miranda orally promises nicky that she will buy his fishing trawler for $20,000. if nicky acts in reliance on this promise, under the doctrine of promissory estoppel, the transaction is enforceable by


Answer 1

If Nicky acts in reliance on Miranda's promise to buy his fishing trawler for $20,000, and his reliance is reasonable and foreseeable, then the transaction may be enforceable by "the doctrine of promissory estoppel."

Promissory estoppel is a legal principle that allows a party to enforce a promise made by another party, even if the promise is not supported by consideration. To establish promissory estoppel, the following elements must be present:

The promisor made a clear and definite promise;

The promisee relied on the promise;

The promisee's reliance was reasonable and foreseeable; and

The promisee suffered a substantial detriment as a result of the reliance.

In this scenario, Miranda made a clear and definite promise to Nicky to buy his fishing trawler for $20,000. If Nicky relied on that promise by taking actions to sell the trawler or otherwise preparing for the transaction, and if his reliance was reasonable and foreseeable, then he may be able to enforce the promise under promissory estoppel.

Learn more about promissory estoppel :



Answer 2

If Miranda orally promises Nicky that she will buy his fishing trawler for $20,000, and Nicky acts in reliance on this promise, the transaction may be enforceable under the doctrine of promissory estoppel. However, it would depend on the specific circumstances and the laws in the jurisdiction where the transaction took place.

This means that even though there may not be a formal written contract, Nicky may have relied on Miranda's promise to his detriment, and therefore the promise may be legally binding and enforceable. A fishing trawler is a specific kind of fishing boat built for the trawling method of fish capture. Trawling is the practise of trailing a large net behind the boat as it travels through the water to catch fish. The net can typically be lowered into the sea and hauled back up onto the boat on fishing trawlers since they are typically outfitted with strong winches and a system of pulleys and cables. The net can be several hundred feet long and is often constructed of sturdy synthetic fibres like nylon.

Learn more about fishing trawler here:



Related Questions

Biscuits Inc. has offered $427 million cash for all of the common stock in Gravy Corporation. Based on recent market information, Gravy is worth $376 million as an independent operation.
If the merger makes economic sense for Biscuits, what is the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger? (Round answer to the nearest whole number)


The minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger between Biscuits Inc. and Gravy Corporation, if it makes economic sense, can be calculated as follows: Offer Price - Independent Value = Synergistic Benefits $427 million - $376 million = $51 million
Therefore, the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger is $51 million.To calculate the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger, we need to determine the value of Gravy Corporation to Biscuits Inc. after the merger.

The value of Gravy Corporation to Biscuits Inc. after the merger is equal to the offer price of $427 million.

The value of Gravy Corporation as an independent operation is $376 million.

Therefore, the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger is:

$427 million - $376 million = $51 million

Rounding this answer to the nearest whole number, we get:

$51 million ≈ $51 million

So the minimum estimated value of the synergistic benefits from the merger is $51 million.

Read more about economic here:https://brainly.com/question/17996535


Cost of Equity: Dividend Growth
Summerdahl Resort's common stock is currently trading at $38 a share. The stock is expected to pay a dividend of $2.00 a share at the end of the year (D1 = $2.00), and the dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 7% a year. What is the cost of common equity? Round your answer to two decimal places.


The cost of common equity for Summerdahl Resort is 12.26%.

The cost of common equity for Summerdahl Resort can be calculated using the Dividend Growth Model. Given the current stock price of $38 a share, a dividend of $2.00 a share at the end of the year, and a constant dividend growth rate of 7%, the formula for the cost of common equity is: Cost of common equity = (D1 / P0) + g Where D1 is the expected dividend at the end of the year, P0 is the current stock price, and g is the constant growth rate of the dividend. Cost of common equity = ($2.00 / $38) + 0.07

Cost of common equity = 0.0526 + 0.07Cost of common equity = 0.1226 or 12.26% (rounded to two decimal places)Therefore, the cost of common equity for Summerdahl Resort is 12.26%.

Learn more about Dividend Growth here:https://brainly.com/question/14236717


a series of equal payments or receipts made at any interval of time is a(n)


A series of equal payments or receipts made at any interval of time is known as an annuity. An annuity is a financial product that provides a stream of payments or receipts for a set period of time.

These payments can be made on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis.An annuity can be either an ordinary annuity or an annuity due. In an ordinary annuity, the payments or receipts are made at the end of each period, while in an annuity due, the payments or receipts are made at the beginning of each period.

