the main difference between shi’ite ""twelvers"" & ""seveners"" was over_____.


Answer 1

The main difference between Shi'ite "Twelvers" and "Seveners" was over the succession of their respective Imams.

Twelvers, also known as Ithna Ashariyya, believe in the succession of twelve divinely ordained Imams, with the last Imam being in occultation until his eventual return as the Mahdi. On the other hand, Seveners, also known as Ismailis, believe in a line of seven Imams, with the seventh Imam designating his successor and passing the Imamate down through the generations. The split occurred after the death of the sixth Imam, Jafar al-Sadiq, when the two groups had differing beliefs about who should be the rightful seventh Imam.

To know more about islam -


Related Questions

memorizing your entire speech is a good strategy for reducing public speaking anxiety. true or false


The statement "Memorizing your entire speech is a good strategy for reducing public speaking anxiety" is false because memorizing can actually increase anxiety and lead to a decrease in the quality of your presentation.

When you memorize your entire speech, you are more likely to become fixated on memorizing the words instead of focusing on the message you are trying to convey. This can lead to a robotic delivery that lacks authenticity and connection with the audience.

Additionally, if you forget a word or phrase during your presentation, it can cause a cascade of anxiety and self-doubt, leading to a decrease in confidence and an increase in anxiety. Instead, it is helpful to memorize the key points or main ideas of your speech and practice your delivery until you are comfortable with the material.

To know more about anxiety


kenzie is a 17-year-old girl who has a well thought out plan for what she wants to major in during college. she has used her time well to gain experience in the community and excel in her schoolwork. she is in advanced classes at school and is in leadership roles in the clubs she belongs to. what area of kenzie's brain has made advances in development? question 1 options: a) prefrontal cortex b) occipital lobe c) brain stem d) limbic system


Based on the information provided in the question, it is likely that Kenzie's prefrontal cortex has made advances in development. Option A is correct.

The prefrontal cortex is responsible for decision-making, planning, and goal-setting, all of which are skills that Kenzie has demonstrated through her well thought out plan for college, her involvement in the community, and her academic achievements.

The prefrontal cortex is one of the last areas of the brain to fully develop, and this process continues well into young adulthood. As a result, it is not uncommon for teenagers and young adults to struggle with decision-making and planning. However, Kenzie's ability to excel in these areas suggests that her prefrontal cortex is developing at an advanced rate.

It is important to note that brain development is a complex process and is influenced by a variety of factors, including genetics, environment, and experiences. While Kenzie's prefrontal cortex may be developing at an advanced rate, it is also possible that other areas of her brain are developing at a slower rate or may require more attention and support.

Overall, the information provided suggests that Kenzie's prefrontal cortex has made advances in development, which may contribute to her success in planning for her future and excelling in her academic and community endeavors.

Thus option A is correct.

For more such questions on prefrontal cortex


sending and receiving ambassadors, negotiating treaties and executive agreements are examples of the president’s:


Sending and receiving ambassadors, negotiating treaties, and executive agreements are examples of the President's powers related to foreign policy and international relations.

The President, as the head of the executive branch of the US government, has broad powers and responsibilities in foreign affairs, including the authority to negotiate treaties with foreign governments, receive and appoint ambassadors, and enter into executive agreements with other countries without the approval of the Senate.

In addition, the President has the authority to conduct diplomacy and engage with foreign leaders in order to advance US interests and encourage international collaboration.

The US Constitution and numerous federal statutes offer the President these authorities, which have historically been utilised by Presidents to establish US foreign policy and advance American interests on the global arena.

For such more question on ambassadors:


Sending and receiving ambassadors, negotiating treaties, and executive agreements are examples of the president's foreign policy powers.

These powers are granted by the Constitution and allow the president to conduct diplomacy with foreign countries and represent the United States on the global stage. The president's ability to negotiate and sign treaties is subject to the advice and consent of the Senate, while executive agreements do not require Senate approval but still hold the force of law. Overall, the president's foreign policy powers are crucial for maintaining diplomatic relationships and promoting U.S. interests abroad.

