grade 12 English speech​


Answer 1

Hunting animals should be banned


Hunting has contributed to the extinction of animal species all over the world, including the Tasmanian tiger and the great auk. Less than 4 percent of the U.S. population (13.7 million people) hunts, yet hunting is permitted in many wildlife refuges, national forests, and state parks and on other public lands.

Related Questions

How might you best rewrite sentence 1 by using informal language? Group of answer choices Every day I’m late for first period. Each morning for first period I am late. For first period, I am late each morning. I am late each morning for first period.


Answer: you need to ask Lila and Brie to stop staring at us bc they smell like poop all the way from the other side of the room

Explanation: manahil made them mad so they had an explosive Taco Bell diarrhea

Answer: Every day I’m late for first period.


This sounds informal and isn't a well-thought-out sentence. Therefore, it is a sentence that has been written using informal language.

The Fox by Faith Shearin

In the poem, the fox is a symbol of:

Which events in the excerpt help express the theme about the impulse to connect with nature? Support your answer with evidence from the excerpt.
(Teacher note- Use C.E.R. to write your response)


Claim: The fox in the poem is a symbol of the natural world and the impulse to connect with it.

Evidence: Throughout the poem, the fox is described as a creature that is intimately connected to the natural world. For example, the speaker describes how the fox "slips through/the fence without a sound" and how it "moves/like smoke through the field." These descriptions highlight the fox's agility and grace, which are qualities that are often associated with the natural world. Furthermore, the speaker notes that the fox "doesn't care/whether or not I'm watching" and that it "doesn't care/that I'm here." These lines suggest that the fox is indifferent to human presence and is focused solely on its own experience of the natural world.

Reasoning: Overall, the poem suggests that the fox is a symbol of the natural world and the impulse to connect with it. The fox's grace and agility, as well as its indifference to human presence, highlight the beauty and autonomy of the natural world. The speaker's fascination with the fox, and her desire to connect with it, represents a universal impulse to engage with and understand the natural world.

Which sentence from the passage is a major supporting detail


The sentence that is a major supporting detail is "In fact, around eighty percent of all high school students will have had some kind of job by the time they graduate." in paragraph 2.

What are supporting details?

Supporting details are reasons, examples, facts, steps, or other kinds of evidence that explain the main idea.

There are two types of supporting details: major and minor. Major supporting details. These can be provided in examples, statistics, anecdotes, definitions, descriptions, or comparisons within the work.

Learn more about job on;


Terry is trying to determine if the information he found is relevant to his research topic. what question should he ask about the information?

A. "Does the information answer all or part of my question?"
B. "Has the information been updated or revised?"
C. "When was the report or site published?"
D. "Who is the original author of this article?"


Answer: Let the experienced one help you out! Read the explanation down below! The answer to your question is A! Brainliest?


A. "Does the information answer all or part of my question?" is the question Terry should ask about the information to determine its relevance to his research topic. This question helps him evaluate whether the information is directly related to his research question or if it provides supporting evidence for his argument. By asking this question, Terry can determine if the information is useful and relevant to his research or if he needs to keep looking for more relevant sources.


The answer is A.


A. "Does the information answer all or part of my question?"

why do good readers look for cause and effect connections


Good readers look for cause and effect connections because understanding these connections helps them comprehend and analyze the information presented in a text.

Elaborate good reader

When readers identify these connections, they can gain a deeper understanding of the text's meaning, structure, and implications.

By analyzing cause and effect relationships, readers can identify the underlying reasons for events, actions, and outcomes in a text. This enables them to make predictions, draw conclusions, and evaluate the author's purpose and message. For example, understanding cause and effect connections may help a reader predict what will happen next in a story or identify the main arguments in a persuasive essay.

To know more about reader visit:


I’m a normal high school kid—that is, I like listening to music. Until about a year ago, I always liked listening to it loud. Loud enough that it filled up my head and pulsed through my body, so the boundary between me and the music disappeared. I’ve listened to countless hours of music—vibrant music pouring into my ears through my headphones, washing over me from car speakers, or blasting at me from gigantic speakers at concerts.

But there’s something about me that makes me not so normal. I have a hearing loss and a constant ringing in my ears that, unless some medical miracle happens, I’ll suffer from these impairments forever. My ear problems are so severe that I feel I need to warn you: You have to protect your hearing as much as you can.

What conclusion can be made about the narrator of this reading?