There are different types of annuities, including fixed annuities and variable annuities. Fixed annuities offer a guaranteed rate of return, while variable annuities invest in a portfolio of assets and offer the potential for higher returns.

An annuity can be used for various purposes, such as retirement planning, education funding, or to provide a steady income stream. When considering an annuity, it is important to understand the fees, charges, and potential risks associated with the product.
for more such questions on annuity



myshirts, a company that manufactures shirts, buys large batches of dressing material from a supplier. the supplier charges them less than what myshirts would have had to pay if it had purchased the material from different sources. as a consequence, the cost of manufacturing each shirt at myshirts is lower than at other manufacturers. this is an example of economies of


The importance of selecting the right suppliers and negotiating favorable supplier charges to maximize cost savings and increase competitiveness in the market.

This is an example of economies of scale, where myshirts benefits from purchasing materials in bulk from a single supplier, resulting in lower material costs per unit. By lowering the cost of production, myshirts can sell their shirts at a lower price or increase their profit margin. This highlights the importance of selecting the right suppliers and negotiating favorable supplier charges to maximize cost savings and increase competitiveness in the market.

Learn more about competitiveness here



Suppose you just finished your third plateful of Thanksgiving dinner and it yielded 17 units of additional satisfaction, and the fourth plateful of Thanksgiving dinner would give 1 unit of utility. Should you go back for more? O No, because the marginal utility of the 4th plateful will be negative. Yes, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is expected to be more than 17 units of utility. O No, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is less than 17 units of utility. O Yes, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is greater than 0 units


Should you go back for more: No, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is less than 17 units of utility. The correct option is C.

Marginal utility is the additional satisfaction or benefit that is gained from consuming one more unit of a good or service. In this case, we are talking about the marginal utility of the fourth plateful of Thanksgiving dinner.

This means that if we were to compare the satisfaction gained from the first plateful to the satisfaction gained from the third plateful, there would be a difference of 17 units. However, the fourth plateful is expected to give only 1 unit of utility. This means that the marginal utility of the fourth plateful is much lower than the marginal utility of the third plateful.

It would not make sense to go back for more. The marginal utility of the fourth plateful is less than the marginal utility of the third plateful, which means that the satisfaction gained from the fourth plateful is not worth the effort and cost required to consume it.

To know more about marginal utility, refer here:



Complete question:

Suppose you just finished your third plateful of Thanksgiving dinner and it yielded 17 units of additional satisfaction, and the fourth plateful of Thanksgiving dinner would give 1 unit of utility. Should you go back for more?  

a. No, because the marginal utility of the 4th plateful will be negative.

b. Yes, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is expected to be more than 17 units of utility.

c. No, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is less than 17 units of utility.  

d. Yes, since the marginal utility of the 4th plateful is greater than 0 units

On a busy Saturday night, the manager comes through about every 2 hours and removes all of the bills $20 and larger. This is known as
bleeding the cash register


On a busy Saturday night, when the manager comes through every 2 hours to remove all bills $20 and larger from the cash register, this process is known as "bleeding the cash register."

It's possible that the term "bleeding the cash register" may be used to describe the process of periodically removing large bills from the cash register during peak hours to prevent the register from becoming too full or to reduce the risk of theft.

However, this term is not widely recognized and is not a standard practice in cash management. In most businesses, the process of managing cash registers, including removing bills or making change, is typically referred to as cash handling or cash management, and it is based on established procedures and best practices.

In general cash management practices, it is important to establish standard operating procedures for handling cash, including how to manage large bills, making change, counting and reconciling cash, and securing cash against theft or loss.

These procedures are typically based on sound accounting principles and internal controls to ensure the accuracy, security, and integrity of the cash handling process.

Proper cash management practices are essential for maintaining accurate financial records, preventing cash shortages or overages, and mitigating the risk of theft or fraud.

In conclusion, while the term "bleeding the cash register" may be used in specific local contexts or industries to describe a process of removing bills from the cash register, it is not a widely recognized term in general accounting or cash management practices.

It's important to rely on established cash management procedures and best practices to ensure accurate and secure handling of cash in a business setting.

To learn more about cash management, refer below:



what is amazon's version of a sku (stock keeping unit) that is used to identify unique products on amazon?


Amazon's version of a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is known as an ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number).

What's ASIN (Amazon Standard Identification Number)

It is a unique identifier assigned to each product that is listed on Amazon's marketplace.