The supreme law of the United States of America is found in its Constitution. In 1789, it replaced the Articles of Confederation, which served as the country's original constitution. It defines the national context and legislative restraints, originally consisting of seven articles.

To know more about Constitution , click here:


this school of hindu philosophy believes the physical world is an illusion


The school of Hindu philosophy that believes the physical world is an illusion is Advaita Vedanta.

Advaita Vedanta is a school of philosophy within Hinduism that means non-dualistic end of the Vedas in Sanskrit. It is primarily associated with the philosopher Shankara and his commentary on the Upanishads. Advaita Vedanta asserts that the physical world is an illusion (maya) and that Brahman, the ultimate reality, is the only true existence.

According to this philosophy, everything in the physical world is temporary and constantly changing and is therefore not ultimately real. Instead, it is believed that the individual self (atman) and the ultimate reality (Brahman) are one and the same, and that the goal of human existence is to realize this truth and attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death (samsara).

To know more about Advaita Vedanta


A type of decoration used in metalwork and some woodwork in which small pieces are fitted into carved recesses.


The type of decoration that is used in metalwork and some woodwork where small pieces are fitted into carved recesses is called inlay. This technique can also be used in other materials such as porcelain, stoneware, and earthenware. However, it may require different methods and tools depending on the material being used.

You are referring to the decorative method known as inlay, which entails embedding tiny bits of one material, like metal, into a surface composed of another material, like wood. Pottery and other clay-based art frequently use ceramic materials like porcelain, stoneware, and earthenware. Ceramics fired at high temperatures and recognized for their strength and translucency include porcelain. Another type of ceramic, stoneware, is fired at a slightly lower temperature than porcelain and is more opaque and durable. The least durable and most porous of the three ceramic kinds, earthenware is usually fired at a lower temperature than stoneware or porcelain.

Learn more about stoneware here:


The type of decoration used in metalwork and some woodwork in which small pieces are fitted into carved recesses is called "inlay."

This technique involves precisely carving recesses into a surface and then fitting in small decorative pieces made of various materials, such as metal, wood, or even stones. These pieces are carefully placed into the recesses to create intricate patterns and designs, decorations.

To know more decoration  metalwork carved recesses


civil law concerns: a. duties that exist between persons or between citizens and governments. b. wrongs committed against the public as a whole. c. both a and b. d. none of the above.


Civil law concerns duties that exist between persons or between citizens and governments.

The area of law known as civil law is responsible for resolving non-criminal conflicts between people, businesses, and governments. Contractual violations, property disputes, family law issues, and personal injury claims are a few examples of the types of problems that may arise.

Instead of focusing on the punishment of wrongs done against society as a whole (which is covered by criminal law), civil law concentrates on the resolution of conflicts between parties. In civil law disputes, the plaintiff asks the defendant for monetary damages or other forms of restitution for losses incurred as a result of the defendant's conduct or inactions.

To learn more about civil law, refer to:


The popular media implies that gangs and gang members are ethnically and racially diverse. Is this a true or false statement?


The statement that gangs and gang members are ethnically and racially diverse is true.

Gangs can be found in various communities and consist of members from different racial and ethnic backgrounds. This diversity can be influenced by factors such as location, cultural influences, and socio-economic conditions.

Location: Gangs can be found in various communities, ranging from urban to rural areas, and can be formed by individuals from different racial and ethnic backgrounds.

The geographical location of a gang can significantly impact its composition in terms of ethnicity and race. For example, in urban areas with diverse populations, gangs may consist of members from different racial and ethnic groups, reflecting the demographics of the surrounding community.

Cultural influences: Cultural influences can also play a role in shaping the diversity of gangs. Gangs may form based on shared cultural identities, such as race or ethnicity, and can provide a sense of belonging and identity for their members.

In some cases, gangs may form along racial or ethnic lines as a way to protect and promote their cultural identity, or as a response to discrimination or social marginalization faced by a particular group.