Based on the information provided, we can conclude that the narrator is a high school student who has a hearing loss and a constant ringing in their ears. The narrator also admits to having listened to music loudly in the past, which may have contributed to their current hearing problems. Additionally, the narrator feels strongly that others should protect their hearing to avoid suffering from similar impairments.
Final answer:

The narrator is a high schooler who loved loud music but now suffers from tinnitus and hearing loss due to unsafe listening practices. They now advocate for hearing protection.


Based on the passage, several conclusions can be drawn about the narrator. The narrator is an avid music lover who likes to listen to music loudly. However, due to surpassing the safe volume levels consistently, the narrator has suffered hearing loss and a constant ringing in the ears, a condition known as tinnitus. This has drastically changed the narrator's life and made them aware of the importance of protecting one’s hearing. Given these experiences, the narrator advocates for careful listening practices to safeguard one's hearing health.

Learn more about Hearing Protection here:


Read the passage.

excerpt from "Run, Kate Shelley, Run" by Julia Pferdehirt

The same telegraph that had warned Ogden Station to hold the midnight express sent news of Kate's bravery from city to city. Within days, newspapers all over the nation were calling her the "Iowa heroine."

While Kate lay in bed recovering from that terrible night, every train passing by the farmhouse blew its whistle in her honor. Then the people of Iowa awarded her a gold medal, and the railroad gave her one hundred dollars and a lifetime railroad pass.

The nation honored Kate, too. However, the honor most dear to her came from the railroad men themselves. As long as she lived in Moingona, Iowa, they recognized brave Kate in their own special way. Whenever she wanted to ride the Chicago and Northwestern, they stopped the train just for her. A station stop was not good enough. They stopped the train right in front of the little farmhouse on Honey Creek.


What are three key details in this passage?

Select all correct answers.


A. Kate's farmhouse was small and located near Honey Creek.

B. Kate received a gold medal, $100, and a lifetime railroad pass.

C. The railroad men honored Kate by stopping the train at her home whenever she wanted to ride.

E. The railroad men honored Kate by stopping the train at her home whenever she wanted to ride.

F. Newspapers across the nation wrote about Kate's heroic deeds and called her the "Iowa heroine."

(select all)



Kate received a gold medal, $100, and a lifetime railroad pass. The Chicago and North Western Railway gave her $100, a half barrel of flour, half a load of coal, and a lifetime pass. Option B is correct.

What led the narrator to board the tube at Grand Central and how does he characterize himself?

He searches for a way out, a method to enter the realm of dreams and fantasies in order to escape the uncertainty, anxiety, concerns, and stress of the contemporary world. The correct response was that one evening Charley stayed late at work. To go to his flat, he was moving extremely quickly. So, he made the decision to ride the tube from Grand Central.

He turned inside Grand Central Station from Vanderbilt Avenue and down the stairs to the first level, where trains could be taken as in the twentieth century.

To know more about telegraph visit:-


Do you think this poem is simply about getting
lost in the fog, or is it also about finding faith
in humanity? Write down your thoughts
regarding the last line of the poem.


Can you attach the poem ?

Fix the following sentences in relation to subject-verb-pronoun agreement:
Anyone can get its name in the news.
None of the checks were cashed; he finally expired.
The chef cut their on the thumb while peeling carrots.
Economics are constantly faced by practical challenges.
There is hungry children right here in our community.


Anyone can get their name in the news.

None of the checks was cashed; he finally expired.

The chef cut his thumb while peeling carrots.

Economics is constantly faced by practical challenges.

There are hungry children right here in our community.

kindly help ASAP:)

Read the following text, which is an advertisement for a climbing holiday in Greece.
Analyse the text, focusing on form, structure and language. [25]

Kalymnos is a beautiful Greek island. Its fantastic limestone cliffs make it a paradise
for sport climbing at all grades. Just add sun, sea, secluded beaches, friendly people,
delicious food and great weather and you understand why it’s a world-class climbing
Small boats will take you from island to island with clear water and amazing beaches.
It is a great place to chill out after climbing. Beach bars, snorkelling, kayaking, great
food, fishing, diving, scooter tours, yoga: Kalymnos offers it all. This island has made
a big impression on those that go and return year after year.