ASINs are used to organize and differentiate products, making it easier for customers to search and find what they are looking for. Each product on Amazon has its own unique ASIN, even if the product is identical to another product.

This is because ASINs are specific to the product's packaging and other identifying features. Additionally, ASINs are used to link related products, such as different editions of a book or different colors of a shirt.

Overall, the ASIN system is an important aspect of Amazon's business model, allowing for efficient inventory management and streamlined product search and purchasing for customers.

Learn more about SKU at



what are three factors that influence the importance a consumer places on different evaluative criteria?


The three factors that influence the importance a consumer places on different evaluative criteria are: Personal values and beliefs, past experiences, contextual factors.

1. Personal values and beliefs: Consumers' values and beliefs can shape their preferences and priorities when evaluating products or services. For example, some consumers may prioritize eco-friendliness or social responsibility in their purchasing decisions, while others may prioritize convenience or affordability.

2. Past experiences: Previous experiences with a product or service can greatly influence a consumer's evaluation and subsequent purchase decisions. Positive experiences may increase the importance placed on certain criteria, while negative experiences may decrease their importance.

3. Contextual factors: The context in which a consumer is evaluating a product or service can also affect the importance placed on different criteria. For example, a consumer's level of involvement or urgency in the decision-making process, the available alternatives, and the marketing messages presented by the seller can all influence the criteria that are most important to the consumer.

Learn more about Consumers :- https://brainly.com/question/380037



competitive contextadvertising effectsusage situation

As they are working through the fascinating topics examined in their corporate valuation class, Sarah says to Connor ... "You know, it is often said that the vanilla WACC treats the interest tax shield as an increase in cash flow whereas the standard WACC treats the interest tax shield as a decrease in the discount rate. But I think this is only half the story What do you think?


The statement is accurate in that the vanilla WACC does treat the interest tax shield as an increase in cash flow.

This is because the higher the interest rate paid on the debt, the higher the tax shield benefit received. On the other hand, the standard WACC does treat the interest tax shield as a decrease in the discount rate.

This is because the lower the rate of interest paid on the debt, the lower the cost of debt and the lower the overall cost of capital. Therefore, the interest tax shield decreases the cost of capital and thus the discount rate.

In conclusion, this statement accurately explains how the vanilla WACC and the standard WACC treat the interest tax shield differently.

Know more about interest tax shield here



Exploring Finance: Short-Term versus Long-Term Cash Flows
Conceptual Overview: Explore how time and the cost of capital affects the net present values of two alternative investments.
The equations below show the discounted or present value of cash flows either one year or twenty years in the future. The first equation in each set of three shows the discounted value when the interest rate (or cost of capital) equals 5%. The second equation in each set of three shows the discounted value for an interest rate that is controlled by the slider. The third equation compares the two discounted values. Change the slider and observe whether the discounted value of the one-year cash flow changes more or less quickly than the discounted value of the twenty-year cash flow.


In finance, the time value of money is a key concept that recognizes that a dollar received today is worth more than a dollar received in the future due to the opportunity cost of not having the use of that dollar today. The net present value (NPV) of a cash flow represents the value of that cash flow in today's dollars, given the time value of money and the cost of capital.

The equations provided illustrate how the NPV of cash flows changes with time and the cost of capital. When the interest rate is fixed at 5%, the NPV of a one-year cash flow is greater than the NPV of a twenty-year cash flow. However, when the interest rate is adjusted using the slider, the NPV of the twenty-year cash flow changes more than the NPV of the one-year cash flow. This illustrates the principle that the longer the time horizon of an investment, the more sensitive it is to changes in the cost of capital.

In practical terms, this means that short-term investments are generally less risky than long-term investments because there is less uncertainty about future interest rates and cash flows. Long-term investments, on the other hand, offer the potential for greater returns but also carry greater risk due to their sensitivity to changes in the cost of capital over time. Understanding the time value of money and the impact of the cost of capital on cash flows is crucial for making informed investment decisions.

Learn more about net present value



which of the following is considered an operating expense? group of answer choices purchase of machinery for a new project purchase of toner for the copy machine purchase of land to build a new plant


The purchase of toner for the copy machine is considered an operating expense.

An operating expense refers to the ongoing costs of running a business. These expenses are essential for a company's day-to-day operations and include items such as rent, utilities, salaries, and office supplies like toner for the copy machine.

In contrast, the purchase of machinery for a new project and the purchase of land to build a new plant are considered capital expenditures, which are investments made to acquire or improve long-term assets.