Socio-economic conditions: Socio-economic conditions can also influence the diversity of gangs. Gang involvement is often associated with socio-economic disadvantage, and individuals from different racial and ethnic backgrounds can be drawn to gangs as a means of economic opportunity or as a way to escape poverty or other challenging circumstances.

Socio-economic disparities can affect different racial and ethnic groups disproportionately, and this can be reflected in the diversity of gangs in terms of ethnicity and race.

To learn more about disparities, refer below:


in classical conditioning, when the us is removed and the cs is presented alone for a period of time, what will occur?


In classical conditioning, when the US (unconditioned stimulus) is removed and the CS (conditioned stimulus) is presented alone for a period of time, a process called "extinction" occurs.

This means that the previously learned association between the CS and the US gradually weakens, and the CS no longer elicits the same response.

For example, if a bell tone was previously associated with food (US) and caused a dog to salivate (CR), but then the food was no longer presented after the bell, the dog would eventually stop salivating to the bell tone alone.

However, it is important to note that even after extinction has occurred, the association between the CS and the US can sometimes be reactivated through a process called spontaneous recovery, which means that the previously learned response can briefly reappear in response to the CS.

For more such questions on US and CS


in what way do counties most closely resemble general law cities? quizzlet


Counties most closely resemble general law cities in terms of their legal status and authority.

Specifically, counties, like general law cities, are considered "creatures of the state" and are therefore subject to state laws and regulations.

They are also governed by an elected board of supervisors, which is similar to the city council in a general law city.

Additionally, counties and general law cities both have the authority to provide a range of public services, including law enforcement, public health, and social services.

However, there are also significant differences between counties and general law cities in terms of their size, scope, and responsibilities.

Counties typically cover much larger geographic areas than general law cities and are responsible for providing services to unincorporated areas and rural communities in addition to urban areas.

learn more about Law here:


the correct combination of motivation, feedback and capacity are known as the:


The correct combination of motivation, feedback, and capacity is known as the "performance equation."

The following is a representation of the equation: Performance is equal to capacity x feedback x motivation.

Each of these elements is crucial in defining a person's degree of performance. A person's drive or desire to perform well is referred to as motivation. Information and advice concerning a person's performance is referred to as feedback.

A person's capacity is referred to as their ability to complete the work in light of their abilities, resources, and knowledge. Effectively combining these variables increases the likelihood that people will perform at their peak.

For such more question on motivation:


after his election as governor, dan moody set a record for the number of proposed bills that he was able to get passed through the legislature and sign into law. a) true b) false


The given statement "after his election as governor, dan moody set a record for the number of proposed bills that he was able to get passed through the legislature and sign into law" is true because Dan Moody was the governor of Texas from 1927 to 1931. The correct options is "A"

Moody was able to have a record number of proposed measures enacted via the legislature and signed into law during his tenure as governor. Moody was recognized for his progressive ideas and willingness to challenge powerful state interests.

During his presidency, he oversaw the formation of the state's first public junior college system, the establishment of a state board of education, and the tightening of anti-trust laws.

The correct answer is "A"

To know more about election, click here.


in the english language, /d/ and /k/ are examples of.


Examples of phonemes in the English language are /d/ and /k/. Using words that vary from each other simply by one sound, or minimum pairings, makes it simple to pinpoint phonemes in a language.

The smallest unit of spoken language, or phoneme, is what gives words their respective meanings. A phoneme is a sound used in speaking. It is the smallest sound unit that separates one word from another. As sounds cannot be written, we employ letters to stand in for or symbolize them.

One sound is represented in writing by a grapheme, which can be a single letter or a group of characters. A minimum pair of words is separated by phonemes, which are sounds. After delivering a speech, for instance, you could hear applause or jeers. Phonemes are another name for spoken sounds.

Learn more about english language Visit:


In the English language, /d/ and /k/ are examples of consonant sounds. Consonant sounds are produced by obstructing or restricting the airflow through the vocal tract.