Kalymnos has become one of the most popular rock climbing destinations in the world.
The variety of climbing is endless. For beginners, intermediate as well as experienced
climbers there are slabs, technical walls, and steep caves with tufas1. The different
climbing areas on the island are close to one another and easy to get to. And they often offer breathtaking views over the Mediterranean sea and the island of Telendos. Finally, a mild climate and the warm hospitality of local inhabitants have made Kalymnos a favourite amongst rock climbers.
The Kalymnos climbing holiday will be geared towards your individual abilities and
aspirations. Depending on where you are in your climbing career, our climbing guides
can focus their attention on your lead climbing skills, which might involve rope
awareness, clipping practice and teaching you how to thread anchors. Or they will aim
to improve your movement skills and teach you how to climb more efficiently so you
can climb harder routes than you have ever climbed before. Some climbers take the
opportunity to improve their mental approach to climbing. For instance to learn to deal
with fear of falling or failing. Either way, your instructors will aim to give you the best
possible climbing experience.

Saturday: arrival on Kos, take the ferry to Kalymnos, settle in your accommodation.
Meet and greet dinner
Sunday: single pitch sport climbing with certified guide
Monday: single pitch sport climbing and coaching
Tuesday: climbing and coaching
Wednesday: rest day
Thursday: climbing and coaching
Friday: climbing and coaching
Saturday: departure

We don’t have a set list of crags, though some of our favourite climbing areas on
Kalymnos are: Afternoon, Arginonta Valley, Lambda (on the island of Telendos),
Palionisos, Odyssey and Grande Grotta.

Greece is known for its very hot summers. In the winter there are not many flights to
Kos. Spring and autumn are therefore the best times of year to go climbing on Kalymnos.We organise climbing trips to Kalymnos in May and October, when it is not too hot, the sea is warm and the days are long.

Your accommodation will be located in Massouri/Myrties, which is where the climbers
on the island prefer to stay because of its restaurants, bars, climbing shops, minimarkets and beaches. It is within walking distance to some of Kalymnos’ most popular crags, like ‘Grande Grotte’, ‘Afternoon’, ‘Panorama’ and ‘Poets’. For those wanting to explore Kalymnos, transport is readily available. You can either go by bus or taxi or rent a scooter. Most climbing venues are within walking distance of your accommodation and the water taxi port to take the ferry to the island of Telendos is just down the road.

• 7 nights accommodation including breakfast
• 5 days guided climbing and coaching
• Maximum instructor–client ratio is 1:6
• Transport to/from crags

• Fly to Kos
• Ideal for those climbing grade F5 up to F7B+
• Inland and sea-cliff climbing
• Limestone slabs, vertical walls and steep overhangs
1tufas: limestone rock formations


This text is an advertisement for a climbing holiday in Kalymnos, Greece. The language used is informative, with a focus on the island's natural beauty and appeal to climbers of all levels.

How to explain the text

The structure of the text is straightforward, starting with a general overview of Kalymnos and then providing more detailed information about the climbing holiday. The text is divided into different sections, including "Focus of the Kalymnos Climbing Holiday" and "Kalymnos Climbing Holiday Itinerary."

The form of the text is persuasive, encouraging readers to book the climbing holiday. The author highlights the island's beautiful limestone cliffs, clear water, amazing beaches, and warm hospitality of the locals, making it a world-class climbing destination.

Learn more about advertisement on;


How does the author use a first person point of view affect the readers understanding of part one how to kill Mockingbird.



To Kill a Mockingbird is written in the first person, with Jean “Scout” Finch acting as both the narrator and the protagonist of the novel. Because Scout is only six years old when the novel begins, and eight years old when it ends, she has an unusual perspective that plays an important role in the work’s meaning. In some ways, because she is so young, Scout is an unreliable narrator. Her innocence causes her to misunderstand and misinterpret things. She considers her father “feeble” because he is “nearly fifty,” which to a child seems ancient but to an adult is middle-aged. When Dill tells her he wants to “get us a baby,” Scout is unclear on how babies are made, thinking possibly God drops them down the chimney.Study Guide: Red, White, and Royal Blue

The reader often has to do the work of interpretation to understand what characters are actually talking about, or judge the severity of a situation. At the same time, Scout’s innocence makes her more trustworthy as a narrator than an adult might be, in that she lacks the sophistication to shape her story or withhold information for her own benefit.

While Scout remains the narrator throughout the book, her involvement in the events she describes changes once Tom Robinson’s trial becomes the focus. At this point, Scout becomes more of an observer. Although there are some moments when she plays an active role in the events, such as the scene where she and Jem stop the mob from storming the jailhouse before the trial, for the most part the protagonist of these scenes is her father, Atticus.