While operating expenses are typically tax-deductible in the current year, capital expenditures are depreciated or amortized over time. Therefore, among the given choices, the purchase of toner for the copy machine is the operating expense.

To know more about operating expense click on below link:



a small publisher wishes to publish self-improvement books. after a survey of the market, the publisher finds that the average cost of the type of book that she wishes to sell is $12.80. if she wants to price her books to sell to the middle 80% range, what should be the miimum and maximum prices of the books? the standard deviation is $0.83


To price her books to sell to the middle 80% range, the publisher needs to set the minimum and maximum prices such that 10% of the prices fall below the minimum price and 10% of the prices exceed the maximum price. This leaves 80% of the prices in the middle range.

To find the minimum and maximum prices, we need to use the z-score formula:

z = (x - μ) / σ

where z is the z-score, x is the price, μ is the mean price, and σ is the standard deviation.

To find the z-score corresponding to the 10th and 90th percentiles, we consult a standard normal distribution table and find that:

z_10 = -1.28
z_90 = 1.28

Substituting the given values, we get:

-1.28 = (x - 12.80) / 0.83
1.28 = (x - 12.80) / 0.83

Solving for x, we get:

x = -1.28(0.83) + 12.80 = $11.72 (rounded to the nearest cent) for the minimum price
x = 1.28(0.83) + 12.80 = $13.88 (rounded to the nearest cent) for the maximum price

Therefore, the minimum price should be $11.72 and the maximum price should be $13.88 to sell to the middle 80% range.

Safeway Stores has installed dashboard computers in their trucks to monitor the delivery truck drivers as they work their routes. Safeway is checking on drivers to make sure they are working. This mistrust of employees derives from trust in the veracity of:
A. the Hawthorne effect
B. the Theory Z style of management
C. the Theory X style of management
D. the Theory Y style of management
E. scientific management


The mistrust of employees in this scenario derives from trust in the veracity of: the Theory X style of management.

Theory X is a management approach that assumes employees are inherently lazy and need constant supervision to ensure they are working. Managers who adopt this style believe that employees need to be closely monitored and controlled to maximize productivity.

In contrast, Theory Y assumes that employees are self-motivated and capable of working without direct supervision. Theory Z is a blend of American and Japanese management philosophies, emphasizing long-term employment, consensus decision-making, and job security.

The Hawthorne effect refers to the phenomenon where workers' productivity improves when they are aware they are being observed. Finally, scientific management is a management theory that analyzes and synthesizes workflows to improve efficiency.

In the case of Safeway Stores, the installation of dashboard computers to monitor truck drivers indicates a reliance on the Theory X style of management, which assumes that close monitoring and control of employees are necessary to ensure their productivity.

To know more about Theory X, refer here:



Complete question:

Safeway Stores has installed dashboard computers in their trucks to monitor the delivery truck drivers as they work their routes. Safeway is checking on drivers to make sure they are working. This mistrust of employees derives from trust in the veracity of:

A. the Hawthorne effect

B. the Theory Z style of management

C. the Theory X style of management

D. the Theory Y style of management

E. scientific management

a __________ committee of the governing body is responsible for developing corporate auditing policies and procedures.


Audit.An audit committee is a standing committee of the governing body of an organization, typically a corporation or nonprofit, that is responsible for overseeing the organization's financial reporting and auditing processes.

The audit committee is responsible for developing corporate auditing policies and procedures, selecting the external auditors, and ensuring that the audit process is conducted in an effective and independent manner.

The audit committee plays an important role in maintaining the integrity of an organization's financial reporting and ensuring that it is in compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The committee also provides oversight of the organization's internal controls and risk management processes, and may be involved in reviewing and approving significant financial transactions.

In addition to its oversight responsibilities, the audit committee may also provide advice and guidance to management on financial and accounting issues, and may serve as a liaison between management, the external auditors, and the governing body.

Learn more about Audit here:



A Audit Committee is a committee of the governing body responsible for developing corporate auditing policies and procedures. This committee is typically composed of members of the board of directors and senior executives from the organization.

The Audit Committee is responsible for reviewing the company's financial statements and internal controls, monitoring the quality and effectiveness of internal and external auditing, and overseeing the appointment and removal of independent auditors.

The primary role of the Audit Committee is to ensure that the organization is adhering to all applicable laws and regulations, as well as maintaining a high level of financial integrity.

This includes periodically reviewing the company's internal controls for accuracy, reliability, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

Additionally, the Audit Committee typically ensures that the organization's internal and external auditing processes are conducted in accordance with accepted auditing standards.