This obstruction or restriction can occur at different points in the vocal tract, such as the lips, teeth, tongue, or throat. In the case of /d/, the obstruction occurs when the tip of the tongue touches the roof of the mouth, creating a brief interruption of the airflow. In the case of /k/, the obstruction occurs when the back of the tongue touches the soft palate, creating a more complete blockage of the airflow. Consonant sounds are important for distinguishing between words in English and other languages, and they play a key role in the formation of syllables and the rhythm of spoken language.

Thus, the given sounds are examples of consonants.

To know more about Consonant sounds, click here:


in the _____ _____ attack the user supplied input is used to construct a sql request to retrieve information from a database


In the SQL Injection attack, the user-supplied input is used to construct a SQL request to retrieve information from a database.

In a SQL injection attack, a malicious user supplies a contribution to a web application that isn't as expected disinfected or approved, which can bring about the execution of erratic SQL code on the fundamental data set. This can permit the assailant to recover delicate information, adjust or erase information, or even assume command over the whole data set. To forestall SQL injection assaults, it is critical to appropriately approve and disinfect all client input prior to involving it in SQL questions.

Learn more about SQL Injection attack:


In the SQL injection attack the user supplied input is used to construct a SQL request to retrieve information from a database.

A online security flaw known as SQL injection (SQLi) enables an attacker to tamper with database queries that an application makes. In most cases, it enables an attacker to view data that they would not typically be able to access. Other users' data or any other data that the application itself has access to may fall under this category. In many instances, an attacker can update or remove this data, permanently altering the application's behavior or content.

Passwords, credit card numbers, and other sensitive data can be improperly accessed as a result of a successful SQL injection attack. SQL injection attacks have been the cause of numerous high-profile data breaches in recent years, which have resulted in reputational harm and legal penalties. In some circumstances, an attacker can gain access to a persistent backdoor, which can result in a long-term breach that can go undetected for a long time.

To know more about SQL injection (SQLi)


a sixth-grade teacher recognizes that during her lesson on the human body, many students are not paying attention and one student has fallen asleep. the most appropriate actions for the teacher to take would be to


Moving on to a different activity that keeps the students engaged and reevaluating the lesson's effectiveness at a later time would be the teacher's most appropriate course of action.

Questions-and-answer sessions, discussions, interactive lectures in which students respond to or ask questions, short writing assignments, hands-on activities, and experiential learning are all examples of strategies.

If a teacher is unable to answer a student's question, he or she should state that they will consult.

The teacher facilitates collaborative study by providing the rich learning environments and experiences required. The educator likewise is expected to go about as an aide - a job that consolidates intercession, demonstrating, and instructing. Frequently the educator likewise is a co-student and co-specialist with the understudies.

To learn more about students engaged here


common barriers to entry for both Monopoly and Oligopoly.



These barriers include economies of scale that lead to natural monopoly; control of a physical resource; legal restrictions on competition; patent, trademark, and copyright protection; and practices to intimidate the competition like predatory pricing.

a cause of behavior that is assumed to lie outside the person is termed a(n) cause. question 7 options: a) inferential b) active c) cognitive d) external


A cause of behavior that is assumed to lie outside the person is termed an external cause. The correct option is "D".

External causes refer to factors or circumstances that are outside of an individual's control and are believed to have caused or influenced their behavior. This could include things like environmental factors, social situations, or physical conditions.

In contrast, internal causes refer to factors that are believed to originate within the individual, such as their thoughts, emotions, or personality traits.It's important to consider both internal and external causes when trying to understand behavior, as both can play a significant role in shaping an individual's actions and reactions.

The correct option is "D".

To know more about behavior, click here.


what is the capital of japan??

hola ppl~
koii h ​



Sis. TOKYO is the capital of JAPAN...(✿^‿^)(✿^‿^)!!!!!

1. Spanish representative in the colonies (Studies weekly crossword week 21 5th grade)


Viceroy (virrey) was the title given to the senior rulers of Spain's American colonies, as well as the governors of peninsular Spain's "kingdoms" (reinos) (e.g., Aragon, Valencia).