During the trial, lengthy passages are related directly as dialogue. Unlike the earlier summaries that Scout uses to describe events, here the story slows to follow the trial sentence-by-sentence. We have no reason to believe Scout is misinterpreting events, because her descriptions of the action are straightforward and largely visual. “Mr. Tate blinked and ran his hands through his hair,” “his legs were crossed and one arm was resting on the back of his chair.” The only indication of Scout’s inability to understand events is her faith that her father will win the trial. At the end of the novel, when the trial is over and Bob Ewell attacks Scout and Jem on Halloween, Scout is once more at the center of events.


The rules used to describe the structure of a language (including order of words) are referred to as
A. semantics
B. Pragmatics
C. Phonology
D. Grammar


Semantics is the name given to the set of rules used to describe how words are arranged in a language.

1. The five fundamental elements that are shared by all languages are phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics.

2. The study of word and phrase meaning is known as semantics.

3.It is sometimes known as semiotics, semalogy, or semasiology. One of a set of English terms derived from the many forms of the Greek verb semaine (which means "to mean" or "to signify") is the phrase.

4.The meaning and interpretation of words, signs, and sentence structure is known as semantics.

Our ability to grasp what we read, how other people are understood, and even the judgements we make as a result of our interpretations are all heavily influenced by semantics.

To learn more about structure of a language visit:


Napolean--Animal Farm Body Biography: Teacher Requirements/Instructions
Identify at least three symbols that represent significant personality traits or important features of this Napolean life. (For example, you might use a light bulb to show how the character possesses innovative ideas.)

Each symbol will be sketched on a drawing in a meaningful place. (For example, you might draw an object close to the character's heart if it symbolizes something he/she loves or feels, around the head if it symbolizes what a character thinks, or on the hooves if it symbolizes his/her work ethic.)

NO SYMBOL WILL BE PLACED IN THE AIR; it must be attached to the character.

Also, consider what are the most important goals of this character. What drives his/her thoughts and actions? Be prepared to explain each symbol. I'll provide the paper for this assignment when you are ready to complete the task.


For the character of Napoleon in "Animal Farm," here are some symbols that could represent significant personality traits or important features of his life:

The objects that represents the Napoleaon Life

A crown or scepter - This could represent Napoleon's desire for power and his willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain that power. Throughout the book, he takes increasingly ruthless measures to maintain his position as the leader of the animals on the farm.

A pig mask - This could represent Napoleon's ability to hide his true intentions and manipulate others. Throughout the book, he uses his intelligence and cunning to gain the trust of the other animals and to convince them to follow his lead.

A pile of money - This could represent Napoleon's greed and his desire for personal gain. In the book, he amasses a large amount of wealth for himself and his inner circle, while the other animals continue to work hard and live in poverty.

These symbols could be incorporated into a body biography project in which students create a visual representation of Napoleon's life and personality traits.

For example, the crown or scepter could be placed near the head to show Napoleon's desire for power, while the pig mask could be incorporated into the face to represent his ability to deceive others. The pile of money could be placed near the stomach to represent his greed and desire for personal gain. Students could also add other symbols or images that represent important events or ideas from the book, such as the windmill or the seven commandments.

Read more on Animal farm here:


What photo is hung in Gregor's room? What does this say about him?​


In Gregor's room, a magazine cutout of a woman wearing fur is hung. This suggests that he is really lonely, doesn't have many close friends, and is distant from his family.

What does the image on Gregor's wall depict?

In The Metamorphosis, Gregor's bedroom features a picture of a woman that evokes romantic or sexual longing. It stands for the absence of love in Gregor's life. He couldn't be with a lady before becoming vermin. His heart still bears a severe scar from it.

Why is the picture so crucial to Gregor?

The only thing left of his humanity, according to Gregor, is the image of the woman wearing furs on the wall. The furniture is taken out of the room partly out of concern for Gregor's safety and partly to ensure that she is the only one who looks after him, according to his sister, who also wants to make the space easier for him to manoeuvre.

To know more about Gregor visit:


Choose the part of speech of the dependent clause in each sentence.
Whoever wants to help is invited to come with us.
Talk to the person who is behind the counter.
When I press the button, the computer starts up.



-invites to come with us

- who is behind the counter

-when I press the button


The dependent clause is the part of the sentence that cannot act on its own in its own sentence. It's dependent on other parts of the sentence, like the independent clause. For example, "when I press the button" is a dependent clause because it's an incomplete thought. What happens when I press the button? We don't know because it's not complete. In the first sentence I think "whoever wants to help" is also a dependent clause because it's not complete. What about who wants to help? I dunno.

anyway, hope this helped :D

The dependent clause in the first sentence is "whoever wants to help". This is a pronoun, which is a type of noun. The dependent clause in the second sentence is "who is behind the counter". This is a relative pronoun, which is a type of pronoun. The dependent clause in the third sentence is "when I press the button". This is a subordinating conjunction, which is a type of conjunction.