The Audit Committee is also responsible for reviewing the organization's financial statements and any related reports or disclosures. This can include reviewing and approving any changes to the company's accounting policies and practices.

Finally, the Audit Committee is responsible for overseeing the selection, appointment, and removal of independent auditors. This is to ensure that the organization is in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, and that the independent auditors are conducting their work in an independent and impartial manner.

Know more about Audit Committee here



A project has the following forecasted cash flows:
Cash Flows ($ thousands)
C0 C1 C2 C3
−190 +130 +150 +140
The estimated project beta is 1.58. The market return rm is 18%, and the risk-free rate rf is 5%.
a. Estimate the opportunity cost of capital and the project’s PV (using the same rate to discount each cash flow). (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your cost of capital answer as a percent and enter your PV answer in thousands. Round your answers to 2 decimal places.)
Cost of capital %
PV $
b. What are the certainty-equivalent cash flows in each year? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Enter your answers in thousands rounded to 2 decimal places.)
Year Certainty-Equivalent
Cash Flow
1 $
2 $
3 $
c. What is the ratio of the certainty-equivalent cash flow to the expected cash flow in each year? (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answers to 4 decimal places.)
Year Ratio
1 2 3


The present value of the project is $120.16 thousand.

a. To estimate the opportunity cost of capital, we need to use the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM):
Cost of capital = rf + beta * (rm - rf)
Cost of capital = 5% + 1.58 * (18% - 5%)
Cost of capital = 24.54%

To calculate the project's PV, we need to discount each cash flow using the cost of capital:
[tex]PV = C0 / (1 + r)^0 + C1 / (1 + r)^1 + C2 / (1 + r)^2 + C3 / (1 + r)^3\\PV = (-190) / (1 + 0.2454)^0 + 130 / (1 + 0.2454)^1 + 150 / (1 + 0.2454)^2 + 140 / (1 + 0.2454)^3[/tex]
PV = $120.16 thousand

b. To calculate the certainty-equivalent cash flows, we need to discount each cash flow using the risk-free rate:
Certainty-equivalent cash flow = [tex]Cash flow / (1 + rf)^n[/tex]

Year Certainty-Equivalent Cash Flow
1 $124.23 thousand
2 $115.47 thousand
3 $103.71 thousand

c. The ratio of the certainty-equivalent cash flow to the expected cash flow in each year is:
Year Ratio
1 0.9564
2 0.7695
3 0.6979

For more about present value:



If STC = 200 +2q+4q^2 and SMC = 2+8q where q is output, what is hte minimum level of average variable cost
a. 6
b. 0
c. 2
d. 8


To find the minimum level of average variable cost (AVC), we first need to find the total variable cost (TVC) function. The STC function given is:

STC = 200 + 2q + 4q^2

Since the total fixed cost (TFC) is the constant term, TFC = 200. We can find the TVC by subtracting TFC from STC:
TVC = STC - TFC = (200 + 2q + 4q^2) - 200 = 2q + 4q^2
Now, we can calculate AVC by dividing TVC by the output q:
AVC = TVC/q = (2q + 4q^2)/q = 2 + 4q
To find the minimum level of AVC, we need to find the first derivative of AVC with respect to q and set it equal to zero:
d(AVC)/dq = d(2 + 4q)/dq = 4
Since the derivative is a constant, AVC does not have a minimum value within the given options. So, none of the choices a, b, c, or d are correct.

Learn more about minimum here:



According to Caren Albarian, businesses should save time and money by simply reviewing each applicant's social media sites and disqualifying applicants based on what the company finds. When considering whether to enforce nondisclosure agreements, Courts will consider whether the information is truly secret.


The first statement is not recommended as a best practice for businesses to follow in their hiring process. Reviewing an applicant's social media sites may reveal information that is not relevant to their qualifications for the job and may expose the business to potential discrimination claims.

The second statement is generally accurate. When considering whether to enforce a nondisclosure agreement, courts will examine whether the information at issue qualifies for trade secret protection and whether the employer took reasonable steps to protect the information's secrecy.

If the information is found not to be truly secret or if the employer did not take adequate measures to safeguard its secrecy, the court may not enforce the nondisclosure agreement.