Who established the Spanish colonies?

During his second voyage in 1493, Columbus established Isabela, the first permanent Spanish foothold in the New World, on Hispaniola. Following the discovery of significant amounts of gold nearby, the Spanish quickly overran the island, spreading to Puerto Rico in 1508, Jamaica in 1509, and Cuba in 1511. After 1550, the two main locations of Spanish colonisation were Mexico and Peru, the sites of the indigenous Aztec and Inca civilizations.

To know about spanish colonies visit:


According to research, which country is reported has having a relatively low prevalence of bullying? A) Sweden B) Russia C) United States D) Germany


According to research, Sweden is reported to have a relatively low prevalence of bullying, thus correct option is option A.

The Olweus Bullying Prevention Program, developed in Norway in the 1980s and widely used in Sweden, has been credited with reducing bullying rates in Swedish schools. The program emphasizes school-wide efforts to promote a positive school climate, increase adult supervision and intervention, and provide social skills training for students.

Research studies have consistently found that Sweden has lower rates of bullying than many other countries, including the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. However, it is worth noting that bullying remains a significant problem in Sweden and elsewhere, and more efforts are needed to prevent and address it.

Some experts also caution that cross-cultural differences in the definition and measurement of bullying can make comparisons between countries challenging.

Overall, reducing bullying requires a multifaceted approach that involves not only schools but also families, communities, and society as a whole. By promoting positive relationships, empathy, and respect for diversity, we can create safer and more supportive environments for all individuals.

Learn more about bullying at


According to research, Sweden (A) is reported as having a relatively low prevalence of bullying compared to the other countries listed.

Bullying is defined as any unwelcome hostile behavior(s) by another adolescent or group of youths who are not siblings or current dating partners, including an observed or perceived power imbalance, that is repeated several times or is highly likely to be repeated.

Finally, there are various causes of bullying, including fury, increasing anger, vengeance, jealously, and the need to be in charge. Bullying, on the other hand, has a number of negative consequences, including self-destructive behaviors, the development of anxious habits, and the chance of acquiring anxiety, depression, or both.

To read more about Sweden click here


eight-year-old terry's performance on an intelligence test is at a level characteristic of an average five-year-old. terry's mental age is:


If Terry's performance on an intelligence test is at a level characteristic of an average five-year-old, but Terry is actually eight years old, then Terry's mental age is five years old.

Mental age is a concept used in intelligence testing to describe an individual's cognitive development relative to others of the same age. It is determined by comparing an individual's performance on an intelligence test to the performance of individuals in different age groups. In this case, Terry's mental age is determined by the level of performance that is characteristic of five-years-old, which is the age group that Terry's performance is most similar to.

Mental age is a useful concept for assessing an individual's cognitive development and potential, and for comparing performance across different age groups. However, it is important to note that mental age is just one aspect of intelligence, and that there are other factors that contribute to overall intellectual functioning.

To know more about mental age


carole is a healthy teenager. she is able to resist illness despite being severely stressed at times. she believes that change is normal and can face adverse situations well. psychologists would say that carole:


Psychologists would likely describe Carole as having a resilient mindset and a positive coping mechanism, which enables her to manage stress effectively and maintain good mental and physical health.

Resilience refers to an individual's ability to adapt and bounce back from adversity, trauma, or significant stress. It involves maintaining mental and emotional well-being in the face of challenges, setbacks, or difficult circumstances.

Resilient individuals often possess strong problem-solving skills, a positive outlook, and effective coping strategies. They view change as a normal part of life and are better equipped to navigate through difficult situations.

Resilience is considered a valuable trait that can promote psychological and physical health, allowing individuals like Carole to thrive even in challenging circumstances.

Learn more about Resilience here:


in order to improve his tennis skills teenager x plays against those who are better than himself. which theorist might be interested in this little scenario?


To improve his tennis skills, teenager x plays against people who are better than him. Jean Piaget theorists might be interested in this little scenario. Here option D is the correct answer.