What is noun and pronoun?

A noun is a term that designates a specific person, place, object, idea, or concept in English grammar. Nouns contain things like "dog," "cat," "book," "house," "love," "freedom," and "happiness."

Nouns can be categorized as common or proper nouns, as well as singular or plural.

In contrast, a pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun or noun phrase. In order to avoid using the same word or noun phrase more than once in a sentence or paragraph, pronouns are utilized.

The pronouns "he," "she," "it," "they," "we," "you," "me," and "him" are a few examples.

Learn more about dependent clause at:


what is the purpose of kelley's rhetorical


This speech about child labour provides insight into the worse lives that some children have to lead compared to certain adults because there are no child labour laws. By using pathos in her writing, Kelley hoped to encourage her readers to strengthen child labour rules and safety.

Kelly's rhetorical serves what purpose?

Using emotional appeal, rhetorical questions, and repetition, she makes her case against unjust regulations governing child labour. Through her actions, Kelley hopes to persuade her audience that stronger child labour rules would exist if women were granted the opportunity to vote.

How does Florence Kelley's rhetorical analysis look?

Florence Kelley employs a variety of rhetorical devices to express her views on child labour.

To know more about Kelly's rhetorical visit:-


who was phyllis wheatley? provide some biographical information on her life and also state the name of her first pamphlet publication and when it was published:


Born in Senegal/Gambia in West Africa, poet Phillis Wheatley was transported to Boston, Massachusetts as a slave when she was around seven years old.

She displayed a remarkable gift for poetry at a young age and, in 1773, with the publication of her first booklet, "Poems on Different Topics, Religious and Moral," became the first Black American woman to publish a book. She received appreciation for the pamphlet from notable people like George Washington and Benjamin Franklin because it was both critically and commercially successful.

Wheatley's poetry opened the path for subsequent generations of African American writers despite the considerable challenges she faced as a result of her ethnicity and status as a slave, and she is still praised for her contributions to American literature.

Know more about Phyllis Wheatley:


Phillis Wheatley was a poet and the first African American woman to have a book of poetry published.

She was born in West Africa in the mid-1700s and was brought to Boston, Massachusetts as a slave when she was about seven years old. The Wheatley family, who owned her, recognized her intelligence and encouraged her to learn to read and write. She showed a talent for poetry and was soon writing her own verses. Her first pamphlet publication was titled "Poems on Various Subjects, Religious and Moral" and was published in London in 1773. She was only about 20 years old at the time. The publication was well received and Wheatley became known as one of the most talented poets of her time. Her life was cut short, however, and she died at the young age of 31.

To know more about poetry refer :


Write a 5 paragraph essay that explains how “Time capsule found on the Dead Planet” by Margaret Atwood and “The veldt” By Ray Bradbury use the conventions of science fiction to critique society. Which author’s message is most relevant to us today? Use evidence from both texts to support your thesis and explanations.


Science fiction is a genre that has been used to critique society in various ways, from imagining utopias to dystopias. In "Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet" by Margaret Atwood and "The Veldt" by Ray Bradbury, both authors use the conventions of science fiction to critique society.

How to explain the information

Atwood and Bradbury explore the dangers of technology, the dehumanization of humanity, and the consequences of neglecting the environment. While both authors' messages are still relevant today, Atwood's message about environmental destruction is more pressing.

In "Time Capsule Found on the Dead Planet," Atwood imagines a future where humans have destroyed their planet and left a time capsule for an alien civilization to find. The time capsule contains artifacts from the past, such as a Barbie doll and a CD of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony. Through the alien's perspective, Atwood criticizes humanity's obsession with consumerism and the destructive effects of industrialization on the environment. The alien sees the Barbie doll as a representation of humanity's shallow values, and the CD as a reminder of humanity's inability to preserve nature. Atwood's message is clear: if we continue to prioritize material possessions and disregard the environment, we will face a similar fate as the dead planet.

Similarly, Bradbury's "The Veldt" also critiques society's dependence on technology. The story depicts a family living in a futuristic house that can fulfill their every need through a virtual reality room called the "nursery." The children become obsessed with the nursery, which depicts an African veldt filled with lions. As the story progresses, the parents realize the dangers of their children's dependence on technology, and it ultimately leads to their demise. Bradbury's message is clear: if we become too dependent on technology, it will eventually dehumanize us.

