of the employees hire date are the ideal method of communicating performance expectations to the employee. true or false the standard deviation of a normal distribution group of answer choices is always 0. is always 1. can be any value. cannot be negative. Make a box-and-whisker plot of the data. 60,63,53,66,65,58,51,55,58,51,58,62,53,66,61,51,65,52,54,50 Substantive procedures to examine the occurrence assertion for accounts payable include:A) selecting a sample of vouchers and agreeing them to authorized purchase orders.B) selecting a sample of vouchers and tracing them to the purchases journal.C) comparing dates on vouchers to dates in the purchases journal.D) recomputing the mathematical accuracy of a sample of vendor invoices. Convert: 83.36m= cm pls help if you deposit $700 in an account today at 4 nnual interest rate, 8 years from today you will have __________ in your account. QUESTION 15 Suppose you were to borrow $50,000 at 10 percent interest, compounded annually. If this will be repaid in five equal annual installments, each payment will be ____A $11,991 B. $13,190 C. $7.445 D. $8,190 which of the following nutrient molecules provide a source of energy for the body? group of answer choices carbohydrates vitamins proteins lipids all of these QUESTION 21 If the initial net cash outflow to finance a project with a 5-year life is $100,000 and the company has a cost of capital of 10%, the breakeven (zero NPV) net cash inflow for each of the 5 years is: A. $20,000 B.$26,380 C $379,079 D 5161,051 the vast majority of the first european immigrants to the united states were iodine-123 is a radioactive isotope used to study thyroid gland functions. it decays in a first-order process with a half life of 13.1 h. you receive a 10.00 g sample for some of your experiments, but you have to work fast before it is all gone. calculate the number of hours it will take for 8.40 g of your sample to decay. both 10gbase-er and 10gbase-ew have what maximum distance limitation on a segment of single mode fiber? In 2014, Michelle's annual base salary was $87,000. She also earned 3% commission of her annual sales of $500,000. What was Michelle's income during 2014? if the short-run aggregate supply curve is upward sloping, which of the following will cause inflation? responses an increase in long-run aggregate supply an increase in long-run aggregate supply an increase in short-run aggregate supply an increase in short-run aggregate supply an increase in aggregate demand an increase in aggregate demand a decrease in aggregate demand a decrease in aggregate demand a decrease in aggregate demand and an increase in aggregate supply