Jean Piaget might be interested in the scenario of a teenager playing against those who are better than himself to improve his tennis skills. According to Piaget's theory of cognitive development, individuals progress through different stages of cognitive development, which are characterized by distinct ways of thinking and understanding the world around them.

Piaget believed that children actively construct their knowledge through their experiences with the world, and that cognitive development is driven by the need to adapt to new experiences. In the scenario presented, the teenager is actively seeking out new experiences by playing against those who are better than him, in an effort to improve his tennis skills. This aligns with Piaget's theory, as the teenager is actively constructing his knowledge through his experiences with the game.

Additionally, Piaget believed that social interaction plays an important role in cognitive development, as it provides individuals with the opportunity to learn from others and expand their understanding of the world. In the scenario presented, the teenager is engaging in social interaction by playing against others, who may be able to offer him new insights and strategies for improving his game.

To learn more about Jean Piaget


Complete question:

In order to improve his tennis skills teenager x plays against those who are better than himself. which theorist might be interested in this little scenario?

A) Abraham Maslow

B) Lev Vygotsky

C) Erik Erikson

D) Jean Piaget

the concept that factors outside the conscious control of individuals, chiefly the social organization of society and/or the environment, influence or determine behavior is called


The concept that factors outside the conscious control of individuals, chiefly the social organization of society and/or the environment, influence or determine behavior is called determinism.

This idea contends that a person's behaviour is influenced by a variety of internal and external elements, such as cultural, social, economic, and environmental circumstances, as well as their own free will.

Determinism refers to the idea that actions are influenced or determined by external forces, primarily the social structure of society and/or the environment.

Determinism can be applied to a variety of disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, and philosophy. It can be viewed as a response to individualism and the emphasis on personal choice and accountability.

For such more question on social organization:


true or false: the behavioral risk factor surveillance system (brfss) is an example of an ongoing cross-sectional study. group of answer choices true false


The answer is true - the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an example of an ongoing cross-sectional study. A cross-sectional study is a type of observational study that involves collecting data from a single point in time on a group of individuals who share a common characteristic, such as age, gender, or geographic location. In a cross-sectional study, data is collected at a single time point, rather than over a period of time.

The BRFSS is an ongoing cross-sectional study that has been conducted annually since 1984 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The purpose of the BRFSS is to collect data on a range of health-related behaviors and risk factors, including smoking, physical activity, and nutrition. The study is conducted through telephone interviews with a representative sample of adults in each state, as well as the District of Columbia and U.S. territories.

The BRFSS is an important tool for public health researchers and policymakers, as it provides valuable data on the prevalence of various health-related behaviors and risk factors across different populations. By collecting data in a cross-sectional manner, the BRFSS can provide a snapshot of the current state of public health in a given population, as well as track changes in behavior and risk factors over time.

While cross-sectional studies like the BRFSS have several advantages, such as their relatively low cost and the ability to collect data quickly, there are also some limitations to this study design. One potential limitation is that it can be difficult to establish cause-and-effect relationships between variables, as the data is collected at a single point in time. Additionally, cross-sectional studies may be subject to selection bias, as certain individuals may be more likely to participate in the study than others.

In conclusion, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an example of an ongoing cross-sectional study. This study design is useful for collecting data on health-related behaviors and risk factors in a specific population, and provides valuable insights into the current state of public health. However, it is important to recognize the limitations of cross-sectional studies, and to interpret the results with caution.

Click the below link, to learn more about Cross-sectional study:


the ability for employees to do interesting and challenging work at zappos satisfies which of maslow's hierarchy of needs? safety self-actualization social physiological


The ability for employees to do interesting and challenging work at Zappos satisfies Maslow's hierarchy of needs at the self-actualization level.