Learn more about fiction on;


Which figure of speech is used in this text?

For the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore. . .

—Edgar Allen Poe, "The Raven"

1 assonance

2 euphemism


The figure of speech used in this text is euphemism. Option 2 is the correct answer.

A euphemism is a figure of speech that replaces a harsh, blunt, or unpleasant expression with a milder or less direct one. In the given text, the speaker refers to the dead lover as "the rare and radiant maiden whom the angels name Lenore," which is a euphemistic way of referring to death.

Instead of using a direct and harsh term like "death" or "dead," the speaker softens the impact of the word by using a milder and more poetic expression, which is a euphemism. On the other hand, assonance refers to the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words, which is not present in the given text. Therefore, option 2 is the correct answer.

To learn more about euphemism, here


this is a short response help


The sun always gone shine on the other side

The hour marks on a clock face are​ 30° apart. What is the angle a line from the four ​o'clock mark to the twelve​ o'clock mark makes with a horizontal​ line?


A angle clock is divided up into 12 sectors, based on the numbers 1–12. One sector represents 30 degrees  If the hour hand is directly on the 10.

How many degrees is 12 o clock to 4 o clock?

At 4 o'clock the minute hand is on 12 and the hour hand is on 4. The angle formed is 4/12 of the total number of degrees in a circle that is 360 degrees. Therefore, the angle between the hour hand.

What time between 4 o clock and 5 o clock will the hands of a clock coincide?

Let the hands of the clock coincide after x minutes. So, the hands of a clock 21.81 minutes 4.

To know more about angle visit :-


Use an online search engine to find a trusted online dictionary, then search for the definition of the word inculcate. Then use the drop-down menus to answer the questions.

Which part of speech is the word inculcate?

Which definition best matches the definition given by the online dictionary?

What is the origin of the word inculcate?


Vocabulary: verb

Definition most closely related to the one provided: "to impress upon the mind of another by frequent instruction or repetition; instill"

Inculcate is a derivative from the Greek verb , which means "to tread on."

Describe the word "verb"

An action, occurrence, or state of being is expressed by a verb in English grammar. Due to the fact that they frequently express the main concept or action of a sentence, verbs are frequently regarded as the most important component of a sentence or clause. A verb typically follows the subject in a sentence and comes before any objects or complements. Run, sing, is, have, think, and like are a few examples of verbs.

To know more about verb visit:


Answer:here are the correct answers for the question.

Write a summary about Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes with details from the text in your on words


Flowers for Algernon is a novel by Daniel Keyes about a man named Charlie Gordon who undergoes an experimental surgery to increase his intelligence. Charlie is a 32-year-old man with a low IQ who works as a janitor at a bakery. He is selected for the surgery after proving himself through a series of tests. The surgery is successful, and Charlie's intelligence rapidly increases, surpassing that of the doctors who performed the surgery. However, as Charlie becomes more intelligent, he also becomes increasingly isolated from those around him, struggling to connect with people on an emotional level. He also discovers that the surgery is not permanent, and his intelligence will eventually regress back to his previous level. In the end, Charlie's intelligence regresses, and he is left with the realization that he was better off before the surgery, despite the pain and isolation he experienced. The novel explores themes of intelligence, identity, social isolation, and the ethics of scientific experimentation.

Who says the following and why?

"You see, we're all savages, more or less. We're supposed to be civilized and cultured-to know

all about poetry and philosophy and art and science, and so on; but how many of us know even

the meanings of these names? [To Miss Hill] What do you know of poetry? [To Mrs. Hill] What do

you know of science? [Indicating Freddy] What does he know of art or science or anything else?

What the devil do you imagine I know of philosophy?"

Liza is mildly embarrassing herself in her meeting with Mrs. Higgins and the Hills

Mrs. Higgins is trying to reel the conversation in after Higgins has worked everybody up.

Higgins is explaining why saying what one really feels is a very bad idea,

Higgins has become infuriated at Freddy and is taking it out on the whole party





Henry Higgins is the speaker, and he uses this example to show that people are not as sophisticated or intelligent as they believe they are.

To illustrate his thesis that even people who regard themselves to be educated and cultured are not as knowledgeable as they think they are, he used the example of the party. He also wants to humiliate the group, especially Miss Hill and Mrs.

Hill. Henry Higgins makes the point that even persons who feel themselves to be educated can frequently be illiterate and crude. People frequently overestimate their knowledge and culture. He implies that partygoers are less educated than they think they are and are not familiar with basic historical and literary concepts.