To know more about Hiring process:



The first statement is not recommended as a best practice for businesses to follow in their hiring process. Reviewing an applicant's social media sites may reveal information.

that is not relevant to their qualifications for the job and may expose the business to potential discrimination claims. The second statement is generally accurate. When considering whether to enforce a nondisclosure agreement, courts will examine whether the information at issue qualifies for trade secret protection and whether the employer took reasonable steps to protect the information's secrecy. If the information is found not to be truly secret or if the employer did not take adequate measures to safeguard its secrecy.

learn more about Hiring process here:



The call option gives the buyer of the option the right to buy the underlying asset at a set price during a set period of time. Pc True False Da WH


True is the correct answer.The call option gives the buyer of the option the right to buy the underlying asset at a set price during a set period of time.

A call option gives the buyer of the option the right to buy the underlying asset at a set price, known as the strike price, during a set period of time. This allows the option holder to benefit from potential price increases in the underlying asset without actually owning it.True is the correct answer.

For more such questions on buyer



Question is Complete:The 5 Principles that Form the Foundation of FinanceIn Chapter 1 we learned about the (5) principles that form the foundation of Finance. Immediately upon graduation with your MSA degree, you apply for a job in a for-profit company and the first question they ask you is to explain the meaning of the five principles that form the foundation of finance.


The five principles that form the foundation of Finance are: (1) cash flow is what matters, (2) money has a time value, (3) risk requires a reward, (4) market prices are generally right, and (5) conflicts of interest cause agency problems.

These principles provide a framework for understanding the fundamental concepts of finance and guide decision-making processes in financial management.

Understanding these principles is crucial for financial professionals as they help in assessing the financial viability of projects, evaluating investment opportunities, and managing risks associated with financial decision-making.

For more questions like Interest click the link below:



in organizations where projects are managed within a functional organization, the team member's area manager, not the project manager, is responsible for assessing performance. question 36 options: true false


The statement in organizations where projects are managed within a functional organization, the team member's area manager, not the project manager, is responsible for assessing performance"" is a true statement. This means that in a functional organization, the project manager may not have direct authority over the team members and may not be responsible for evaluating their performance. Instead, the area manager is responsible for assessing team members' performance and providing feedback to the project manager.

This can be both an advantage and a disadvantage for project managers. On the one hand, it allows them to focus on managing the project itself, rather than getting bogged down in evaluating individual team members. On the other hand, it can make it more difficult to ensure consistent performance across the team and may require more coordination between the project manager and area manager to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goals.

Overall, understanding the organizational structure of a company and who is responsible for assessing team member performance is important for effective project management.

Click the below link, to learn more about Assessing performance:



Greater wealth makes people _____________ willing to spend on consumption, causing __________ the economy's AD curve.
Select one:
A. more; movement down along
B. more; a rightward shift of
C. less; movement up along
D. less; a rightward shift of


The second choice that is B option is the greatest option in this case; a rightward shift.

What exactly is aggregate demand?

Aggregate demand (AD) or domestic final demand (DFD) is the entire demand for final products and services in an economy at a given period in macroeconomics. It is sometimes referred to as effective demand, however this word is not always used. This is the demand for a country's gross domestic product. It describes the quantity of goods and services to be acquired at each price level. The aggregate demand is made up of consumer spending, investment, business and government spending, and net exports.

To know about aggregate demand visit:



B. more; a rightward shift of

Greater wealth generally makes people more willing to spend on consumption, which increases the aggregate demand (AD) for goods and services in the economy. This results in a rightward shift of the AD curve, indicating an increase in the overall level of demand in the economy at each price level. The rightward shift of the AD curve represents an increase in the quantity of goods and services demanded at every price level.

Learn more about more here:



The Forever Happy Floral Company included on their income statement an amount of $45,000 for depreciation expense. What is unique about depreciation expense?
A. It does not have any effect on net income.
B. none of the above.
C. It is a noncash expense.
D. It is used to account for obsolete inventory which must be written off.
E. It is a part of cost of goods sold in a service company’s income statement.


The Forever Happy Floral Company included on their income statement an amount of $45,000 for depreciation expense. The unique about depreciation expense, is a c. noncash expense.

Depreciation expense represents the decrease in value of a company's assets over time due to wear and tear or obsolescence. However, it does not involve any actual cash transactions. This noncash nature of depreciation expense differentiates it from other expenses that directly affect the company's cash flow. It also has an impact on net income, as depreciation is subtracted from revenues to determine the company's net income. However, it does not affect the cash flow statement, because it is simply an allocation of the asset's cost over its useful life.