Self-actualization refers to the desire to achieve one's full potential, to become everything one is capable of becoming. Interesting and challenging work provides employees with opportunities to learn, grow, and develop their skills, which can contribute to a sense of personal fulfillment and self-realization. In Maslow's hierarchy, self-actualization is the highest level of need, which can only be reached after more basic needs such as physiological, safety, social, and esteem needs have been satisfied. Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a theory in psychology that suggests that human beings have different levels of needs that must be met in a hierarchical order. The theory posits that individuals must satisfy their lower-level needs (physiological, safety, social, and esteem) before they can focus on fulfilling higher-level needs (self-actualization).

learn more about self-actualization here:


stanley is middle-aged. he decides to write his life history for his grandchildren to learn from his life. stanley is developing a generative commitment that produces:


Stanley is middle-aged man who decides to write his life history for his grandchildren to learn from his life. Stanley is developing a generative commitment that produces - Generative Actions.

The goal of generative actions is to advance others into adulthood while promoting our own development. Generativity aims to instill in others the ability to create, generate, or produce what is significant to them.

Hence, it can be concluded that  Stanley is developing a generative commitment that produces Generative actions.

What exactly is the definition of generativity?

Generativity is the proclivity and desire to participate in behaviours that benefit the well-being of future generations in order to ensure the species' long-term existence.

To know more about Generativity visit:


the city that replaced baghad as the greatest muslim city and the focus of trade was a. damascus. b. jerusalem. c. cairo. d. alexandria. e. medina.


The city that replaced Baghdad as the greatest Muslim city and the focus of trade was Cairo. The correct option is c. cario.

Cairo became the new center of the Islamic world during the Fatimid dynasty, which ruled from the 10th to the 12th century. Under their rule, Cairo became a thriving cultural and economic center, attracting scholars, merchants, and travelers from all over the world. The Fatimids were known for their patronage of the arts, and Cairo became famous for its beautiful mosques, palaces, and public buildings.

Cairo was also strategically located on the trade routes between Asia and Europe, which made it an important center of commerce. Its bustling markets and bazaars were filled with goods from all over the world, including spices, textiles, and precious metals. The city's location on the Nile River also made it a major hub for transportation and communication.

Overall, Cairo's rich cultural heritage, economic prosperity, and strategic location made it a worthy successor to Baghdad as the greatest Muslim city and the focus of trade in the Islamic world. The correct option is c. cario.

For more about Cairo:


martin observes that while his older brother is playing basketball that if he dribbles it through his legs the other kids cannot steal the ball from him. however, martin is not yet able to dribble the ball that way. based on what you know about the necessary requirements for social learning to occur, which of the four processes will prevent martin from imitating his brother's behavior?


Motor behavior- is one of the 4 processes that will prevent martin from imitating his brother's behavior.

According to the question, Martin notices that when his elder brother is playing basketball, the other kids can't grab the ball from him if he dribbles it through his legs. Martin can't dribble the ball that way yet, though.

What is motor production?

Motor behavior comprises every sort of movement from involuntary twitches to goal-directed activities, in every area of the body from head to toe, in every physical and social environment from solitary play to group interactions.

Hence, motor behavior will stop Martin from acting in the same manner as his brother.

To know more about Motor behavior visit:


woolly mammoths killed by paleo-hunters in the new world are usually associated (and were killed with) which kind of weapon


Woolly mammoths that were killed by paleo-hunters in the New World are usually associated with being killed using spears. This is because spears were the most common weapon used during the time period when these mammoths were hunted.

Why were Woolly mammoths hunted?

Spears were effective because they allowed hunters to keep their distance from the mammoths while still being able to deliver a lethal blow.

Additionally, the long shaft of the spear allowed for more force to be applied to the mammoth's body, increasing the chances of a successful kill.

These weapons were sharp, fluted projectile points made of stone and attached to wooden shafts, allowing the hunters to efficiently target and kill the large mammals.

To know more about Woolly mammoths visit:


which traffic pattern departure procedure should a manned pilot use at a non-towered airport? comply with any faa traffic pattern established for that airport make all turns to the left depart any direction consistent with safety while making all left turns


It must adhere to any FAA traffic pattern set up for that airport and perform all left turns while departing in any direction that is safe.