To learn more about Henry Higgins link is here


Story of an hour

1)Can we read Louise Mallard's "heart trouble," beyond the literal meaning? What could that mean in the context of Mrs. Mallard's relationship with her husband?

2) She arose at length and opened the door to her sister's importunities. There was a feverish triumph in her eyes, and she carried herself unwittingly like a goddess of Victory. She clasped her sister's waist, and together they descended the stairs. Richards stood waiting for them at the bottom
What do the underlined words reflect about Mrs. Mallard?


These are excellent insights into the deeper significance and symbolism in the story.

1) "Heart trouble" likely refers metaphorically to Mrs. Mallard's emotional distress and anguish in her marriage. Her heart has been troubled by her husband's controlling and oppressive nature. So when she thinks he has died, her heart is finally "free" of that trouble.

2) The underlined words showing her as a "goddess of Victory" reflect her sense of liberation, empowerment and triumph in that moment. After years of oppression, she feels she has conquered her fate and won her freedom and independence. She sees it as a supreme victory.

3) That Victory and empowerment are short-lived, however, highlighting the poignancy of her position. She is thrilled at the thought of escaping her marriage, only to have her husband abruptly return and dash those hopes. So the language suggests her inner strength and defiance, even though her external circumstances remain unchanged.

4) There are also hints of bitterness in her reaction to seeing her husband again, suggesting the depth of resentment she has harbored all these years. The story subtly conveys how she has been compromise and crushed, rather than liberated, in her marriage.

Overall, the details are rich with metaphorical and symbolic meaning highlighting Mrs. Mallard's complex inner life and the tragedy of her situation. Please let me know if you have any other questions!

1) In "The Story of an Hour," Louise Mallard's "heart trouble" can be read as a metaphor for her emotional state and the turmoil she experiences in her marriage. The fact that her heart condition is not specified suggests that it is not a medical condition, but rather a psychological or emotional one. This is reinforced by the way that her heart trouble is described as a "storm" that passes over her, suggesting that it is linked to her emotional state. In the context of Mrs. Mallard's relationship with her husband, her heart trouble could represent the emotional strain and repression she experiences in her marriage, which is further emphasized by the way she feels a sense of freedom and release when she hears of her husband's death.

2) The underlined words "feverish triumph" and "goddess of Victory" reflect a sense of elation and empowerment that Mrs. Mallard experiences in the wake of her husband's death. These words suggest that she feels a sense of triumph and victory over the constraints that her marriage had placed on her, and that she is now free to live her life as she chooses. The fact that she carries herself like a goddess also suggests a sense of power and authority that she has not experienced before. This is a significant shift from the beginning of the story, where she is depicted as being weak and powerless, and it underscores the transformative effect that the news of her husband's death has on her.

3. Rewrite the following Idiomatic expression in its original form: Survival of the nicest​


Survival of the fittest


The opening quote from Lord Byron's "Prometheus" was probably picked by the video's creator to emphasise the importance and relevance of the Prometheus myth to humans. According to the quotation, Prometheus represents significant facets of human strength and destiny and is more than just a mythological figure.Throughout the entire video, the Prometheus myth is presented as a story with enormous human relevance. The movie shows how Prometheus disobeyed the gods by giving humans fire, which allowed them to create civilization and perform amazing feats. This act of defiance and empowerment echoes the human longing for freedom and progress.

To know more about destiny, click on the link :


How does social media give teenagers anxiety? (write in a small paragraph)

Why do teenagers depend on social media (write in a small paragraph)

How are teenagers more exposed to bullying with social media (write in a small paragraph)

How do teenagers access inappropriate sites with social media (write in a small paragraph)




• Some teens are already struggling with insecurities and social media can add to that or trigger feelings of anxiety and pressure to obtain likes and comments on their posts. And some are still forming their identities to which they are more vulnerable to the negativity that social media has.

• They depend on social media because it gives them the chance to connect with people of similar interests, thus making them spend more of their time on the internet.

• In school, now, everywhere you look teenagers have their phones out recording every little thing. Thus hurtful pictures and videos are spread throughout the internet making teenagers exposed to bullying

• They could access those sites through friends, strangers online or even posts they find online. With a click of a button they could easily access a site that they shouldn't go on.