Depreciation expense is not used to account for obsolete inventory (Option D), nor is it a part of cost of goods sold in a service company's income statement (Option E). Option A and Option B are incorrect, as depreciation does have an effect on net income and there is a unique aspect of depreciation mentioned above. The Forever Happy Floral Company included on their income statement an amount of $45,000 for depreciation expense. The unique about depreciation expense, is a c. noncash expense.

Learn more about depreciation expense at:



Problem 7-1 Stock Values [LO 1] Fowler, Inc., just paid a dividend of $265 per share on its stock. The dividends are expected to grow at a constant rate of 6 percent per year, indefinitely. Assume investors require a return of 10 percent on this stock. a. What is the current price? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answer to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) b. What will the price be in five years and in fourteen years? (Do not round intermediate calculations and round your answers to 2 decimal places, e.g., 32.16.) a. Current price _______b. Price in five years Price in fourteen years_______


a) the current price of the stock is $6,625.

b)the price of the stock in five years is $412.92. &  the price of the stock in fourteen years is $944.34.

a. To find the current price of the stock, we can use the formula for the present value of a growing perpetuity:

Current price = Dividend / (Required return - Growth rate)

Current price = $265 / (0.10 - 0.06)

Current price = $6,625

b. To find the price of the stock in five years, we can use the formula for the future value of a growing perpetuity:

Price in 5 years = Dividend x (1 + Growth rate)^n / (Required return - Growth rate)

Price in 5 years = $265 x (1 + 0.06)^5 / (0.10 - 0.06)

Price in 5 years = $412.92

To find the price of the stock in fourteen years, we can use the same formula:

Price in 14 years = Dividend x (1 + Growth rate)^n / (Required return - Growth rate)

Price in 14 years = $265 x (1 + 0.06)^14 / (0.10 - 0.06)

Price in 14 years = $944.34

.For more such questions on stock



market failure group of answer choices never occurs. occurs whenever an imperfection in the market mechanism prevents optimal outcomes. occurs whenever the government pursues laissez-faire policies. occurs whenever the government intervenes in the market mechanism.


Market failure occurs whenever an imperfection in the market mechanism prevents optimal outcomes.

Market failure refers to a situation where the free market fails to allocate resources efficiently, resulting in suboptimal outcomes. This situation occurs whenever an imperfection in the market mechanism prevents optimal outcomes.

Externalities occur when the production or consumption of a good or service affects a third party who is not involved in the transaction. Public goods are goods or services that are non-excludable and non-rivalrous, meaning that they cannot be withheld from anyone and do not diminish in quantity when consumed.

The government can intervene in the market mechanism in several ways, including price controls, subsidies, taxes, and regulation.

For example, the government can impose taxes on goods that have negative externalities to discourage their consumption or provide subsidies to promote the consumption of goods with positive externalities.

for more such question on Market failure



Draw a budget constraint for an individual who has to decide how many hours to work in a year. Assume that the maximum number of hours of labor in a year is 4,000 (2 full-time jobs) and that this worker can earn $10 an hour. Draw an initial indifference curve that represents selecting 2,500 hours of work a year.
(a) Label earnings at this point on the budget constraint.
(b) The EITC offers an income subsidy to low-income workers with children. For a family with two children, this tax credit is 40% for all earnings up to $10,510. The credit reaches its maximum here, at $4,204. Families that earn between $10,510 and $14,730 receive this credit as a lump sum. Families that earn above $14,730 lose 21.06 cents of the credit for each dollar they earn above $14,730. Assuming that this worker has two children, illustrate the impact of this credit on the budget constraint.
(c) How would the effect on hours of labor differ if the individual initially did not work?


Molly's financial constraint shifts to the right as a result of her increased work availability. She has 3,000 hours left and can now earn up to $30,000. Since her children are now enrolled in school full-time, Molly has 3,000 hours open to allocate between work.

She can earn $30,000 if she works 3.000 hours a year. She now has a lot more free time and potential income as a result. The budget constraint will expand and become more severe because Molly can now earn more per hour worked due to the rising opportunity cost of leisure time.

The increased maximum income allowed under the new financial restrictions will be seen at any given degree of leisure. Since her situation has drastically changed, Molly pursues a When the number of free hours is little, the slope of the budget constraint is -6, and when the number of free hours When the number of hours of free time is little, the slope of the budget constraint is -6, and when it is big, it is 10. This is accurate because, whenever the free time is limited, he will be working the second job.