When leaving the traffic pattern, after achieving pattern altitude, the aircraft should fly straight ahead or exit with a 45-degree left turn (right turn for right traffic pattern) at a non-towered pattern.

Unless the airport indicates otherwise, turns in the standard traffic pattern are always made to the left. You must first be aware of the traffic pattern height for the airport where you are arriving. Usually, it's not too difficult to recall that number. One thousand feet above the airport height is the normal traffic pattern altitude. That isn't always the case, though.

To learn more about traffic patterns, click on the:


The FAA recommends that a manned pilot use the traffic pattern established for that non-towered airport. If there is no established traffic pattern, the pilot should use the standard traffic pattern, which involves making all turns to the left.

In situations where there are conflicting traffic patterns or departing in a different direction is necessary for safety reasons, the pilot should communicate their intentions with other pilots in the area and ensure that the departure is done in a safe and orderly manner.Ultimately, the pilot's top priority should be to maintain safety and avoid any conflicts with other aircraft, regardless of whether or not there is an established traffic pattern at the airport.

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the chordae tendineae attach to the lower surface of cusps of the ______ valve and prevent the valve from flipping into the atrium when the right ventricle is contracting. which style of leadership goes beyond ordinary expectations by transmitting a sense of mission, stimulating learning experiences, and inspiring new ways of thinking? In this course, you'll read a lot about how economies work. Can you predict what kinds of topics the course will cover? an economic state (phase of the business cycle) characterized by high unemployment, falling prices, decreased consumer spending, low levels of trade and investment and increased business failures is called a: cerebral edema peaks at which time point after intracranial surgery? Can someone answer this please and thank you if you do. Find the distance of d, of ab the gradual improvement in relations between the united states and the soviet union that began in the late 1960s was called is 12% a reasonable estimate of the proportion of all americans who eat chocolate frequently? why or why not? Order each amount from least to greatest 1 pint, 2 gallons, 3 quarts, 3 cups HELPPHow did the policy of containment change after the collapse of the Soviet Union?Britain and France adopted policies of containment as well to ensure communism did not spread further.It was no longer relevant now that the Soviet Union was gone and was not trying to spread communism.It didn't change because the US needed to contain communism in the communist countries that still existed.It was more important than ever because a communist power vacuum had been created and a new communist power would rise. A SHM has the equation y = 2.0cos 4t+ 45) What is the initial phase angle? b) What is the displacement at t=0 s? c) Calculate velocity at t=0 s. d) What is the maximum velocity? How could expanded land acreage and pricing be viewed as some to be a bad thingfor the recovering Great Plains? A loan is to be repaid by annual payments continuing forever, the first one due one year after the loan is made. Find the amount of the loan if the payments are 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, ... assuming an annual effective interest rate of 10%. Natural glues come from animal or petroleum substances.TRUE orFALSE one of the ethical norms established for marketers is that they cannot sell products that are more than 25 percent above cost. true false Carmaker produces small cars in a perfectly competitive market using labour (L) and capital (K). Carmaker's production function is given by f(L,K) = min (0.05L, K112}, { where Q is the number of cars produced. (a) [2 marks] Starting from L>0, K>0, suppose you double the amount of L and K. Is it possible for output (q) to more than double (i.e., increase from q to Aq where A > 2)? " (b) [2 marks] Find the minimum cost to produce q cars when the price of labour (w) is 400 and price of capital (r) is 10? (Hint: the answer would involve q.] why did the european renaissance have a more overtly religious cast to it than did the italian renaissance? brian, age 48 years, was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus 3 years ago. a nursing student is educating brian on the importance of glycemic control in order to decrease his risk of atherosclerosis. what is the proper sequence of events for atherosclerosis development due to hyperglycemia that should be explained to brian? which of the statements below about the fed is not true? the fed is controlled by the u.s. government. the fed can loan money to private banks as lender of last resort. regional federal reserve banks act as central banks for their areas. federal reserve banks control the money supply.