Social media can contribute to anxiety among teenagers for several reasons. Firstly, the pressure to curate a perfect online persona and constantly seek validation through likes, comments, and followers can create a sense of inadequacy and self-doubt. Comparing themselves to others' seemingly idealized lives can lead to feelings of insecurity and anxiety about not measuring up. Moreover, the fear of missing out (FOMO) on social events or experiences depicted on social media can induce anxiety and a sense of isolation. The constant exposure to highly curated and filtered representations of others' lives can distort reality and negatively impact teenagers' self-esteem, triggering anxiety and self-comparison.

Teenagers often depend on social media due to various factors. One major reason is the desire for social connection and belonging. Social media platforms provide an avenue for teens to connect with their peers, share experiences, and stay updated on their social circles. The constant availability of social media on smartphones and other devices makes it easily accessible and creates a sense of connection and immediacy. Moreover, social media serves as a platform for self-expression and creativity, allowing teens to showcase their talents, interests, and opinions to a wider audience.

Social media exposes teenagers to an increased risk of bullying. The digital nature of social media allows for anonymity and a lack of face-to-face confrontation, making it easier for individuals to engage in bullying behavior. Cyberbullying can take various forms, including spreading rumors, making hurtful comments, or sharing embarrassing content. The public and viral nature of social media amplify the effects of bullying, as harmful content can quickly reach a wide audience, leading to social isolation, emotional distress, and psychological harm.

Teenagers can access inappropriate sites through social media due to the vast amount of content available online and the difficulty in enforcing strict controls. Although social media platforms have policies and guidelines to prevent the dissemination of explicit or harmful content, it is challenging to completely eliminate such material. Despite efforts to implement age restrictions and content filters, some inappropriate content may still find its way onto social media platforms. This accessibility increases the risk of teenagers stumbling upon explicit content or being exposed to harmful influences, potentially affecting their mental, emotional, and social development. It emphasizes the importance of parental supervision and education regarding online safety.

President Carter delivered the speech.
Which of the following sentences uses an adverbial clause
to add detail to the sentence?


B. President Carter delivered the speech quickly.

What is an adverbial clause?

A dependent clause that modifies the primary verb in the independent sentence is called an adverbial clause. Adverbial clauses usually begin with a subordinating conjunction and require an independent phrase to be connected to them in order to make sense.

A subordinating conjunction like "after," "whether," "if," "because," "although," "even though," etc. marks the start of an adverb clause. Adverbial clauses can appear at the start, middle, or conclusion of a sentence.

Why option B is correct?

Given that Quickly is an adverb and that it comes last in the phrase, the sentence contains an adverbial clause. The solution is thus option "B."

To know more about Adverbial clause visit:


ap computer science abstract classes, interfaces, polymorphism


In AP Computer Science, abstract classes, interfaces, and polymorphism are key concepts in object-oriented programming.

An abstract class is a template for creating objects that cannot be instantiated on their own but must be extended by subclasses. Interfaces are similar to abstract classes but only define method signatures that classes implementing the interface must implement.

Polymorphism refers to the ability of objects of different types to be treated as if they are of the same type, allowing for more flexible and reusable code. These concepts enable the creation of more complex and extensible programs by promoting code reuse and providing a structure for creating and organizing objects and their behaviors.

Learn more about Computer Science


In AP Computer Science, abstract classes, interfaces, and polymorphism are important concepts that help in designing and organizing code.

Abstract classes are classes that cannot be instantiated, and are meant to be sub-classed by other classes. They can contain both abstract and concrete methods, providing a blueprint for subclasses to follow. Interfaces are similar to abstract classes, but they cannot contain any implementation details. Polymorphism is a concept where a single interface or abstract class can be used to represent multiple forms of related classes. This simplifies code by allowing the same method to be used on multiple object types, and makes it easier to add new classes without changing existing code.

Overall, these concepts play a vital role in creating well-structured, flexible, and reusable code in AP Computer Science.

To know more about Polymorphism, click here:


what device does poe use to create and heighten the suspense in the story? is the outcome ever in doubt?


In Edgar Allan Poe's stories, he often uses the device of foreshadowing to create and heighten the suspense.

By dropping hints or clues throughout the story, Poe creates an atmosphere of tension and anticipation for the reader, making them wonder what will happen next. Additionally, he uses a variety of literary techniques such as repetition, imagery, and symbolism to add to the suspense.  As for the outcome, it is often unclear until the very end of the story. Poe's stories often have unexpected twists and turns, leaving the reader guessing until the very end. This uncertainty adds to the overall suspense and makes the story more thrilling for the reader. So, in short, Poe uses foreshadowing and other literary devices to create suspense, and the outcome is usually in doubt until the end of the story.

To know more about anticipation refer :


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