To know more about Financial visit:



which of the following is true of businesses with negative customer value? select one: a. they produce higher levels of pre-tax return on investment. b. they tend to gain market share. c. they have great difficulty in retaining customers. d. their value propositions are average. e. their performance benefits exceed the cost of purchase.


The true statement about negative customer value is they have great difficulty in retaining customers. The correct option is C.

Negative customer value occurs when a business offers products or services that do not meet the needs or expectations of their customers. This can happen for a variety of reasons, such as poor quality, high prices, inadequate customer service, or a lack of features that customers desire.

When customers are not satisfied with a product or service, they are more likely to switch to a competitor or simply stop using the product altogether. As a result, businesses with negative customer value tend to have high rates of customer churn, meaning that they lose customers at a faster rate than they acquire new ones.

This can be problematic for the long-term success of the business, as customer retention is key to maintaining a stable revenue stream and achieving profitability over time. Moreover, negative customer experiences can also lead to negative word-of-mouth, which can harm the brand reputation and further reduce the potential for customer acquisition.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about the customer value https://brainly.com/question/13735743


a senator leaves office and takes a position as a lobbyist for the farming industry. this is an example of


A senator leaves office and takes a position as a lobbyist for the farming industry. this is an example of the revolving door phenomenon in politics.

The revolving door phenomenon in politics, where people alternate between employment with the government and positions in the private sector like lobbying, consulting, or advocacy. In this situation, the senator's decision to leave office and work as a lobbyist for the agricultural sector raises the possibility of a conflict of interest because they might use their connections and influence in politics to advance the interests of their new employer.

Concerns about the possibility of corruption and unethical behavior have been raised by this contentious practice.

Learn more about senator at:



Two currency dealers gave me the following rates.
Dealer A: 0.80 pounds/euro
1.50 dollars/pound
Dealer B: 0.85 euro/dollar
I can borrow up to 5 million British pounds. If I borrow the full amount (5 million
pounds) and first convert them into euro, then convert my euros into dollar, and then
finally convert my dollars back into pounds, will I make money


Yes, you can make money through this process, known as arbitrage. Arbitrage allows taking advantage of the different exchange rates offered by two dealers to gain profit by a sequence of currency conversions.

Here's a breakdown of the transactions:

Borrow 5 million British pounds.Convert pounds to euros using Dealer A's rate: 5,000,000 pounds x 0.80 pounds/euro = 4,000,000 euros.Convert euros to dollars using Dealer B's rate: 4,000,000 euros x 0.85 euro/dollar = 3,400,000 dollars.Convert dollars back to pounds using Dealer A's rate: 3,400,000 dollars / 1.50 dollars/pound = 2,266,667 pounds.

After completing these transactions, you will have gained 266,667 pounds (2,266,667 - 5,000,000). This profit is made possible through exploiting the differences in exchange rates offered by the two currency dealers.

Learn more about currency: https://brainly.com/question/24373500


which of the following is an example of vertical integration within a firm? u.s. steel owns coal mines, smelts iron ore using coal it extracts from those mines, and uses that iron ore to manufacture steel. ibm buys computer chips from intel, which allows it to concentrate on manufacturing computers. general motors and ford both buy tires from the same tire manufacturer.


An example of vertical integration within a firm is U.S. Steel owning coal mines, smelting iron ore using coal it extracts from those mines, and using that iron ore to manufacture steel. Option A is correct.

Vertical integration refers to the integration of different stages of production or distribution under a single company's control to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and increase profits. In this example, U.S. Steel has vertically integrated by owning and controlling the inputs to its production process, namely coal and iron ore, as well as the manufacturing of steel.

On the other hand, IBM buying computer chips from Intel is an example of outsourcing or vertical disintegration, as IBM is buying a component from a specialized supplier instead of producing it in-house. General Motors and Ford both buying tires from the same tire manufacturer is also an example of outsourcing or vertical disintegration, as they are both buying a component from a specialized supplier instead of producing it in-house.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Learn more about vertical integration https://brainly.com/question/31325331


The factory owner is not in the habit of fraternizing ------ his workers


"not in the habit of fraternizing" implies that the factory owner does not socialize or interact on a personal level with his workers.

This can have various implications on the workplace culture and employee morale. On one hand, it can create a professional boundary and ensure that the owner is seen as a figure of authority and not a friend or colleague.

On the other hand, it may lead to a lack of connection and understanding between the owner and employees, potentially causing communication barriers or misunderstandings.

Ultimately, it depends on the specific context and dynamics of the factory and its workforce.

To know more about fraternizing click on below link :



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